On Justice and the Police

The Left is fundamentally incapable of understanding the broader Dissident Right.  If you read leftist commentaries on the Dissident Right, to include those originating from the government today, the general belief of the Left is that the Dissident Right is foundationally built upon white supremacy, xenophobia, anti-LGBT biases, and/or misogyny.  The general argument about the Dissident Right is one in which White Christian males are fearful of their replacement by others and, consequently, the Dissident Right is the manifestation of our fears of a future world, led by women, homosexuals, and people of color.  In essence, they effectively describe the Dissident Right as some kind of White Man’s death rattle.  Like any dying animal, we are described as dangerous because we see the writing on the wall.

To some extent, all of that is true – however, it is not true for the reasons the political Left believes it to be true.

The very heart of the Dissident Right is not race, gender, religion, or sexual orientation, per se (although, I will get into their contributions in a moment). The very heart of our movement is about Justice.  The Dissident Right, from across all spectrums, have one foundational principle that unites the groups: we all strongly believe in the application of “Justice,” a word coopted by the Left, but with an entirely different meaning. 

The Dissident Right desires to preserve a society by which laws are written in the manner constrained by designated frameworks, such as the Constitution, (e.g., Congress not Executive fiat, Parliament not bureaucracy, etc); those laws are enforced.  Justice is a system by which peers (juries) determine one’s guilt or innocence on the basis of facts, not emotions.  The Justice System (prosecutors, law enforcement) uses facts to determine as to whether or not to seek criminal charges, apply penalties, equal treatment of cases as determined by facts.  There is no such thing as “his truth” or “her truth,” there is just “truth.” 

One does not get to define objective facts on the basis of supposed racial or gender experiences.  Justice is a system by which objectivity is the root.  A Justice system predicated on subjectivity is not a Justice system – it becomes an emotional referendum by which the system degenerates into a popularity contest for easily manipulated, chosen outcomes. 

Within this unemotional Justice construct is the right to exist in a country of one’s own national orientation whereby skills and ability are the determining qualities of employment and outcomes – i.e., a meritocracy.  Of course, no one is naïve enough to believe that a true meritocracy has ever existed in the United States or elsewhere.  The politically connected and wealthy get positions that they would not otherwise receive.  However, the vast majority of positions are filled by the capable in a functional meritocracy.  That, too, is real Justice.  Rather than equaling outcomes, depriving the capable of positions for which they are best suited while elevating the personally inferior, a Just System will encourage the employment of the “best man for the job.”  Racial quotas, gender quotas, etc, are the exact opposite of Justice. 

Finally, there is one other element of Justice: the equal application of its foundational principles.  While the Left will cry about the fact that Justice was not universally applied throughout the history of the United States, citing Jim Crow Laws as an example, the fact is, we no longer have Jim Crow Laws.  The United States and the broader West have ascended to a point whereby laws are written with diverse influences (unfortunately) and law enforcement is charged with applying those laws equally.  Again, the Left will howl about the killing of black men disproportionately by police officers (a myth), but the fact that they are killing black men disproportionately would be a reflection of a color blind application of law.  The fact remains that most violent crime in the United States is committed by black males between the ages of 18 – 34 years old, therefore, it would be only natural that the largest number of those killed would be black males between the ages of 18 – 34 years old.  Unfortunately, that is not the case; White males in the commission of a nonviolent crime are the most likely to be killed by a police officer – and therein lies the other side of this piece.

Our systems of Justice have failed us entirely and that is truly at the root of the Dissident Right.

The Dissident Right is a broad movement whereby its adherents know that Justice is no longer functioning in the societies designed by their forefathers – and that is fundamentally wrong.  Because we are White males, we are denied employment opportunities because of quotas or open hostility toward White males by corporations.  In fact, corporations announce their hostility toward White men, and yet, the very people whom we have chosen to protect our interests within the system, politicians, do nothing about it.  The meritocracy we thought we had or hoped to achieve is now replaced by a system that openly provides preferential treatment on the basis of race, gender, and/or sexual orientation to the exclusion of potentially better qualified White male candidates.  That is not Justice.

