Just Take Your White Pill

I would like to say that we need to be realistic when dealing with politics; however, one can be too optimistic or too black pilled. The end of Roe v. Wade is proof that the Dissident Right has an issue with this careful balance. There are some who consider this as proof that the GOP is suddenly on its way to “Make America Great Again” and this is a mighty triumph for America First. I can respect their response, but Roe v. Wade’s demise also came on the same day as Senate Rhinos caved on gun control. The truth is, the key to actual positive federal legislation is still not remotely in the hands of the genuine Right; nor will it be in the near future, considering “Turtle-Man” Mitch McConnell isn’t up for re-election until 2024 and Romney not until 2026. So, while this is a victory, it’s not some grand takeover of the Empire by Heritage America.

However, it’s the black pill gang on this issue that has me disgusted. These are almost completely hyper racialists, and openly non-Christian, that are defending Roe v. Wade and screaming at normiecons, traditionalists, and Maga folks as “stupid race traitors.” The most infamous talking point is that the South is about to be “re-Africanized” because black people will no longer be able to abort their babies. They somewhat rightfully claim that in red states the majority of abortions are by blacks and thus this will lead to a tidal wave of demographic change that will usher in black-rule in Dixie. While I’m against the murder of any babies, regardless of color, lets take this fear mongering serious for a second and break it down. 

For starters, we know already know states like Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and likely the rest of the South are going to ban or severely restrict abortion. The majority of the Rocky Mountain and Midwestern states are also likely to ban it. So, let’s start off with the fact that in the majority of non-Southern states the bulk of babies aborted are actually White (according to 2019 data). In border states, like West Virginia and Kentucky, Whites are 83% and 56% of the babies aborted. Even in South Carolina, the data shows 49% of women who had abortions were White, sadly enough. This isn’t including red states like Wyoming, Montana and Utah, where easily 60%+ of the women aborting are White. The only regions that these hyper racialists have to justify their position would be in the Deep South and Upper South, otherwise you’d actually be advocating for killing more White babies.

Mississippi is by far the most one-sided case. It’s the most likely state where this hypothetical Haitian Revolution could possibly happen due to the majority of abortions (80% as of 2019) being non-White. Georgia, likewise, was noted for 79% non-White mothers murdering their own children in clinics. Both of these states have declining White populations. According to the 2022 World Population Review, Georgia is 57% White and Mississippi is 58% White. Thus, you might think the hyper-racialists are correct in their doomy predictions. But, let’s look at the numbers more in depth.

The same percentile data also shows the exact number of abortions that took place in Mississippi and Georgia, both in-state and out-of-state. Ignoring out-of-state abortions for a minute, which are still legally possible, Georgia had 36,907 abortions and Mississippi had 3,194 abortions. It’s worth noting that Georgia had 6,500 out-of-state abortions, which is actually 17% more out-of-state abortions than Mississippi. For the sake of argument, let’s assume all these loose women just give up on aborting their children rather than moving, engage in “safe sex,” or find some other evil way around abortion bans. That would mean (yearly) 29,156 non-Whites would be born in Georgia and about 2,500 non-White babies in Mississippi (per 2019 data – above links). Realistically, these numbers aren’t enough to bring either state’s non-White population up by even 1%. Even if the same number of children were rescued from abortion for 10 years, you’d have around an additional 25,000 non-White children in Mississippi by 2032 and 291,560 in the state of Georgia. These would all be ages 1-10, which means from a tactical standpoint they can’t vote, can’t reproduce, can’t race mix and can’t even bear arms to seriously participate in the “epic race war” prophesied by the hyper racialists. Again, you’d also have one White child for each four non-White babies who live, too.

Just doing the math using 2022 statistics, we see Georgia has 10,936,299 people – which means 1% change in demographics you’d need to hit around 109,363 non-Whites being born to make an impact. Even at a decade, the likely non-White babies born due to an abortion ban is not even half that. This ignores the fact that Georgia’s population is growing – thus, this number becomes more insignificant in comparison to total population. Mississippi is in the same situation with its 2022 population being 2,961,536 – meaning the amount needed to bump the non-White population would need to be 29,615 non-Whites. While this has a bigger impact than Georgia’s, it’s still not even a 1% change needed to make Mississippi more non-White. Hyper-racialists are demanding a best-case scenario where one White baby is aborted in order to terminate four non-White babies in order to stop a purely numeric increase in non-Whites in Georgia and Mississippi. In many other states, such as Alabama, Texas and Florida, these warped, race worshipping lunatics would have to sacrifice one White baby for three non-Whites, where 25%+ of abortions are White. Even more insane is they’d be advocating for the killing of more White babies in many states in order to make sure there’s generally fewer non-White children! When looking at it from a number’s perspective, the pro-abortion hyper-racialists are hypocritical, pathetic, and evil. 

