When “It” Hits the Fan

I see this in the most bizarre locations of the internet.  From Facebook to Twitter (where my team and I lurk in the shadows as leftists) to Gab, the idea of some variant of a Racial Holy War (“RaHoWa” – a goofball name if there ever was one) emerges.  For the Left, the theme is consistent: when blacks eventually rise up, Whites will not know what hit ‘em. [NOTE: leftists tend to capitalize the ‘B’ and lower case the ‘W’].  Meanwhile, hardcore White Nationalists say something to the following effect: when the White man gets angry enough, vengeance will be his.  To some extent, both are correct, but for different reasons.  Whereas I do not want “RaHoWa” – I greatly prefer a peaceful separation of the two races – there is no doubt in my mind that the United States is headed for a civil war and that civil war will inevitably involve a very clear racial division.  In fact, the number of normies who believe something similar is coming is astounding.  Yet, despite the fact that most know something is coming, they often ignore the greater question: should such a break down occur, what happens next?  Here are my thoughts on such a possible conflict.

To start, I believe that a civil war is being engineered in the United States by a cabal of individuals who think they can control the outcome of a “reset.”  The majority of those individuals are Jewish elites, but they are not all Jewish elites.  There are individuals who are not Jewish yet they share a similar belief that a flawed United States – and Western Civilization writ large – requires a fundamental transformation.  There are too many armed free thinkers to simply seize power.  That stated, the election of Donald Trump and other populist candidates in countries ranging from Brazil to the Philippines, was a wakeup call for elites to accelerate the reset.  That transformation is in the works.  

What elites greatly prefer is an Asiatic mindset of compliant masses, coupled with some extraordinarily low IQ individuals to sweep floors and kill their enemies.  In effect, they seek programmable (i.e., leftist) White and Asian bureaucrats capable of managing the more technical facets of the economy, without questioning managerial or governmental decisions, coupled with black thugs as de facto or de jure institutional enforcement.  I strongly suspect that is the motivation behind the U.S. Department of Defense’s war against White service members, especially Southerners.  All of this ties into the subject of possible racial strife.

What elites do not understand is the genetic propensity of individuals to gravitate toward familiar members for their own protection.  In other words, when people feel threatened, they go tribal.  It is then set upon the tribe to determine the value of the individual’s potential contribution to their collective security.  This is the defining feature of racial dynamics in prison. 

I can personally attest to the fact that every single White “racial ally” of blacks that enters prison is violated immediately and simultaneously discarded by other Whites.  They are forced to serve their time at the mercy of their new black masters.  Ironically, the most vocal proponents of White Nationalism are incarcerated Jews.  For those who do not understand the Aryan Brotherhood, which dominates White solidarity behind prison walls, “AB” is not racially “pure.”  They do not care about “naming the Jew” or really advancing a White Nationalist political ideology (they are a criminal enterprise); they care about the immediate practical results of a new recruit.  Consequently, if a Jew can yield some positive result for the Aryan Brotherhood, they are “in.”  Why am I telling you this?  Because a hypothetical racial conflict will likely emulate prison, but on a much broader and more violent scale at key points.

Returning to those elites who seek a civil war to achieve certain goals (which I will cover in a moment), they have neither been in prison nor grew up in a truly “diverse” urban environment.  Rather, such elites hail from suburban enclaves or high society urban locations protected by the police.  Their version of racial intermixing really boils down to photo-ops with the rare black judge’s children who go to the same private schools as them.  That black judge’s son may speak with a contrived hood twang around his White cohorts, but blacks know who he is immediately.  Regardless, elites have been raised within White enclaves and sanitized versions of black pretenders.

I strongly suspect that a civil war will begin for a number of reasons, but the greatest reason will be a general belief among elites in a religion called “Climate Change,” and an assumption that global resources will shrink due to said change, such that their standard of living will shrink.  Given that many facets of society can be automated, the need for laborers is not nearly as important.  Those who need to remain in order to provide basic services must comply with elite mandates.  Those who do not, must be eliminated.  Consequently, this will likely boil down to urban/suburban vs exurban/rural divisions.  Whites willing to live in large cities or cookie-cutter suburbia, will largely do what they are told.  Whites in “fly over country” are less compliant, as proven by their unwillingness to mask-up and vaccinate.  For elites, they are the problem. 

