Proclamation with Exclamation!

It is commonly accepted that our ideas, our resolves, are not acceptable, not palatable in this present age. Regardless, they are as true as the patriots of 1776, and they are most necessary to break the indoctrination of our people, to disentangle them from their imperial mindset.

Just listen to the focus of “local” political races, they are almost always focused on the direction of Washington DC, from picking our next imperial president, all the way down to your local school board. All eyes forward, all eyes focused toward the horizon, looking into the sun for a national savior. However, there are none coming – save you, Southern man.

You have to find your voice, you have to express the ideas that will make a better Dixie, for your children and all their progeny. Open your mouth, pick up the pen, write the patriotic songs that will be sung in the pubs and in the stadiums of the near future, but even better, now.

We know there are many talented people, artists of every kind, that read Identity Dixie. It’s time you come forward, step up, and do your part. We will be here to support you, go to your concerts, buy your t-shirts, and read your books. More importantly, you will have made a difference for the good of your people.

Clergyman, you black robed regiment, shout it from your pulpits, calling your nation to rediscover its place among the nations of men. Separate in design, focused on tending the garden of God among your people. And, let the blessings of heaven rain down in your obedience to your Lord and King, Jesus!

Deo Vindice! 

God save the South!

True Voice

Oh to shout!
If I could,
To speak
With open lips.

Oh to say!
What I should,
With pen
And fingertips.

Oh to voice!
In public squares,
With proclamations
Forceful, strong.

Oh to exclaim!
What must be,
With emotions
Held too long.

Oh to expel!
What was recanted,
When whispers
Flew in the wind.

Oh to proclaim!
In resignation,
The truth
To whatever end.