If war is hell, then guerrilla war is the 9th circle of hell. As a tactic, it has been around since antiquity and serves as the only realistic way a smaller nation can defeat a larger one that has invaded its land. As such, there is a tendency to romanticize it quite a bit, but it is something the Dissident Right cannot afford to do, as there is nothing actually romantic about it. It is dirty and it is difficult. It involves a lot of tit for tat violence and ever escalating attacks on civilians. The Dissident Right, for it to mature as a legitimate political ideology and movement, must do away with these unrealistic and, frankly, dangerous notions, and face the hard reality of just how savage an insurgency is. Guerrilla war is not something the Dissident Right, especially the Southern Dissident Right, wants or is prepared to engage in.
The following is in no way an endorsement of political violence or advocating for guerrilla war. Southern Nationalism, and this blog, promotes political solutions, such as secession and nullification. That being said, this is a rebuttal to dissidents that daydream about a hypothetical insurgency and its ease at bringing about a Free South or some other political outcome.
First, a brief primer on guerrilla warfare itself will be needed. Although the term “guerrilla war” – Spanish for “little war” is fairly new and goes back to the Peninsular War – the basic tactics are ancient. Perhaps the most famous example of its usage, specifically in the Ancient World, was the Germanic barbarians fighting the Romans. The tactics were (and still are) fairly straight forward – smaller nations/tribes understand that they have no hope against large empires, especially in open combat, so they use their smaller size to their advantage, preferring to use hit and run attacks to slowly wear down their enemy. Guerrilla war seeks to inflict a “death by a thousand cuts,” slowly bleeding the larger nation until it finally concedes.
Taken from this perspective, it is easy to see why this would appeal to dissidents, especially Southern dissidents. We are far smaller in terms of both population and land mass than the rest of the United States. So, the Dissident Right argues, correctly, that we cannot win in a conventional war (should such a hypothetical scenario ever come to fruition). Thus, guerrilla tactics appear to be a way forward.
But there is a very dark side to using guerrilla warfare, and it is something that should give Southern dissidents pause and make them dismiss any romanticism about such a strategy. What must be understood first is that all guerrilla campaigns are dependent upon the support of the civilian population. In order to defeat an insurgency, the occupying army must break the support the guerrillas are receiving from the civilian population. There are two ways this can be done. One way, far more difficult but also more effective, is to win over (via “hearts and minds”) the civilian population and convince them that the occupying army, not the guerrillas, have their best interests in mind. However, there is another way to snap civilian support from a guerrilla campaign as well, that is to make things so horrible for the civilian population, that they are too afraid to support the rebels. This is the easier tactic, but also carries with it is a major chance of backfiring, as it creates even more insurgents.
And, that is why Southern dissidents cannot abide in fantasy notions of bushwacking the Yankees in a modern guerrilla war – it will mean attacks on Southern civilians, especially as the war drags on. This will result in Southern towns being burned down. This will also mean Southern women are executed after being accused of providing food and medical care to rebel troops. This will follow with Southern children being killed because they can’t crush the actual insurgents. Such thoughts should horrify any Southern man and give him pause as to what employing guerrilla tactics would bring about. It should only be used as a last resort. There is a reason why Robert E. Lee refused to encourage his troops to continue the fight against the Yankees. He understood well what would happen – the Yankees would start taking their frustrations out on Southern civilians (a people already exhausted from years of war and degradation). Yes, some Southern men did employ this method, and God bless them, but they did not go into battle with sophomoric or flippant ideas, they understood the seriousness of what they were doing.
There is one other aspect of all of this to consider. One of the fastest ways for a larger, occupying army to be defeated by insurgents is for word of atrocities to come home, causing massive public outrage. Two of the best examples of this are from British history – the Boer War and the Irish War for Independence. In both cases, Britain found herself in a guerrilla war and began using harsh tactics to break the civilian resolve. Eventually, news of British atrocities reached home, and British politicians were forced to deal with an angry public. Unfortunately, I fear neither of these examples would fit in the case of Dixie.
