Some Hopes Ain’t Healthy

I’m not a Beltway creature, but I recently found myself chatting with some associates over lunch right in the heart of it. This was an establishment where a meal with an ice tea runs you no less than 50 bucks. I noticed an infamous Clinton lawyer was seated nearby.

The conversation turned to geopolitical matters. I always try to read the room before expressing my fake opinions, which is pretty easy when all I’ve had to drink is unsweet tea.

However, since we’re all quite familiar, I opened with my alarm that World War 3 is just around the corner. They seemed to think it would pop off over Taiwan. My contention was that if it does, it will be entirely at the instigation of Uncle Sam.

What DC dwellers imagine.

My point about the spy balloon was that if all of our officials and media are saying the same thing about it, this would be the most compelling piece of evidence that it isn’t true. After all, these are the same people, and this is their track record, connected to the GWOT. Blank stares.

I also speculated that if it does pop off, it’s more likely that it will happen in Eastern Europe because the global showdown could escalate there before the groundwork is finished for war in Asia. There’s still quite a bit to be done to prep for the next failed war.

Apparently, this wouldn’t happen because the Russians are fighting so poorly that they’ve resorted to forcing conscripts without rifles forward in order to identify Ukrainian positions by getting slaughtered. I mentioned their cutting edge “penicillin” mobile counter battery system, which isn’t detectible because it doesn’t use radar. Bringing up details only sparks incredulity in the experts.

It was explained to me was that there can only be one top dog, so Uncle Sam must be him. I didn’t bother to contest it with any historical anecdotes or quips about delusion and the predictability of unforeseen consequences. The implication was that somebody who wasn’t from the imperial center and isn’t privy to the Washington Post would have a tough time grasping such matters.

Rightwing dissident content producers have to stay aware that we’ve built our own intellectual ecosystem and one particular reason is because most of us can’t stand what we swim around in during our daily lives. I know from meeting so many of us that our work backgrounds vary but this thread is one of those that tie us together.

A different archetype would be someone who sees what they’re swimming around in and makes the most out of it without much, if any, in the way of intellectual or spiritual introspection. They write off the irritating and the ominous in the pursuit of success and focus on the benefits to their personal life. I get it.

I think that’s what it takes to make it in the Beltway or the military if you don’t share the nefarious and self-destructive agenda to which these mechanisms of power have been harnessed. I’ve never met any of them who can even articulate what’s really going on. I suppose they live by the platitudes.

For your mental health, this is why you should never live in the expectation that some pithy bit of rhetoric or presentation of unrevealed facts would aquaint such guys with reality.

A nuclear warhead won’t do the trick, either. So, don’t despair and start hoping for the apocalypse. To be honest, I don’t know what you should do. I’m just warning you it’s not healthy to hope for certain things.


  1. I just know Halliburton is likely ready for the Russia/Ukraine (Uncle Sam-instigated) war to conclude sometime this year, because, as a man interjected into a conversation Wednesday night: Halliburton will get the ‘no-bid’ multi-billion dollar contracts to ‘rebuild’ Ukraine, courtesy of those of us who pay blood money to Uncle Sam, via the income tax. Dick Cheney’s net worth will rise even more. As Smedley Butler wrote, ‘War Is A Racket.’

  2. Another good one from Mr. Shackleford.
    Based on my own experience and observations, military people are not intellectually curious(Group Think) and are very interested in career potential. I don’t think the US has ever really gotten over its defeat in Viet Nam. The average person does not care about NATO preservation unlike Lt. Gen. Ben Hodges. Given the hysteria over COVID, I suppose people can be talked into boots on the ground in Ukraine or Taiwan until the casualties start to mount.

  3. Exactly why I come here and am amply rewarded with articles like this one. I don’t like the s$%# I’m swimming around in, but, like John Randolph of Roanoke have “an obstinate constitutional preference for the true rather than the agreeable.”

  4. I just got back from a weekend trip to DC for an appointment with a specialty doctor. It was my first time, funny how you were also there! Would have been a good break from the insanity of the population to share company with another Southern nationalist! I had lunch at a ‘cheap’ pizza place and it cost me $124, no alcohol, chose the cheapest options. DC is a shithole through and through. I’m just glad I got out of there before the bombs dropped.

  5. I was just in DC for the first time this weekend. It would have been a great break from their population to share company with a fellow Southern Nationalist! DC is a hellscape, the homeless, and the foreigners, it’s like a foreign country. I couldn’t get sweet tea anywhere, and a cheap lunch cost me $124 without any alcohol, and choosing the cheapest options. I don’t see how anything could survive there. I’m glad the bombs didn’t drop while I was in town.

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