An old woman asked the purposed form of American government: “Well, Doctor, what do we have, a republic, or a monarchy?” Reportedly, Benjamin Franklin replied, “a republic, if you can keep it.” From the very beginning the American Republic, it was doomed, barely lasting over 60 years, and suffering a bloody death by 1865.
Sectionalism was the cracking force from the inception, each section trying to secure dominance over the other, for economic reasons but also because of cultural philosophies. The South was largely agrarian, paternalistic, and with a diverse society not bent on forcing her ideology on her neighbors. We had Cavaliers near the coast, and Scottish Highlanders and the Irish inland. The Yankee, the offspring of Pietist Puritanism, has always demanded everyone conform to their own society, and nothing has changed in 400 years. Throughout the history of the Republic, the offspring of Plymouth Rock has had no stomach for the South, nor her having too much power in Congress. I assume their envious and mercantile mind cannot understand freedom and sovereignty. Therefore, to ensure the New England states would prevail, they went as far as denying Negro slaves their right to be considered whole beings in regard to congressional accounting, conniving and forcing the South into compromise, having their servants counted as only three fifths of a person. Not to mention their own Jim Crow laws, which were first imposed in Yankeedom. If you don’t believe me, the Abbeville Institute and Brion McClanahan have excellent resources on the matter. In short: we are not the same!
So, I was recently asked, from someone I truly believe to be a very sincere person, “Instead of Southern Nationalism, why not try and save the Republic?”
Honestly, I was a little shocked, as nice as they appeared to be, they truly have not contemplated all that entails for the Southern people. I won’t be too hard on this pleasant person, perhaps they missed the day when the history of Reconstruction in the South was taught, if it was taught at all. Possibly, they did not realize the starvation, impoverishment, theft, and the general degradation that the people of Dixie endured, both black and White, because of trying to “save the Republic.” It’s totally believable that they did not know of the Union troops let loose to rape, not just Southern women, but even Negro slaves. And though some of the Union officers were court martialed, many were reinstated, continuing their bloodlust on my noble people. Not to mention Sherman’s “March to the Sea,” and the total war the sociopath unleashed on the Southland, and then later devastated the Indian Tribes in the West.
Yet, my people, even after we partially recovered from the forces that destroyed us, and in order to “save the Republic,” have displayed the utmost hospitality to our conquerors. However, the Yankee has opened up new fronts in their never-ending war on my people. They’ve sent their agents to infiltrate our cities, our schools, our churches, and our communities – wreaking havoc on our civilization, but even that did not stir us to action.
Then they started digging up our ancestors’ graves… That was the last straw for true Southerners.
“No polity can be devised which shall perpetuate freedom among a people that are dead to honor and integrity. Liberty and virtue are twin sisters, and the best fabric in the world…”
James Henley Thornwell
“Americans” are now buyers and sellers in an international economic zone, many of whom have no grasp of history, other than what they have been introduced via an ahistorical media. They are not honorable, nor worthy of preserving.
So, dear nice person, I will not try to save your republic, but use every ounce of my energy to see it ended; and do so in the spirit of that ancient writing that birthed your now decaying “American Republic,” that secessionist document penned by the premier statesman of the South, Thomas Jefferson:
“When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.”
Deo Vindice!
God save the South!

Service to God and honor to the South.
I’ll pass, also, Father Dabney. And my sons won’t be going to Ukraine to help the Yankee Empire-installed puppet, Zelensky, stave off the inevitable thrashing by the Russians. It’s bad enough that the current Yankee dictator – Biden, keeps writing multi-billion dollar checks to Zelensky, all with the blessing of Southern-based legislators such as Mississippi’s Roger Wicker, Arkansas’s Tom Cotton, Texas’s Ted Cruz, among many others. In Dixie land I’ll take my stand – without Wicker, Cotton and Cruz.
Well said, Father Dabney! You brought up a good point about well meaning people just not knowing any better, and it’s something to keep in mind when those types of questions come up.
“…Pietist Puritanism…” The leveling and detestable Zeitgeist of the federal ruling class can be traced back to the first Great Awakening. Progressive Christianity captured American institutions before the Communist’s did (with the Communists quickly co-opting and further perverting the Progressive’s Christian themes). Richard Gamble’s, “The War for Righteousness” is worth the read.
The American character has too long been cast and can never be rehabilitated. It is pernicious and never sleeps. Anything not in line, domestically or foreign, must be “saved” or conquered, both for the offender’s own good.
It’s unsettling to accept this reality. The well-meaning and patriotic Southerner can’t participate in keeping a system alive that is incapable of ever desiring to preserve it’s distinctive and regional heritage.
I could not agree more.
I’ll pass, too. Too busy preparing for the inevitable & hoping for secession.
THE SOUTH OR THE NORTH,OR THE WEST CAN”T BE SAVED,maybe you can save you and your family,and hopefully a few friends,BUT its not to likely,AS LONG as I can remember the PEOPLE are so brainwashed they’ll never stop tring to suck off the CITY,COUNTY,STATE,OR THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT AGENCIES,and I don’t need to tell any of you THEY ALL WORK FOR SATAN,AND HIS SON BARACK OBAMA,the Son of perdition..FIRST THEY’LL TAKE YOUR WEAPONS..THEN THEY”LL COME BACK LATER AND TAKE YOU TO A FEMA DEATH CAMP TO DIE,and you’ll go with out a fight..JUST AS PLANNED….
