Code switching is one of those things where, once you see it, you can never stop noticing it. For those who are unfamiliar with the definition, it is when a person adopts the mannerisms or accent of the person they are speaking to. This is different from gradually picking up an accent or mannerisms after living amongst that particular group for an extended period of time. Code switching is an instant adaptation that is done during the speech or conversation and stopped once the interaction has ended.
Code switching is an example of condescension that is rather common among the ruling elite. White people who live in diversity free enclaves will attempt to speak Spanish to the waiter at the upscale Mexican chain restaurant. They do this for the dual purpose of getting the invaluable head pats from a Person of Diversity (PoD), and because they instinctively believe the PoD will have a hard time understanding them if they don’t talk down to them in their own dialect and lingo. A more cringe inducing example is when these same people encounter a black person.
Even non talented tenth blacks understand what is happening when Whites (like Hillary Clinton) try to speak ebonics and lie about having hot sauce in their purse. Hillary is one of the very, very few “people” who do this intentionally and as a calculated move. The dichotomy of someone being so calculating as to take what is usually a subconscious affectation and do it intentionally, yet do it so transparently and badly, is as hilarious as it is sad.
In contrast, watch Southern people who are alleged to be racist. They do not do this. Part of this is due the direct correlation between proximity and code switching. The more exposure a White has to PoD, the less likely they are to code switch. In fact, we actually have a pejorative for Whites who desperately imitate blacks. Part of why we find this disgusting is the code switchers are right, it is lowering one’s self to do it. Where they’ve got it wrong is that it isn’t a noble sacrifice, it’s a childish insult to all parties involved.
Code switching isn’t solely the domain of Whites, though they are the ones who do it the most. The distinction should be made that when blacks “act White” around White people, they are not code switching. That is called using manners. They aren’t talking down to us because we are too stupid to understand otherwise, they are behaving because they understand what is appropriate in a particular setting.
AOC was accused of using “verbal blackface” during a speech to black people in some place called “New York City.” After watching the speech, it became quickly apparent that despite having a mostly non-White constituency, AOC has never actually spoken to black people before. Or, has hired one of Hillary’s advisors. It was poorly performed, unnatural and generally so awful I couldn’t even laugh at it. Frankly, that’s the worst part. She did such a terrible job she stole my schadenfreude.
The Vice President of the Yankee Empire was recently in Virginia, stumping for the reprehensible Terry McAuliffe. It is only of mild interest that the ruling class is actually concerned enough about this election that they send the Vice President. What is of interest is that Kamala was caught code switching during her speech for the Clinton money launderer and former DNC chairman.
As a reminder, Kamala was born in California and grew up there and in French Canada. Her college education was in the soulless, accent free capital of the Empire at Howard, and her entire legal career was spent under various desks in California. At no point did she spend an extensive amount of her formative years hearing Southern accents. During no impromptu interviews or press engagements has she had an accent of any kind. Like Obama, who’s law degree was also dubious in its legitimacy, she seemed to dredge up a bad Southern accent when speaking to people south of the Mason Dixon.
It could accurately be said that Kamala’s code switching during this campaign stop wasn’t as cartoonishly egregious as Obama or Hillary’s. Her bad impersonation didn’t sound like a drunk Yankee trying to make fun of country music. It was, however, definitely there. It wouldn’t be inaccurate to call this yet another unconscious slight against Southerners. It is yet another display of how little regard they actually have for us.
What it also shows is how the ruling elite make little distinction between their supporters and detractors. Kamala wasn’t talking to MAGA hat wearers, she was talking to supporters. The crowd literally broke out into singing “Happy Birthday” to her. It is safe to say it was a friendly crowd. Yet, this audience of people, who’s votes were already locked up, needed to be condescended to.
This is an example of how far beneath them the Cloud People see the Dirt People. We are a barely indistinguishable pile of dirty serfs wandering around clueless, waiting for some enlightened, beneficent and self-appointed aristocrat to guide us. This kind of code switching to an audience, who does not need to be convinced, is a sign that loyalty to the ruling class buys the peasant class nothing. Even the smallest modicum of respect that would indicate recognition as being goodthinkers instead of badthinkers is below the concern of our rulers.
There is no small irony in the fact that the ones who finger wag about othering, unpersoning, and class warfare are the same ones who do exactly that to everyone beneath their station. If you are a regular reader of Identity Dixie, none of this is revelatory to you. It is, however, another point of data you can use when constructing your argument against the current system.

This is so true. You can watch liberal people do this and it is uncomfortably awkward. True Southerners , who have lived for generations around black folk, just act normal. This is true respect.