Taking a step back from Southern lore, I wanted to touch on something going back to the Founding and more familiar to Heritage America. The reason for this is because of what is going on now in the present and how the past is tied to it. It is blatantly obvious in these waning days of the American Empire that almost the entirety of national-level politics is completely unsalvageable. The swamp, NWO, globalists, or just plain old corruption is far too embedded in practically every single public institution, both at the federal level but also in some cases even the state level (if not lower, depending on the state). The clear solution is not national reform but secession – to cut the chains that bind us to this globalist world order.
With that said, there are still some important policies to advocate and fight for within the realm of national politics – these issues will be the building blocks for a Free Dixie and chief among them is an armed citizenry. The question is, what does this have to do with the past?
If you studied your American history (or if you were even taught it at all), you would know that prior to the First Continental Congress there were armed militias composed of men that resisted British tyranny. They were spurred on by an unchecked oppressive force and the British desire to recover its debts from the French and Indian War. Whether the British position was correct is up to debate depending on who you ask, but the famous “taxation without representation” line was one of the key factors that led to the Revolution.
The minutemen emerged as both a symbol of these colonial militias and later what would transform (along with a small, professional army) into the United States Army. Although the minutemen are more aligned with the Northern Colonies, it is important for Southerners to understand the importance of their role – we had our own militias as well. It is for this reason that the symbol of the National Guard is a minuteman – it is supposed to be representative of this historical lineage. But who were the minutemen?
The minuteman was someone potentially just like you, my dear reader. He was an average man that was tired of his current predicament. The minutemen did not have formal military training, and many were what we refer today as MAMs, or military aged males (18 and above). However, back then you were generally considered an adult around the age of 16. But what does this have to do with the here and now?
As you read this, there is a war being waged against the very tools required to secure your freedom from modern-day tyrants, and that is the Second Amendment. The reason for this is patently simple – an armed citizenry cannot be easily bullied or oppressed. This is the real reason they want to disarm you, and it is something more than a few gun groups dance around. At the end of the day, the Constitution’s Second Amendment is designed for you, the citizenry, to be armed to defend yourself and your community. In the Bible, it states if a man does not own a sword, he should sell his cloak to get one. Clearly, defending yourself against criminals, highway robbers, or even tyranny from the corrupt elites is deemed so important that if you have nothing but the clothes on your back, you should sell them to acquire a weapon. This isn’t hyperbole either, it’s quite literal in its reading if you aren’t a dishonest leftwinger.
We have several examples we can use to see the path of what this removal of your firearms looks like, and subsequently results in. The first thing they go after are actual, in use, military-grade weapons. Bear in mind that back in the days of the minutemen, wealthy individuals owned actual naval fleets (armed with cannons) to do battle against the British, pirates, and other marauders on the high seas. The musket was the standard military-issued rifle of the day. Gunpowder was the primary chemical explosive of the time period and used in bombs and mortars. Not to sound like a radical anarcho-libertarian, but the Founders were well aware of multi-shot weapons and understood that weapons develop and advance over time. And, they fully intended for you, the American citizen, to be able to own a tank, a rocket launcher, C4, or anything else you wanted without exception. While more than a few folks might jump at the chance to do so, these same people also do not understand the complexities, logistics, and upkeep required for that type of hardware.
Once the overlords have removed military-grade weapons from a society, they then move on to military stylized weapons (think semi-automatic “assault rifles”) and the reason for this is because they represent to the elites the second most effective tool to protect yourself from their designs. For those that think their hunting rifle is safe, you would also be incorrect. Your grandfather’s 30.06 or 308 bolt action rifle that has been handed down, killed many a deer, and been meticulously taken care of, is now labeled a sniper rifle. Once that has been done, common self-defense firearms are targeted, be it pistols or shotguns. Can’t have you defending yourself against a home invasion or carjacking, can we? And, heaven forbid the police or a member of the FBI raid your house over “red flag” laws. That would never happen.
As tight as we clutch our Bible, we need to clutch our firearms and the liberty they represent. An armed citizenry is the only thing that has kept the elites from going full tilt because they know the backlash they would receive by going full Pol Pot or Chairman Mao.
The reality is the ruling elite fear the citizenry still and because the citizenry is armed, they cannot just massacre ideological dissidents at will. Instead, they have to get crafty and do it through things like an experimental vaccine and call it something scary like COVID. Those with real power and in the national government do not represent us. They hate us and seek to return humanity to serfdom under their rule and undo centuries of progress made by the average citizen to have a better life. This is all by design, it is not an accident.
Keep your powder dry, because it is the only thing that keeps them partially in check.
God bless you and God bless Dixie.

I have seen three emperors in their nakedness, and the sight was not inspiring.
Teach your sons. Aim small miss small as it is said. Teach your children about the men who died for them to have the freedom they enjoy. Make it real for them, with real examples of the things they love that could be taken. Teach them to be confident, to remove juvenile cowardice, to treasure their mothers, and sisters. Teach your children to shoot. When they grow old, they will not see the rifle as a toy or as a scary movie prop. But they will see it as a force multiplier, and that at the end of a bayonet, the tyrant learns his place. Deo Vindice !
Very good sir. Add these to the “modern day” list :
* Drone defense weapon ( aim at drone – squeeze trigger – it disables the GPS )
* Body armor
* Gas masks
* Ear plugs for the initial flash bang
* Night vision and laser targeting
* Organic seeds and LOTS of food
* Reverse osmosis water filters
* Bullet proof windows and ‘fire resist’ your house
* “Industrial” solar panels ( not residential ), and battery / converters that allow you to get and keep power from sun even when power shut down.
* A great alarm like ADT and a couple GOOD watch dogs – not timid dogs.
* A total of near 8 to 10 people in your home that are as prepared as you.
The south needs a “MINUTEMAN FIELD MANUAL,” so we’re all on “the same page.”
PS : And infra red blocking clothing. Look into it …