Hmmmmm……,I live in New Hampshire so I guess am a Yankee but agree with this article and do not want me friends kids fighting for the skittle flag wars that seem to be coming up.
I feel a lot of Yankees have a lot in common with the Southern folks and soon we may be working together for a decent future.
What you sense is the residual nationalism of 1776 that has long since expired.
There was a commonality that existed between North and South from the days of the Revolutionary Crisis 1765-1775 and even earlier during the French and Indian Wars. That the Amrev was ignited in New England based upon the firm belief in the Natural Rights of Man and the Virginians and other Southerners agreed with this wholeheartedly, it is clear that at that time there was enough in common for the birth of a nationalist American sentiment, and Jefferson’s Republic was the result.
The North of course, lead most prominently by the New Englanders and the New Yorkers started drifting away from the republican mindset almost immediately. The crisis of 1800 and the Adams Administration show this clearly. The growth of Transcendentalism and other kook philosophies in New England in the 1820’s led to a path clearly away from the Revolutionary “Rights off Man” sentiment of a few decades earlier and toward something that was alien and hostile to it instead. Most of these new ideas would later come under the umbrella of Marxism as the 19th Century progressed.
The South on the other hand was agrarian and traditional and hung on to the notions of the Framers and their Republic. By the 1830’s the South was the last great bastion of such sentiment as the Northern and midwestern states veered off in the other direction. Southern nationalism naturally grew as the tensions with the North led to a incivility expressed by Northerners to the Southern People and their way of life. This took place in Congress and on the street. The rise of the Abolitionists and their genocidal intent against the white South made it clear that there must be a parting. There was no point in trying to live within the same nation with a whole regional population that wanted to see all white Southerners killed. That mass murder and replacement by a foreign race was what John Brown had in mind and tried to carry out in fact in 1859. The failure of the Northerners to repudiate this was the final straw. Jefferson’s Republic died in 1861 when the Southern states left to form a new government that was not trying actively to kill them. This of course led to the Federal Beast showing it’s true nature and it engaged in invading and killing them anyway.
Every nostalgic notion of America as that Republic of the Revolution has been a myth since 1861. it was easy to ignore facts and embrace the myth for about 100 years, but the enemy never sleeps, and since 1965 things have gotten increasingly worse for everyone. The caustic influence of Marxism has done a number on the Old South the same way it has fully consumed the rest of America and the World. I did not think I would ever see the day when Antifa could desecrate Southern Memorials with impunity or that A.P. Hill’s grave would be treated the same way. Modern Confederate patriots have their work cut out for them. As a son of Massachusetts, (God help me) I wish them every success.
Not all Northerners are Yankees.
Will trade Niki Haley and Lindsey Graham for decent people from New Hampshire.
Right. A number of right-minded Northerners fought for the Confederacy, just as a number of Southern renegades fought for Lincoln’s perennial Union.
Yes, NAXALT is the way. We’ll just NAXALT ourselves to victory. The narrow minded simpletons won’t be able to stop us!
Rather than facilitate further invasion, like any other traitor, why don’t you just move to NH?
Focus on an enlarged super south. There’s enough good white people in the south and in the rest of America to create an awesome south. One threat right NOW is this fake Tiktok bill. Big tech is getting its collective butt kicked so they called in all the favors to eliminate their competition. Also, though Tiktok censors, they don’t censor enough for deep states liking. So – never let a crisis go to waste – (((they))) are crafting a bill that wipes out what’s left of the 1st amendment and then some. HURRY and call all your rep’s and demand they vote no on banning Tiktok. If you need to lose some fat and want to burn a bunch of calories real fast … just read the proposed bill!!!!
Call everyone you know to quickly demand their rep’s vote no on the Tiktok ban. I don’t even care about Tiktok. The bill really has most to do with making us all felons. You’ld have to read the bill to believe it.
Excellent. Will share broadly. Exactly how I feel.
You are correct about the Yankees. As an escapee from NY to TN, its almost shameful, but no, they do not know about antebellum, nor what came during or after the civil war. You see they see themselves as the enlightened, and frankly you’re too ignorant to underetsnd! As the English berated the savages they conquered, so too must the yankee. They will let you have NASCAR and the SEC, so long as you mind your place.
Its why I moved.
Its why there is going tk be a fight. They believe it in their heart and souls that they are superior.
West/Left Coast Liberals share that trait. They openly express disdain toward those south of the Mason Dixon as well as the rural parts of the Western States.
My own thinking mirrors that of Massachusetts Copperhead exactly. I’m from the Midwest and most of my antecedents came from the Atlantic states and New England. It seems to me that the fundamental goal of the Southern Movement should be to conserve what’s left of the South. The South must have a solid foundation upon which to build, even if Southerners must settle for control of a only a relatively small area in the beginning. Your Northern cousins have their rows to hoe, and you have yours. Ideally, Heritage Americans from the different regions will coexist in a few separate countries, amicably and happily.