“Riot” is the New Word for War

First of all, I’ve got nothing against old ladies. Some of them are really great people. In my own life, I’ve never once seen a young man in a relationship with one, however. A woman might say to herself that it’s her personality which attracted her man. He might also say this, but lady that probably came with a barrage of other compliments required to maintain a relationship with you. I’m not saying you don’t have a nice personality; I’m saying that men say lots of things in the interest of expediency.

A man zeros in on a woman because his algorithm has detected a set of physical features that he finds particularly pleasing. These are markers of her fertility, even if that’s not what he’s consciously surmising with his internal speculations about conducting various extracurricular activities with her. A female who’s too young or too old won’t be featuring these fertility markers and thus, while still human, does not appear on his radar screen. I respect all women, or whatever.

If I did see a young man with an old lady, I’d assume he was trying to get her money. However, if the old lady was a schoolteacher and the young man was a Rothschild banker, it’s my conclusion that something far more perverse is underfoot. Emmanuel Macron is redolent of the front-facing Western leadership class.

To be fair, his predecessors were let’s just call it “nonstandard” in their personal lives. For instance, Francois Mitterrand had a secret second family and he was cheating on both his wife and mistress with a teenager while he was in his 70’s. With guys like this, what you know is always the tip of the iceberg. The French public doesn’t really care about this stuff, and they’ve got much more serious problems anyways. I don’t blame them.

What about not importing children to riot? Oh, right.

I watched a horrific video of a Frenchman trying to defend his car bleed out on the pavement as these “rioters” laughed and cheered because his hands had been hacked off with a machete. They can go out and “riot” because they don’t need to go to work in the morning. They exist in France as parasites off the state while working class French people can barely get by toiling full time because they’re so burdened down with the weight of all the parasites imported to replace them.

I watched another video where they rammed a police station with a car bomb and shot another with an RPG. These riots are much, much more serious than the Western media will admit. Meanwhile, Russian and Chinese media is making a sport out of it. While everything hit the fan, I myself was burdened by an insufferable tribal woman with all the right opinions who had family in a major city over there and no idea anything too serious was going on.

She told me that her neighbors panicked in 2020 as BLM drew closer but she told them it was great because she wouldn’t have to travel far to join the protest. I showed her the machete video and shock came over her face. These people hold all the right opinions until the moment those opinions physically catch up to them. This is just part of the dynamic of our late stage, so don’t dwell on it.

The notion that the French police could walk up to these rioting children and write a fine is so laughable it should be a capital offense. It’s like telling Marines they’ll be fixing the situation in Afghanistan by fining the parents of Taliban jihadists. I don’t think we ever should have been there, but I’d readily concede that the proper way for a U.S. Marine to interact with Islamic insurgents is through the use of a mortar, not a slip of paper with numbers on it.

Macron is on the job because he’s some sort of bizarre pervert tapped by the right people in international finance, not because he has any good ideas. Having good ideas about fixing France disqualifies someone for office. The great replacement is not helped along by the great riot, but it comes baked into the cake. Evil isn’t a coherent set of complimentary schemes.

In fact, the mayhem galvanizes French people because they have no choice but to fight or abandon their homes. The government seems to be doing a great job of cracking down on Frenchmen trying to do so, but one can infer the mayhem they’re trying to combat isn’t something facilitated from above like our George Floyd Campaign of Carnage (color revolution). The full butcher’s tally will probably be a long time in coming.

Whenever things calm mostly down, we can be sure that this isn’t the last or the worst iteration of mayhem in France. Even if the country came to its senses and put a man with a mustache in charge, this would be an extremely messy situation to sort out. The rioting children are rapidly increasing in numbers while peaceful productive French people are decreasing. So, just do the math on that one.

Meanwhile, the French economy is being wrecked in an attempt to destroy Russia, who is now pushing them out of their de facto colonial possessions in partnership with China. Things are going very poorly for France. The country is a time bomb, so rest assured that the security apparatus will crack down even more on French people. We know the playbook.

Yeah, of course.


  1. I really like Mr. Shackleford. As Wednesday Addams would say, ‘he’s so nice and gloomy.’

  2. The media try to bury the lead by underreporting the violence and destruction while referring to the jihadists as ” French protesters “. Yesterday on Bannon’s Warroom, three different journalists tried to tell Bannon that a jihad is being waged against White Europeans but he abruptly cut them off and adamantly insisted that the riots are ” not about race” . Then, Bannon tried to blame The French for not being generous enough and trying harder to integrate the terrorists. That is the same dishonest tactic leftists use to explain the black crime problem in this God forsaken zionist occupied Union. Bannon also dared to assert that the globalists of The European Union and the NGOs transporting the invaders into France are mostly ” White “. Nevertheless, I trust that Identity Dixie readers realize that the globalists are in fact not White but exiled satanic witches from The Middle East who work on behalf of the Rothschild central banking cabal. Thank you for letting me vent. Deo Vindice.

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