Over my years of writing rightwing dissent, I’ve noticed there are certain immutable characteristics of my fellow travelers. One is that we’re not movable objects. For instance, not back then, not now, and not in the future is anyone going to convince any of us that turning a child into a tranny is acceptable.
This condition doesn’t apply to at least half of the population. Many White people can actually be conditioned to think that they arrived at erroneous conclusions cooked up by someone else for malicious purposes through their own mental and moral superiority. The scientific term is “shitlib.” Thus, by their very nature, they can never think the way we think or even understand where we’re coming from. It’s as if a large percentage of people are meant to be the flotsam of this world, which I don’t find encouraging.
Concordantly, because the truth will set one free, they’ll float in perpetual bondage. That doesn’t mean we don’t have an obligation to tell the truth, or you have to keep it inside you like a poison. Some of us feel that so strongly we’ve devoted enormous amounts of time and paid great personal prices for the privilege. What that means is that you’ll have to manage your expectations with most people and that’s going to have to scale up.
I struggle with this one in both a broad and personal sense but ranting for ID helps a bit. The first Trump campaign is when our sphere of content really kicked off. Everything was fun and games, which then devolved into a nightmare but we survived. It’s been non-stop insanity ever since and the ID contributors have been pumping out fresh content daily this entire time.
I’ve noticed collectively that the entire dissident sphere has been coming to grips with the logic of an escalatory insanity which now pervades every aspect of our civilization. Trump’s electoral victory was a pretty convincing demonstration that there were lots of like-minded people out there and by enough of them telling the truth, reforms could be accomplished. Since then, not so much. In fact, we’ve had a master class in how people you’re trying to help will throw you under the bus, congratulate themselves, and then get hit by the same bus.
Nothing is too crazy to rule out any more in terms of what the evil ghouls pulling the strings will attempt to inflict on us and what the average person will accept. One can infer they understand that most people are incredibly gullible, ignorant, complacent, and too scared to make a stand without realizing they don’t have much to lose in the big picture anyways.
Manipulatory actions are taken under this unfortunate premise, which time has forced me to accept as valid. For many dissidents, myself included, it took quite a while to come around to reality in this regard. If this wasn’t actually the case, things could never have gotten this far along, so I guess we didn’t want to admit to ourselves they’ll go much further along.
The COVID saga has fundamentally corrected my hopes about the sustainability of our civilization. I’m not saying you should be “black pilled” and devoid of hope. My point is that you’re going to need a well-founded spiritual conception for what transpires, because when factually confronted with its totality one will conclude we’re headed nowhere good at great haste.
This vague but alarming conclusion is logically inescapable. Hence, I hear everyone making it these days as the evidence piles up. There are a couple ways to cope with the emotional implications. One is to remind yourself as a Christian that in many ways, life is a moral proving ground and there are more powerful forces at work than just humanity.
No matter how severely they warp this world, this isn’t the long term, in which you’ll pass the time in a place much worse or better. That’s not to say you shouldn’t care about what happens around here, but to frame it emotionally in the proper context. Even if everything turns into a nightmarish miasma, your conduct remains extremely important.
The second is that you’ll just have to accept that things will inevitably culminate in crisis, but this will have to occur if we’re ever going to have an opportunity to establish a decent and sustainable life for new generations. Our financial, economic, and media apparatus is under total control, along with all the politicians and now the elections have been fortified with mail-in ballots. Telling the truth, reason, decency or even defending your life from a terrorist pointing a gun at you can get yourself fired from your job and much worse. They’re on a mission to get every single child and making progress on it every single day.
Domestically, there’s no peaceful or forceful mechanism for reform. If the system doesn’t implode from its own faults, then we’re totally screwed although that’s not going to be a fun process for anyone. It’s not about wishing for calamity, but simply acknowledging it’s in the cards as well as potential opportunities because we’re not going to get to the average person by telling him the truth. There’s ample evidence that this crisis already taking place in slow motion, and I come across it every single day.
For example, it would appear the era of the White military professional is coming to an end. Gen. Milley, who got to the top throwing his own under the bus, is being succeeded as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff by a rabid affirmative action hack who intends to limit the number of White male officers to their percentage of the civilian population.
As far as how that will help fighter jets stay aloft, who the hell knows? These things fly over my friend’s neighborhood. The best I’m really hoping for is that when they fall out of the sky, his house doesn’t get nailed dead on. However, an errant flight could remove some of the tranny flags and BLM signs that dot his neighborhood. That’s hope, you see?
