It is becoming clearer by the day that the oligarchs are doing everything they can to drag the United States into a hot war with Russia. Such a war would be a disaster, untold millions would die, major cities would be destroyed, and young men would be sent off to fight a war in which they have little to gain. Still, the drumbeats for war continue, coming from chickenhawks whose wealth and influence will spare them and their children from the actual fighting. As long as more than one major power has nuclear weapons, it has been well known that any future war between them would be unwinnable thanks to MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction).
This raises the question as to why so many are cavalier enough to suggest such a war as desirable. Part of this is, as has already been mentioned, that the elites have insulated themselves from the consequences of war. In Vietnam, our elites received deferments (Joe Biden received five, Trump four). For the Empire’s more recent wars, the children of the elites simply do not serve or, if they do, it’s in some comfortable, short-term administrative role. However, the children of the working-class get shrapnel, lost limbs, and PTSD, only to be later treated like garbage by the useless Veterans Affairs. But, there is a little more than just this; after all, China is a threat to the United States and the Empire is not clamoring for war with China. The difference is that the elites and their hangers-on have, since at least late 2016, been fed a steady diet of anti-Russian hatred. Remember, they think Russia stole the election from Hillary and gave it to Trump. Thus, war with Russia becomes a way for them to take out their destructive revenge on Trump.
However, there is another, still deeper reason why they are taking this risk, one that the elites understand, at least subconsciously, but their toadies do not – war with Russia is the only way to keep the United States united. The first thing you must understand here is that the U.S. is not, nor has ever been and, God-willing, will never be, one nation. It is made up of many different nations, each with their own interests. Historically, the only way to keep these nations from realizing these differences is by launching imperial projects designed to keep each nation focused on something else. The First Imperial Project lasted from the nation’s founding until 1850 with the chief purpose of acquiring land to the Pacific. The Second Imperial Project was from 1898 to 1991 and focused on the destruction of hierarchy and dictatorship. This project had three distinct phases. The first phase focused on eliminating old-style European monarchism (The Spanish-American War and World War I), the second phase turned to the eradication of nationalism (World War II), while the third phase targeted communism (the Cold War). The Third Imperial Project began in 2001 and its goal is/was combatting Islamism, which emerged as the most significant challenger to neoliberalism following the Cold War. Unlike the other two projects, the Third Imperial Project has no definitive end, thanks in no small part to its abysmal failures.
These imperial projects are absolutely essential for keeping the distinctive nations of the United States from fully realizing their nationhood. It is no coincidence that very soon after the end of the First Imperial Project, one of the nations of the United States, Dixie, tried to carve her own path. The South realized that she was her own nation and people. We can observe this after the end of the Second Imperial Project, as well. It was in the post-Cold War era when the modern Southern Nationalist movement was born, including the formation of the League of the South. It was also in this time period when the concept of “Red States” (basically, Dixie and a few allied states in the Midwest and Mountain West) and “Blue States” (Yankeeland and its allied West Coast) was formed. Additionally, this can be seen as the Third Imperial Project fell apart so spectacularly. For example, consider how phrases like “United We Stand,” very common in the immediate aftermath of 9/11, have gone the way of the dodo, replaced with the sober realization that the Unites States, as a single, united nation, makes little sense. Therefore, the elites are desperate to create a Forth Imperial Project, as it as the only real way to keep the Empire together.
Still, this does seem like a bit of an unnecessary risk. After all, they might be able to bring whatever nation that breaks away back into the Union again – by force, if necessary – as they did in the aftermath of the end of the First Imperial Project. Or, even if one nation does break free, they can forge the Empire back together at a later date. There is something even more important going on here – the survival of the Unites States is necessary for the survival of globohomo. There has never been an economic, military, or cultural power like the United States. And, if that is gone, no one else can enforce the values of globohomo. Let me put it this way – in isolation, Sweden is more socially degenerate than the United States; however, this is only in isolation. Sweden, for all of its problems, cannot spread its errors, the United States can.
We must understand just how ideologically driven, just how utterly devoted to globohomo the elites are. They are fully willing to offer up their own children as a sacrifice to the alter of transgenderism, it has become a badge of honor to them. And, that dedication is blindly driving them to a war with Russia. If they do not take this risk, there will be no Fourth Imperial Project, and that means the differences between the various nations within the United States will become harder to ignore. One of them will try to break free. Even if the Empire is able to crush another rebellion again, the energy required for that oppression will ensure that spreading globohomo is stalled. Also, if one nation does manage to break free and keep its freedom, then it’s all over, the other nations will follow and the greatest driving force of globohomo will be gone. The survival of the United States as a single nation is needed in order to keep globohomo going.
The United States can only exist via these imperial projects. That is why the end of each of the previous imperial projects has been marked by a rise in nationalism within the nations of the United States, and nowhere has this nationalism been more strongly felt than in Dixie. And, that is why the elites are willing to risk so much for a war with Russia, they know that they must do it or risk the balkanization of the Empire and the end of globohomo. There entire moral order is at risk, and only a new imperial project can save it. They may be wicked, but they are not wrong on this front, they need a new enemy to launch the Forth Imperial Project and suicidally consider Russia as the ideal candidate. They would rather have millions of people die and cities reduced to rubble than to slow down the spread of Western degeneracy. Let that sink in.

More talk “about” the Titanic sinking … STILL no solutions presented as to what to do to survive. Aallll the alt media, even southern alt … talk talk talk.
