One thing that unites the Left, from neoliberals to Marxists, is its view of history. Specifically, the Left sees history as the “story of progress,” of better ideas replacing old, antiquated, stuffy arrangements until those systems are themselves replaced by an even better system. This is why “old-fashioned” is used as an insult on the Left and why “It’s the current year!” and “Get with the times” have become their rallying cries. In response, much of the Right have fallen into a view of history that sees terminal and constant decline, a sort of reverse-Whig theory of history. But, this is a serious error. One reason is that it causes despair and it is a sin to despair. Also, because it is incorrect and not all that traditional. A better, healthier, not to mention more accurate, view of history is to view it as cyclical, or even as an ebb and flow, moving like the tide.
A good way to observe this is on the subject of sexual morality. Now, growing up in the wake of the sexual revolution of the 1960s, many on the Right view this as a totally unique break with the rest of history. As such, the time before the 1960s, if not exactly a golden age, is held up as a saner period. And, there is a lot of truth here, but it also misses some of the bigger picture. First, we must understand that what we understand to be moral sexual behavior is entirely because of the legacy of Christianity. In the classical world, free men had the right to do whatever they wanted sexually, be it with women, children, or men of lower social rank (although, there were some taboos and prohibitions in the ancient world). The sexual message of Christianity, that all were called to chastity, was completely foreign to the world of the Greeks and Romans. None of this means that sexual morality is relative because two cultures disagree on what it is, no more than a culture believing that 2+2=5 means that the answer to 2+2 is relative, but this still must be understood first and foremost.
But even beyond that starting point, we can still observe an ebb and a flow to sexual morality in the historical record, one of a cycle of things – behaviors getting worse, then getting better, only to get worse again, then bouncing back. The 1400s, for example, was a time of great sexual openness. Was it as bad as today? No, no one thought that two men could be married or that one could change their gender, but it was a time when prostitution was tolerated and even encouraged. The result was a very nasty syphilis outbreak in Europe during the early 1500s and, as a result, a revival of a much more austere sexual morality in the late 1500s and 1600s. To be blunt, it worked, though never going away, syphilis went down dramatically. However, this would lead to a generation that did not understand the consequences of sexual sins like those in the 1500s and 1600s did, leading to a greater amount of sexual accessibility in the late 1600s and 1700s. Naturally, that came with another outbreak of STDs, including syphilis. Eventually, there was another clamping down to deal with the latest outbreak of STDs.
As much as leftists like to mock the rigid morality of the Victorians, they fail to understand that this was a response to a society that was literally driven mad by syphilis. Much like the earlier backlash in the late 1500s, the Victorians were successful. Perhaps too successful, as by the 1960s a new generation had arisen that saw sexual morality not as a means of protection, but rather as a means of control. This was made even worse by the advent of the birth control pill (and later abortion) that created the illusion that one could be free from any consequences of sexual misbehavior. Of course, the result was a new outbreak in STDs, but now including HIV/AIDS that was all but a death sentence until fairly recently.
Leftists like to view the spread of STDs as the result of sexual repression, but the facts do not bear this out. Let’s look at AIDS as an example. Though it is commonly thought of as a disease that first appeared in the early 1980s, its origins go back longer. First off, it takes about ten years after a body is affected with AIDS for the results to begin to show. That means, generally speaking, that men who contracted it in the early 1980s contacted it sometime in the 1970s, important to keep in mind considering what we are talking about as it was in the early 1970s that the police raids of homosexual bars stopped and homosexual men become much more promiscuous. That means the first significant AIDS infections happened in a sexually open, rather than sexually closed society. AIDS wasn’t spreading when the cops were still stopping them, it started when the cops stopped clamping down on homosexual behavior. Furthermore, there is now considerable evidence that the virus first emerged even earlier, the 1950s at least, but remained an obscure disease until the advent of the sexual revolution allowed it to spread.
The excesses of a society always creates a backlash, even if it’s a miniature one. Similar to how the 1960s had a great number of songs praising drug use, the 1970s saw more songs warning of the dangers of drug use (think “The Needle and The Spoon” or “That Smell” by Lynyrd Skynyrd). Remember, in the late 1960s and early 1970s several major musicians died in their twenties within months of one another – Jimmi Hendricks, Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison, and Brian Jones among them. This raises the question as to why we have not seen a backlash to the sexual revolution yet? In some ways, I think we did during the 1980s, but it was derailed, at least temporarily, by the mainstreaming of pornography thanks to the internet. However, history is being made as we speak, and though we may not see it yet, I do feel eventually there will be a backlash of some sort.
Those living in the 1400s and early 1500s, and again in the 1700s, could have asked the same question. And while it took decades, some semblance of sexual morality was able to be re-established. I feel the same will happen again, but it will take time. In many ways we are seeing the beginning of it now. Though the internet may have derailed the attempt to beat back the sexual revolution in the 1980s, there is an increasing number of young people who rather than considering pornography as cool, see it as abusive and disgusting and with good reason, they’ve been exposed to the worst of it for literally their entire lives. We are discovering more and more stories of abuse in the porn industry. More and more are beginning to wake up to the madness of the transgender movement. These are the building blocks by which sexual morality will eventually be re-established in society, no matter how long it takes, just as it was in the 1600s and again in the 1800s.

Yes, its done purposely, methodically by Jews with Yankee assistance in exchange for shekels. They write and distribute those songs and movies glorifying drugs and sex, they publish rolling stone maginze, they run the music industry and everything else, the purpose of their control is a delivery system for their poison.
The image that comes to mind is of a spider injecting venom into its victim so that it may suck up the resulting slop and grow fat. When Jews in Germany at the Frankfurt school were inventing Transgenderism and all of the rest, they were not doing it as a scientific pursuit, it was weponized cultural poison. Thank God for Hitler, exposing them as the foreign attackers they were, as their delivery vehicle for their poison is always in the guise of it being a production of one’s own culture, just as the hippies thought of that garbage as theirs.
Weponized degenarcy is what we are dealing with and just as the Germans found treating the symptoms is pointless, you must root out the enemy within and destory their delivery system if you hope to be free of it. This is why the fake Southern culture being developed in Nashville must be our top priority, second only to education. We must become the curators of our culture, expose and expell every Jew, Yankee and traitor from any instrument or vehicle that allows them to modify our culture and inject their poison.
We have to organize in a manner that allows this, picking up trash and polishing tombstones is a waste of time, we need real organization and real leadership. We need people with the understanding to counteract cultural Marxism and weponized degenarcy and they need the organization and resources to be effective. We need it 100 years ago, then maybe no Southerners would have had to die in Europe, hell we might have even joined the good guys and be free right now.
Organize (in a real way) or die.