A Romanian Perspective on American Dissident Prospects

The other night, I finally had an opportunity to have drinks with my new neighbors, a couple that emigrated to the United States in 2015, from Romania.  They just moved from Virginia to Florida.  When I watched the couple moving into their home a few weeks back.  The couple was struggling and I assisted them with their furniture – as neighbors do.  Weeks later, over this past weekend, the couple saw that I was outside having a drink and cigar on my front porch with my wife, and came to bring me a gift, a bottle of Romanian wine.  It was a pleasant gesture and I invited them to sit with us over drinks.

As I explained to them, I worked extensively in Romania.  In fact, at one point, I was in Romania every other week for almost two years straight (2007-2008).  I enjoyed my time in Romania.  The last time I was in Romania, unfortunately, was 2015.  Most of my work brought me to Bucharest and Constanta, but I had the privilege of visiting Timisoara – a beautiful town near the Serbian border, that has a more Germanic feel than the concrete “Paris on steroids” vibe of Bucharest.  They explained that they were originally from Timisoara, which endeared us further.  As we exchanged pleasant memories of Romania, we eventually got into a conversation regarding the communist history of Romania and the ability of the Romanians to overthrow the most brutal of all the communist regimes.

Before I go further, I want to add context to this story and its purpose.  Nationalist movements throughout the world can provide great lessons to each other as to how we can achieve goals that elevate our respective peoples.  Of all those various nationalist movements, those that derive from the former communist Eastern Bloc, offer some of the best examples of overcoming communism and yet, they are also the least valuable to the Americans. 

Communism came to Eastern Europe as a product of the immediate post-World War II Era and the subsequent Soviet invasions.  In most cases, as with Romania, the various Eastern European states – many of which had been previously occupied by foreign invaders before achieving nationalist independence in the post-WWI Era – communism was imposed upon the masses rather quickly.  Whereas communist subversives were endemic throughout Eastern Europe, and occasionally problematic, the majorities of the various Eastern European peoples rejected communism.  Thus, it was forced upon Eastern Europe by their Soviet neighbors, who installed primarily Judeo-Bolshevik puppets and enforced unpopular communism by means of brutality.  When communist regimes collapsed, it did so quickly, largely because these societies never gave up on their unique ethnic and religious constructs.  Romanians, as an example, never forgot that they were Romanians – a unique European people.  The Romanian Orthodox faith is very strong among its people.

Furthermore, the variant of Eastern European communism was more nationalistic and in most ways, culturally traditional.  Eastern Europeans still did the bidding of Moscow, but in many ways, they maintained their unique identities, usually through strong, most often brutal leaders.  Yugoslavian leader Josip Broz Tito, Albanian leader Enver Hoxha, and Romanian leader Nicolae Ceaușescu, were all examples of leaders who were often vile in their totalitarian traits (despite Tito apologists).  Yet, none of them ever embraced a “Russian identity.”  Romanians remained Romanians, even carrying traditions that differed regionally.  Poles, Czechs, Slovaks… similarly remained wedded to their ethnic identities, despite communism.  For those who remember the 1990s, the collapse of Yugoslavia – literal Balkanization – was a reminder that communist totalitarianism was never able to overcome distinct, regional identities. 

The United States is different.  American Marxism has been a slow growing cancer, versus a sharply imposed cudgel wielded by a foreign entity.  Years of educating Eastern Europeans in state schools to become good communists was contrasted by their parental and family units maintaining distinct ethnic traditions.  By contrast, the vacuous American identity has been reduced to hedonistic consumerism.  A largely Jewish media reinforces cultural narratives that strip away Christian identity, promotes hyper sexualization, race mixing, and other messaging that serve to undermine the family unit.  Money is the focus of the broader American identity, and as such, when everything is viewed through an economic lens, it becomes easier to apply economic solutions.  Thus, socialism becomes the contrast to capitalism, and that ingrains itself into the body politic.  Republicans and Democrats argue over taxes and spending priorities, not maintaining the integrity of cultural values or the family.

