Military Recruitment and Secession: A Pathway to Victory

“…the standard of justice depends on the equality of power to compel and that in fact the strong do what they have the power to do and the weak accept what they have to accept.”

Athenian envoys to the Melians (The Melian Dialog), Thucydides, History of the Peloponnesian War

It has been the stated goal of Identity Dixie that secession and Southern freedom are ultimately realized. For a myriad of reasons, the need to break out of a rapidly collapsing United States has become more urgent than ever before. The most pressing reason to secede, however, is war. Yet, few articles provide concrete steps to achieve the goal of secession. We need a strategic design that can be effective, despite our relative lack of power. One area well within our reach is the ability to impact U.S. military recruitment.

It is not a matter of “if” but “when” the United States enters into a massive war – one that our elites have sought for the past decade. This is not a war of defensive necessity. This is not a war of basic power politics on some global scale in the traditional sense of nationalist advancement. Rather, the war our ruling class seeks is one predicated on solidifying their own ideologically driven ascension to the detriment of all who oppose their power. Given that nearly seventy-six million Americans voted against their power in 2020, that makes nearly half of the American voting populace enemies of our new class of rulers. Thus, any war serves two purposes: (1) potentially destroying their global opponents; (2) by compelling military service into such a war, they destroy their domestic opponents – most of whom will likely die on battlefields at home and abroad. The perceived twofold benefit of a great war for those who believe in their elitism and power is a temptation they cannot ignore. War is coming, whether everyone else wants one or not.

Traditionally, rulers use warfare to seek the advancement of nationalist purposes that are wedded to the territorial integrity of a given geography. This concept – which predates the Westphalian Nation-State – has remained the foundation of international order for centuries. The Athenians fought to advance Athenian purposes… the Romans conquered for Rome… the French fought wars to advance French power… Great Britain to advance British power… Germany to advance German power… and so forth. Today, our elites seek to build a new world order that transcends nationalistic identity. Theirs’ is a global ideological vision in which strict delineations along cultural, genetic, or moral identifiers are replaced by a singular belief system and global body politic. There are a number of reasons for their desire for a singular global world order. Much of this is based on the realization that technology is quickly making human output obsolete. A world with billions of people who have no discernable purpose is a world that can quickly turn on the “haves” if the technologically displaced billions consider themselves to be “have nots.”

The fact that such a war will undoubtedly drag young, impressionable Southern boys into an early grave is painful enough to consider. The fact that such a war will impact our people more broadly, from deprivation to eventual occupation, only heightens the real need to separate ourselves from the war mongers on the Potomac. More importantly, however, is that the South has a Christian ethos with distinct cultural and genetic parameters that should be preserved. Such a war is designed to eradicate our unique Southern identity. In fact, the reason that the South has been so devastatingly targeted by the American power apparatus is simple: American elites seeking a new world order based on a smaller, more controlled population of likeminded human automatons simply cannot abide a region that is defined by rebelling against forced collectivism. The South is, by definition, the enemy of the new world order and has been since 1861.

Consequently, there is a need for speed as it pertains to Southern secession – breaking away from the beasts of Washington before the beasts fully destroy the South by means of direct assaults on its institutions (already witnessed) or through a broader war against enemies not of our own choosing. Thankfully, there is a real way in which we can save the South from the perverse agenda of vile creatures who occupy the halls of power. We need to dismantle their capacity to compel.

To begin, it should be known that American and Western elites are dragging us into a war it cannot win. This is not mere conjecture. The U.S. and NATO have done their best to poke and prod a world that is exponentially more disciplined than themselves. The Russians did not rush into Ukraine with a blitzkrieg style of attack. They employed a modern version of siege warfare, allowing their enemy to slowly bleed out their best men while the American and NATO war machines depleted their strategic reserves. Meanwhile, a clear indication of a multifaceted weapons development cooperative manifested itself in hypersonic missile technology. Russia, China, and “lowly” Iran have them; the “diversity strengthened” United States does not. It is only a matter of time before North Korea has them, too.

At the same time, the increasing strength of the Peoples Republic of China is flexed throughout the Pacific. From the Belt and Road Initiative (which stretches to Europe) to the building of artificial islands to the annexation of foreign territory at-will, the Chinese are doing whatever they want, whenever they want, however they want. The latest message from President Xi was clear, “We are giving you until 2024 to decide whether or not you will support our absorption of Taiwan or prepare for war.” The Chinese have nothing to fear from a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive United States military.

