Defining a Dissident

It can be frustrating to watch normal guys experience the current dystopia with dismay and alarm, and yet fail to consider how things are related in any sort of teleological or systemic fashion.

For example, I’ve never met a single one who could posit a plausible connection between how the MSM claimed the 2016 election was stolen by Russia, pivoted to the position that questioning elections is beyond the pale, and then link the contradiction to why gender transitions are being promoted to children.

Doing so is one of the capabilities that define dissidents. Another is a refusal to play by a malicious morality imposed upon us by people who don’t share it. Different characteristics of different demographics lead them to form moral outlooks that don’t impose the same constraints that Heritage Americans place upon themselves to avoid hypocrisy. Normal guys never wrap their heads around this one.

In 2016, it was pointed out that we fund walls in Israel and yet the same people who extract money from us to erect such structures oppose physical barriers to illegal migration on the southern border. They failed to understand that a sense of fairness and objectivity doesn’t exist in other people’s minds, so doing the “what if the race/nation was reversed?” or “content of their character” tropes is pathetic and pointless.  

Another characteristic of dissidents is emotional in nature, the ability to accept that things are going as bad as they’re going. Most men can’t seem to handle the fact that we don’t live in a democracy where our opinions and needs are taken into account, and that our rights are just words on a paper. They can’t accept the fact that they’re ruled over and having their opinions curated by people who hate them. For us, it’s a matter of following the facts to their logical conclusion, but they’ve got roadblocks in the way.

While they have some emotional obstructions, that doesn’t keep them from performing practical logic. The problem is that they can’t fathom how someone who is intelligent and successful could be propelled by a perverse and self-destructive logic. So, if you point out who’s running the show, it’s a concept many can accept insofar as the Israel Lobby is concerned.

But, if you explained to them that these same people see their values and existence as problematic, they can’t follow this line of reasoning because their values don’t involve doing anything bad to Jews. Their productivity and law-abiding nature is what creates the wealth and stability of our society, which ensure the security of Israel. Why would Zionists do things that would obviously create highly adverse outcomes for themselves? They’ll do the math on this quick and shut you down as a hateful lunatic.

I suppose it all comes down to how they see themselves. They just can’t accept being labeled as villains despite the falsity of the accusation. That could be due to a variety of traits, such as a lack of moral confidence, weak character, or simply a strong instinct for social conformity that would serve them well in other settings.

There’s an enormous amount of potential dissidents waiting to get our message. However, anyone who checks the “normal” boxes outlined above is a lost cause. That’s probably the bulk of our peers.

One comment

  1. For better or worse, humans are a herd species and the vast majority do not have it in themselves to think, let alone act, apart from the herd. They do not think independently; they just follow the social signals they see from their friends and the world around them. Propaganda simply hacks that instinct. The way to reach the masses is to first reach some of their friends and to keep hitting them softly with subtle messaging, and let them believe they arrived at their conclusions independently. The process inches little by little until you get to a tipping point and revolution will spring like a volcano.

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