Remember, the Boers are of Dutch descent, and most British viewed them as sharing a common European Protestant heritage. The Glorious Revolution, which could be plausibly argued as a Dutch conquest, is seen as an act of national liberation in traditional British histography. And as far as the Irish War for Independence goes, though the English certainly have a long history of looking down on the Irish, Britain had recently been forced to expand its franchise thanks to World War I, meaning there was now a vast army of working-class ethnic Irishmen living in England that could no longer be ignored. What’s more, Great Britain was now in deep debt to the United States, meaning that the Irish-American power block in the United States could force Britain to back down.
We do not enjoy this advantage. The multicultural, anti-Southern Yankee American Empire really does hate us and really does want us dead. Whereas the British public may have been outraged to hear what was happening to their fellow European Protestants, a significant portion of Yankees will hear of Southern civilians being killed and be thankful that another “White supremacist” is dead. Not all from the North will feel this way, but a significant portion will, and that means that atrocities against Southern civilians will continue for far longer. Again, this is why we must consider using guerrilla tactics with the utmost seriousness – the Yankee army very well could drone strike your mother, wife, sister, cousin, children, etc. because of their anger in combating an insurgency.
This is not to say fighting guerrilla war is illegitimate, it has its place and has served small nations well. The Germanic tribes had no chance of beating the Roman legions using conventional tactics. The Irish certainly could not have beaten the English had they insisted on playing by the traditional rules. In Dixie’s own history, the end of the First Reconstruction was only made possible by men utilizing guerrilla tactics. But this cannot be romanticized, and I see far too many dissidents daydreaming about some speculative conflict without weighing the reality of such a terrible event. It would be long, bloody, and brutal. There would be nothing fun about it. If you ever want to treat this lightly or think it would be an easy win, imagine being in an insurgent unit and coming across a burned town only to discover this was your own; dead on the street are the bodies of your wife and children with bullets in their heads. This is the reality that guerrilla armies face and why it is best for everyone that we work toward a peaceful solution to the cause of Southern independence, something akin to Czechoslovakia’s break in 1993.
The alternative is far more horrific than you are prepared for.

Pray for a peaceful resolution, but prepare for a Nemmersdorf.
1. We are NOT smaller in population. (((They))) are working quickly to make us the minority with (((their))) caravans of darkies and flying in of towel heads … open borders etc. Right now white patriots / nationalists are the majority in America. Many of them not now in the south would move south should it come down to sides. A VERY ENLARGED south.
2. VOTING for “restructuring” is the peaceful solution. Win win for “everyone!”
3. If the good guys simply “cut off the head of the snake” … the rest would be easy. (((They))) like ‘centralization?’ 🙂 Good. Ever wonder where the white hats are? Why a team of special op’s patriots never “take out the ( head of the snake ) trash?” I mean, the more and more “centralized” (((they))) become … wouldn’t that be more and more easy for the military to deal with the enemies … foreign and domestic? It IS a war. They ARE attacking and killing and destroying us. It IS treason!!! WHERE’S THE MILITARY??? WHAT GOOD ARE THEY???
4. Maybe … in the end … it’ll come down to an exact 50/50 split down the middle? The right side of America = an all white CSA II … and the left side of America = everyone else!!?
Thank goodness the many Mr. Morris’s here during the planning of the Constitution and giving of the finger to the crown weren’t listened to! When the crabs try to escape the pot … when some frogs say “let’s get out of this boiling water” … there’s ALWAYS a naysayer pulling them back in … convincing them it’s worse outside the water … we’re better off not even trying. Thank goodness this type of mental illness isn’t contagious! Don’t watch a scary movie before bed and remember your warm milk. 🙂
How many does it take to save a country?
Can anyone say III % ?
Another fine post. Thank you.
“The following is in no way an endorsement of political violence or advocating for guerrilla war. Southern Nationalism, and this blog, promotes political solutions, such as secession and nullification. That being said, this is a rebuttal to dissidents that daydream about a hypothetical insurgency and its ease at bringing about a Free South or some other political outcome.”