To summarize, American elites are seeking a war that they confidently believe will shrink the world population and elevate themselves to a perpetual ruling position. The reality is far different. Whereas any major war will likely result in a smaller global population, the outcome will permanently displace and devastate the American ruling classes. They will start a war they cannot finish. The most important reason is a simple one: they lack the tools to achieve their own goals by virtue of their ‘cart before the horse’ employment of social reengineering.

At the exact same time that the Russians, Chinese, Iranians, and various other states – from Sub-Saharan Africa to the Middle East to Latin America – are joining a cohesive bloc of that which they call an anti-Anglo-American resistance movement on a global scale, American policy makers are shredding the social integrity of the United States. The goal of diversity, initially predicated on an idea that different perspectives add value, has now become a goal unto itself. This has led to a grave degradation in the quality of work output, thought, discipline, and moral character. Essentially, the United States now values racial preferences over ability like never before. But it gets worse.

The American push for diversity is “validated” on the basis of historic grievances leveled against its highly functional, founding American racial cohort: White, Christian men. In order to get Whites to voluntarily surrender their deserved status, American elites weaponized the term “racism” while simultaneously selling Whites on the idea that a diverse America would be a stronger America. Sharing their power was therefore achieved by a combination of exploiting democracy through a multifaceted alliance of racial, ethnic, and gender minorities with leftwing beliefs, and using predatory capitalism to monetize perceived shifts in cultural attitudes.

Due to the fact that leftwing ideologies are based on a desire to achieve a utopian vision, leftists naturally continue to push aggressively toward positions that are further to the left because “progress” is a goal unto itself. This leads to a point in which those who are believed to impede such progress are defined as immoral. Immoral people are by definition “enemies” of those who are moral – in other words, “evil.” Seeking to destroy one’s enemy becomes a necessity to achieve utopian goals. Thus, being a White Christian male is by design an enemy because he is a link to a regressive past. Amoral capitalism will simply fund where it believes its consumers stand – thus creating a well-funded, anti-White Christian movement, one that is unhinged, extremely dangerous, and cannibalizes dissent within its own puritanical ranks.

Correspondingly, White Christian men – and their White Christian female allies – recognize who is leading the cabal and more importantly, the inherent dangers of the movement that attacks their very existence. This creates, at a minimum, a divorce from the new leftist driven status quo. Capable Whites simply stop participating in the machinations of power because to do so will lead to their own demise. This explains why White boys have stopped joining the military. “Woke” is simply a euphemism for “anti-White,” and young Whites recognize that the military and other institutions of government promote an anti-White ideological directive.

Of course, American elites are well aware of the fact that the absence of White janissaries will require their replacement by brown janissaries. This leads to a self-feeding loop of more migrants with no investment in the status quo, no investment in the elites who are letting them into the United States (or the West), and no investment in the outcome of any war that may harm the elite originating stock. Contrary to the beliefs of some, human nature cannot be overcome by three generations of social reengineering. Nationalism – the desire to elevate one’s own genetic people – will always triumph over ethereal ideologies. This is the fault line upon which the leftist alliance is likely to disintegrate.

We already see manifestations of the cracks in the transgender versus homosexual/TERF (Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist) alliance, the black/Asian alliance, the black/Hispanic alliance, and most importantly, the People of Color alliance versus White-skinned Jewish actors. In effect, in their desire to recreate a new world order, one in which American elites establish a perpetual power structure with themselves on the top, they set in motion their own demise. They have destroyed the only tool that could have potentially achieved their objective – national cohesion – because their potential internal competitors, fellow Whites, represented a domestic threat to displace them at some latter date. The end result is that they now have a fractured society with a rapidly disintegrating military capacity at the exact same time that their global competitors enjoy social and racial cohesion with increased military and technological power.

The South must leave such an arrangement as quickly as possible. We are tethered to an unstable man holding an anchor and balancing himself on the railings of a boat. When he falls, we will get dragged under the water with him. Remaining in the Union is dangerous. But how do we depart? We do so by peaceful means that exploit the suicidal tendencies of the very people who currently hate us. We begin by targeting their military power directly.