I am a Christian and a Southern Nationalist. Thus, I oppose any diabolical schemes to butcher babies. It’s plain to see that this is a victory for Christians, and I fully believe God will reward us for ending abortion in the South. It is also great to see feminism take such a loss. Despite what many hyper-racialists are spewing, we can see Google and other big businesses are already offering to help murderous harlots move to “abortion safe states,” which means the West Coast or New England. This means, of course, we should expect a decrease in liberals moving to our Southern states, and even more so if we continue passing laws that alienates and offends the transplants.

Stopping abortion will better help us in fulfilling a Free South. And, we don’t need to advocate for racial infanticide, either.


  1. The Supreme Court only really has the legal power to make rulings on matters delegated, not abdicated, to them by the States. I remember Otto Scott saying how Justice Marshall got away with laying the groundwork for the masses’ believing otherwise in the Marbury vs. Madison case. Accordingly, I’m neither inclined to riot or celebrate the Roe v. Wade decision to punt back to the states what was never lawfully in their purview at the outset.

    I’m also a Christian and a nationalist, but am having more difficulty reading a victory into this. Jefferson Davis said “all we ask is to be left alone”, and therein lies the problem. Our enemies don’t share our “live and let live” mindset any more today than Lincoln did then. Lincoln wouldn’t let the South go because he wanted their money. The globalist degenerates’ passion against us goes much deeper than that. They want more than our toleration or obedience. Orwell put it very well in ‘1984’, and this is not hyperbole:

    “The real power, the power we have to fight for night and day, is not power over things, but over men. How does one man assert his power over another…? By making him suffer. … Obedience is not enough. Unless he is suffering, how can you be sure that he is obeying your will and not his own? Power is in inflicting pain and humiliation. Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing. Do you begin to see what kind of world we are creating?”

    This is what they mean by “building back better”. It involves no reciprocal give and take.

    1. I remember Otto Scott saying how Justice Marshall got away with laying the groundwork for the masses’ believing otherwise in the Marbury vs. Madison case.

      Jefferson had a thing or three to say about that as well. See his June 12, 1823 letter to Justice William Johnson, for example. BTW, here is a link to a podcast that touches on your points and that I happened upon late last night:


      1. Sir,

        I appreciate your reference to Jefferson’s letter, and will peruse it more carefully as time permits. Francis Parker Yockey provides an interesting take on the question, and I’m not sure what to make of some particulars of it.


        “Chief Justice Marshall … established the unique idea in America that laws can be upset by the judicial system. [Marbury vs. Madison]. … This judicial usurpation was one more refutation of Rationalistic theories that Life can be planned on a piece of paper and then actualized; for the piece of paper had specified that the judiciary was to be separate from the legislative. … It was not logic, but History, which enabled Marshall to usurp this function of the judicial veto. Far back in colonial history, the idea of “paramount law” had emerged. At that time, it was simply an expression of the centrifugal political tendency in all colonies; for “paramount” law meant domestic law, as opposed to the law of the English King which was supposed to be personal. The royal governors in the colonies came from Europe, while the judges in the colonies were native-born. Hence “paramount law” and the establishment of the unique institution of “judicial review.” p. 427. The Constitution was a lawyer’s document, with legal phraseology, and complete absence of political wisdom. … The theory was that political, social, economic, racial, and other problems would thus receive an impartial treatment, free from any human bias. Law, however, is the result of politics. Every judiciary is created by a political regime. … After the complete victory of industrialism and Money, 1865, the decisions represent the viewpoint of industrial – and finance – capitalism.” p. 428.

        Francis P. Yockey, ‘Imperium’

  2. The blanket SOLUTION of a very enlarged all white CSA II ( easily created in a mass restructuring of America into 5 new Republics ), solves this and MOST points and arguments brought up on this site and other similar sites.

    The house ( the south and all of America ), is on fire. Talking about how to put out 1 or 10% of the fire is wasting precious time. We need to HURRY and put out ALL the fire and REBUILD.

    1. I implore you, sir – write an article, or an essay-length entry in one or more parts, explaining how this would all work out and ‘go off without a hitch,’ so to speak, to your way of thinking, and submit it to our editors for publication here. I assure you, Josey, that I am not just “jerking your chain” when I say that I, for one, would be very interested in reading and contemplating your ideas. Personally, I don’t really have any (ideas) on this subject – short term – that don’t ultimately result in Civil War, or perhaps even an invasion from an (stronger, better equipped, etc.) outside power. That is why I am truly “all ears” when it comes to your (yet to be published) suggestions. …

  3. You have no idea how much it hurts me to see my own people fighting against their own interest. Denial is voluntary insanity. It is a coward’s response to some truth that he is afraid to face. Grow a pair. Your compatriots are depending on you. Given the data, being antiabortionist today is on par with declaring yourself a pacifist and burning your draft card. You are selling the future of your people in exchange for a few Amens and backslaps from your chums. Enjoy it because it was purchased at great cost. People like me on the other hand will face ridicule, slander, scorn and ostracization. If my identity is discovered I will probably be attacked even by people who are supposed to be on my side. They will probably attack me harder than the real enemy.


