A friend of mine is a true COVID believer, even to the point of reprimanding me for my flippant attitude on the matter and endangering everyone else by doing unvaccinated socializing. I showed his texts to another ID writer who concluded this must’ve been the writings of a hysterical woman. My friend’s wife got her first injection and was promptly afflicted with a really bad case of chickenpox. She’d already had it as a kid. At that point, I found it very alarming to watch this process play out in real time with the people in my life. She still got the next shot.
She’s now experiencing heart issues and has an appointment with an oncologist because they’re having a lot of trouble trying to figure out what’s wrong with this poor lady. Her opinion basically is “it sucks to get old.” Okay, yes it does. However, it’s not routine for someone at the age of 40 to have these problems. People simply can’t admit to themselves that they were led astray, led others astray, or demanded that others go astray or have their lives wrecked. When you’re on the wrong side of the truth, it can be emotionally destructive to admit. I assume most of them never will.
I had the benefit of a religious education, but lacked a crystal clear logical and spiritual sense of things until the injections started and all of these kids were turned into trannies. As someone who’s been at the dissident thing for a while, my biggest fear was not that the truth would never assert itself, but that this would only occur in terms of the consequences.
After all, Christ showed up and they murdered him for his trouble. Things have been rather fraught ever since. However, the reality is that his path was taken deliberately with the foreknowledge of what would happen. He was making a point about our existence rather than sitting back to relax and sparing himself any extreme pain. This much is clear, but he also said that he knows a lot of things that we don’t. That’s something we have to accept.
However, the principles to govern our conduct on Earth were elucidated as well as the fact that nobody is equipped to make the best choice every time. I’m not trying to provide a theological treatise here or implying that I’m some expert. This is just my own take on the matter that’s been developed through dealing with evil and insanity and wishing that things could just be reasonable before I realized that’s not how any of this is going to play out.
What I’m trying to articulate is that if you know what to do from his example, then you need to apply this to the troubles you encounter. There’s going to be a Final Judgement when everyone is going to get what’s coming to them. Nobody’s wealth, status, or perception by others is going to spare them from it. This is something that used to be quite well known, and was thus the subject of vivid medieval art. For instance, The Last Judgement by Marx Reichlich (1490) does a nice job of conveying the situation’s gravity.
How are these people like Fauci or Bill Gates going to be able to answer for what they’ve done? I don’t know but I really wouldn’t want to be in their position on that day. It’s also known that you need to forgive other people in order to receive it yourself. This can be a real struggle but it’s absolutely critical to overcome. In other words, I’m not writing this article to suggest that they should go to Hell. You shouldn’t do that for anyone.
The truth will become known but that’s going to take time and probably lots of other unpleasantries along the way. We’re seeing that now with COVID and the fact that these people have no way to defend themselves. They’re at the point where they’ve resorted to censoring presidential candidates on prime-time national television.
Although COVID was a novel form of evil and insanity to be put through, there are many such cases. You’ve got to do what you know is right in each and understand that many people don’t know the right thing to do or can’t follow your course of action. For example, many men had to roll the dice with these injections because otherwise they couldn’t provide for their families or genuinely believed that was how to keep them safe.
I’m not writing this to congratulate myself for not getting injections. While my experience with COVID was rather dicey (like thrown in a gulag on a European military base dicey) nobody confronted me with an ultimatum about getting fired. What I’m trying to say is that in the end, the lies will save no one.

I’m proud to officially announce my candidacy for the office of Dogcatcher.
What I don’t understand is why the vaxxed are concerned about the unvaxxed. I had COVID twice (and God brought me through it) so I already consider myself as having an ‘acquired’ immunity.
I didn’t get the vax because I saw it didn’t work … and the way they were threatening and strong-arming people to get it heightened my suspicions.
But again: why should those true believers in the vax worry about the unvaxxed? Don’t they believe they’re protected now?
Significantly more women (more socially conformist) than men got the injections— ergo, ceteris paribus, more women than men will die from vax consequences
If you think the “incel epidemic” is bad now, with roughly 1:1 male:female gender parity, imagine how bad it’ll be when men outnumber women— the incel problem will become a *structural* phenomenon rather than just a social phenomenon
Skewed gender ratios will effect everyone, male or female, single or coupled, as all women’s SMV (sexual market value) will increase, incel rage violence will increase, women will be more likely to get divorced to look for a “better deal”, etc
It’ll really cause a cascade of interlinked social problems
There are always more women than men in the general population and more men than women in prisons. If women disproportionately die from the COVID vax it will probably just even it out a little better. Most incels will probably just continue to smoke weed, drink, eat junk food and play video games.
That’s a good couner-point. I could come up with counter-counter points, but it all immaterial at this point and too difficult to calculate
A lot of the game-PUA-o-sphere talking points, I’ve found, don’t necessarily hold up when I actually go out IRL. Like, they paint the dating situation as a lot more drastic than it is. E.G. very spergy online people applying very spergy logic to people (I.E., women) who aren’t really spergy
Than again, since I don’t really do those things, it could be that by applying minimal effort (yay!) I’m more really as affected by it as Tha Normies
Reality is SUPER complex, and we can’t understand it except by creating mental models of reality to simplify. But, the model is not the reality, and small errors can balloon out into huge world-view problems. I suppose this is where the Christian injunction “give us our daily bread” and “be like the little children” is apt
Covid vax mandates was a prelude to check the compliance of the public before the CBDC idea is forced upon us. China has politics that certain political ideologies in the US are jealous of.
I would argue that CBDC is far less draconian than the vaccine mandates, or even un-mandated mRNA gene therapy injections
I would also argue that if the populace didn’t rise up when public schools tried encouraging children to mutilate their genitals, they won’t rise up when other policies are instated
These things are honestly nothing new– the USSR sent some scientific research ships to Africa back in the 1920s and tried to cross-breed Humans and monkeys/apes to make the “perfect worker”. Luckily, the program was ended abruptly because of more pressing concerns closer to home– interestingly, some of the sperm-egg combinations actually *did* create zygotes. No idea whatever became of that, but I’m sure US or Chinese scientists have already engineered Human-animal hybrids in some remote underground lab somewhere. I mean, Dolly the sheep was cloned back in 1997, they’ve surely at least cloned *some* Humans since then, both are mammals and the same processes should be applicable
Wow, didn’t mean to go wildly off-topic there