American military power is not merely about Washington’s ability to forcibly compel global outcomes. It has far greater implications. Diplomacy is an extension of hard power – military and economic might. The United States relies on both to achieve its objectives, while simultaneously exporting its soft power through media and other mechanisms to build a global consensus from the ground-up. This is why the entertainment industry is so important to D.C. Through the use of film, the United States exports an image of invincibility and its social values.

Recently, however, the world has begun to reject American programming as leftwing activists have hijacked the distributive means of American soft power. As stated earlier, leftists are by nature cannibalistic and their drive toward a utopian vision must accommodate all parties within their alliance framework. This means that film must elevate and even promote homosexuality and gender norms the rest of the world finds abhorrent. This is good for us, because it has sped a divorce from American programing as foreign viewers gravitate toward alternatives, such as Bollywood (India), Chinese, and even Korean programming.

By nature, the implosion of American soft power will necessitate American hard power to compensate as a means to maintain global relevance. This can be done by power projection (militarily) or payouts (economically). Since the United States debt is already too high, its financial institutions are under significant strain (especially its regional banks), and the American tax structure is not sufficient to go on a widescale spending boom, there are limits to American largess. Worse, however, is that the BRICS are now entering into a currency framework designed to replace U.S. dollar hegemony. It is only a matter of time before alternative currencies, including a new BRICS “dollar,” supplants the U.S. dollar. The remaining element of power defaults to military capacity.

The steps, therefore, become laid out by means of a highly decentralized counter-revolution. The most important of which, however, is specifically targeting U.S. military recruitment in the South. Devastate their ability to secure future janissaries and you destroy the United States from within.

To do this, one must use disaggregated communications, community organizing, election engineering, and parallel systems that appear local and organic. Such actions should coincide with hyping the moves of foreign adversaries when compared against a vile United States. The goal of advancing the causes of the foreign adversaries is neither specifically in support of the foreign adversaries nor intended to advance their causes. No one in the Dissident Right believes Beijing or Moscow are our friends, per se. Rather, we use their successes to juxtapose a rapidly collapsing United States as a means to obliterate pro-Union sympathies amongst our people. We must coincide such messaging with our people’s general knowledge of the Bible to reinforce this message.

There is a natural conservative inclination to equate honor with loyalty toward the Constitutional Republic. The political Left does not have this problem. They already hate the Constitution and would gladly celebrate its eradication. We need to show our people that the Constitution, while a great document loaded with good ideas, failed to protect them from that which the United States has become. Therefore, only the Bible is a worthy document of their heartfelt loyalty.

With this weapon of truth, bridge the pieces together. Every single federal agency, to include the United States military, is the enemy of God. Not merely an adversary, but an outright enemy. Their actions are designed to kill Biblical morality and truths – as was clearly evident from the Navy’s use of transgender social media influencers to the White House “pride” event to Republican Senator Ted Cruz slamming Uganda’s anti-homosexual rape laws. Correspondingly, the disintegration of the United States at the hands of foreign enemies is much like that which occurred to the ancient Israelites at the hands of the Assyrians. God did not love Babylon. God does not love Beijing. But God will see to it that Beijing is used to punish His people if they continue to give their allegiance to an ungodly federal government. The only Godly path is one in which our people do not support any mechanism of federal authority, especially the United States military.

With the arguments laid out, anti-military messaging needs to exploit elements of current U.S. military policy that reinforces the arguments stated, thus remaining truthful and damaging the military’s reputation among our people. Memes that highlight the military’s commitment to homosexuals and transgenders… “advertisements” that expound on the armed forces’ embrace of Critical Race Theory, Affirmative Action, and race-based promotions… legitimate imagery captured from elite military universities showing black power officers… articles that promote the current policies, executive orders, and books imposed by senior military leadership… There needs to be a hyper-focus on destroying the willingness of fit, young White men from joining a military that hates them.

The obvious question emerges: what will this achieve? The answer is one grounded in military readiness. If American soft power is eroding thanks to extreme leftwing content production, and American economic might is being dismantled thanks to poor domestic policy coupled with global financial competitors, the U.S. government must rely on a military that is increasingly incapable of fighting a war, should one arise. Foreign governments are watching, and they know that American threats are becoming increasingly hollow. The more we can do to push the U.S. into a state of unpreparedness, the faster the United States will collapse, as more governments ignore it.

