American democracy is a light unto the world. It’s how we got ourselves a senile president who molests young girls on national television and threatens us for not getting poison injections. However, one facet of this moral and voluntary form of government is fragility. Therefore, anyone who objects must be crushed with ruthless force. Do you think this poor girl’s father would’ve survived his encounter with the Secret Service?
The other thing is that it requires a great deal of financing, so we can’t ever talk about the role that the financiers play in ensuring our freedom. We have celebrated historians and presidential speechwriters like Jon Meacham to make sure of it. Apparently, he’s one of the guys writing the inane platitudes Biden reads off a teleprompter while pumped up with medication.
According to this principle, I’m confident nothing he’s ever written about the Civil War mentions the name Rothschild. The thesis of his latest book appears to be that evil Southerners were trying to establish “a slave empire” but Lincoln had the courage and confidence to “stand up to them.” It’s clearly tailored to compare them to the current MAGA folks.
Here’s his take on the conflict for Time magazine:
It fell to Lincoln to adjudicate whether the nation would, in his phrase, remain “half slave and half free”—and whether the American experiment would survive the treason of a rebellious white South that put its own interests ahead of the Union itself...
A President who led a divided country in which an implacable minority gave no quarter in a clash over power, race, identity, money, and faith has much to teach us in our own 21st century moment of profound polarization, passionate disagreement, and differing understandings of reality…
Lincoln kept the American experiment in self-government alive when it seemed lost...
He governed a nation in which a violent and vociferous element was captive to its own visions and controlled by its own interests.
What he’s admitting is that our experiment is about as voluntary as something done to a monkey in a laboratory cage. We thus arrive at the core principles of self-government: White people have no say and to the extent they believe they should, it’s the product of delusion. It must, therefore, be violently put down, which we’ve seen time and again. In this regard, dissidents and the people in charge don’t have different understandings of reality.
I like the idea of calling this an experiment because nobody knows how an experiment is going to end. In that sense, Meacham and all the other hacks who use the term are correct. The last time their masters tried a self-government experiment this severe it ended with Joseph Stalin. If I recall correctly, there was one infamous incident with an ice pick.
The escalation of our experiment has been pretty dramatic. Nuclear war, a digitally-controlled nightmare state, mass starvation, anarchy – anything could be in the cards but none of it is going to approximate Meacham’s nonsense. The system using force on White people in an attempt to preserve itself is the only thing he’ll be right about. That we’ve been able to observe every step of the way.

I’m proud to officially announce my candidacy for the office of Dogcatcher.
Lincoln and Meacham are both scumbags. We got Biden the same way we got a bunch of other scum over the last so many years : CONTROLLED VOTING MACHINES … CONTROLLED COURTS … CONTROLLED MEDIA AND CONTROLLED ACADEMIA. Let’s not forget way way over glorified sports – aka grown men tossing a ball around – to distract the empty headed sheeple while they get chem trailed, gmo’d, fluoridated, vax’d, brainwashed and dumbed down.
You know THE solution by now choir.
High-functioning Whites can make damn near any system of Government work. What matters is if it serves the advancement and survival of the Nation and Race, if it fails in this task it is rotten and no good, regardless if it’s a Democracy, Monarchy, or whatever.
Lincoln is the primary (but not the only) reason I have never been to, and never will go to the putrid city of the District of Columbia. Any place which erects a gargantuan statue to honor this tyrant and war criminal is not the place for me. Sic semper tyrannis!
To say nothing of the fact that Washington DC is 50% black and roughly 63% non-white. But I guess that is part of what you meant when you said, paranthetically, that the “ode to Lincoln” in the “nation’s capital” is not the only reason you’ve never visited there. I ain’t got no business there either; no son or daughter of the South really does.
Every time someone bandies about Democracy, I feel my eyes will roll back in my head, and I will start frothing at mouth. Some Greeks warned about the destructive nature of Democracy. The Romans had a working Republic for centuries. The Founders feared a Democracy. The founding documents never even mention Democracy in them.
The Athenians ostracized the most capable Themistocles — who had saved them from Persia. I’m seeing the same sort of thing in the workplace and government. It’s all about equality, and all leveling out is at the expense of the better. Won’t be long before things ‘bottom out.’