The Ashkenazi Suicide Path

I am not someone on the Dissident Right who hates all Jews.  I am well aware of Jewish Supremacism and the strong links between the dismantlement of Western Civilization and the ascendancy of Jewish elites.  That stated, I view this inversion through the lens of political realism and nature.  Jewish elites are working on behalf of their respective tribal affiliation.  That is natural.  Rather than hate them for it, we should be studying from them, learning, and working for our own interests.  If Southerners engaged in ethno-nepotism as the Jews do, we would not be in the predicament we find ourselves today.  But there is a strange quality to the actions of Jewish elites that needs to be recognized for what it is: Jewish people, whether they are engaged in Jewish Supremacism or not, are inviting their own destruction by dismantling a society within which they uniquely thrive.  I call this The Ashkenazi Suicide Path.

To begin, it is important to understand who the Ashkenazi are and why they are being uniquely set-up for irreversible harm by the actions of those ostensibly working on their behalf.  First, Judaism is a religion, but being Jewish is an ethnicity.  This is hard for Christians to understand because they typically disassociate ethnicity and faith.  For example, among Whites, one may be both an Anglo-Saxon and an Episcopalian, two distinct entities.  Perhaps the closest thing to the Jewish intertwined identity is found among Irish-Catholics.  I will always be an ethnic Irish-Catholic, even though I am no longer a Catholic (I find more in common theologically with Presbyterianism).  For Jews, being Jewish is an all-encompassing construct that is both cultural and genetic, even when they do not practice the faith.

Jews favor the matrilineal blood relationship.  This embrace of matrilineality means that a Jewish family would view the offspring of an ethno-Christian male (e.g., Norwegian-Lutheran) and a Jewish woman as being a Jewish child, even if the child were raised Christian.  The child will never become “un-Jewish,” and if the child is a female, her offspring will be Jewish, too, even if raised Lutheran.  Conversely, if the product of the marriage were reversed, and the child was raised Jewish, conservative Jews would not view the child as Jewish – he or she is just honoring their Jewish heritage.

Recognizing the importance of the intertwined ethno-religious identity of Jews, it is then important to understand that there are two primary Jewish ethnic lines: Ashkenazi and Sephardic.  Approximately 95% of all Jews are Ashkenazi.  Only 5% of Jews are Sephardic.  Sephardic Jews have their origins in the Arabian Peninsula and North Africa.  These two sets of Jews are distinct.  Whereas most on the Dissident Right focus on modern Jews, who are primarily Ashkenazi, the Ashkenazi Jews were barely a blip on the European radar until about the 14th Century.  Sephardic Jews who worked in tandem with Muslims to help conquer the West, are those with whom early Western European Christian-Jewish interaction originated.  For those Christians who may be confused as to why Jews and Muslims would work together, it is important to understand that Muslims and Sephardic Jews have almost always worked together, because Muslims consider Jews “of the Book” (the Bible) and Muslims believe they have a shared Abrahamic lineage.  One needs only to read the Constitution of Medina to understand Mohammed’s feelings on the protected status of Jews.  But Sephardic Jews, although far less so today, once looked down upon the Ashkenazi.

There are a whole list of origin references about the Ashkenazi, ranging from some who say they originated in Germany to others who state they were a Turkic tribe that suddenly embraced Judaism in the later portion of the first millennium.  Wikipedia, which frequently peddles misinformation, offers several origin points.  In fact, the Ashkenaz are referenced in Genesis 10:3 – likely written about 1500 BC.  Thus, the tribe predates Germany and modern Europe.  Additionally, the tribe is referenced in Jeremiah 51:27, as a Judean ally against the Assyrians.  They are referenced as a tribe occupying Armenia, which would make a lot of sense genetically and historically.  Since Jeremiah lived and died around the 6th Century BC, we know the Ashkenazi were a well-entrenched, warrior tribe from the Caucasus that likely traded (at a minimum) with Judea and were familiar with early Israelite worship. 

Movses Khorenatsi, the Armenian historian and Saint, wrote a history of Armenia that I read prior to working in Yerevan.  Armenia was the first European sovereign territory to embrace Christianity as a state religion.  Again, this makes sense, given its historical ties to Biblical Israel.  This conversion likely led to a revival of some version of Judaism coupled with refugees after the Romans destroyed Jerusalem in 70 AD.  All in all, Ashkenazi Jews are most likely far older than many believe them to be.  More importantly, they are genetically White (Armenian) – a controversial position to take by anyone on the Dissident Right or the Jewish Left. The fact is, both the Bible and historical research indicates that the Ashkenazi Jews predate the Turkish invasions that come at the end of the first millennium.  While it is likely that the Northeast Asian origin-Turks added Asiatic blood to the Ashkenazi, they similarly did this to the Greeks, Serbians, Romanians, and other Eastern European peoples whom the Turks either conquered or attempted to conquer.  Prior to the Turkic invasions, the Ashkenazi Jews likely looked similar to Byzantine Greeks: fairer skin, lighter eyes, and other Caucasian physical attributes.