When I was a boy, there was a bully who seemed bigger when he was younger. I would occasionally get into fights with the bully, so he mostly left me alone, because I struck back. One year, I sprouted about four inches over summer, hitting a gangly six feet tall at fourteen years old. One day, while walking home, I noticed he and a couple of his pathetic little friends were picking on my brother and his buddy. I walked over and just shoved him down. He bounced up and made threats, to which I simply replied, “You and what army?” He wilted and eventually, over the years, he was just some loser who solicited occasional derision while everyone ignored him.

We want the rest of the world to stand up to the United States bully and say the same thing; “You and what army?” When American elites turn around to look at the army they have, they may eventually stop their war against our people – but by then, by the Grace of God, it will be too late. We will be long gone.


  1. Mr. Martin, as much as I admire your work and stances on most issues, I think you’re dead wrong about this. I’m inclined to agree with Kaiser that there is a great risk in leaving the military entirely to a gaggle of aggrieved minorities and sexual deviants. A few points.

    First of all, recall that the forces of Lenin that took Russia for communism were composed largely of Jews, Latvians and other vengeful minorities. And they faced actual soldiers opposing them. An Abrams tank might not be that effective against Russian forces with air cover, but it could be devastatingly effective against a civilian population armed only with handguns or (at most) assault rifles. The empire at it poorest could still likely get a band of brown, black, and tranny mercenaries to operate what stocks of its wunderwaffen remain.

    Second, given that most empirial governments that lose their foreign holdings devolve into civil war (e.g., the War of the Roses in England after the loss of France) or press their internal power with greater desperation, there is good reason to assume that the American empire’s military loss to Russia and economic loss to BRICS will cause it to turn inward and increase its tyrranical control over its own citizens–an action that would be made much easier by leaving the military to the coalition of the “oppressed.”

    Kaiser lamemted that he had no solution to this problem and I fear that yours is misguided. I have come up with an idea that I have never heard, even among dissidents, that I think could weaken the imperial military without endangering freedom further–and which doesn’t involve violence. Would you like me to send it to the ID editors so that you can read it as a guest post?

    1. The thing to remember here, is that the American military is already lost to our side. Under the Obama administration, everyone in the military who could be considered /ourguy/ was purged. From flag level down to non-coms. And now no White man, who doesn’t toe the globohomo line with all their heart and soul, stands any chance of achieving any position that could influence policy at any level.

  2. You wrote:
    “the American empire’s military loss to Russia and economic loss to BRICS will cause it to turn inward and increase its tyrannical control over its own citizens – an action that would be made much easier by leaving the military to the coalition of the “oppressed.””

    I tend to agree. The “American” visible elite (paid off and controlled elected officials) are just straw men of those behind the scenes who are really orchestrating what’s happening. I’d love to hear your idea.

    1. Thanks. I actually just thought of the idea. I’m writing it up, working details out as I go. When it’s done I’ll send it to the ID editors to see if they’ll guest post it. If it’s rejected for some reason–can’t imagine why it would be, as nothing in it involves violence or anything illegal–I’ll just post a very quick summary under one of your comments in a future article.

  3. Anything you cannot leave voluntarily is either a toxic relationship, a criminal enterprise, a psychotic cult, or a tyrannical government! I do seem to recall a Russian official (I think it was the Defense Minister) stated Russia would help red states secede from the United States. Of course, it’s a mute issue because our people’s strategy is White flight instead of a secessionist party. But what happens when there are no more areas to flee to?

  4. Very good but a few caveats. First know the deep state monitors sites like this and of course have their paid trolls to attack any viable “solution.” The trolls are usually careful how they attack a contributor – especially one that makes good sense – but they go off on any commentors who back up the good ideas and / or offer their own. All this to say, be careful with some of the wording such as “destroy the United States” and other such wording. This is only a post but … our enemies will watch for you to officially call for – in a campaign or manifesto / plan with a group – an “over throw” sort of thing. Jan 6th is an example of what (((they))) will resort to and manufacture fake evidence for when they’re afraid.

    Then it may be hard to ‘multi task’ when coming up with ideas but to be the best general you have to see all the parts on the whole ( fluid ), battle field. If we do this here that’ll trigger that there … and so on. To “secede” … we’d need the majority of the whole US on board. This would mean restructuring / Balkanization. Not even using the word ‘secession’ even though that’s what it is. You’re very right about the need for speed though and waking up our boys.

