Before we begin today’s article, I would like to take a minute to thank Identity Dixie’s sponsors – just kidding.
But, seriously.
I don’t own a television. In fact, I haven’t owned one now for more years than I can even remember. It’s no secret that if you’ve read my past articles, you are more than well aware of my disgust for mass media. That being said, I still, despite all my own personal efforts, get exposure to it due to how saturated our environment is with the propaganda box. One of the biggest reasons to hate television is not just the NPC, SJW propaganda shows, filled with uninspiring, unimaginative, and artistically lazy propaganda, but because of the soul sucking commercials.
A long time ago, it used to be that commercials were never allowed to be louder than the loudest portion of whatever show they happened to be slotted into. Of course, this was far too sensible and had to be removed. Not only are the commercials louder and dumber than ever before, but they’re also all very political. In fact, I dare you to find a commercial on television today that is in some way not politically charged. It’s disgusting how everything has become about the leftist message and progressive sensibilities.
Of course, this is by no accident. Every marketing firm which does commercials on television are owned, staffed, and funded by leftists. From there, this is played on the networks which are also owned and run by leftists. Not only are you giving your money to them by paying into this system, you are also paying for your own destruction, the destruction of your mind. This has worked to an amazing degree of success, as well.
Think for a moment of the completely manufactured situation that has been the coronavirus pandemic, and the manufactured hysteria, too. There are a great many people whose minds are so warped by television (or social media, smartphones, internet streaming, etc.) that it is impossible for them to discern reality from what the magic box told them.
Commercials are constantly filled with subversive messages meant to bombard your mind. This is called subliminal messaging. Miscegenation and black Americans in commercials are good examples. If you were a foreigner and watched American television, you would think that Whites are an insignificant minority in the United States. You would also think that this small minority of Whites exclusively date or marry non-Whites, per the television. Additionally, you would likely believe that almost the entirety of black Americans are middle-class, routinely wear sweaters, and live in million dollar suburban homes with perfectly manicured lawns.
Of course, reality does not reflect this.
This is why it is important that you not just unplug your mind, but physically unplug your television. One cannot begin to formulate accurate solutions to problems if their perspective on the problem is already skewed. This is the whole point of all the subliminal propaganda of television, the internet, Netflix, etc. If you can’t understand the world around you, then you can’t even begin to understand how to fix it. That is why the frog is put in a pot of water that slowly and incrementally heats up.
In a Free Dixie, I can assure you our media empire will be much more virtuous and wholesome than this vile degenerate garbage we have today – one that glorifies leftist ideology, violence, sin, sex, debauchery, and other elements better left to an insane asylum than your living room.
God bless you and God bless Dixie.

I have seen three emperors in their nakedness, and the sight was not inspiring.
You are not 100% right in your analysis of TV commercials you are at least 1000% correct!!
Certainly, people are aware they are daily subjected to Brainwashing 101, surely– surely
people are aware of what is happening if not, is there any hope? This is a great article glad
to see the message put in print.
My family and I haven’t had a television since the mid-1990’s. Even in those days I recognized and rejected it’s leftist, subversive nature. These days, I do try to entertain our young children with cartoons on Youtube but even there we are constantly bombarded with countless commercial featuring blacks people. You would think they were 90% or more of the population, it’s attempting to create a new reality and slowly doing so.