One way to describe propaganda narratives to someone who’s become skeptical is as an alphabetic sequence of events, of which only the current letter is acknowledged to exist by the propagandists. It’s simplistic so it doesn’t require much time.
For instance, Russian military intervention in Ukraine (let’s assign it D) is a countermeasure to other letters further down chain which have yet to transpire. These would be the instigation of unrest in Russia ( E ), the overthrow of the Moscow government ( F ), and the dissolution of the Russian Federation into multiple weak and exploitable entities ( G ). These are stated and unrelenting goals, as the Russians are well aware and the U.S. public is not.
According to the propaganda, this isn’t a defensive action but retaliation against Ukraine’s peaceful aspiration to join NATO ( C ). In other words, they only acknowledge ( D ) by describing it in dishonest terms in relation to an outright fabrication ( C ), not the other letters further down which offer plausible explanatory value for conflict on such a scale.
An impediment to this approach is a misguided expectation of reason on the part of your interlocutor. Perhaps for psychological reasons, people often have a difficult time believing that something which seems vaguely justifiable at present could be a deliberate step towards future outcomes they’d consider insane or outright evil.
Examples help in this regard, particularly the rainbow miasma. When gay marriage was forced on the population, non-dissidents were able to shrug it off as something regarding private relationships that wasn’t going to affect them. Anyone who tried to point out that this would lead to escalation towards some sort of societal implosion was dismissed as a bigot who wanted to interfere with someone else’s love life.
Now, here we are with schools turning kids into trannies and their parents getting punished for raising objections. That’s not a coincidence, it just wasn’t marketed to the public as an ensuing step back then, leaving a large percentage of the population bewildered. And yet, this is all easily explained if they can accept that the situation is crazier than they ever expected. So, if you’ve got somebody who fits the bill looking for answers, this is an approach to help them make sense out of many issues.

I’m proud to officially announce my candidacy for the office of Dogcatcher.
Russia Insider. Just discovered this site. Here’s a link to an article I’m sure you can appreciate:
Not entirely off-topic, my newest video for the Rebels to enjoy:
or Bitchute, if you prefer to not give YT the hit:
Nice, you do the singing?
Yes, Sir. My old friend DC Dave writes the parodies (I do, sometimes), and I sing all parts (if harmonies are needed, too) and construct the videos (which includes researching graphics and any other elements needed).
Each video normally takes around 20-40 hours depending on how I construct it. However, this one came in at about 15 hours and I finished another one about Vaccines (a parody based from Eric Clapton’s “Cocaine”, that took about 8 hours total). A Quickie, as it were.
Singing is the quickest part (I try to do them in one take, if possible), but I am not that good (although I was told, jokingly, I’m sure, that the Vaccines singing was better than Eric’s). LOL (ridiculous)
If only I could play guitar like that.
Check this out (had to do Bitchute because YT automatically strikes any vaccine video):
I’ve got one on tap called “Hello Ruble Thursday”. Guess what it is derived from and why? I also have a documentary type video I’m working on called WeiAmerica, which gets into all the nitty gritty details of Weimar Germany and (((who))) they were that made the NSDAP form to take them out and comparing to the US today.
Feel free to share any of my work as you see fit. Or, if you have a video idea, let me know.
I found the lettering scheme in OP to be un-optimal and made the whole thing a little overly complex. Why not start out at the beginning (A) of the alphabet, instead of jumping right to C as the first letter used?
IMO, the easiest (and also true) arguement to use in favor of Russia’s invasion is this: “the Ukrainian government is actively working with neo-Nazi terrorists (Azov) who’ve corralled people into movie theaters and blown them up, stored weapons in residential areas, and has spent the last 8 years carrying out a genocide (15k+) against ethnically Russian people in eastern Ukraine, banned their language, etc”.
Don’t get bogged with with WWII revisionism stuff, this isn’t the time or place. Just show how the situation is bad even based on their own criteria