    Remember their real leader is Satan and those at the top levels of the pyramid follow his orders. That’s your opponent general! Remember George Washingtons supposed vision of the 3 wars?

    You’re on the right track. I’d say pray and check out whenever he’s got Randy Taylor on.

  5. Interesting piece but there are flaws in the build up:
    * American soft power is degrading but it is not due to Wash DC. The simple fact of the matter is Hollywood is owned by China these days. The soft power has been subverted.
    * Do you think that the military age men crossing our Southern border is an accident? Its by design. Washington will do what Rome did — offer citizenship to the horde. The DoD does not have a recruitment problem, they have a lawyer problem as the current laws are a hindrance from recruiting foreign nationals into the armed forces.
    * The Constitution was designed for a moral populace. One that honors God, marriage and contracts. The Constitution did not fail, the people failed the Constitution.

    1. Washington will not do (future tense) as you say. They’re already doing it. Current laws be damned, the armed forces are already made up of foreigners. I’m not sure of the percentages, but a girl I worked with told me the U.S. military was recruiting in her native Dominican Republic — and that was some 10-15 years ago! Those coming every day now across the southern border are just swelling their ranks.

      I anticipate, unless God intervenes, something along the lines of what Eisenhower did to the German POWs (reclassified as DEPs) in the post WW2 era. i.e. put them in exposed barbed wire enclosures without food and water until they died. The white citizenry will probably just be reclassified as ‘privileged whites’. Do I hear an ‘Amen’ Mr. Shackleford?

      This is our future unless Russia or China mercifully nukes all of us. I’d love for someone to show me why I’m wrong to think this way because I really hate being right.

      1. German Confederate
        It sure is surreal right now isn’t it.
        I have just read the book Das Reich by Max Hastings where in the end of the book the Germans were forced to surrender, in France, after the Normandy invasion. According to the book carpetbaggers, by Ben parcell, the alllies were dropping leaflets upon the German Army in France telling them they would be treated well if they surrendered. Is it in fact the last of the German SS fighting in France that were captured or surrendered, that perished in those starvation death camps?

        According to Viking legend, only those who had died in battle, fighting for their people, would be allowed entry into the next life. Catholics glorify saints that died for Christ and trust that they grant powers from above much like the Vikings believed, I would imagine. I believe Rudolf Hess and Ernst Zundle are Saints in Heaven, with all of those Souls that perished in those starvation camps. I have prayed to them at times in communion with God. I saw a Thunderbird one time after doing so. You could say that it was a perfect storm. He soared above me on the last of the warm thermal air right before the cool breezes that were following him. It was a beauty to behold. The end of months of solitude with nature and nature’s God came to a head. Did the hot humid air and cold air create a magnifying effect? Do animals shapeshift?
        I Saw what I saw. I couldn’t take a picture in time because of the tall fir trees, I had just seconds to view it. I immediately drew it on paper, with Ernst Zundles haloed head in the sky. I will paint it one day, hopefully.

        One thing we do know, there is no surrender to these soulless phantoms in the flesh preying upon the good people of the World.
        May the Father, Son and Holy Spirit be with you and protect you always Sir.

        1. Good to hear from you Outside Looking In:

          Rudolf Hess gave a very moving final speech at Nuremberg about the purity of his motives. The German people still today appreciate him. It’s included in David Irving’s ‘Nuremberg: the Last Battle’. I’ll have to check out Hastings’ book. Thanks.

  6. War is already here, turned inwards using (for now) other races as auxiliary forces.
    They will never agree to let Whites go peacefully.

  7. By the South seceding you mean white southerners, correct? How can this be accomplished when the south is full of white hating, leftist voting, Govt. Reliant blacks? I see the South imploding into its own all out race war when Globohomo finally starts to disintegrate.

    Few if any non-whites are on our side. Steel your hearts men and withdraw all consent towards Clownworld. Go pirate if need be. Form your own parallel society like the Amish. Help each other out, lend among your own, get out of the Jew banking system. The show is still in the opening credits.

  8. Secession is literally the wet dream of the GloboPedo cabal. It is also literally the -stupidest- possible thing to do, especially since all 50 states are fully -in session- and on great terms with each other.