Meanwhile, we’re heading into World War 3 with a senior officer corps that already seems to be devoid of anyone morally or intellectually capable of offering an honest appraisal of the situation. Imagine this guy talking the Biden Administration out of stumbling into a direct confrontation. You can observe dysfunctional dynamics at work anywhere you choose to look.
I’m not claiming to be a clairvoyant. What I’m saying is that I don’t see a single rational piece of evidence for the sustainability of our current situation right down to the DNA of the majority of the White population. It has been permanently altered by these injections. Likewise with the carbon, of which all life consists, that’s now being subjected to a bizarre eradication campaign.
When you see something infuriating and insane, at this point do you feel outrage or is it more like: “Of course!”? Considering all of this in its totality, I basically arrive at the same conclusion as Putin will now state openly, which is that this system we’re under is essentially Luciferian and operates above the official political structure of the West.
The usury element can be traced back from ancient Phoenicia, through Venice and Amsterdam to the City of London (separate from London, the king can’t even enter without permission) which is probably where the ultimate financial power resides, not Wall Street or the Federal Reserve which are much later arrivals on the scene and thus arranged at the behest of the original cartel.
This is a digression, but these connections can be observed all over the place. For instance, the great-grandfather of Bill Gates was the director of the Seattle branch of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco. Marc Randolph, the founder of Netflix, is the great-nephew of Edward Bernays, the propagandist instrumental in getting the U.S. public riled up for World War One to facilitate the creation of Israel. There’s an unending web of these connections, and that’s just the information available to the public. Gates doesn’t promote endless injections and Netflix doesn’t endlessly promote racial miscegenation (and Gates right before his push began) by coincidence.
Along with usury, the base of its power comes from exploitation, plunder, and most of all deceit. These evils are fundamentally opposed by Christianity. This power has clearly been moving Western Civilization towards a wholesale rejection of our faith, the core tenants of which make a society sustainable. It appears to be doing so in the misguided belief that humanity can be downsized and transformed into an obedient, malleable mass.
The problem anyone who bothers trying to figure everything out encounters, which is what tripped me up, is that all the contradictory goals and self-defeating initiatives provide the initial impression that there’s no system operating in secrecy, much less something pursuing an ultimate purpose. Replacing nuclear power plants with windmills, for example. It seems like abject stupidity right out in the open.
This misplaced suspicion lies in a lack of understanding about pure evil, which leads the entity possessed by it to the direct pursuit of nasty outcomes, such as plunging out of Heaven like a lightning bolt, and that it’s unable to foresee the inevitable results of misdeeds. In other words, without a moral compass, one can’t spot the consequences he’s heading towards. With the proper spiritual orientation, everything becomes simple to understand.
Thus, we can see how due to the evil nature of this system, it careens from one crisis to the next. Moreover, it needs to plunder at great scale to keep itself going, which Putin asserts won’t be done to Russia again this time around. China is also militant that there’s never going to be another lick at their ice cream cone.
As another digression, you might be interested to look up what happened to Russia under the Bolsheviks and the 1990s looting operation. Also, China during the Opium Wars and up to Mao’s takeover. Perhaps also the looting of India under the British East India Company (Rothschilds, City of London). This will put the plunder I’m referring to in perspective. Many such cases, but these are the biggest.
It’s not therefore unreasonable to suspect that we’ll be the target once again since the plan definitely isn’t working in terms of Russia and absolutely will not in terms of China. That leaves the familiar victims (us) besides the Europeans who are being de-industrialized to concentrate things in North America. Putin has warned that if success in war doesn’t open the opposing bloc to looting, they’ll use hostilities as an excuse for this type of thing.
We’ve already been plundered, but there’s still plenty left to squeeze. Pensions, various retirement vehicles, and also Social Security will probably be gone by the time Gen X attempts leaving the workforce. Old people would still receive money, but it wouldn’t buy anything like what they’ve earned by contributing for all these years.
In drawing whatever conclusions about the future one might, it’s critical to understand that in order to stave off implosion, this debt-based system requires perpetual expansion. However, we’re living on a finite planet with a shrinking productive population. Perhaps in some sci-fi scenario where the White population had a healthy growth rate and new resources in the solar system were developed, it could go on indefinitely. From this dynamic alone, we can see that crisis is baked into the cake.
Radical steps will have to be taken to wipe out the old system and impose a new one while increasing control because people are going to be absolutely dismayed at what’s being done to them. To put this another way, if it can’t expand, it must plunder instead. And, that’s going to really piss us off, so we need to be under a tight grip.