On the news, we see countless examples of black males acting like violent animals and then being shot by the police – only to result in chaos and violence.  That chaos and violence is depicted as “peaceful protest” while police stations are burned to the ground and lawless autonomous zones are set up in commercial districts.  To date, I am aware of only one person who was prosecuted for his involvement in the leftist firebombing of a police station.  Otherwise, no one – not a single person – has been prosecuted by the Department of Justice for the extreme violence witnessed night-after-night throughout 2020, including the burning of a historic church and the desecration of historic federal and state monuments around the country.  Meanwhile, when hundreds of Trump supporters roamed the halls of Congress on January 6th, a handful shouting and breaking windows (the vast majority seemed to just wander aimlessly), the event was called an “Insurrection.”  The DOJ with the FBI and local law enforcement has set upon those peaceful protestors like blood thirsty Bolsheviks.  The unequal application of law enforcement is not Justice.

When the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff says that West Point should study Critical Race Theory – a Marxist perception on American history that is blatantly anti-White – and that he wants to understand “White Rage,” his overt racism toward more than half of his military screams loudly.  General Mark A. Milley is telling White people, “Do not join the military, there is no future in it for you!”  The fact that the same Department of Defense empowered a man who compared Trump to Hitler, over troops whom statistics show about half voted for that “Hitler,” speaks volumes about the new political test that has now emerged in the military.  Our tax dollars – as well as our children (and in some cases, ourselves) – contribute to the Armed Forces that are supposed to neutrally defend the American people and the Constitution.  Yet, if a conservative of any stripe were to voice an unpopular position that defies modern sensibilities, he will find himself out of a job.  That is not Justice.

Justin Tyran Roberts, a 39 year old black male, went on a shooting spree in Georgia and Alabama whereby he said he was targeting White men.  The Department of Justice is not charging him with a hate crime.  Cannon Hinnant, a five year old White boy murdered in cold blood by a black male named Darius Sessoms, was likely killed because of his race.  No hate crimes were filed against Sessoms, either.  Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom, a White couple that were brutally sodomized, tortured, and murdered because they were White by four black men and a black women, none of whom were ever charged with a hate crime.  Yet, the father and son duo in Georgia (Gregory and Travis McMichael) who were stopping a black burglar before he launched himself at the son in an effort to grab the weapon that ultimately killed the black burglar, have been charged with a hate crime.

At almost every turn, we see that Justice no longer exists in the United States – or anywhere else in the Western world.

In the UK, countless dissidents are arrested, imprisoned, and/or fined for so-called hate crimes, simply because they acknowledge that the United Kingdom they once adored is no longer.  They seek to preserve a British heritage and Christian fundamental values.  MI-5 hunts them down.  Meanwhile, a mullah in the same UK can shout threats toward the UK and the British people without any recourse.  Muslim grooming gangs throughout the UK are routinely kidnapping, raping, sexually perverting, and/or sexually assaulting White British girls – and get lesser jail sentences than someone who might say a slur on the internet.  That is not Justice.

In Germany, a Ursula Haverbeck, a ninety-something-year old grandmother who denies the Holocaust, is now in prison.  Meanwhile, the Muslim and African men who sexually assaulted more than a thousand women at a Cologne New Years celebrations received a few fines.  None of them did prison time.  That is not Justice. 

Now, comes my final thought: the pathetic cowards with badges.

Much of the Blue Lives Matter set love to show their support for the police during a time of unprecedented law enforcement vilification.  They love their cops!  How have the police rewarded them?  While the police ignore the wanton violence of the Left, they will crack down hard on any misbehavior from the Right.  It is okay to burn down courthouses, police stations, and police cars, but it is not okay to suggest Trump may have legitimately won the election in 2020.  The police will come after you.  That is not courage.

