As we get closer to 2024, it becomes more and more likely we’ll see a return of Trump. In short, him losing 2020, legitimate or not, may have been the best thing that ever happened to him, especially considering that his 2020 campaign was largely based around appealing to blacks and was a shadow of the successful, populist 2016 campaign. His track record also had many in the Dissident Right holding their noses at the ballot box, as we saw considerable antifa violence under the Trump administration and his own Department of Justice (DOJ) rounded up conservatives.
However, my main question is: how will the Left react to a Trump return? Since 2016, leftist news outlets have portrayed Trump as “America’s Hitler” and, while incredibly laughable, many of these lunatics actually believe it. These are the same coastal shitlibs that are foaming at the mouth for the opportunity to plunge the United States into World War III with Russia (apparently, so they can LARP-out World War 2 fantasies). In many ways, they are the minority of the country but hold significant sway over the nation’s politics. It’s these same people that are far more likely to push the United States into a civil war scenario than a bunch of angered Trump supporters.
It’s not hard to imagine an uptick in political violence in 2024, particularly as we look back at the 2016 and 2020 elections – we saw massive street battles in California, rioting in American cities, attempts to storm the White House, and other political mayhem. This was largely caused by antifa and BLM given a free hand by the DOJ, FBI, and local police to attack anyone and everyone they labeled as “fascists.” So, I really wonder how far these pink haired freaks will go to “stop the fascist coup” in 2024 (should Trump return triumphant, it will be described as another Beer Hall Putsch or 1973 Chilean coup d’état). Trump’s return could easily send them back into a mindless, demonic tantrum, already being witnessed by their actions over Roe v. Wade’s probable overturn, whereby they are likely to commit extremely violent acts on Trump supporters, pro-life groups, and institutions (including churches). It’s not really hard to picture leftist shooting sprees and bombings in order to “stop the fascists.” I suspect they’ll be more likely to lash out to this degree since the Establishment will provide cover for them (like during the George Floyd riots). Given such violence against conservatives and churches, many of whom have their heart in the right place, it’s very possible many of them will strike back, or defend themselves, with lethal force against antifa goon squads.
I don’t think it’s outside the realm of possibility that we will witness martial law instituted, as cliche as that sounds, to stop a resurgent Trump in 2024. The Pentagon is filled to the brim with uniformed, plutocratic liberals that completely understand that Trump’s going to be after their jobs for the 2020 betrayal. I’m sure General Milley comprehends that, if Trump is successful in returning to the White House, he’s not long for an early retirement. While I think the chances are nominal, there is a likelihood that a left-wing, general officer coup will occur to either stop Trump from becoming president or to immediately remove him from office. Long term, this is a horrible idea for the Left, considering Trump’s incompetence and the precedent it would set for the country.
Continuing to look into my crystal ball and playing armchair general – if December 2024 riots do break out, it would be the perfect opportunity for Biden to declare martial law, as well as, denounce the election as “stolen.” I think the Supreme Court would side with Trump (eventually) after weighing which way the wind is blowing. However, in the short term, say for the two months after the election and especially if Biden doesn’t want to leave on Inauguration Day, things could get extremely messy. It’s really not hard to actually predict this when considering how hard the media blamed Hillary’s defeat on “muh Russians.” Factoring in the hysteria over Ukraine, they would be more prone to use this and “January 6th” to justify not transferring power. Honestly, at this hypothetical point, it’s likely you’d see the state governors largely recognize the legitimate president based off their political party affiliation (hello, Third World status).
Again, this may seem far-fetched, but all the parts are there for this to happen. Unlike a “right-wing coup,” the Left actually has the military generals, state-sponsored media, and their own paramilitaries (antifa and BLM) to try it. The media would go on 24/7 saying how the election was stolen by “white supremacists, insurrectionists, and the Russians,” while Hollywood stars would be screeching about how we must “stop the coup.” From here, it likely only takes one event of violence to trigger a civil war. I think it would be best, at that point, that we, as Southern Nationalists, work on actually attempting to get our people to disengage from the American Empire and strongly advocate for a Southern Confederation.
If Georgia Republicans win this year, you can strongly assume that all states in the South, including Virginia, will be run by Republicans. The cards would be on the table to actually secede or just nullify the federal government. This would mirror the situation of the separatists who broke away from the Russian Empire, like Poland and the Baltics. However, unlike them, we’d be better prepared, armed, and ready to defend ourselves from the dying Empire. DeSantis would likely be the best candidate for the provisional president and uniting our people in a scenario like this. Unlike Trump, he seems to have a definite grasp on how to wield and use power to accomplish the goals and wants of his people. While I may wish for better ways of forming a “CSA 2.0,” this time with Oklahoma, Missouri, West Virginia and Kentucky fully onboard, I think this is one of the probable ways it would happen. Given the GOP is rapidly being overtaken by grassroot and working-class folks in the rural regions, I don’t necessarily see this as a bad start for a Free Dixie.
I, for one, am 100% against a Reconquista of the entire United States under a “God Emperor Trump.” If the Empire finds itself in the above scenario, I have no desire to march on California and into Yankeedom, as I consider those people as reprobates. Hopefully, we get a situation where the West Coast forms its own unsustainable, socialist federation, under the corrupt leadership of Governor Newson, and perhaps an independent Rocky Mountain Confederation, while the District of Columbia self-destructs as the bureaucrats grab the money and scream for everyone to obey them. It’s my hope that this scenario would end with a peaceful separation, with all of the different regions going their own way. All I do know is that one way, or the other, the godless American Empire is on its way out. The sooner the better, in my Southern eyes.
