At the basic core of any political philosophy is one simple question: how can the state get their citizens to obey? Although the state has a variety of means to do this, there are three basic mechanisms by which a state can impose order, and understanding these three instruments offers valuable insight as to how a polity will govern, especially understanding which mechanism a government primarily depends upon. These three techniques are as follows: 1) belief, 2) bribery, and 3) force. Notice the key word primarily here, as all governments, to one extent or another, do rely on force; after all, all laws are ultimately backed by the death penalty, but this is not always the primary way in which a state enforces its rule.
When a government administers its rule primarily through belief, the citizens obey because they believe in their government and conclude that it has their best interests at heart. This does not mean a blind acceptance regarding everything about a particular government, but there is a general trust that the foundation of the system is solid. If this cannot be achieved, then a government must rely on other methods, and this is where bribery becomes the primary method of control – certain groups of citizens are bribed to support the system. However, not even corruption is effective in maintaining governance, and this is when force becomes the primary course of action by which order is maintained. Again, primary is important. As stated before, all laws are backed by the death penalty, but if a government cannot make its citizens believe in it, and it cannot bribe its way out, it begins to rely on sheer terror and oppression. And, that fact offers ample opportunity for the Dissident Right to understand how globohomo rules and what its future will look like.
For the majority of its history, the United States has governed through belief – the vast majority of its citizens believed in the United States and its Constitution. There may have been disagreements over how to govern, but the foundation was largely uncontroversial. The system, minus a few bloody hiccups (the War of Northern Aggression, for example), was reconcilable and firm. But over the course of the past several decades, this belief has eroded. Americans, and especially Southerners, are increasingly disinterested or antagonistic toward “the shining city upon a hill,” as well as its Constitution. One way this can be observed is in the plummeting enrollment of Southerners in the American military. For generations, Southerners faithfully joined the U.S. military. It was an institution they dominated, and was seen, with the exception of the years between 1861-1876, as an institution with Dixie’s best interests in mind. Today, that has changed, and it has changed rapidly. Enlistments are down, to the point of a crisis, and much of this is due to Southerners refusing to join. They no longer believe in the virtue of the United States, including its once vaunted miliary, and correctly view that they have no future in something the openly hates them and their ancestors.
It has become a tired cliché to point out how old and frail American leadership is – look at Biden, Schumer, McConnell, and Trump, but what is discussed less is why this is the case. The reason is because the oldest Americans, what remains of the Silent Generation and the Boomers, are the last generations to truly believe in the American project. Generation X, and especially Millennials and Gen Z, have a far more skeptical view of the American Empire. Here, the United States has a great deal in common with the late period Soviet Union. When Gorbachev took power, he was considered as a man bringing youthful and fresh ideas to reform the USSR. But there was one problem – when Gorbachev took power, he was the same age as George W. Bush when he became president, and Dubya was never viewed as a particularly young and vibrant president. In the late period Soviet Union, those who were born after the October Revolution and its immediate aftermath had no good reason to believe in the continuation of the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union could not govern via belief, and neither can the American Empire.
When it cannot govern by belief, as it has historically, the United States will be forced to govern through bribery and force, and this can already be observed. The current governing structure and philosophy of the United States – globohomo – has artificially created a privileged class consisting of non-Whites, college educated White women, and an assortment of sexual deviants to govern. They are endowed with cushy sinecures in exchange for supporting globohomo’s domestic and international ideology. Nevertheless, bribery can only go so far, especially as long as Whites, particularly White men, are still a large portion of the country and have little incentive or reason to support a system that blatantly hates them. While globohomo might be able to get non-Whites, childless White women, and degenerates to comply through bribery, it cannot do the same with conservative Whites, especially Southerners. This demographic correctly understands that globohomo wants them dead. In order to get them to obey, globohomo must rely on force – Southerners, under globohomo, live under a stark reality and are provided with a simple choice: support the regime’s ideology or lose everything. If you work for a large corporation, they will fire you. If you work for yourself, they will freeze your bank accounts or end your ability to process payments. Either way, globohomo has developed a cutting method to destroy the lives of those that oppose it.
There is good news, at least in the long run. Ultimately, governments that are forced to rely on selective corruption and brute force are inherently weak. Bribes have a diminishing return and, more importantly, because of the increased fanaticism of globohomo, more and more people will find themselves on the outside, as witnessed in the sheer number of opinions that would have been considered leftwing in 2016 and are now considered forbidden. As far as force goes, as soon as cracks form in the system, the government can very quickly lose control of the entire situation as more of the citizenry realizes they have nothing to lose. At some point, as the people turn against their government, order can no longer be maintained – increasingly violent crackdowns, rather than curbing unrest, just make matters worse. No government can arrest or kill all of its citizens. Machiavelli was wrong, it is better to be loved than feared. Governments that rely primarily on fear will eventually hit a brick wall; the law of diminishing returns will one day come into play.
