One of the most interesting historical trends to develop over the past several thousand years has been the rise of monogamous societies and the decline of polygamous ones. Over the past several centuries, monogamous societies have beaten polygamous ones. It was once commonplace for a man to have several wives, but now the practice is only found in Islamic and African civilizations; and in the case of the former, it’s far more restrained than it was in the classical era. Although Islam allows for a man to marry more than one woman, it limits it to four, which stands in sharp contrast to the dozens, if not hundreds, of wives that were common before Islam. In the case of African civilization, polygamy has been one of the key areas of attack by Christian missionaries, the long-term survival of African polygamy is not at all clear. But, have you ever thought about why this trend took place? As a Christian, I think that monogamy is mandatory. However, I do think there is another, more naturalistic explanation – monogamous societies are inherently more stable and will defeat polygamous societies over the long-term.
The inherent problem polygamy has is that it creates a huge section of men who feel that they have no future in society and no good reason to care if that society continues. They have no serious chance to pass on their genes. By creating an equilibrium (or, at least, something close to it), monogamous societies are able to avoid this problem. But for polygamous societies, this means that additional steps must be taken to stabilize, or else you have a horde of young men with no future. In the best-case scenario, they just burnout. In the worst situation, they lash out violently against the society they feel has given them no future. Consider the following:
Polygamous societies went to war frequently. If the king married dozens of women that meant there were dozens of young men with no hope for a wife. Fearing what would happen, these societies would go to war in order to 1) get wives for its excess male population via war booty (pun intended) and 2) cut down on its surplus male population, thus eliminating potential threats to the system.
Thanks to the One Child Policy, the younger generation of China is heavily male. Boys are far more valuable in Chinese culture, so when parents were told they could only raise one child, they opted for that one child to be a boy. Now, China has a massive young male population with little chance of finding a wife. Fearing what these young men will do, China has started raiding North Korea, kidnapping North Korean women, and putting them in forced marriages.
In Fundamentalist Mormon communities, young boys are kicked out for very little reason, forcing them to go into a world they have not been prepared for. The reasoning for this is simple – the leadership of these communities want as many wives as they can, and they recognize the inherent problem in having a mass of young men with no hope for a family.
One thing that is unknown to most Westerners is how hated Saudi Arabia is in the Islamic world. Since by doctrine Muslim men are allowed to marry up to four wives, that leaves three men out. This leaves them open to radicalization, which Saudi Arabia funds through its oil wealth. So, while few Islamic countries can really be described as “Wahhabist,” they do have a sizable portion of young men who do prescribe to Wahhabism and all the violence it entails.
This leads us to the current United States and the mainstreaming of “hook-up” culture in the past decade or so, the results of which have been disastrous. Though its proponents like to portray it as a sexual free-for-all, where everyone has lots of sex, and many of its opponents focus on the more bizarre stories like a woman living with several boyfriends, the reality is that the first case is a myth, and the latter case is an outlier. What has really happened is that a small group of men are having most of the sex and with most of the women. For all their problems, the incels are correct in their basic assessment. To be sure, this is not polygamy in the traditional sense as there is no requirement for female chastity. However, in its coercive social outcomes, this is what it most resembles – as it creates a mass of young men with no hope for a wife. In turn, these men become lethargic to their future, essentially the MGTOW movement. Unfortunately, in the really bad cases, these young men turn to violence since they see no future for themselves or the long-term existence of their society.
What is really bizarre about this situation has been the response. Obviously, going to war to prop up an immoral system violates the “Just War Theory.” It is evil to kidnap women and put them in forced marriages. That so many young boys, raised in Fundamentalist Mormon communities, have been thrown into the street is appalling. But, at least, those societies recognize a problem and attempt to correct it. Sure, modern Islamic societies aren’t really doing anything to fix their problem either, but at least this can be understood in terms of Islamic doctrine and Saudi Arabia’s oil power.
Instead, the United States is taking a drastically different approach – openly mocking these young men and telling them that their problems aren’t real problems and ignoring the vast amount of data that suggests that a mass of young men, with no hope to find a wife, is incredibly destabilizing to a society. For the most part, I think this response has been driven by simple revenge. Feminism has taught young women that they are oppressed and what is happening now is justice being served. The fact that so many of these young men are White just makes the revenge that much sweeter. I also think that the regime views the violent incel issue as an opportunity to push gun control. Obviously, there is no excuse for murder, especially for not having a girlfriend, but I do think there is a link there. These crimes have simply become far too common since the mainstreaming of hook-up culture. Some have even made this the center point of their motivation. I really do believe that by mocking these discarded men, there is a hope by the Establishment that some will go over the edge and they can eventually disarm the citizenry. Remember, the elite want you dead and your children either dead or a sexual deviant – they are not above this.
As dire as it looks, this cannot last forever. Eventually, a force that has a proven track record of social stabilization will reassert itself. That is why I will end this article with a message to young men reading this that are in this predicament. First, take control of yourself – put down the video game controller and weed and pick up some weights and books. Then, develop your interests and become someone a women might be interested in. Don’t become a bitter complainer that lashes out at women. Also, go to church. Remember that real life is not Twitter, Telegram, or Discord; for all the nonsense you may see from women online, there are still plenty of faithful Christian women out there who want a husband. They tell me of their frustrations with trying to find someone who is stable, mature, and not addicted to porn, video games, or weed (if not all three). Remember, too, that porn is a weapon designed to destroy your mind, soul, and your nation. And if you do not get married, it is not the end of the world – St. Paul never married. Unmarried men can do great things for the nationalist cause, a great example is Padraig Pearse.
The world is messed up now, but it will end one day. History shows that monogamy stabilizes societies. Eventually, hook-up culture will end. In the meantime, know that plenty of women hate this nonsense every bit as much as you do. You just have to find them. Don’t give up.

Even if we count all the men in prison, there is still a severe shortage of men relative to women, and I presume for Dixie the numbers are even worse since we send more men to combat. It’s not a problem though because they can always get a black or hispanic man, so that keeps our population up./sarc
Ok, seriously, here is a good place for anyone to study the question further:
Make sure to check out their forum:
And here is a great introductory book on the matter:
And here is a book that provides insight into gnosticism and early church history re polygamy vs monogamy:
(It was published by a yank in 1869 and is very “women’s rights” oriented, but it also has good points.)
And here is a good book that speaks of polygamy as a tool for Christian Dominionism. It makes the very interesting case that nuclear families are too atomized to resist a powerful state.
I am not affiliated with Patriarch Publishing so there is no conflict of interest there.