Is your rebuttal focused on the Hope that fighting back (guerilla-style) gives dissidents, or is it the Hope that it’s an easier way to create a free Dixie?
The spirit of your post is not lost on me but denying people the hope of SOME action would be better received if it came with a prescription for their hope.
Given your statement above, do you believe a peaceful outcome is possible and probable?
What most people mean by “hope of some action” is that other people will rise up and do the dirty work, so that person doesn’t have to talk to people IRL about local and state politics.
While the Author gives a very good Overview of “Guerilla War”, pointing out its obvious Dangers and Disadvantages, he seems to have missed the point, that a Guerilla War in the FUSSA (or the South) is NOT being initiated by ‘the People’. It is being Set Up by the zionist occupation government, by way of their constantly-increasing Oppression, that has long-ago passed and exceeded all of the Tyrannical Efforts that started the Rebellion against the British Crown.
Saying “a Guerilla War is Bad for Society” sounds innocent on its Face; something that I, and everyone who gives it some thought would agree with. However, the Alternative that we are being presented with, a Total, Technotronic Slavery, run by the (((Usual Suspects))) is so Infinitely Worse as to make (un)Civil War by Guerilla Tactics quite Attractive. Do You want to “Eat the Bugs, Live in a Pod, Own Nothing and be Happy”? as the (((chosen ones))) are Demanding of you?
As for what ‘Triggers” it (pun intended) I would suspect that eventually, given the current push by the feral ‘government’ to Ban Guns, that once (((they))) declare that the “Second Amendment doesn’t allow ‘Assault Weapons” and then have to begin Active enforcement, the Guerilla Factor comes into play; it only takes a Few, (or even One) ‘Guerillas’ playing Sniper to paralyze a Major City. Declarations of ‘Martial Law’ and Deployment of Troops follow, then it Spreads.
One of the things that both the (((commies))) and the Patriots (for the most part) haven’t paid much attention to is the Fact that in a Civil War, FUSSA style, the Regime’s Homes and Families are…. Right Here. Unlike Afghanistan, where those Patriots there couldn’t afford Plane Tickets to ‘access’ the Enemy Leadership, WE don’t have that ‘Problem’. That’s the
Ugly Side of Guerilla/Civil War operations, but one that MUST be resorted to if there is any hope of Defeating the Domestic Enemies. The Homes, Families, Children and Pets of the ‘leadership’ (and their thugpig minions) MUST face the Same Risk of Death and Destruction as the Enemy Occupation ‘government’ is already using against the Citizens.
To paraphrase a Famous Physicist, “Civil War isn’t Uglier than you Imagine, It’s Uglier than you CAN Imagine”
I agree with you, and I agree with the author. I don’t think there is much disagreement between you, really. I took the OP’s message to be that maybe we should get our shit together now and organize for the semi-peaceful means of victory so as to minimize the risk of needing to resort to guerrilla warfare.
It should also be noted that almost all guerrilla wars are won by the government. The exceptions that are leaping into your head right now weren’t guerrilla wars, btw. American Revolution was won by uniformed soldiers with national and state governments behind them, able to negotiate with foreign nations for help. Ditto Vietnam. The guerrilla aspects are sexy and make for great national myths, but they didn’t win the war.
War has already come and started. The Zion Pigs declared war on Whites soon after WWII. These idiots never know when to stop. They could sit back and live richly in an all-White country, but being STUPID FANATICS that WORSHIP SATAN, they can’t. Their filthy diatribe “The Babylonian Talmud” says the smallest minority in the Entire World will Rule over everything, own everything and 2800 darkies will wait on them hand and foot.
Satan picks his SUCKERS well. The dummies of Zion REALLY BELIEVES this crapola. Irregardless of facts or Truth. You have to defend yourselves. These Bagel Chomping Retards are going to continue to ATTACK YOU. They CAN NOT STOP. You must stop them yourselves with force unless you see your extinction as some sort of gracious sacrifice like the Cuckservatives.