The Dissident Right must understand globohomo as a house of cards. Its foundational belief structure is so absurd that few, apart from its committed ideologues, actually believe or even understand it. For example, this is an ideology that asks us to believe in concepts like “pregnant men.” This is why, unlike the historical United States, it finds itself progressively relying on bribery and coercion. Eventually, unnoticeable cracks become more apparent and the system buckles. At that point, Southern Nationalism is essential. When one system collapses, the best organized of the pro-collapse opposition almost always comes out on top. Southern Nationalists must be organized to take advantage of this coming collapse, it is through the wreckage of globohomo that a Free Dixie emerges.

I am posting Eric Striker’s comment from his Telegram channel. I find the last paragraph the most important:
“In 2016, the populist left and populist right were coming together, targeting big business, immigration, and empire-building. This was a revolutionary time.
By 2018, the Bernie left became “Woke” while the populist right became a gathering for paranoid schizophrenics. Instead of fighting the system, both sides are busy fighting one another.
This outcome was produced by a combination of top-down engineering (original leaders were purged and replaced with agents of the system), as well as the chaotic and impulsive nature of populism itself.
Populism without an ideological vanguard can be steered in any direction, usually self-destructive and banal ones.”
I hate to be that guy but knowing what I know I would say that’s just a sly way for him to promote his underlying NazBol beliefs.
To add a further point to strikers oddly self-unaware comment: the “leaders who were installed” also include people like Richard Spencer, the fruitcake satanist Augustus Invictus, the bad actors at TWP who were held up as shining examples to listen to, and also the two faced rascals at TRS who are well known for such unseemly behavior as doxing their former friends and having a rabid zionist-activist, diversity quota speech giving, dragqueen event promoting woman on their show to read a “fashy” poem about throwing people into ovens.
I find it comical that he calls out the existence of astroturfed forced leaders in the dissident sphere but somehow always fails to go all the way with it.
He wrongly sets the timeline of the collapse for the alt-right after 2018 without ever saying why it collapsed in 2018. C-Ville did it. The people who caused C-Ville were already busy working on this destruction since 2016 at the very latest. When people like him killed the alt-right off and the normal people all drifted away its only logical that very little would be left aside from siege fans and trashy people who have nothing in real life so they stay put in the cesspool created by these bad actors.
I and others I know called out C-Ville since it was announced and warned people not to go, and what it would become. It was really that obvious for critical thinkers. Not so obvious for people who follow a Pied Piper.
Just for those who are unaware: TRS and Erik Striker are feds and nobody should listen to them.
But he’s partially right: the average alt-righter and the average Berniebro circa 2016 had more in common with each other than their respective liberal and conservative normie counterparts
My question, Harmonica is: why did any Southern man ever sign up for the Yankee Empire military following the end of the War For Southern Independence in ’65? Invasion of the Philippines? Puerto Rico? WWI? WWII? FDR goaded the Japanese into attacking Pearl Harbor, after he had lied to Americans saying ‘Your boys will NOT be fighting in any foreign wars!’ Korea? Vietnam? Iraq (twice)? Afghanistan? Syria? Too many bought the ‘we have to fight them over there so we don’t have to fight them over here’ lie. They don’t realize it has all been a racket. I know a 19 year-old who joined the Yankee Army earlier this year. He announced that he will be deployed to Germany in January. I suppose he would like to be thanked for his ‘service.’ The only people he is ‘serving’ are the war profiteers who have the contracts to make his uniforms, feed him on his base, sell the fuel for the airplane to fly him to Germany, ad infinitum. I am 64, and reached the conclusion about 40 years ago that the U.S. government hates me, and hates and denigrates my ancestors. A man who was the leader of the local national guard in my hometown, tried to persuade me to join the unit in the mid 70s. I politely told him ‘no sir, not interested.’
Had I said yes, and stayed in until 1990-91, I would have been sent to Kuwait/Iraq under the direction of the former Yale baseball player (and good buddy of serial sex predator Bill Clinton) George H.W. Bush. And just why in the hell would I have wanted to go 6500 miles to Kuwait or Iraq to kill a few Iraqis who had never harmed or even threatened any of my kin? Or, one of those Iraqis might have justifiably whacked me……then I could have had a Yankee military funeral, with a bunch of folks lined up to tell my Mama what a hero I was for going to Kuwait/Iraq to DEFEND OUR FREEDOMS. No thanks. In DIXIE LAND I’ll take my stand.
It was because of the Great Compromise. After the First Reconstruction, an unspoken deal was struck- in exchange for home rule and being able to keep our identity, we would agree to remain loyal to the Empire and send our sons to fight for them.
Something tells me the military draft will be reinstated. And they can always rig the draft to put our men in the most dangerous positions.
Oh man, it would be hilarious if the draft were reinstated. Gen-Z would go absolutely bonkers and it would be hilarious to watch the ensuing riots on TV and Telegram
At this point, I believe that would lead to real civil disobedience, and may be the spark that ignites open hostility with the US government.