-By Dixie Anon

O I’m a good old rebel, now that’s just what I am. For this “fair land of freedom” I do not care at all. I’m glad I fit against it, I only wish we’d won, And I don’t want no pardon for anything I done.
According to trustworthy deep right sources … good things are happening behind the scenes. SOME of it I have a little trouble believing like things at and that most deep state swamp scum are at or going to Gitmo and if we still see them in public … those are doubles!? But that doesn’t mean it’s not true?
Remember the black vans pulling up to freaks ( antifa blm ), during Portland / Seattle riots – or “peaceful protests” if you prefer 🙂 – and grabbing flunkies putting a hood over them …. then later releasing after questioning? Yeah … turns out they cloned all their phones. They now know the entire hierarchy structure of antifa & blm and what each idiot had for breakfast today! Yes in a sane country the military would’ve brought out C 130 “puff the magic dragons” and mowed them down … but at least they’re ALL compromised.
As for their political influence … think of Oz. 1 goofball behind a special effects machine. That’s not much of an exaggeration. The deep state is losing.
This and too much more to cover here presents an incredible opportunity for us to create a very enlarged all white CSA II. Well over 70 % of EVERYONE now wants their own state / country / Republic. ( Take your pick. ) Even much of the deep state – albeit for their own nefarious reasons – also wants this … which would mean very little resistance ( if any ), from (((them.)))
It begins with intelligent thinkers like most of you writers who post here to “step out of the useless tea & talk rooms and get the conversation going.” It starts with ideas, concepts and conversations … and there’s no time to waste.
Actually visualize a huge all white CSA II … where we’ve adjusted our new constitution laws and programs to perfection. Walk through the cities towns and rural areas. A complete 180! Things will be “like they should be.” Perfect? Of course not. We’re not retarded, we know better. But good friggin grief will it be awesome. And reaching in to the cookie jar pulling out 1 of many things … imagine an “enforcement team” that rushes in when any scummy fake rep tries to push some bill or whatever through that’s WAY obviously evil, investigates and IF said rep has been bribed or blackmailed, him and his blackmailers are viciously snatched up and taken to Dixie’s equivalent of Gitmo where “justice” will be VERY quick and appropriate. None of this, “don’t worry, Durham’s on it,” BS! That’s just 1 cookie in the jar. It’s a HUGE jar! What other cookies do YOU want in there? It’s YOUR Republic! Think about it.
99 % of news sites / blogs / podcasts are inundating the sheeple with information, overwhelming them into inaction.
As the Titanic sinks, they merely “narrate our demise” inch by inch … day by day … NEVER SO MUCH AS EVEN UTTERING “ANY” SOLUTION!!!!!!”
Be different. Be true heros. Be the solution people … and watch your $$$ and popularity rise. Hint : Use Epik for hosting, Rumble for videos, Subscribestar instead of Patreon and Gab and Telegram instead of Gaybook and Twitter.
You are a nation of one. The sheeple are awaiting your guidance. It’s your move …
Being a bit of a cynic I think the (Marxist) Dem’s have figured out how to stay in power: easy, “mail in, drop box ballots”. How can they lose ? The Repub’s won’t utter a peep and just be glad to hold onto regional power bases. Id don’t see NPC Whites doing much of anything, including in the South. The 60’s would have been the time for nullification conventions and renewed secessionist legislation – but now ? Way to “Americanized” !
The pendulum is swinging right … and with a little nudge it can be far right. Smart white writer / thinkers can nudge it. NOW is the time. Now or never.
Remember, it isn’t cynicism that attacks great ideas … it’s our inner lazy voice. We all have it and have to fight it and not let it take control.
Now’s the time for physical and mental fitness and side hustle wealth building. Strong southerners = a strong south. Defeated southerners = a defeated south.
“The good man leaves something for his children AND their children.” If we give up before starting … what do we leave them?
I agree with you Josey and your heart is in the right place no doubt but you are being a bit idealistic, the guy above is right the people who are in power now have figured out how to stay in power there is not going to be any insider in the government doing things behind the scenes for the south’s benefit lol. The entire body is compromised from head to toe, read Isaiah chapter 1 that sums up the situation pretty well.
Listen to some Juan ‘O Savin ( 007 🙂 ) podcasts. You can find them here and there on Beforeitsnews but beware maybe 1/3 + of the stuff on Beforeitsnews is BS. It’s BS mixed with “maybe” mixed with a lot of truth. Just have your filter ready.
The white hats are very busy doing good. Likely God is controlling it (?)
Latest = The RINO leadership won’t back anyone FOR THE PRIMARY’S … “unless they’ve been compromised.” So … white hats are VERY busy getting their ( our kind of ), people in!
There’s more, but know it’s not hopeless. Also, keep your inner lazy voice in check.
“Your heart’s in the right place BUT,” is the lazy voice pulling out an arrow, loading it up, to shoot down ANY idea that might require EFFORT.
Here. Sooth the lazy voice with this –
“I have no desire to march on California and into Yankeedom, as I consider those people as reprobates” You CONSIDER them reprobates? No need to be politically correct about it. they ARE reprobates objectively speaking lol. God Bless!
“Buried deep within the 102-page National Continuity Plan is the strategy for the mass evacuation and relocation of every federal government agency including The White House and the military in response to an exceptional catastrophic event within the National Capital Region. Each agency is required to have a detailed Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) in place.”