This is why the repression against White people who work for a living keeps getting dialed up while drug addicts plague the streets and a black crime wave washes over a nation with open borders. These aren’t a set of infuriating coincidences; this is about maneuvering us legally and mentally to where we can be kept under wraps when we get really upset. White people are capable of losing their shit, and that day is what they fear above all else.
I wouldn’t be surprised if all government debt isn’t erased as these new CBDCs are introduced under the pretense of existential emergency. There could be multiple currencies. For example, those used for international transactions and separate domestic currencies for the peons. That which can’t continue won’t, the only real questions are when this profound shift is going to occur. War is always a good pretense. Massive NATO war games in Europe are kicking off, which always makes a nice excuse for prepping one. Things are getting hot in Serbia and the Ukrainians are claiming the Russians are about to blow up their own nuclear plant at Zaporizhzhia. It’s also roughly now or never for this Ukrainian counter offensive.
So, maybe we get the war, or perhaps we get the climate emergency as an excuse to reset the system (really just another way to say screwing everyone over). My take is that the public finds fiery death and destruction much more compelling than being harangued about the polar ice caps. The lives of an aircraft carrier crew aren’t worth anything to the string pullers, but they actually are to Heritage America, thus providing a compelling event. Civil unrest stemming from the conflict is also a perfect excuse to implement all sorts of draconian measures.
They don’t care about the lives of Europeans affected by blowing up nuclear reactors, either. We’d be the primary targets of the war, not the Russians. It’s not as if they need to be defeated in whatever hostilities could occur. If the unstated primary motive for the war is actually domestic, it becomes clear why one could be undertaken without a hope of winning. To use an analogy, the most important thing this time around could be to keep riding the tiger rather than taking down big game.
The situation is already so kinetic it would actually be much easier to have a trigger incident than it would with China because the Taiwanese have no genuine enthusiasm for war. I must admit I hadn’t considered things from this angle until recently. All my previous articles came at it from the viewpoint that war would be crazy because the U.S. can’t win and lots of personnel would perish. That’s rather conventional thinking, which probably won’t put one in the head space of these ghouls. I could certainly be wrong, but I’m having a hard time making sense out of things in conventional terms.
So, those are a couple possibilities, but it could be some 9/11 event out of the blue. After the Twin Towers and now COVID, it’d be deeply irrational to think something is too evil or crazy to be done to us in order to justify doing even worse stuff to us. After all, the Japanese were baited into attacking Pearl Harbor and the Germans tried to take out newspaper ads warning civilians not to board the Lusitania.
The historical list goes on and on, so we can see that major undertakings don’t happen without some sort of dramatic event to corral public sentiment. If something happens, hopefully it’s a bump in the road to something better. I don’t really know, you just read a piece of informed speculation.

I’m proud to officially announce my candidacy for the office of Dogcatcher.
This article pretty much sums it up. Though I have never been much impressed with human intelligence I am not so blind to see that all this “clown world” shit is not the result of mental retardation, or not completely. It is a show, a grand spectacle and those behind the scenes know exactly what they are doing. Take retail or business for example. You would believe that they are about profits and making money, at one time that was true, but now, it is about and agenda, they are all in on it. They have proven that they do not care about losses as long as they push the evil. Bad decisions, clownish verbal garbage spilling from their mouths. They have given themselves over, they have made their choices, they have taken a side and the war is heating up. Time is short?
You cannot look at what is going on and make sense of it using normal logic. It is an inversion of everything. People are deceived either willingly or semi willingly. You can only see the truth through Christ. This world is headed for a load of hurt and frankly, it deserves it.
Excellent article and comment. I think it’s difficult, even for us divergents, to understand those directing the show because it’s so cross to everything we value and believe. This short video is quite an eye-opener:
Great piece. Thank you. Not sure why this short video seems apropos but it does.
I think that that herding aspect of normies and shitlibs is actually more of a double-edged sword for the regime than many on our side appreciate. Also, I think in many cases it’s more faked or the product of sublimation than real, and thus means a weaker hold by the regime than you might think. There was a pretty interesting (two-part) article on the possible dynamics at play; see what you think:
The Yankee Empire changed the name of Ft Bragg to ‘Ft Liberty’ on June 2. If there are living descendants of General Bragg, they should really be thankful that his name is no longer associated with the LGBT-supporting, bully policeman of the world- Yankee Empire military.