But how do we get from a disintegrating former superpower – as we have today – to a domestic race war?  I suspect it will begin with a newly contrived crisis that spirals out of elite control faster than they can manage.  We have already seen a fictitious pandemic, a manufactured supply chain collapse, an engineered food crisis, a stolen election, and most likely – I suspect – the next phase will be a new counterterrorism campaign geared toward White separatist “extremists.”  Think Randy Weaver on a massive scale, beginning with red flag gun confiscations that go badly.  “Blue Lives Matter” is already on life support, as more normiecons awaken to the reality that law enforcement is not their friend.  When police officers, whom they love, come knocking on their doors seeking to disarm them for ill-advised Facebook messages, someone – or a group of someones – may trigger, no pun intended, severe outcomes.  This will begin a massive gun grab ostensibly for our own “safety.”

Urban blacks and Hispanics who do not enjoy legally registered firearms will remain armed.  Confiscations will begin in suburban and exurban areas.  Most rural sheriff departments are not likely to support a gun grab.  They typically go to the same churches and social gatherings as their agricultural kith and kin.  To support a gun confiscation program in a rural area would be suicide.  Exurban and especially suburban law enforcement bodies, however, tend to have greater urban and state capital influences.  This will trigger something, especially when coupled with crippling dollar devaluation, outsized debt, food shortages, and expanded violent crime.  Regardless, if the shooting starts – which I suspect will occur in an exurban area – racial divisions will become the immediate fallback. 

In an environment whereby White elites are surrounded by people of color, upon whom they rely for defense and basic services, they will be the first ones removed.  This includes Jews, because blacks do not differentiate between Jews and Whites.  Of course, if you are a Jewish elite raised in Greenwich, Connecticut, and divorced from the realities of racial dynamics, the only blacks you know attended Harvard, not Rikers Island.  Thus, the inability to understand that they are grabbing a tiger by the tail when they side with urban blacks over rural Whites.  They will learn quickly when they become prey.  In fact, some version of this is already occurring in high end Jewish enclaves near Los Angeles.

Holistically, a racial conflict will likely fragment into several geographic enclaves with differing outcomes.  The urban areas will immediately get conquered by Hispanics.  That is not because they are some kind of extraordinary warrior class, per se.  Rather, Whites that reside in urban environments are typically soft and weak.  They lack the ability to defend themselves.  By and large, they are law abiding citizens who rely upon the police.  Long gone are the White ethnic mafias.  In a racial conflict, Hispanics will have the organizations necessary to succeed.  Blacks are exceedingly violent, but disorganized, prone to internal divisions, and they have almost no capacity to aim a weapon and fire accurately.  More organized and efficient Hispanics will create fiefdoms within major urban areas.  They may or may not allow some Whites to live in those areas.

Blacks will quickly, and for a short time, conquer the suburbs.  That other class of soft Whites will wilt as roving bands of angry blacks literally go house-to-house.  This is already happening to some extent in South Africa and other areas of Africa and South America.  In those areas, however, blacks enjoy numerical superiority.  I theorize that, while the United States tries to gain some facet of control, it will only take a full collapse seriously when the suburbs are attacked.  If all-out war were to take place in the heart of Chicago or Baltimore, no one would care.  However, if war bleeds into idyllic St. Charles, Illinois, or Leesburg, Virginia, the U.S. Government – what is left of it – will scramble.  By then, it will be too late.

Meanwhile, White exurban and especially rural areas will largely learn to adapt and reconfigure their expectations.  When Whites are in numbers and armed – as can be found in American rural areas – blacks are not coming out to fight them.  Unlike South Africa, whereby White farmers are greatly outnumbered by blacks, the reverse is the case in the U.S.  Contrary to modern television advertising, with the exception of a handful of black farmers, most blacks have no idea what to do in a forest or near a farm.

