One path to becoming a dissident is noticing that the front-facing political process offers little explanatory value for how decisions are made by the U.S. government. The good folks here at Identity Dixie have been derided as “neo-Confederates” who advocate breaking up America but we’re actually quite far from the only ones sensing that this political process which maintains public complacency might be reaching its limits in a country that’s not sustainable at any rate.
America was once comprised of a set of independent entities and it could be once again under the right conditions, such as the collapse of the U.S. dollar which holds everything together. In the very least, we could have independent communities within a semi-failed state. Under our own law in these places, we could have rights and keep people who aren’t like us out. I think the latter is the more likely scenario.
I’m not sure if hopes will ever happen but we’re experiencing things breaking down in real time, so all sorts of suspicions arise. Honestly, I’d settle for a Russian approach to multiculturalism. We’d be left alone in the Redneck Autonomous Region with a well-defined border from the Federal Republic of Negrostan where cannibalism would be de facto legal just like it is across the Atlantic. I find little expediency in speculating about the results of future chaos beyond making jokes.
Although there are many, Trump is a sort of singular catalyst for the current spectacle. He garnered so much dissident rightwing support because we could all see that he was something that was not supposed to happen. Indeed, it was quite obvious that this was not supposed to happen but then it did, leading to a systemic reaction where even the people who served in his administration lied to his face and now are cheering on his impending conviction. It’s quite remarkable in the context of a former president but his predecessors were system creatures.
Trump bullied and humiliated the other primary candidates and hijacked the Republican Party because he spotted an opportunity for self-aggrandizement. This would’ve never been allowed if they’d known he was a possibility ahead of time. The whole establishment had fun with it as a joke, but it turned out the joke was on them because all they ever hear is each other spewing their own bullshit. Hillary Clinton’s staffers were literally popping champagne when the ballots started getting cast.
I’d like to point out that we predicted his 2016 electoral victory for this reason. I’d also like to posit the general question that perhaps we’re not the crackpot conspiracy theorists they claim if we can predict things that will happen which they deemed impossible for a set of documented reasons and a clear line of logic. None of them but some jerk-off in a cubicle at the SPLC will be reading this, but still. Many digressions in this article, so please bear with me. It’s unavoidable.
Back on topic, Obama was an affirmative action hack turned mediocre politician. He couldn’t appeal to black voters over a conventional black candidate. However, the Chicago political machine realized he could be marketed to White voters tired of the Bush years. They ran his administration, with Rahm Emanuel and William Daley serving as chief of staff. Valerie Jarrett was basically the president behind the scenes. She lived on the top floor of the White House and had her own Secret Service detail. The Pritzker family provided the initial capital for their presidential bid that was completely within system parameters.
Different groups within the system vie with each other for the spoils of the political process and various financial windfalls that come with participation. That doesn’t at all mean that the process determines the system or that there are all sorts of facts the system prohibits saying. For example, declaring that there’s a system behind the scenes and it’s Satanic, like Vladimir Putin now does again and again.
The Russians are pretty big on the Satanic stuff. It’s even in their soldier’s handbook. Trump mentioned a mild handful of truths and that was quite enough but now Putin is enemy #1 and he’s going all the way. If they could have him hanged from a Moscow lamp post, they would. They’ve tried and failed thus far, which has fueled this breakup of America talk all across the dissident spectrum.
George W. Bush was a transparent system product widely acknowledged as an affable idiot, put forward as the front man for a triumvirate within the Republican Party which had operated together since the Nixon Administration. His family’s shady (Episcopal, Rockefeller toadies) political origins reach back much further. The elder Bush had soaring approval ratings but was booted from office abruptly because he refused to immediately and directly fund settlements for ex-Soviets moving to Israel because this would harm relations with the Arabs.
After all he’d done for them, he probably figured they wouldn’t turn on him for a slight act of disobedience. He was dead wrong. Anyways, he later profited immensely working for the Carlyle Group. As you might suspect, it’s not nearly as Anglo as the name would imply. Such has been the guise since the City of London…
For the typical ignorant American, Bill Clinton was a Southern governor who made an unlikely bid for the presidency and won, just like Jimmy Carter. They’ve never heard of the Council on Foreign Relations and how, as a Rhodes Scholar, he had an opportunity to enter this milieu. To them, he was the son of a poor Arkansas mother who excelled academically and made it all the way to the top. Don’t get me started on who was behind Cecil Rhodes (financial parasite zone referenced above).
The problem for maintaining the democracy narrative at this late stage is that Trump garnered more votes than any incumbent in American history and lost because democracy was fortified with mail-in ballots. The media told everyone ahead of the election he’d get the most votes from actual voting, but then the mail-in ballots would sink him.