Arm yourselves and stock up on dry food. Civil War II has already started. The War on Whites ramped up with the phony “Civil Rites” Anti-White pogroms.
Its time to stop running and fight before you really are outnumbered hopelessly. Look at the Boers in South Africa. You don’t want to be in their shoes…
I suggest instead of the myopic view that the ‘zionists’ is the cause of all troubles, that the enemy be identified at the individual level.
Namely, Bill Gates, George Soros, Klaus Schlub, Justina Turdoh, Bill Barr, maligNancy Piglosi, turtle McConnell, and the like. Now ask yourself, are those of the tribe which you blame?
All the individuals you cited are in their employ; and they all are in the employ of Satan. Even the sellout Winston Churchill understood this:
“The conflict between good and evil which proceeds unceasingly in the breast of man nowhere reaches such an intensity as in the Jewish race. The dual nature of mankind is nowhere more strongly or more terribly exemplified. We owe to the Jews in the Christian revelation a system of ethics which, even if it were entirely separated from the supernatural, would be incomparably the most precious possession of mankind, worth in fact the fruits of all other wisdom and learning put together. On that system and by that faith there has been built out of the wreck of the Roman Empire the whole of our existing civilization.
And it may well be that this same astounding race may at the present time be in the actual process of producing another system of morals and philosophy, as malevolent as Christianity was benevolent, which, if not arrested, would shatter irretrievably all that Christianity has rendered possible. It would almost seem as if the gospel of Christ and the gospel of Antichrist were destined to originate among the same people; and that this mystic and mysterious race had been chosen for the supreme manifestations, both of the divine and the diabolical.”
Winston Churchill, ‘Zionism vs. Bolshevism’, 1920
You realize that half the people you named are Jewish? Now do Biden’s Cabinet. Pretty good for 2% of the population.
Saying George Soros is a jew is like saying Hitler was a christian. All these globalists left their religions years ago.
@ Don’t Mind Me
Obviously, you have never read Mein Kampf.
Clearly, you have swallowed deeply the holohoax.
Whatever you think of Hitler, the guy was obviously not a Christian. Like, at all. Openly he supported it in-so-far as the German people, at that time, were nominally Christian and the NSDAP didn’t want to generate unnecessary division within the populace. But privately, especially in his Table Talk meetings, he was openly hostile towards Christianity. Mussolini as well.
The religion is mostly a cover. They are co-ethnics who see non-ethnics as rubes to be taken advantage of.
@Benjamin. I think you’re right that Hitler was not an evangelical Christian, but I’d hasten to add that his animus was really directed towards the squabbling and recalcitrance of the churches and church leaders moreso than against Christianity itself. I really like this quote from Louis Marschalko:
“National Socialism undertook to fulfill those tasks that ought to have been performed by Christianity. No doubt it would have been much better had the Christian Churches in the turbulent hours of 1919 declared war on Bolshevistic atheism, on the immorality infesting European societies, and on the corruption, defeatism, capitalistic exploitations, and Marxist class-liberation. But the Christian Churches had developed a glass-house Christianity restricted to empty prayers, [and] proved itself to be only a passive witness of historic events—backing on every occasion the actual holder of state power. During the period between the two World Wars prayers were said from both Catholic and Protestant pulpits, not so much for the living members of the Church community, as for the welfare of the ruling powers.” p. 65.
Louis Marschalko, ‘The World Conquerors’
@German Confederate
I really enjoy reading “Calvin college Nazi propaganda Archives 1933-1945”
Towards the bottom you’ll see ‘material on nazi ceremonies’ header, than right below it ‘using Christian holidays’ article. It states the NS do not want Christmas to turn in to the joke that it became before NS took power, and will allow Christian Holidays on their state calendar as long as it’s healthy for the people. (Not to forget that Hitler unified the Catholic and Protestant divide, which was used to keep Germany down for 300 years or so) The NS Germans took a sober look at the destructive nature of Organized Christianity and acted as protective Angels keeping it healthy for the people and their future which that quote you mentioned elaborately details.