Exurban towns will likely become White dominated centers of commerce – such as bartering eggs for milk, raw wool for tools, etc.  While the cities collapse and the suburbs become ground zero for vicious retribution, largely for perceived historical abuses that mostly Jewish elites have spoon-fed blacks for decades, Whites outside of these areas will experience very little impact.  I would imagine eventually some Hispanic diplomat may bravely bypass the former suburbs to engage in some kind of Tribal Truce, whereby rural goods are exchanged for some kind of urban material of value.  Again, this is the prison concept on a national scale – Whites and Hispanics coming to an arrangement to ensure violent blacks are eventually subdued, while finding some form of means to coexist at a distance.  The charred remains of suburbia will eventually become a demilitarized zone. 

All of this goes back to my original point.  I would prefer to see a peaceful future.  However, I do not think that will happen.  Too many, particularly their race-hustling leadership, are deeply invested in the destruction of Western Civilization.  They may not seek a civil war, but their actions will likely trigger a civil war.  When that happens – which I believe will be sooner than most think – nature will kick-in, and people will go racially tribal.  It is a war that exurban and rural Whites are uniquely suited to win.  I do not think that the elites have really thought through the consequences of societal disintegration. 

One closing thought.  As long as the state provided bread and circuses, the fat masses remained oblivious and happy.  That ended in 2016.  First, they took the circuses by means of political protests and eventually a contrived pandemic.  Now, it appears, they are planning to take our food.  This will not end well for them.  As for those of us preparing, I look forward to trading my oranges and pecans at my local town center amongst fellow, friendly Whites in a Free Florida.


  1. I live in an African exclave in my county of Pinellas, I need to move soon to be honest, not safe.

    1. I know the county well, and you are correct. Personally, I think things will kick off in Florida, where push back will not be pretty. Stay safe!

      God Bless,
      Padraig Martin

  2. I have lived in the north, south, east, and west.
    I agree that whites in the cities are soft and will submit and / or be eliminated. I lived in LA, Boston, and near NY – with few exceptions the men there are soft and weak.
    Around most cities are what I think of as “rings” of suburbs. The inner rings are either blue-collar neighborhoods that haven’t been gentrified yet, or rich white neighborhoods. The blue-collar neighborhood may or may not hold together. The inner rich whites areas are completely soft.
    When I worked in New Jersey, I would drive west away from the rich suburbs around Morristown on the surface roads. Once I got past Chester, the Hillary signs were replaced with Trump and gun stores were easy to find. That’s were a gun-grab or invasion from the inner city would get stopped cold.
    In the south, the liberal rings around the cities seem to be much thinner or maybe non-existent. Even a cookie-cutter suburban development in SC would be a nightmare crossfire for cops doing mass gun seizures.
    Despite all the stereotypes, blacks and whites seem to get along much better in the south outside the big cities. Not sure how that would play out.

  3. Hello Maxda,

    You are correct. I lived in those areas, as well. There was a time when Northeast Ethnics (Italians, Irish, etc) had strong bonds that offered communities of protection. Much of that has been phased out. Meanwhile, in the South, generally blacks and Whites run in parallel societies that do not intermix unless forced. This leads to a cautious peace.

    Thank you for reading!

    God Bless,
    Padraig Martin

    1. Excellent observation Padraig.I live in SC and a cautious peace is a very good descriptor.Very good article,I did enjoy it as always.God bless you.My belief is that this Jew-run Satanic society will be destroyed by God.The only question is whether its the end or will the faithful be allowed to survive and continue.The signs point to the one world system prophesied in the Bible bringing the return of Christ the King.What we have now is intolerable.White orphans placed with savage Blacks.Whites forced to send their kids to schools full of Blacks and Browns.Even the fact that if a White needs blood at the hospital you know the blood will be from racial scum.Its all Satanic.We are made in God’s image and we are degraded and mocked daily by the Jews who do their father Satans will.I say the return of Christ is what this world sorely needs.Thanks for all your efforts.Christ has won the final victory so noone lose hope.Final victory is ours!