It seems doubtful that the Democrats would ever give this tool up in order to let Republicans have their lick at the ice cream cone again. Worse yet, they replaced Trump with a senile child molester and a vapid, cackling brown whore. His crack head son was engaged in naked corruption that everybody has to pretend isn’t problematic. Shitlibs pretend like everything is fine and simply don’t talk about it, but normal people are different. This duo ain’t so dynamic.
They should’ve just managed the Trump situation since he wasn’t really rocking the boat that much in terms of what he could accomplish politically. However, they couldn’t help themselves. Who are they? Well, they’re not just people who attend religious services on Saturday. For instance, Elihu Root, the founding chairman of the CFR, was as Anglo an American as they come. John D. Rockefeller was descended from Huguenots and his mother was a devout Baptist. By “they” I’m referring to an elite power consensus rooted behind the scenes in parasitic international finance which can actually be joined like Bill Clinton did.
You can even apply on the CFR website. They have thousands of members. If you understand there’s a system and you want in, then you are presented with opportunities to ask in through these organizations if you’re worth it to them, although I suspect most people are born or groomed for their positions. Nepotism is a real practice everywhere, and the sports and entertainment industry spots and develops talent. It doesn’t make me Alex Jones for pointing out this happens in politics, especially when one can pick a leader and see how their path up came through these organizations.
For instance, Pete Buttigieg, the creepy and furtive homosexual who kidnapped two newborn babies, was a Rhodes Scholar employed by McKinsey & Company. If he’s not in the CFR, he’s certainly heavily promoted by it. His whole background was contrived and focus group tested (“Mayor Pete”) in order to make him into a presidential candidate after his time with this extremely well-connected company. These candidates don’t just come out of nowhere. He was also a WEF young global leader like the thot from Finland responsible for bringing her nation to the brink of war with Russia.
Before I go further, I’d like to note that a big part of the collective insanity we see unfurling itself at breathtaking speed is driven by creatures who unknowingly serve this insanity. For example, White shitlibs whose sense of self-righteousness enables them to do evil without parameters and don’t know when they should dial things down. These and low-level Saturday religious observers, such as federal judges and prosecutors, are like pit bulls on a toddler in promoting the elite agenda. Once pointed in a direction, they go as far as they can without comprehending the big picture. The shitlibs I talk to are absolutely giddy about Trump dying in prison and don’t seem to have ever once considered the ramifications for maintaining confidence in the political process.
Under Trump, child trannies were proliferating while White people were being persecuted as terrorists. The big difference is that voters didn’t want this stuff, so Trump wasn’t rubbing everyone’s faces in it at the White House. Shitlibs definitely taught the MAGA people a lesson in power on January 6th, but it also taught them that they don’t have rights in America and they’re never going to trust what happens in DC ever again. A heavy price was paid for this victory but shitlibs are incapable of appreciating it. Shitlibs might counter that MAGA voters don’t matter anymore as the country diversifies. True, but not to us.
Back to the consensus, it’s coordinated through all sorts of public mechanisms such as the CFR, the Atlantic Council, and the WEF. There’s an alphabet soup of them, which appears to be taking a page from the Saturday religious attendees who have so many a single one probably can’t name them all. People who come up through the system are filtered through these organizations and receive their talking points from them. That’s how they all say the same stuff, and at the same time. Whatever gets hashed out about what to say gets hashed out behind closed doors. These organizations all market themselves as “bipartisan” which is true in the sense that they’re comprised of members from allowed political parties, so it doesn’t matter to them the person currently in office.
This is also done through economic management vehicles such as BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street, who between them have a controlling stake in the economy (they own stakes in each other) and can thus control it in specific ways that the central banks behind them are unable. There’s nothing in their tool kit to promote child trannies or interracial relationships whereas an entity with the decisive stake in a publicly traded company has many. Ownership of these vehicles is opaque, but obviously Larry Fink didn’t just get trillions in assets to manage in his thirties because he was so smart. He’s actually up front about using this power to “force” change on us, which shows you how inept he is at being nefarious.
These people aren’t where they’re at because they’re the best and brightest. In a system where everyone and everything is for sale, the people who control the money control this system and nobody respectable will ever bring it up. That’s why our facade system has proven thus far to be the best for them. This is in sharp contrast to a monarchy where the king could just turn on them one day over an issue like a loan or a peasant revolt. Likewise with communism, which they had a great time with at first but ended up with Joseph Stalin and eventually Vladimir Putin.
Xi Jinping is quite candid to the Chinese people that if his nation democratized itself like America, all of the politicians would be for sale and the Chinese people would lose China. Leaders like Xi and Putin are not part of the system and are thus able to specifically address real things which are important to their people at length without fear of being overthrown, as we regularly do with leaders of less powerful nations. That’s why our media doesn’t report on this discourse, so we don’t hear them directly and decide we’d like someone to do that for us and maybe they’re not our enemies. Their countries are slated for destruction and they’re literally promising to fight to the death for the same reason.