The slow growth of Marxism in the United States is also tied to corrosive concepts on sex and gender.  In essence, this is the Judeo-Bolshevik Frankfurt School’s Cultural Marxism in action.  By making everything a subjective value, such as male-female biological reality, then nothing becomes valuable.  Slowly, the traditional patriarchal order collapses when a new generation has very little interest in preserving the family, society, or God.  When buying goods is more important than parental approval, Marxists can weaponize that instinct: if you want to buy more goods, you must embrace these immoral positions, or lose your job… Doxxing, the weapon of the weak, is most effective in a society that craves more “stuff,” to which, social acceptance is tied to consumer capacity.

As such, the United States is already fallen – with the exception of the American South.  Unlike other areas of the United States, the South has maintained both a unique ethnic construct and remains overwhelmingly religious.  Traditional values and norms still dominate the South, which is why Cultural Marxists are so aggressive in their prosecution of Southern identity and iconography.  Confederate statues remind the South that she is a unique region within the rapidly collapsing United States.  That is not acceptable to Marxist elites. 

Going back to the Eastern European experience, transgenderism, homosexuality, and other deviant behaviors were never embraced.  Women and men were not only biologically codified, they were socially stratified, as well.  Women may have worked, but they also cooked traditional meals at home.  Cooking and cleaning were still women’s chores in traditional Eastern Europe, despite communist doctrine regarding the equality of the sexes.  By no means should this be interpreted as an endorsement of Eastern European communism.  Rather, it is a statement of fact.  American Marxism differs from Eastern European Marxism, because American Marxism is, unfortunately, far more deeply rooted and likely to endure for a much longer period of time because it is a cultural movement – something that Karl Marx intrinsically knew when he hoped the United States would become the first socialist country.

Americans have always believed that their “rugged individualism” would protect them from Marxism.  The Constitution enshrines individual protections.  This false sense of security was exploited by modern American Marxists.  Recognizing that we stand as separate individuals – personal islands – Marxists know that they can weaponize consumerism, employment, and basic capitalism to isolate those who are guilty of “wrong think,” and ensure that they and their families will suffer for opinions that differ from Marxist doctrine.  Sure, you are “allowed” to have your own opinion, but because we are a capitalist society, expressing that opinion has consequences for your employer – who will fire you because you might hurt his bottom-line.  Our individualism comes at the cost of White solidarity.

Returning to my discussion with my Romanian neighbor, we talked about the final days of communism and Nicolae Ceaușescu – the Romanian communist dictator who was rightfully executed. My neighbors are about five years younger than me and they came to the U.S. originally on work visas.  They recalled the final days of communism.  Coming from Timisoara, they remembered that it was the Serbs across the border that helped them survive during the most brutal era of Ceaușescu’s 1980s austerity program.  They also remember that their families were critical to one another.  Eventually, it was Timisoara that would become the epicenter of anti-Marxist protests, leading swiftly to the collapse of the communist dictatorship.

Discussing their memories as young teenagers at that volatile time, it became very clear that they were describing a very different society and dissident movement than we have in the United States today.  American dissidents are often led by manipulative, self-serving grifters.  They sacrifice very little.  When they are hit, they either reform their perspectives in an attempt to become more acceptable or they wilt like weaklings.  Petty jealousies and infighting are prolific in the American Dissident Right, largely because personalities mean more than fraternal ties and causes bigger than themselves.  These “leaders” will quickly undermine and jettison members whom they perceive to be threats to their personal station.  I have always operated under the rule that you should not trust someone who speaks ill of another person behind their back (i.e., say it to their face).  That is almost the entirety of the American Dissident Right.

The Romanians described how important it was for union members engaged in anti-communist protests to identify important skill sets within the group and capitalize upon those skills.  Individuals that were good with finances held one role… individuals good with group organization, another… writers, communications, radio skills… all of this was quickly identified and used to better the group.  They also described how important family and tightknit bonds were to internal security in the early days of the Romanian counter-communist movement.  These are lacking in the United States.

While it was not a conversation specific to the Dissident Right, it became painfully clear that our movement is undermined by petty personalities and vacuous consumerism.  We are in bad shape.  The nefarious feds need only to place a minor rumor and let it spread like wildfire, originating from the mouths of trusted “leaders,” in order to discredit better skilled American dissidents.  If you want to create a systemic failure, put people in power who will use their station to isolate individual members, until it collapses from the lack of those skills within the group itself.  Groups within the group become competing beehives of discontent.  Eastern Europeans who had to combat secret police knew this about group cohesion, and although they had early challenges, eventually overcame them.

