I recently read an article on The Gateway Pundit for September 7th. The title of the article was “UK Bans Covid Vax for Kids–Investigation Finds Vaccine Affects Sexual Development in Little Boys.”
Dr. Naomi Wolf was recently interviewed on the War Room, and she discussed this development in Great Britain. The article noted that “The UK Health Security Agency banned the Covid vaccine from children who had not turned five by the end of last month. The UK will no longer offer the vaccine to children aged 5 to 11. Wolf also discussed a recent investigation that revealed the devastating effects of the vaccine on little boys. According to Dr. Naomi Wolf, the vaccine is hindering the development of the testes of pre-adolescent boys. This is a catastrophe.”
Dr. Wolf observed: “The vaccines hurt the testes and hurt the parts of the testes that develop the masculinity and secondary sex characteristics of little boys, and baby boys, and teenage boys. So, they literally harm the chances of your little boy child to grow up normally as a male human adult.”
The article concluded: “The Daily Clout previously reported on the vaccines causing an astonishing drop in adult male fertility.” We know from many articles on the internet that many of the globalist types have been calling for a reduction of the world’s population, especially in countries with lots of White folks. Seems the globalists don’t want anyone around but themselves and the slaves that will keep them comfortable and most of the rest of us are expendable. It’s sort of another version of the UN’s Agenda 21 scheme. And they don’t really want people to know about it.
Another article I came across was on justpatriots.com for September 2nd. This article noted that: “Last week, Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt revealed explosive evidence showing that the Biden administration was colluding with Big Tech to censor so-called COVID ‘disinformation.’ The documents, which were obtained as part of an ongoing lawsuit filed in May by Missouri and Louisiana, reveal that administration officials were in direct communication with social media platforms to coordinate COVID messaging while actively working to suppress the free speech rights of American citizens.” In other words, those trying to tell the truth about this miserable vaccine are being censored out of existence to keep them from spreading “disinformation” (the truth) about what the Feds have been trying to do to us with this vaccine.
Obviously, they don’t want this kind of thing to get out. I have to say that, while Bill Clinton was in office, I considered him one of the slimiest characters around, but compared to the Biden/Obama administration, Clinton was a Sunday school teacher. Clinton was out for himself and what he and his buddies could make for themselves, but Biden and Obama are out to destroy this country and turn it into a socialist rat hole. If you recall, when he first got elected, Obama promised to “fundamentally transform the United States” and no one at that time really grasped what he meant. Now with Obama’s sock puppet Biden in office we are finding out what he really meant, and Biden is doing it as part of Obama’s third term.
This planned pandemic we have gone through is all part of the fundamental transformation and so is the vaccine. Can you think of a more satanic scheme than curtailing the reproductive abilities of the net generation with your vaccine? I can’t.
-By Al Benson Jr. and originally published at Revised History

O I’m a good old rebel, now that’s just what I am. For this “fair land of freedom” I do not care at all. I’m glad I fit against it, I only wish we’d won, And I don’t want no pardon for anything I done.
A few reasons = to cull the sheeple, to cut reproduction and to kill. Evidently about 30% of vaccines were saline solution so big pharma would have people to point at and say “look … they got vaccinated and they’re okay.” Another 50% were designed to kill over 5 years or so and maybe 20% to kill within a couple months. And ALL non saline solution vax’s have little nano bot controls that react to certain 5 G stimuli. If you were dumb enough to get the vaccines and boosters but had NO side effects … you might be the lucky winner of saline. IF you had side effects … talk to God.
Need I say there will never be any of this in CSA II for many reasons … just one is how fast we’ll react to any scum attempting such things AND no possessed Jews and Illuminati will control OUR media and our medical hierarchy.
There’s no evidence that there’re nanobots in the vaccines. There are more than enough reasons to oppose the mRNA vax than nanobots. Even if that was true, you’re better off not saying that, because it sounds so crazy you’ll de-facto discredit yourself in the eyes of whoever you’re trying to convince. Its the same with 9/11 conspiracy theories and the Moon landing. Or people who go on about how “actually Hitler was the good guy in WWII”, you’re not going to find an audience for that aside from people who’re already convinced or open to extreme conspiracy theories. The simplest explanations (and solutions) are usually the best
🙂 Benjamin … I have intel from sources. YES in many of the fake vax’s there are / were nano bots AND yes 911 was an inside job. You’re either a paid troll or uninformed. This isn’t one of my sources but see The Stew Peters Show on Rumble as he interviews licensed medical doctors and professional medical researchers and they SHOW YOU under electronic microscopes. Now perhaps your Jewish friends who listen to MSNBC will disagree but … who cares?
CSA2 sounds like something we could all look forward to. Many of us had hoped to see it in our lifetime but it has not happened yet.
Nobody in my immediate family has taken, or will take the Trump-Gates-Fauci-Schwab-Biden-Birx-Soros-TrudeauCastro clot shot associated with the scamdemic. It’s 100 percent a depopulation agenda.
Nobody in my immediate family has taken, or will take the Trump-Gates-Fauci-Schwab-Biden-Birx-Soros-TrudeauCastro clot shot associated with the scamdemic. It’s 100 percent a depopulation agenda.
The vaccine is pure evil. It seems to be designed to:
1) create infertility
2) slowly kill victims over time with growing “blood clots”. Strangely, the blood clots aren’t made from blood at all. For example, ICP-MS analysis shows they contain only 4.4% of the iron that would be in a blood clot. .6% of the potassium, etc… Instead they are highly comprised of other metals such as aluminum, tin, etc.. They seems to accumulate certain metals and thus get increasingly larger over time. The ones pulled out of cadavers are massive. While a people have died quickly, most will likely be slowly killed over time.