Consequently, the police are reaping what they sow.  The Left has always hated law enforcement.  “Defund the Police” is just the natural evolution of an anti-Western push to eradicate and replace long standing, functional elements of Justice.  But the political Right – especially the Dissident Right – natural allies of law enforcement, have become tired of the police, too.  They are slowly but surely learning that the police are simply robots to the political Left in power.  Even if a police officer shares the same political leanings of a member of the Dissident Right, he will arrest or harass him because his political bosses told him to do so.   That is not courage.

Anyone who watched the police push rightwing dissidents into the vicious communist agitators at Charlottesville – after refusing to offer protection for a legally declared rally – knows that law enforcement lacks the courage to stand up to orders they know to be wrong. 

If police really wanted to end the continued violent targeting of their fellow law enforcement officers, they would grow a spine and begin to act.  The demonization of law enforcement is part of a holistic strategy to dismantle Western society.  The fact that not a single police department has yet to hold a “Blue Flu,” (i.e., the entire or majority of a given department calls out “sick”) is indicative of either a police force that is “in on the game” or lacks the courage to take a demonstrable stand on behalf of Justice.  I believe it is a lack of courage.

While some would like to point out that police officers are not allowed to engage in political protests or “Blue Flu” type strikes, the fact is, neither were the countless coal miners, truck drivers, and longshoremen in working-class history.  Just like police officers, their jobs and livelihoods were on the line, too.  Yet, to improve their operating conditions, they bravely risked their lives and incomes to strike in some way.  Police officers, by contrast, are only as brave as the badge behind which they hide.  They are quickly making themselves irrelevant by their inaction.  Many are choosing to quit, rather than to fight back.  That is not courage.

The last line of defense for a Just Society, law enforcement, is now opposed to that very same society, too.  The Dissident Right exists and is strengthened by the realization that all we held dear – especially operable Justice – has been lost.  The best thing we can do is create parallel societies that reestablish functional Justice.  That takes work.  The cops are not coming to help you.  In fact, no one is coming to help you.  We have to do it ourselves despite knowing the consequences in a modern world.  That is courage.

As for the racial elements of the Dissident Right, we know through their actions that our enemies are anyone who does not look like us.  They are working together to dismantle functioning society and replace it with a dystopian hell.  The Dissident Right did not ask for this – we simply see the reality that is.  Have the courage to see that and act to improve your people.


  1. I view this as a holy war, their hatred of truth and justice is proof that they hate god. I hate them because they are irredeemably evil… little more than human demons.

    1. “I hate them because they are irredeemably evil… little more than human demons.”

      Matthew 5:43-45: “You have heard that it was said ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven;…”

      Matthew 7:21-23: “Not everyone who says to Me ‘Lord, Lord’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ And then I will declare to them ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’ “

  2. Very thoughtful post, and very true for the most part. The point about justice is a good one. The Bible says God has given a “deposit” of the Holy Spirit to ALL people. This is our conscience, I believe. Our conscience will not rest when things are not just.
    As for the police being cowardly, they are being put in the awkward predicament Jack London described in Martin Eden. They have kids and wives often, and are inherently conservative so financial insecurity is anathema. They would rather face a thug in a dark alley than risk their retirement.
    Many in sherrifs however, have defied unconstitutional gun laws, making their counties “sanctuary ” counties, or like Loren Culp chief of police in Republic Washington.

  3. Very impressive Padraig.You write material that is new and refreshing and provokes the mind to think.I’ve always despised the FBI etc but held out hope for local Sheriffs to side with the people.After carefully reading your wise thoughts I do believe you are 100 percent correct.I do not believe anyone that is part of the evil system will ever do anything but obediently take orders.You give excellent examples of how time and time again we are let done by this system.God must not let these evil murderers of the soul continue to control us and abuse us.This system will fall.No need to rise up against it,that would even prolong it.God is going to crumble this Satanic Jewish beast with his mighty hand.Bless you and yours and all here Sir,I enjoy each and every word you write.Thanks.

  4. Kentucky is correct, I shall state that I did not mean to say that I hated them but I posted anyway. As human demons (as above so below) they live to hate, also they want to be hated in return. It is their meal and should be denied them, also they hatred they foster in others corrupts them. So yes do not hate them

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