This genetic origin of the Ashkenazi Jews brings me back to the original topic: The Ashkenazi Suicide Path.  As the Turks pushed from East to West, refugees of various ethnic types similarly sought refuge in Europe.  This would not have been a problem for Christians originating from the East.  For a tribe of Armenians calling themselves Jews, however, this would be an issue in late-Medieval Europe.  Christians knew that Jews were responsible for the death of Jesus Christ.  As such, Ashkenazi Jews were largely confined to the edges of Central and Eastern European nations, often acting as an independent, parallel entity.  This differs from the Sephardic Jews who were being courted by Western European states that sought complex financial dealings in an increasingly trade sensitive world in the post-Turkic ascendancy.  In other words, while London employed Sephardic Jews to count their coin (before an expulsion in the late 13th Century), the Ashkenazi Jews were primarily tinkers, tradesmen, and serfs extending from Russia to modern-day Germany.  Occasional intermarriage with other Europeans not only ensured Ashkenazi Jews enjoyed genetically White features, but more likely awakened them within their early Armenian genetic line.

Why is all of this important?  Jews are racially White, even if neither them nor National Socialists agree on this point.  As such, the steps that far-left Jewish Supremacists have taken is parasitic in nature.  It is suicide by another name.  A smart parasite at least knows not to kill the host.  Rather, Jewish Supremacists seem hellbent on destroying Western Civilization.  What they do not seem to appreciate is that – whether they like it or not – Jews are viewed as White by our replacements.  Worse, they are non-Christian Whites, meaning that blacks and Hispanics, both of whom identify as overwhelmingly Christian, do not look favorably on the Jewish faith.  Catholic Hispanics who are not introduced to Dispensationalism and do not recognize a Jewish Jesus, have a significant hatred for Jews.  Meanwhile, blacks are well aware of the Jewish involvement in the slave trade.  They will not make distinctions between Sephardic Jews and Ashkenazi Jews, when White Christians are out of the way.  All one needs to do is listen to the speeches of Louis Farrakhan or any Black Hebrew Israelite.  But why are they doing this?  I have a theory before closing. 

The Ashkenazi Jews really began to settle in the United States toward the latter portion of the 19th and early 20th Centuries.  By the time they began to settle in the United States, the Ashkenazi Jews had three massive cultural shifts occurring simultaneously.  First, Bolshevism – a Marxist revolutionary movement in Russia – was heavily influenced by Jews who derived from the merchant middle-class of Czarist Russia.  With a significant number of Jews in impoverished socioeconomic status within Russia, these middle-class Jews, many of whom ascended through academia, had a willing army within the ranks of a disaffected Russian under-class.  Many of those Russian Jews came to the United States during a particularly unique time of far-left Jewish radicalization.

Second, the industrialization of the 19th Century and the collapsing Ottoman Empire shifted more Jews away from Eastern Europe and into more accommodating Central and Western Europe.  By the end of the 19th Century, Ashkenazi Jews were found throughout France, Germany, Italy, Poland, and elsewhere.  Again, many brought with them radical ideas and given that they were less likely to assimilate, they were viewed as troublemakers.  This led to attacks by fed up Christian Europeans with long standing lineal connections to the lands now occupied by a foreign people.  Tensions heightened and the Ashkenazi Jews, who bred like rabbits, did little to ameliorate the situation.  As future generations of Jews began to enter into political, economic, and academic positions of prominence, many saw it as their mission to destroy the very countries and cultures whom they believed to be responsible for previous pogroms.  Institutions like the Frankfurt School emerged in the post-World War I Era.  When the National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP) took power in 1933, they immediately deconstructed these culturally corrosive institutes and many of those Jews fled to the United States.  Who was there to greet them?  Many Jews with Bolshevik sympathies who had settled in New York and elsewhere during the tumultuous early days of the Marxist Russian Revolution.