Here in America with all these denominations, I see the blackest of shadows cast upon society, the cure is worst than the disease, NS Germany had the wherewithal to recognize this.
Many more Christian articles on that site I mentioned if anyone really is seeking truth about NS Germany and what they did to protect their ancestral homelands.
Amen. Let us not forget that Judah P. Benjamin,A Jew,was Secretatry Of The Confederate States,during The Second American Revolution,pr what some refer to as The “Civil War”. Our enemy is Not The Jewish Race,but The Govenment Of The United States.
It’s been argued that Judah Benjamin made off with all of the confederate government’s gold at the war’s conclusion, and that he had Jefferson Davis completely hoodwinked throughout the course of the war. Stonewall Jackson, Beauregard, and some others hated according to this account:
@German Confederate
You had posted about the 800 pound gorilla in the room awhile back (Jewish involvement in the WBTS) and I have always wanted to respond to it, I don’t know if you’re connected to email here and didn’t know if you would ever see my thoughts on it. Anyway, it seems to me that the WBTS was a Jewish turf war, the Christian South was forming a landed Gentry and Aristocracy at the time before the war and the reformations Lotus flower was in Bloom, Christian self determination was getting on its feet for the first time free from the influences that took advantage of it up until that point in time.
I have also read that the York right Freemasons went to war with the Scottish right Masons? it seems to me the Christian population of the South got in the middle of it all.
I will admit my history of the South and the War is limited to what was bred to the Bone.
I have read of a sunken paddle/sail ship that was returning to New Orleans after the WBTS with Gold coins that were minted in New Orleans coming back from Yankeedom which I and the author of the book who salvaged the wreck questioned how that came about. I will try to find the title of the book for you and post it later.
I will read that article you posted after work tonight for more insight into the matter.
Thank You and Good Day Sir.
@German Confederate
The book is called.
‘Lost Gold of the Republic:The remarkable quest for the greatest shipwreck treasure of the civil war era’. Visilind.
A quick read. Atlantagoldandcoindotcom
Gold and Silver coins from the SS Republic shipwreck
Some of the coins were minted in New Orleans in 1861 specifically for the Confederate States of America.
The SS Republic was formerly the USS Tennessee. Sailing from NY to New Orleans when it sunk off the coast of Georgia in a hurricane in 1865.
I do not know what correlation to Judah Benjamin these coins represent, other then the fact Judah Benjamin was the Senator from Louisiana previously.
A comment on the article you posted, the Alaska purchase was bought from a Royally chartered trading company called the Russian-American trading Co., definitely globalist marketeers pulling the strings in my mind.
There will be CW2 in US shortly. Lefties are being numbed to the idea that killing all the “white racists” is a bad thing to do. TPTB want death on every side. Our Military is being decimated by those who stole power. Foreigners are licking their lips at the prospect of taking over this land. Give the Chinese a few more years and they will legally own most of the land anyways. Our mom, wife, sister, and children are going to be targeted. Best prepare and know we will suffer loss. Hopefully a remnant will be left to start over.
Here ye here ye to both Rick and Little Dixie. Both hit a bullseye.
DO keep pushing the “restructuring” narrative WHILE negotiating our way through this once great ( and going to be again ) land.
I believe you rely on outdated definitions to describe the conflict we are headed into. It won’t be “Yankees vs. Southerners”. It will cities versus country. I’ve lived in the north and south and the same division exists in both.
Atlanta is no better than Boston or Los Angeles. Get away from Philadelphia and Pittsburg and Pennsylvania is far more conservative than North Carolina (because it’s much whiter). Soldiers from rural New Hampshire or Maine aren’t going to be killing Southern women for collaborating – they would be from New Orleans and Northern Virginia.
Good points.
Never forget that a mostly southern White jury convicted several White guys of murder for defending themselves against an armed robber they confronted.
Its not just a N v. S Round 2 thing . Its much more complex than that. Its not a race war, also more complex than that. Its a 30 Years War meets race war meets separation. And while I agree with the author mostly, best be well prepared we you can’t find anther solution
As a White Pill there even many folks in Yankee Land, Upstate New York that fly the Stars and Bars in defiance these days. Friends, allies and folks ready to leave you be abound
Well…it may come down to getting in the boxcar…
…or not.