It’s certainly true that events are orchestrated over the long term, but this doesn’t mean the system can’t fail in major ways and has to roll with the punches. For instance, they tried to take over Russia in 1905 and financed a Japanese war against it in preparation for the revolution. This failed and they ended up enraging the Japanese who realized why and how they’d been used and then turned on them. It took the Second World War to compensate for this and a guy with a mustache they didn’t count on, either.
We see this repeatedly with Russia. The federation was supposed to be looted and broken up in the 1990s. Putin came out of nowhere and put a stop to this process. Like always, their solution was war. He’s progressing on a comprehensive global effort against them now. This is why the war will likely escalate as things continue to deteriorate in Ukraine. In his speech on the return of the breakaway republics to Russia, Putin referenced the Sermon on the Mount stating that just as Christ warned by their fruits ye shall know them, the evil of our system is self-evident.
A system which bears evil fruit for all to see can’t effectively claim legitimacy by saying it’s the good guy in contrast to other entities which don’t to these evil things, but it claims are the bad guys. It simply doesn’t work and by the same token, time will expose all lies. If you can’t lie to people anymore to get what you want, coercion is the next step. That explains the crackdown on reason and decency. They’re laying the groundwork for a new, coercion system whereas the current one relies mostly on lies.
Indeed, it’s based on a series of outrageous lies which the average ignorant imbecile will never figure out often because he can’t conceive of telling such bold lies himself (that’s what mustache man said). However, when you declare White people the premier threat to our national security, steal elections with mail-in ballots, unleash a black crime wave, and turn children into trannies – well, he can figure out that part quite easily. I think this is the core of the wisdom imparted by Christ on these matters, here’s the full quote:
“Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.“
When I say something is Satanic, I’m not implying that there’s some perverse spiritual impetus driving each functionary personally. Someone willing to force other people to change their DNA with injections or put an innocent man in a cage to further his career is probably just a sociopath devoid of any spiritual intuition. Most probably don’t believe in God or Satan, and look at religion as hocus pocus mumbo jumbo. If they believed they’d be held to account at the Final Judgement, they wouldn’t be doing these awful things to other people at all, if only out of a sense of their own personal interest.
However, if this system is judged by what it produces, I’d estimate that Matthew 7:15-20 fits our predicament quite appropriately. We’re in a nightmare spiral but the benefit is that the mask is coming off as they keep doing increasingly outrageous evil things that piss people off. It certainly has a biblical feel to it. I’ve been called crazy, which is fine. I don’t care, it’s the internet, but nobody has ever hit back on me for this one.
If you look at what underlies this system, it’s what Christ emphatically warned against which is making money by doing nothing but exploiting other people (usury). From there, it propagates lies, murders, steals, and corrupts children. He warned if that was your course of action regarding kids, you’d be better off having never been born. Christ didn’t say people won’t be judged. He said that you should be wary of your hypocrisy when you do it because you could find yourself judged by the same standard.
In both a practical and spiritual sense, it’s not a question that this current system is coming down. The people in charge know this as well. That’s why there’s talk of a “great reset” in which new currencies will be introduced. A debt-based system that relies on perpetual expansion and plunder to avoid collapse will run into limits on this finite Earth. What’s intended is that a far more draconian system will be introduced as this one is discarded. There’s a good chance it won’t work. Enough people refused the injections that they had to back off.
It does seem like whatever happens as a pretext for an attempt at transition is going to come pretty soon if only for the kinetic situation in Ukraine and the perilous condition of the U.S. dollar. The trannies, in some ways, are like above ground reminders of seismic shifts beneath our feet. Putin has stated several times that war will probably be this pretext for a system reset. If this war is nuclear, it’ll be over pretty fast for most of us. So, I guess that’s just as good as a shot at freedom through tribulation. If we’ve learned anything, crazy is the safest prediction. I’m willing to stand by that one.

I’m proud to officially announce my candidacy for the office of Dogcatcher.
About the economic aspects of the regime, there was a good article about the nature of woke on Reckonin’. See what you think.
The greatest enemy is the enemy within. One faction wears our skin one does not. That is why I believe the word “Judeo-Liberal Coalition” fits the bill. It recognizes White liberals and Jewish supremacists as the primary enemy. That does not mean all Jews or all White liberals. Most people of any race are non-political.
I do think when the Southland Confederation becomes a reality its Constitution must recognize our Anglo-Celtic heritage, our Christian legacy, and recognize English as our official language in its Preamble. Elsewhere in the SCA Constitution it must do what the framers of the United States Constitution did not do. Mainly list ethic qualifications for citizenship and immigration.