    The proper path forward is -retrocession.-

    Or, to put it another way: There is a beautiful mansion of 50 rooms, and all the inhabitants get along great. One day (1790), a sketchy, war-mongering, slave-trading roommate is foisted off on the mansion as a condition to the new lease agreement (Constitution of the United States and Residency Act of 1790, resulting from the incomplete victory in the Revolution and delegation of authority to Britain and Rome). Virginia and Maryland donate a small portion of their rooms to make the interloper comfortable.

    After a while, the interloper has completely taken over, and has even gone so far as to insist that -they- are the “capitol city” (even though Philadelphia was and has always been our Country’s capitol city).

    Finally, Virginia gets tired of the morphine needles, whores, and debauchery, and takes back their portion of the space (Retrocession of 1848). Sensing that things are turning against them, the interloper (DC) starts a brawl with the British Groundskeeper (Territorial branch) over “slavery” (which of course DC is running). They drag all the roommates into the fight, and cause them to fight each other (even though it has nothing to do with them). They somehow convince half the dwellers of the mansion to believe they should “split off” and form their own mansion. The other half are told they should stop it by destroying the “splitters.” DC and Tory egg both sides on with glee.

    The place is trashed. Only DC and Tory come out unscathed, and since nobody is in any position to stop them, they take over running the whole mansion themselves.

    And so you have the last 160 years. The evil pieces of shit have pretty much succeeded in parasitizing our once great country of 50 nations, but many are still laboring under the misconception that we need to split up into small, easily-defeated groups (making the task of destroying America a trivial matter).

    Pull your heads out of your fourth points of contact. Kick DC out of Maryland (easily done, since they have violated their service contract, aka “The Constitution of the United States”), and complete the actual Reconstruction (which stalled before we could get our American branch of government back up and running). This is a solution that will work. Secession will work too, but it will work to complete our destruction.

    1. No. Restructuring the Sodom and Gomorrah’s into their own Republics and leaving a huge chunk ‘as is,’ ( US ), while we enjoy a large white Mayberry / 1950’s America ( Confederacy 2.0 ) is the answer.

  9. This is a great article. I cannot believe the amount of commenters who cannot see the viability of this strategy.

    The ability of the Jewnited Snakes to oppress us is based on the petro-dollar. If soft power and military power collapse, the petro-dollar is done for, and the glow-nigger budget shrinks drastically, to the point that we can much more easily buck the system or secede entirely.

    My own wartime military service was exemplary, and I am still young enough to influence adolescents. I often steer young adults away from the military to the best of my ability. That’s the first and easiest step; those of us with credibility must withdraw our blessing on military service

    1. There’s some truth in what you say about the petrodollar, but the global financial system (Rothschild Central Bank) isn’t dependent on it to continue to steer the other currencies of the world and their governments. I’ve read that Netanyahu said that once they’d milked the U.S. to a dry husk it could simply dry up and blow away. They don’t NEED the U.S. military. They can use multinational forces to control or exterminate any populace anywhere.

      1. Yes, but the timing is important. Right now, and for the next decade at least, nobody will be able to force project into the North American mainland should the JSA buckle. Perhaps that decade is enough to revolt and clean house?

        In the future we must come up with a better system than the constitution. Frankly, I wonder if we should have our own version of the freemasons; a secret society to guide our people. Much as the National Socialists did, we must identify and promote talent. The problem with large-scale democracy is that these peasants are just too easy to influence with the talmudvision.

        1. I’m not sure of the answer for us, but I know the Fuhrer was always opposed to secret societies (especially freemasonry) as contrary to the spirit of National Socialism. Georg Usadel put it well:

          “It is strange why people like so much to lie, when it is so much simpler to tell the truth. … Instead of following the principle “be more than you appear”, [Von Schlieffen] thousands build a new sensation around themselves … for the sake of personal advantage. … Deceit makes all unsure. From the lies develop dishonor, breech of oath, and mutiny. p. 30. A resurrection of the Jesuit principle that the end justifies the means can never come into question for us National Socialists. For us, the reverse of the contemptible rule is correct: that at any price the means must justify the end … because each untruth gives birth to new lies. p. 31. Certainly, silence can be a concealment of untruth. But life in this world with its abysses between opposites cannot be mastered otherwise. … Hence, we want to tie the greatest carefulness to the affirmation of truthfulness and keep our eyes open. p. 35. [‘This is being ‘wise as serpents and harmless as doves.’]

          Georg Usadel, ‘Discipline & Order: Foundations of National Socialist Ethics’, Hamburg 1935.

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