Today, I’d like to discuss the concept of self-restraint. We’re told by the media that our ostensible enemies, Russia and China, are aggressors who must be contained and defeated lest they dominate the globe. In truth, they’re highly self-restraining actors bound by the strictures of reason. For instance, not triggering Armageddon through reckless military endeavors.
Putin only launched his operation in Ukraine after all peaceful options had been exhausted. He rightfully insists that he was left with no other choice but to physically combat an existential threat placed by an enemy on his border. He’s been making that case in detail repeatedly since the special operation launched and offering to end the conflict through reasonable negotiations that recognize Russia’s position of strength. This is simply ignored by the Western media who claims he falls down the stairs and craps his pants. They insist he must essentially surrender prior to the imposition of the next Treaty of Versailles. It’s really quite insane.
Likewise, China has been putting up with an astonishing level of humiliation because Xi knows that a military response to the Taiwan situation would open the door to WW3. He’s got very serious domestic issues, such as a population implosion, that he can’t get a lid on. The last thing he needs is a war, so he puts up with the provocations despite the popular fury. This is dismissed as all bark and no bite, but in reality, he’s being prudent at the expense of his own reputation. This is actually an admirable quality in a statesman, yet our media says it’s a justification to up the ante on provocations.
Here in the USA, we’ve got a couple of groups that might be characterized best by their lack of self-restraint. For example, I came across a story about how San Francisco appointed a menagerie of blacks to decide how much reparations they should receive. They came up with 5 million for each of them up front along with hundreds of thousands of dollars per year for the next 250 years.
It used to be well-known that blacks are incapable of restraining themselves. Therefore, they required a stern hand to stay civilizationally-functional on some subsistence level. That’s racist, so now they’re left to their own devices. This is how the entire planet gets treated to the horrific story of a 6-year-old capping his young blonde teacher lady in New Port News, Virginia. This was inevitable. If you let them do whatever they want, they’ll start killing the crackers trying to help them before they’re even taught how to write their names.
Of course, this racial crisis was facilitated by another group of people whose aggression and rapaciousness knows no limit. They’re doing it in order to destroy our country where the majority of them reside. We’re also the military arm of their Middle Eastern ethnostate and fund it lavishly. Somehow, they don’t seem to anticipate how any of this could backfire. In other words, they share this same incapability to restrain themselves as their proxies from the Dark Continent. Perhaps that’s why they keep referring to it as an “alliance” even though they usually refuse to say who it’s against (that would be us).
There was this famous (or infamous, depending on your perspective) anti-communist guy who perished back in 1945. He pointed out that if they’re successful in victimizing everyone, the final stage would be them getting consumed by their own evil lunacy. I’m not really sure if that’s the stage we’re on or what the end would look like.
On a personal note, I’d favor a swift and glorious death in a Russian nuclear strike to civilizational collapse and cannibalism. I’ve never had to eat anybody before, so I’m not sure the new culinary imperative would be to my liking. Perhaps I ought to not drink a whole pot of coffee every morning and restrain my paranoia.

I’m proud to officially announce my candidacy for the office of Dogcatcher.
Self-government/self-restraint, and the ability/disability of certain folk to obey its dictates, is a concept I have been pounding on for decades. To very little effect, I should imagine. You wrote:
Quite. As a people they are, and, ‘exceptions to the rule’ are, well, exceptions to the rule and nothing more, as you and I both know.This is something (and an opportunity) I never fail to seize upon within my little circles of influence when the question of “why do they do such things?” comes up. The opportunities to seize upon this nowadays seems to be much greater or more plentiful than it was, say, twenty years ago. So, maybe we’ll ‘get somewhere’ after all.
Good post, as always, Sir.
No, you should drink more, we need this level of paranoia.
Caffeine is fine, keep under 400mg/day to avoid adrenal gland stress. Just stay away from habitual use of ephedra-like (e.g. amphetamine family) stimulant drugs period and your paranoia should stay within acceptable means.
Currently trying to help ween my adderal addicted friend off the stuff. The guy is an ultra depressed and paranoid RW type and yet he consumes what is de-facto RX grade meth on a daily basis and wonders why he’s always so paranoid. Like, yeah bro, the stimulant popping right-wing gun nut stereotype exists for a reason, don’t fall into that lifestyle
Self restraint is indeed being shown by Russia. You must be kidding yourself or are extremely deluded tho if you think red china is showing restraint; they cannot pull it off quite yet else they would [they have said so in fact] and their (((handlers))) arent completely through sucking all the life and assets of the West quite yet. Give em time tho…
The only thing China is guilty of are taking advantage of Western open borders and liberalized economics which allow them to come in and buy up everything, which *is* a huge problem no doubt.
But who is really to blame for that? All of that could be solved instantly if the USA just stopped allowing them to do that, or passed a law to buy back Chinese-held US businesses