Not a peep about creating a new CSA. Talk doesn’t require effort. Solutions do. Imagine if all the founders did was “talk” about how the Crown was taking their ammo and soon their guns. Are there any “southern founders” out there?
10 more feet and our feet hit the freezing water …
Stop talking, brother! We need to see some viable solution, as per Josey Wales! Article submissions are easy here, by design. Submit them, sir.
I always get a kick out of this line of thinking, whether from the so called “elites” or the “common herd” (hard to tell the difference nowadays). Specifically, we do the same thing, as I’ve been at pains to point out for many years; namely, try to effect the outcome of “democratic elections,” such that they are, in other parts of the world, Russia included. Yet, when we do it,… well, now, we do it with altogether pure and righteous motives; whereas when our Russian counterparts do it, they are most assuredly doing the Devil’s work(!!!) It is, quite literally, one of the stupidest things I have, in my 56 years on this mortal coil of ours, ever encountered, or expect to ever encounter with what little time I have left.
You’re right that vying for a hot war with Russia is basically suicidal on America’s part. I’m not sure that is necessarily a bad thing in the grand scheme of things, but I’ll take your word for it nonetheless.
No disagreements with the OP essay. I’ve had the same thought myself, but never really thought-it-through and much less formalized it into an essay like… uhh… “Harmonica” here did.
Anyhow: just thought I’d let you know that the “comments feed” segment on the site doesn’t work and hasn’t worked for at least the last few weeks. It displays all the information, and I can CTRL+F to search for my name, but it displays in raw HTML/CSS style, not a pleasent GUI like the rest of the site. You should get one of your IT guys on it lest people start making “dumb Southerner” jokes about you guys not knowing how to do HTML scripting
Am I the only person around here that considers that all of this is an orchestrated event? I have my ideas of what the ultimate goal is, but it is NOT the ultimate destruction of Russia and Ukraine, as much as it is the final breakdown of America’s finances/world monetary control and turning the reins over to the next host. Assuming China or maybe the BRICs nations, etc.
I see both sides of the narrative as a lie to control thoughts and keep our eyes off of their real goal.
The only Real Goal, at this point, is to follow Christ.
You’re not going to change anything by electing national or federal, or even state leaders. Look at what happened to Trump. Yes, he was a buffoon. But he at least made the attempt to set things somewhat right.
You’re especially not going to change anything by making comments on social media or blogs. Even Elon Musk buying Twitter won’t really change anything. The opposition (ultimately controlled by Satan via Human actors) won’t allow an actual free speech platform to exist.
Now, that doesn’t mean people should just give up or become stereotypical Gen-X style nihilists E.G. “whoa man, both parties are corrupt, they’re all the same”, or that I’m not pleased by Musk’s stirring up the pot with his Twitter thing, or Nick Fuentes movement. No, I am most definitely for them.
Its just that literal years of me making comments on websites and such hasn’t really affected any real positive change to note. The world will continue getting worse until God finally destroys it all in the end.
I only even comment on blogs and such like these for my own personal amusement and out of boredom.
The real goal is to purify our soul. Anything else that might come after that will only come after your own personal development is achieved, or at least set on the right path.
Not the answer you were looking for, but this certainly isn’t the future any of us were looking for either.
BuelahMan, we could see the trend during the Wuhan flu. The ultimate goal is a transfer of the means of production to the state – and central planning. Everyone will be employed by the federal government. Burnham predicted it:
I’m not convinced a nuclear war is unwinnable (by Russia or China), or that Mutually Assured Destruction is any longer a sound position, given advanced hypersonic delivery systems. A preemptive first strike was unthinkable when each side only had trackable, relatively slow delivery ICBMs, but technology has advanced to give an edge to those with the will to deploy stuff that can arrive before you know what hit you … or allow the one on the receiving end fumbling with launch codes time to decide whether or not to respond. I suspect the globohomo elite in the U.S. are blind to these facts. They may survive the initial salvo in their underground complex, but their supplies will run out eventually, and there’ll be nothing left to rule in the world of the Eloi.
“Cicero laughed at the folly of those men who, in his time, seemed to conceive such a windy hope that their places of delight should be safe when the commonwealth was lost.” p. 45.
Jeremiah Burroughs, ‘Moses’ Self-Denial’
Yeah, a lot of the stuff about nuclear war, like “RADIOACTIVE CLOUDS OF DUST THAT WILL BLOCK OUT THE SUN” was basically disproven after the First Gulf War when Saddam set all those oil wells on fire.
The Science(TM) predicted that the smoke clouds would block of the sun on breadbasket countries, like India, and lead to a global famine due to food shortages.
Carl Sagan was even among the list of people who sent a signed letter to HW Bush going on about this, they actually affected the war effort.
What actually ended up happening? All the smoke washed out of the atmosphere after like two weeks and nothing to note really happened. There was/is actually a Wikipedia article on just this event, though I don’t recall what the page is.
A nuclear war, while still very very bad, is not as bad as the Soviet-funded demoralization peacenik people in the 60s and 70s would lead you to believe. That was all largely a psy-op and bad science.
German Confederate, I am sure you are already familiar with Duran, but this episode provides a very in-depth analysis of the war, weapons, and the state of military readiness, for both the U.S. and the Russians:
and this is:
Best wishes!
Thank you sir. I’ll check it out!