Ultimately, as the night went on, I asked the Romanians what they thought about the collapsing United States.  “It is terrible,” exclaimed the wife, “and it is happening so quickly.”  The husband explained that they now own land in Romania and will likely go back before the United States falls apart.  “It is more comfortable here, but that is the problem,” He explained.  He further stated that they miss their families.  Having come here on a NATO contract, they were both hesitant to admit that American military power is waning, but they eventually agreed, “It’s not what it was perceived to be.”

I asked, “What happens if the U.S. becomes a Marxist country?”

He responded, “America will never bounce back – and that would be bad.” I agree that the U.S. will never bounce back.  It is already gone.  Is that bad?  No.  The world needs to see a Marxist United States collapse.  The only problem is that we – the Dissident Right – are too petty, pathetic, and ineffective to rebuild upon its ashes.   We can learn from our Eastern European counterparts, but we won’t.  Instead, we will continue to elevate “leaders” who do nothing but undermine those who have a genuine interest in helping and as such, we will reap what we sow.  Welcome to communism.


  1. That’s why “organizations” fail, the same reasons Democracy fails, mob rule where sociopaths will always rise to power because they are good at manipulation. There are measures that we could take and I have talked about them for years, but that’s just it, talked. We just retread the same ground over and over again. I wasted the majority of my life just trying to figure out things we already knew and it continues now with the younger people who we don’t educate, just repeating the same dumbass process of waiting for them to be totally reconstructed and then the years of redpilling a handful. If we don’t teach our own children, then we just go home and wait to die, everything else besides education is a waste of time and you will just be writing this same article for the millionth time for a handful of people to read while they educate children by the tens of millions. I have ideas about how to counteract the cult of personality, but what is the point? We don’t write them down, we don’t make them teachable and we don’t teach it. So why bother? Why? If we don’t teach things, codify our understanding, map everything out and make resistance something people can do without starving to death while doing it’d, then just go watch sportsball. We are still on day one and will relive it, groundhog day style until there is only one if us left, sitting there in ignorance, doing something that they don’t even know has been done a hundred times because we did not write it down, make it teachable or act on it. We just talk in circles and do nothing worthwhile, waiting on the next generation to start at square one on day one and do it all over again. What a waste of time.

    1. Hey Michael,

      There is some organizing on-going now by different groups. At issue is how to guard against hot-heads who draw unwanted federal scrutiny while recruiting the kinds of individuals who can contribute positively to the group as a whole. But there is a lot more behind the scenes organizing across the Dissident Right than meets the eye.

      Thank you, as always, for being a strong contributor to this site through reading and sharing our content.

      God Bless,
      Padraig Martin

  2. Interesting article.

    The unique cultural, tribal, and blood ties in the South must be awakened again, as they have been from time to time. It’s imperative to win the culture.

    We should keep American dissidents and others at arms length. Not because they are enemies, but because the are not us. Those Southerners in American dissident movements must be brought home.

    We are those that still believe in honor, nobility, and sacrifice for our people. Separation from the empire starts in our souls, tied to blood and soil.

    Men speaking face to face, plain and truthful.

      1. There are many organizations that promote Southern Nationalism, Southern history, Southern culture. The SCV, SNC, LS, Abbeville Institute, etc. and of course your always faithful Southern think tank here at ID. There are links to resources on this site.

        Get involved with one. Write an article for ID ( you have to earn your way in) or Abbeville , give money to the Virginia Flaggers( or join their groups).

        We are organized, but not monolithic. Only one organization would be easily infiltrated, corrupted, and destroyed.

    1. Hello Father Dabney,

      I agree that broad based “American” Dissidents are not our concern. At the same time, I think opening communications and ensuring that we are not stepping on each other’s toes is also important. I have seen far too many instances in which some American Dissidents are disingenuous grifters and others with potential. As long as we stay resolute in our positions, we will be fine.

      Thank you for reading and sharing, my Brother.

      God Bless,
      Padraig Martin

  3. Here in Appalachia we are more cohesive and less pozzed. I’m hoping we can get organized. BTW, my wife is Romanian and Vlad-the-impaler is one of my favs. We’ve started: https://t.me/Gobucs1030
    If you have telegram. If you don’t, consider getting it.

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