If people are at your door to put you on a train, you’ve already lost.
One thing about such a war would be that it would be fought on America’s soil. And I am not advocating for a conflict, however as brutal and devastating as it would be, how sustainable would the organizational government’s military be?
The US military is a complex organization, its equipment and material is sourced throughout the country. Complex military systems require that every part be readily available, and if its internal supply chains are disrupted. If a critical part of a piece of equipment is unavailable, then so is that piece of equipment.
The military had to cannibalize parts from the desert plane bone yard to keep planes in the air, and that was in a time of domestic tranquility.
And the US has such a tight production capability that in the last six months it has sent years worth of armaments production to Ukraine.
We need to fantasize and prepare for GW because that could be what we end up with whether we like it or not. If it does come to that I’ll probably be dead by then but who knows. In the meantime we need to focus on guerrilla fertility.
A very timely article, given Biden’s recent speech (1 1/2 hours ago as I type this.)
“In order to defeat an insurgency, the occupying army must break the support the guerrillas are receiving from the civilian population. There are two ways this can be done.”
There is a third way, which was very popular in antiquity but has fallen on disfavor recently. The old-school method of severing the civilian populations support for the guerrillas is to exterminate the civilians. Google “harrowing of the north” or “hama rules.” As the Roman historian Tacitus described it, “they make a desert, and call it peace.”
Does anyone think that the current regime is too squeamish to holodomor the Dakotas, or nerve gas Nebraska? Then use the media to blame it on evil neon-nazi White supremacists, justifying even more draconian measures?
“If you ever want to treat this lightly or think it would be an easy win, imagine being in an insurgent unit and coming across a burned town only to discover this was your own…”
I would edit that to say, “…imagine being in an insurgent unit ordered to burn and ravage a town to punish it for collusion, only to discover it was your own…”
All of which agrees with your real message, that guerrilla war is what you do when almost all hope is gone. The best solution begins now, before open hostilities. Get to know your neighbors, get involved in local politics. Local -> state -> region. A handful of states dedicated to fending off federal overreach by any means could accomplish much, including making the feds think twice about trying to force the issue.
Too many people fantasize that a massive army of individualist Rambos will spontaneously appear to save the day at the last minute. Anything to keep them from talking to people RL.
This entire post seems to be based on the belief that we can retain our liberty without paying a heavy price in blood and suffering somehow. Sorry, but that’s not how it works. That’s not ever how it’s worked.
Mr. Harmonica, if ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.
@outside looking in. I believe it was among those Calvin College archives that I read some stuff by Prof. Dr. Walter Gross who headed up NSDAP racial policy (another area where there’s been so much misinformation disseminated. There was no master race concept as is alleged so often).
You may really like this link:
@German Confederate
The Racial policy is certainly at the Calvin College site, from that site and other books I’ve learned it was the traitors in WW1 Germany who undermined the war effort, who ran the newspapers especially, who went from “victory is ours any day now”, to “Germany surrenders” over night once Lennon was put into power.
The racial law was put into place to never let an alien in position of authority and influence in Germany again. I’m sure you know all that but it needs to be repeated again and again.
Thanks for the site, looking forward to checking it out later, going to work now.
God Bless you and all your research, you must have used book notes, one thing I regret not doing with all my reading. I failed to mention in the book “Red domination in Spain”, that it has the parliament records of the ruling party, Sotelo and Juan Antonio arguing with the minority leadership (reds) who stole the 1936 election in Spain and it explains how days later the Spanish Nationalist were killed.
“And it explains how days later the Spanish Nationalist leaders were killed”.
Calvo Sotelo and Juan Antonio Primo de Rivera. RIP.
@outside looking in
It does seem very odd that gold coins would be traveling from NY to New Orleans in 1865! … right at the end of the war. It lends credence to the Rothschild-London connection in my mind. Thanks for the book recommendation.