Third, and finally, the ascendance of Ashkenazi Jews in Europe was not entirely left leaning.  Zionism began to arise in the broader push for Nationalist movements in Europe.  These movements, which led to Greek, Romanian, Bulgarian, and other Eastern European independent states, as well as a war in Ireland (1918-1922), were not ignored by Ashkenazi Jews who believed Palestine was their territory, not Great Britain’s.  These Zionist Jews were mostly devout fascists and Hitler agreed with them.  Consequently, the NSDAP Germany spent millions on fomenting Zionism, supporting the creation of the modern state of Israel, as well as providing military training and aid to the early founders of the Jewish state.  In 1948, when Israel was recognized as a country, it should be noted that not all Israeli-Jews were happy to accept their Ashkenazi kin who were left leaning with radical cultural morals. 

Furthermore, I believe this is why some Ashkenazi Jews who are anti-leftist tend to be the most virulent anti-leftists.  They see things through a Nationalist lens.  Whereas there is an element of Zionism, there will also be an element of “homeland” reactionary sentiment.  This probably explains the hardline anti-Communist approach of Ashkenazi Jews like Stephen Miller and Ashley Rae (“Communism Kills”).  They are not less Jewish, they just know that the alternative – the collapse of Western Civilization – brings nothing good to the table – for their people or the world writ large. 

Still, the combination of Zionism coupled with both ingrained, early 20th Century Marxist sympathies and an “us-vs-them” mentality now plays a strong role in Ashkenazi Jews who have recently ascended to power in the United States.  One hundred years ago, Jews were largely seen as gangsters and generally constrained to large urban environments. Today, their descendants occupy the most powerful positions in society.  Many of them view this as an opportunity for both revenge and to firmly entrench their positions of power.  The irony is that, in order to achieve these goals, they need to kill the functioning society they inherited from the previous Anglo-Saxon elites.  In so-doing, they will kill themselves.

A few weeks ago, Ashkenazi Jewish comedian Seth Rogen wrote the following on Twitter: “The [overwhelmingly negative] response to the Santa Inc trailer shows exactly why we need diversity. Too many angry white men can’t accept that their time is up.” Rogen deleted that Tweet, but the sentiment was insightful.  It mirrors the views of many leftist Ashkenazi Jews in the United States.  Sephardic Jews are an infinitesimal group and largely non-existent in the United States.  But the Ashkenaz now enjoy powerful positions previously occupied by Whites.  The diversity they invite will eat them, too.


  1. Great commentary. Jews, in general, never felt comfortable in majority-white countries, so for them to use the Western open societies, and white’s relative lack of ethnocentrism is a perfect place for their project. In some sense, just like the rest of the non-whites view themselves strictly in racial terms, and seek to advance their race/ethnicity against the others, is a perfectly natural state. My biggest problem, and should be yours too are the “other whites.” The leftist whites are the ones who will come after us, first because they outnumber the non-whites and they have the power to do so. The academics, the media, the FBI, the entire U.S. establishment, and even the U.S. military. Remember their driving force is “Ideal to change the World” and as with all ideologies, they aren’t reformable. Their hatred of ‘reactionaries’ approaches the Pol-Pot level.

  2. “The result of Jewish domination is always the ruin of all culture, and finally the madness of the Jew himself. For he is a parasite of nations, and his victory signifies his own end as much as the death of his victim.”

    Adolf Hitler, ‘Zweites Buch’, 1928

  3. This is another variation of the standard cuck reaction to to white-hating racism – “it’s bad because it hurts people of color!”
    Jews are literally the leaders and leading cause of what can only be described as genocide against the white population and we’re supposed to feel sorry for the effects it might have on them? Give me a break. As long as you and your family are destroyed Jews don’t care about the relatively minor damage it does to them. They’ll just move on to another victim (that is if the world doesn’t learn the lesson of the United States). For the reason why see the Scorpion and the Frog.

  4. I would like your thoughts on why Jews have so diligently, and at great cost, gathered their people in Israel only to pfizer the crap out of them. Why would you run programs to increase the fertility of your nation only to poison them and implement a surveillance state.

  5. Jews have an old and complex culture.
    However, the have no native civilization, so they must slip into our civilization, in order to survive in the world.

    PROBLEM: Jews are incompatible and inimical to our civilization.

    This leads to Tikun Olam, and you know the rest.

    There is no solution bother than forcible separation.

