It Ends Not with a Bang but a Cackle

If you’re going to put forth a narrative that isn’t credible, at least get somebody credible to do it. This would seem like a sound operational principle for the string pullers of our freedom-loving democracy but it’s not. For example, if your narrative is that black women are a highly capable demographic echelon, don’t put one of their worst charlatans front and center. That’s exactly what they did:

They’d really have a tough time ditching Kamala. She’s already the vice president and according to the narrative, as a black woman, she’s the most qualified to run this country next. Also working in her favor is that she’d have to be replaced with another black woman and she actually holds up pretty well against potential competitors in that field. I’d say we’re stuck with her for the next ten years assuming we survive, but that’s pretty iffy so don’t get yourself too worked up. This could all be over very soon.

Doesn’t really matter.

Still, consider Biden as a proof of concept. If they can trot out a senile man elected via fraud, and one who gropes young girls on national television, and pretend like everything is fine as he slurs incoherently and most people go along with it, cackling through two terms ought to be no trouble for President Kamala.

This new thing about awe-inspiring black women is really about White men. The narrative is that we’re the worst people, and they’re at the opposite end of the spectrum from us, so it ranks them as the best. The best people rise to the top positions because that’s how it works in a freedom-loving democracy. Therefore, when a spot on the Supreme Court opens up, only black women can be considered for the job.

Their narratives always lead to predictable emperor-has-no-clothes moments, like Kamala’s cringe trip to Eastern Europe. The question is: does that ever lead to introspection on the part of the string-pullers? Accountability is clearly out of the question, so I just ponder this one.

My answer would be no, because they keep doing the same sort of idiotic stuff again and again. Perhaps that’s because they’re incapable of introspection without first being held accountable for the disaster they created. History would suggest this simply isn’t a mental exercise they perform at all, so maybe not.

Another possibility is that they feel compelled to stay on script even though they’d be better off abandoning it. They know they screwed up, but they have to stick to it because to do otherwise would be an admission they were wrong. That would explain quite a bit.

Either way, they’re accelerating this train until the wheels fall off. Well-spoken White men would’ve made better fall guys because the public can actually believe they’re in charge. After all, the Dick Cheney Military/Industrial Complex stuff was good cover for the Iraq War. They just can’t help themselves so I suppose we should be grateful.


  1. They were seriously talking about running Oprah. Well, maybe Oprah will be Camelback’s VP. I don’t see this continuing though, and have long thought that Revelation chapter 18 may be describing our nuclear demise. Still, the chapter mentions the merchants of the world bemoaning the loss of ‘Great Babylon’ and I can’t think anyone else in the world will be sorry to see us gone. This country has become a joke without a punchline.

  2. “does that ever lead to introspection on the part of the string-pullers?”

    I don’t think introspection plays into any of this. And I think that they HAVE to keep the lie alive, at least until their (((controllers))) tell them to change the narrative. In other words, almost every national politician is under their directives.

    One thing that seems evident is that none of them seem to care when they are caught hypocritically in some lie (even long-standing ones), when they are told to change the narrative. They know that almost nothing can cause their demise, as long as they do what the controllers tell them to do.

    Most Americans are too far gone intellectually to understand the control method being used, and have been brainwashed to believe the lies you outline (like black women being more capable than white men).

  3. Kamala Harris is not qualified to be the manager of a McDonald’s restaurant, much less Vice-President. She’s just a whore, and a stupid one to boot

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