      1. We agree with each other wholeheartedly on the ultimate Victory of God, led by Tye return of our Lord Jesus Christ.

        God Bless,
        Padraig Martin

  4. Ex con Wes Watson says in the Cali prison system Hispanics split into two groups. Southern Hispanics allied with the whites, northern Hispanics with the blacks. Mixed race have to choose, and can’t ride the fence.

  5. When that happens – which I believe will be sooner than most think …

    My adult children would tell you that I have been saying for many years there is coming a civil war in this country that they will likely have to fight without me, since my assumption had been, until the elites manufactured the fake “pandemic,” that the event would come after I am dead and buried. Those same kids would now tell you that I “changed my tune” about how soon that war is to come as soon as I realized what was going on with the so called pandemic, which was very early on.

    I agree with you that it is coming sooner than later, and I now believe I will be here to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with my children above-mentioned when the hour comes. Pretty sure the iniquity of the Americanites is almost full (see Gn. 15:16 in this connection).

    Excellent article, sir. Thanks for writing it.

    1. As a fan of your writing, Mr. Morris, I sincerely appreciate the compliment.

      God Bless,
      Padraig Martin

  6. Any US government entity will support the non-Whites. In fact, the government is already leading a racial war against Whites on various fronts. I’m convinced the occasional statement you hear from Democrats about using the military and even nuclear weapons against us is not hyperbole but wish fulfillment. Leftists are not shy about promoting genocide, and it’s almost illegal to be White in any “Western” nation. The outcome for people of European descent is very poor while the self-chosen hold as much power as they do in our countries. I don’t have any confidence that things will be better for our race unless the zionist entities suffer a total, catastrophic collapse.

  7. I would caution the usage of Trump as some sort of catalyst for good. The opposite, to me, is actually true.

    There is no aspect of his life that is not dominated by jews. Every family member is entangled. His protégés and mentor are mostly jews. All the banking money is jewish. His real estate dealings would have never happened without the jew. Almost his entire administration was jewish (or their shabbos sycophants). Israel and Netanyahu ruled virtually every foreign policy. He even got on board with some gun law crap.

    And this doesn’t even mention he is a full throated Yankee who, too, has no problem culling our freedoms (think the Covid jab).

    No. I think Trump is part of the Kabuki of civil war. Trump’s rhetoric (because most of what he actually did served the jew) was/is/will be to give whitey some false sense of security, when he is in fact a divider of race and internal whites.

    My prediction is that Trump and Obama run in the next election. The Final Race Showdown.

    1. I do not believe Trump was a good thing. Rather, I think he was an accidental president that scared the real levers of power. The only thing Trump achieved was rile up the left.

      God Bless,
      Padraig Martin

  8. I believe, if any conflict arises it will be between the States and the Federal Government – once again. We see the signs more and more coming out the regime, the latest the creation of the ‘Ministry of Truth’ in direct response to the Elon Musk’s purchase of the Twitter, that was a very powerful propaganda tool for the Government. Remember the Twitter was used to spark the Arab Spring and the numerous devastating events for the M.E. and for the Western Europe. It was a useful tool to suppress the truth, and spread misinformation about the BLM riots, the 2020 election and the Jan. 6th protests.

    I think the blacks will sit-out any conflict between ‘Whitey’s. They surrendered their Nationalism for the handouts and the quotas. As far as the Hispanics, they are already firmly in control of the majority of the enclaves in the Western states. California (the media never discussed one of the biggest ethnic cleansing of the blacks from their historic neighborhoods in the Las Angeles, by the hispanics) Nevada (East) Las Vegas. I am suspecting they will act up opportunistic in the case of any unrests, but the target will be white Liberal neighborhoods in the Blue cities.

    Interesting times ahead for sure.

  9. “when blacks eventually rise up, Whites will not know what hit ‘em.” Isn’t this what Charles Manson called “helter skelter” did that whackjob know something we didn’t back then lol?

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