Bugmen and Systemic Racism

In my brilliant and paradigm shifting article on “The Science vs the science” and the cult of Bugmanism, I explored a disagreement on the term “science.”  It’s one of those things that we all know, but isn’t always easy to articulate or frame in a way that helps organize one’s thoughts.  The same thing happens with a lot of the anti-White, victimhood Olympics we see today, with things like Critical Race Theory (CRT) and its absurd foundations of “White power structures” and “systemic racism.”

White power structures are neither electrical plants painted white nor are they towers made of racism.  Equally disappointing is the fact that systemic racism is not a well-organized, efficient, and well-documented process by which racisms are produced and distributed.  Given that somewhere around 110% of all hate crimes are actually hoaxes, it would seem that the demand for racisms far outstrips the supply.  Not even the Federal government can keep up with production quotas.  

What these terms actually refer to are any organization made by White people, and not exclusively and intentionally for the benefit of non-Whites, and White civilization, respectively.  The Bugmanist belief in CRT claims that White power structures are institutions built by Whites for the benefit of Whites, due to systemic racism.  Built around this is a bunch of mumbo jumbo about White people not knowing they’re racist, but are still like super-duper, extra mega racist.  The fact that normal people see this as painfully stupid and embarrassingly childish, while the Bugmanists take this as an article of faith, cuts to the heart of the issue.

The crux of the matter is the phrase “for the benefit of White people.”  Normal people know instinctively that Whites didn’t just get together one day and come up with civilization.  Europeans weren’t wandering around, living in caves, and just decided at random to form a committee and lay out the rules and organization for civilization.  At no point in White history did the rulers get together and conspire to hold down non-Whites.  The kings of East Anglia and Wales didn’t call for a meeting to figure out how to oppress all the black people who weren’t running around medieval England.  

Even during the fight against “civil rights,” the idea wasn’t strictly about oppressing blacks because it just irked the snot out of Whites to see black people not needing White charity and caretaking to survive.  Well, at least in the South, where people thought the government shouldn’t force people to do things at gun point.  Hating people for daring to not want to be micromanaged is an incredibly Yankee trait, which they can’t stop projecting on others, but I digress.

The idea that they weren’t at the center of every conversation, that they just weren’t important to people who had never heard of them, is utterly baffling to “woke” blacks and their worshippers on the Left.  This is because of an instinctive narcissism that can be seen in nearly every black conspiracy theory, from the CIA inventing AIDS and crack cocaine to harm them to the space program being created to divert government money away from them to the idea that the health care system is designed to actually kill black people.  Even the conspiracy theory about blacks being hunted down by police is a childish fantasy based on vanity and a persecution complex.  The Bugmanist savior complex feeds into this heavily, of course.  

Many blacks are self-centered and narcissistic by nature, and their fawning acolytes have done nothing in the last 60 years to check this particular impulse.  It’s a bit like Hollywood’s elite who think their opinion matters because they were in a heavily fictionalized movie loosely based on a news event that was mostly lied about by agenda driven media.  Nobody tells the not-actually-that-attractive-IRL Hollywood starlet to shut up, so she blathers on about things she clearly doesn’t understand, and Congress invites her so they can stare down her top during her “testimony.”

“For the benefit of White people” denotes a particular intention that White people simply did not, and despite it being a really good idea, bear in mind non-Whites while doing things.  It actually isn’t who we are, despite it being the ego stroking, “not your fault” salve of the perpetual victim class and the Victimhood Industrial Complex that invents these narratives.  Our ancestors simply built things to last and the rules and ideals that became the traditions and cultures lasted because they continued working for the descendants of those people.  

The entire argument of White power structures and institutional racism collapses under this very slight scrutiny.  These “power structures” weren’t invented to intentionally exclude non-Whites, nor were they built with race in mind at all.  Other races simply weren’t considered by the people who founded them and there’s absolutely no evidence that they were.  It’s the projections of self-centered, dimwitted people who hate the idea that they aren’t the center of attention and don’t want to admit their failings are their own doing, as opposed to the massive nanny state that spends incalculable wealth and time to provide them assistance in every facet of their lives.

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