    1) Given the miscegenation epidemic and the fact that abortion data only includes the race of the mother, do you think it is really honest to count all the “white” abortions as white babies being aborted?

    2) Given that there are so many yanks down here and that they generally run much more leftish than Dixian women, do you think they may be overrepresented among the “white” abortions?

    3) Suppose as many as 10 percent of the Mississippi abortions are of Dixian women impregnated by Dixian men, would you deny that the vast majority of those women (and the seed they were impregnated with) are from the bottom of the barrel?

    4) How many of the surge of Dixie-hating offspring that we are getting ready to witness are you personally willing to be responsible for?

    5) Suppose you got time-machined back to 2 Chronicals chapter 20 where the enemies slaughtered themselves: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=2+Chronicles+20&version=NIV

    What would you do if you saw it happening? Would you run out and stop them? Would you say “No, stop! Ya’ll are supposed to fight us instead!”? Or would you happily take the free victory?

    1. *sigh*

      What is your goal here, Bill? You can’t possibly change our minds on abortion or anything else by insulting us, calling us “cowards” and “voluntarily insane” and stuff like that. You realize that, right? I mean, that tack is both counterproductive and counterintuitive.

      We want the worshippers of Moloch out of our States, Bill. Simple as that.

      1. You are correct, Sir. There is no use and I am giving up on it. If it were simply some miscalculation, I could point it out and the correction would be well received, but since it is a case of denial there is nothing I can do. But I can tell you it is discouraging and I am going to stand by everything I said above. I see no untruth in my comment that I can correct or apologize for.

        1. Is there some miscalculation on our parts in showing the worshippers of Moloch the door to a better world (for them)? “Misery loves company” and all that, and they’ll all be a lot more miserably happy in states that tolerate and endorse child-murder. And we, in turn, will be a lot more happy without them. What, to your mind, is wrong with that … reciprocal exchange?

          1. I said I was giving up, but I’m going to give it one more try.

            The Moloch worshipers will die soon enough, just like the rest of us. The question is how many spawn they will leave behind. Are the adults going to leave our states because of this ruling? Doubt it. Probably less than 1% of 1% of them will do that, just like RBG never moved to New Zealand and Whoopi Goldberg never moved to Canada. Banning abortion will do nothing but open an additional set of floodgates for Moloch’s legions. By floodgates I am of course referring to the wombs of the enemy, Moloch’s breeders. They will probably be almost exclusively mystery meats since the white women will just go out of state to get the abortions. As I indicated earlier, abortion on demand gets us an excellent friend:foe attrition ratio. Much better than Lee or Jackson ever got and they did very, very well.

            These mystery meat spawn will not be grateful for your saving them. They will thank you by taking up arms against your children and grandchildren someday, probably after you are dead, and they will have no qualms about raping the girls. They might even decide to eat them. You might as well stand on the border with a “refugees welcome” sign and give them all bottled water and handguns bought with your children’s inheritance. I have a problem with that. The way I see it I am on your side, but I get nothing but scorn for it and I see and accept the futility of trying to change anybody’s mind on the matter.

            It is very discouraging to me to witness my own people fighting against the obvious truth to our collective detriment like this but it is a moot point anyway since none of us has any influence over this legislation in the first place. Perhaps we can work together in some other way at some point, but I accept that this isn’t it and resolve not to press further.

            In the meantime I hope you are planning to leave your sons and daughters plenty of ammo and unregistered firearms because Moloch’s legions will be armed with taxpayer money and they won’t be worried about collateral damages.

          2. By ” moloch worshippers” I would assume you mean Jews, right? BTW, I don’t expect this to be published. Just think about it. Within that word is the answer. We’ve ignored it long enough, to our very peril.

          3. Don’t worry so much, Bill. They’ll always come up with new, innovative ways to make their sacrifices to Moloch. See here, for example:


            We won’t always be able to catch them in the act of course, but when we do, it’s out the door and to a Moloch worshipping state where they can make their sacrifices “safely and legally” in a child-murdering clinic. Either that, or a lengthy prison term.

  4. Huh, no moderation. Ok, well , I will add a little more. So Mr. Hill, I see the picture you paint, and unfortunately, I believe it is accurate. Argue with it if you must gentlemen, but I fear that is the scenario that will play out. Now, look for a moment at bidens cabinet. There you go. Look at media, print, visual and social. Look at ” the leadership” of Ukraine. Look around. Now, back to the roe vs wade sideshow. Now, why all of a sudden did this occur now, at this time? Has anyone been paying attention to the trans- sexual revolution occurring at all levels, being paid for by your tax dollars to indoctrinate and destroy your children and grandchildren in front of your very faces in your public schools? In media? Everywhere? You want to talk about moloch? Here’s the name of one of his high priests; Magnus Hirschfeld. World League if sexual reform. Samuel Roth, Roth versus United States. There’s a Supreme Court ruling for you. You will never win any battle when you fight yourselves. That’s what we’ve been doing for a long long time.

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