  6. The most radical and powerful Jews, who now fill many key positions in government, academia, media, and corporations (including ‘Big Pharma’), despise the White race (Christian or otherwise) for no other necessary reason than the simple fact that our mere existence (with such beautiful, brilliant people, and great historical achievements) proves to them, on a daily basis (no matter how rich and successful they become), that they can in no way be “God’s Chosen People”, and that our existence stands in their way of what they believe, in their hubris, would be their total world domination (even though that without our goy military and police forces they could not keep or rule over anything). A beautiful White girl from a trailer park is of more actual value than an ugly plastic-surgery JAP from Beverly Hills, for example (and they know it!). And so, they would rather tear it all down and reset history to eliminate that constant reminder of their actual cultural/genetic inferiority. In short, a psychopathic, genocidal inferiority complex — even if they somehow understand that they are killing their host.

    As a result, with them pushing the false narratives, we have suffered: two world wars (brother wars); the ‘civil wrongs’ movement (forced integration); anti-White ‘affirmative action’ in hiring/promotions; open-door immigration policies; porn of every deviant description; the opioid epidemic in rural (i.e., White) America; CRT; vastly under/unreported black-on-White crimes (especially rapes); cultural appropriation and outright removal (as in new movies, commercials, and statue removals); and the most recent plannedemic ‘death jab’ culture and mandates (look at Australia, Ireland and Germany!) that could could potentially injure, sterilize and/or kill millions.

  7. Very interesting article. It is replete with factual errors, which I will discuss below. However, the thesis is solid. The author gets it better than the commenters. Ashkenazi Jews are uniquely macrosuicidal, but are also personally filled with mental illness. Highest rates of schizophrenia, for instance.

    There is no clear explanation for this, but it’s likely built out of revenge for the pogroms and discrimination, as well as a generic universalist tikun olam thing. Tikun olam is of course a minor Feature in actual Judaism, and doesnt even mean the Marxist nonsense it is purported to mean (you can wiki this).

    In any respect, the Orthodox and right wing jews are greatly outbreeding the leftist jews and I expect them to be extinct in a few generations (death injections aside), altho that may not be fast enough to save the west.

    Regarding to the factual errors, it is a common Christian appropriation (microsupercession?) Myth to say that an ethnic Jew who becomes Christian is still a Jew. Marx has Jewish ancestry but he isn’t a Jew, even with his rabbinical grandfathers. His parents rejected Judaism and Jewry, as did he. No one would say he’s a Jew except internet Nazis and maybe leftist jewish nationalists. The same with Lenin, a quarter ancestry, but in no way Jewish. Some Christians today claim to be Jewish, but it’s just ancestry. They rejected their people and only try to cleave back in their embarrassment and desire for identity.

    Next, Sefardi Jews make up far more than 5%, altho most are in Israel. They are probably 5 to 10% in the US, if that’s what was meant, but they are between 15 and 25% worldwide, indeed, Israeli Jews are largely sefardi (and mizrahi).

    The thought that Ashkenazi are from Armenia is quaint, but patently ridiculous. Why did they speak German in the 12th century if they floated in from Armenia in the 14th? Aha! The fact is that Ashkenaz in the bible has nothing to do with Ashkenaz in medieval Europe. Ashkenaz in the bible is indeed somewhere around Armenia, probably. But it was for some reason appropriated to refer to northern France and Germany. Compare with Sefarad referring to Spain, despite it’s biblical version also near turkey.

    Ashkenazi Jews first appeared in the early medieval period in…Ashkenaz, northern France and Germany. It’s not entirely clear where they came from before that, or their numbers. Yiddish developed out of German. There’s no genetic indication of Caucasusian origin. They were gradually pushed towards Poland, where they primarily developed into what we know today.

    The Nazi support for Zionism is an understated part of history, but only brief in nature. The moslems persuaded Hitler against it, and I believe persuaded him to kill instead of force migration. It’s also an incomplete view. The nazis originally Liked the idea of zionism, but most Zionists didn’t like the idea of nazis. Some did, but most zionists, at that time, were leftists.

    Finally, Hispanics have a much more complicated view of Jews than this author makes. Blacks absolutely hate Jews and have every reason to from slavery to slumlordism. Hispanics, however, are as deeply philosemitic as they are anti. Colombia is one of the most philosemitic places in the world. Many hispanics likely have significant Jewish ancestry. Indeed, it would make sense to flee to the new world if you were suspected of insincere conversion. There, you are forgotten, and deal directly with the king. It would not be difficult for hispanics to identify with Jews.

    Again this is a very good thesis otherwise and needs to be discussed more. Macdonald doesn’t quite get it. And Jews need to be awakened to what they are doing. I don’t think most jews off college campuses and twitter are like this, but they still vote Democrat.

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