What is Mammonism?

What is Mammonism? The Webster dictionary definition of Mammonism is, “one devoted to the ideal or pursuit of wealth.” If that sounds like the modern state of Western civilization, you are correct. Today, we are deracinated, individualized, and depressed. We went from organic nations working together for the benefit of our communities to individuals, angry, bitter about the world, and only working for money. Then, we use that money to spend on hedonistic pleasures. We aren’t tied to our homes anymore; we are rootless cosmopolitans.

The world’s cultures are being wiped away by Mammon. Even today, our leaders serve the “all mighty dollar,” there is no God to much of the West anymore. Even elements of the Church, with all its wealth and worldly possessions, spites God by praying to false idols – modernity, faux Christianity, neoliberalism, etc. Much of the modern Church obviously does not serve Christ; it serves Mammon. Nations are being destroyed on the altar of Mammon because culture doesn’t make money, it bastardizes it, turns it into a cheap copy, and sells the shell of it.

Liberalism is the philosophy of Mammon – with the individual being the center of the universe, they can do whatever they can to make wealth. They can lie, cheat, and even kill for money. Some don’t see a solution to the earthly hell we are in, the plastic model of our world. However, I do have a solution to save my home country, Florida, from Mammonism. We need to make a “Spiritual Florida.” It will require the foundations of my state to be cemented in Christianity and honor our ancestral traditions. In Florida, we have the bedrock of a true organic culture, but the rabid materialism and Americanization of our culture has corrupted it. We need a culture that isn’t bound to the worship of money and material comfort. Rather, we need God as the center of our culture. And, a society that promotes working together as a united nation (Florida), instead of rootless individuals.

How will we achieve this? Simply by getting back to the roots of the nation: we need to have families again, they are the lifeline of the nation, the blood even. We need to be more communitarian, talk to our neighbors, start youth groups, and try to be social. We need to destroy the fetishization of money and material luxury, we must nationalize the people. Furthermore, we need cooperation. We will need a Florida economy that subdues capital for the betterment of the nation, instead of the devotion to Mammonism.

I have written about corporatism before, and I believe it would fix our money-worshiping woes. With a God-centric and nationalistic Florida, we could be free; we would be free from Mammon, free from the American Empire, and free to live and prosper in an independent Florida.

-By Baron of Pinellas


  1. “Civic culture is dying, our national loyalties now look parochial from a world perspective, and the global circulation of information seems to condemn all forms of ethnic and religious particularism to eventual oblivion. In the global melting pot, particularism can survive, we are told, only if people accept a rigorous separation between politics and culture, politics and religion in particular… The global market has no place for peoples who assert their own traditions in public or claim superiority for those traditions. Ethnic and religious diversity is tolerated, even celebrated, but only as a kind of tourist attraction. Civic life is swallowed up by the market; buying and selling become the only activities we have in common.” ~
    The story of the American political order, at least to this point, is the collapse of the influence and autonomy of the local into a consolidated political and financial order [going globohomo], what Jefferson’s people called monarchy. This order is not merely political, it includes cultural, social, RELIGIOUS, and political mores and habits [global] in their scope and often emanating from institutions closely aligned with the centers of political and economic power.

  2. You’re on the right track. Check out Gottfried Feder’s ‘Manifesto for the Abolition for Enslavement to Interest on Money.’ He gives some spot-on definitions of ‘Mammonism’. The problem is that even the State of Florida, though not an Empire like the forced union, is really not a nation that can become a unified community because it’s multiracial and multicultural in its makeup. That pretty much precludes any concert of action culturally, socially or religiously.

    1. Florida and most cultures within the American empire have the ingredients to become an ethnos. just need an organic state to create it.

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