Beyond Toobin Cringe

Who is Jeffrey Toobin and why is he important? In reality, he isn’t important. He is most likely a martyr for the Left. This is the beginning of a new leftwing project. For those of you who don’t know who Jeffery Toobin is, he is a legal analyst that works for CNN.  Evidently, he was on a Zoom call with The New Yorker and during a break decided to relieve some tension by, bizarrely enough, engaging in masturbation. And, he accidentally forgot to shut his camera off. So, everyone on the Zoom call could see what was happening. He is very ashamed of his actions and has a lot of rebuilding to do, he says. Why is any of this relevant? Why did this make the daily news? What is the purpose of this?

It is all very simple really. It’s the Left trying to, yet again, normalize the perverse.

Of course, I’m sure the initial response from most people will be that it was a mistake and we should give the guy a pass. I, personally, can think of a number of times I have forgotten to shut my microphone off while on a call. So, forgetting to shut the camera off is very believable and that he simply forgot to end the call and went about his “business.” He is a grown adult and not hurting anyone, right? This is what the masses will lean towards. In my more libertarian days that would have been my argument – he wasn’t really hurting anyone, they could have disconnected the call, too. That’s always the statement though, [fill in the blank] isn’t hurting anyone, that is how the Left gets their foot in the door. Everyone probably remembers the line about gay marriage – “Let them get married, it isn’t hurting anyone.” Today, we have to have discussions about five year-olds identifying as the opposite sex. There is always some innocuous item that starts us down the path. Getting high on marijuana “really isn’t hurting anyone,” so now the Pacific Northwest wants to discuss the legalization of heroin.

We, as logical individuals, typically fall for this tactic most of the time, or are too busy with our own lives to spend effort on it. We usually ignore the benign first step that the enemy uses to get the ball rolling. Those that do see it for what it is, look irrational for saying anything. The normies, on both sides, will just sit idly by. When someone raises their hand about the decline or some new degeneracy, they will chastise them and call them a conspiracy theorist, Nazi, or something else ridiculous.

This is that first step, people will talk about how ridiculous this segment is, but they will be talking about it. They will also be talking about masturbation; in our current environment, we are talking about hormone blockers for children. Just to point out, I wanted to be a firetruck, lion, supersonic jet and an Orca whale when I was five years-old, so excuse me if I don’t believe a child can pick their gender. In this world, we have to view the weird and ridiculous (and even the benign) and ask ourselves, “what is the long game here?” KidsHealth, an online site from New Zealand, says it is perfectly natural for kids from the age of 5-9 to masturbate in private. Just to put this into perspective, this is kindergarten to fourth grade.

Since last May, the World Health Organization has been stating that kids 0-4 need to be taught about masturbation and gender identity. They should be taught about the right to explore nakedness and ask questions about sexuality. Not that it should be encouraged or how to deal with these questions as a parent, but that they have an absolute undeniable right to ask and explore these questions. I don’t know if I believe Toobin made this mistake or not, and it probably doesn’t matter, honestly. I am sure he was approached and told, “Hey, bud, we need you to take one for the team.”  I am sure he promised there would be a little bit of embarrassment, but they would take care of him in the long run.

This is the advantage the Left uses. While those of us on the Dissident Right see this as the potential for normalizing public masturbation and a potentially dangerous precedent, the normies get to “talk about” masturbation. Just like we’ve had other “talks” – like homosexual marriage, transgender children, and drag queen story hour. This may seem like hyperbole, but we’re trending to Brave New World territory at this point.

-By Dixie Anon


  1. I would argue that the Brave New World period is coming to an end, it started with the boomers and will soon be replaced by 1984… an impoverished police state. Neo-feudalism here we come, the hedonist phase was just to soften us up I think.

    1. I don’t think the brave new world is done yet, for the simple fact that the family unit is still holding on by a thread.

  2. Going from Toobin’s hedonistic idiocy to Nixon’s costly and completely unwinnable ‘war on drugs’ made for a stupid essay. What’s the difference between Big Pharma’s ‘get you high’ pain killers, and weed and heroin? If my neighbor across the woods wants to smoke a joint and sit on his butt all day while doing so, that’s his business. And will likely do his body much less harm than guzzling a Bud Lite 6-pack, or a 5th of Evan Williams every night.

    1. That is exactly the point. People don’t care if someone else tears themselves down. That is what the enemy counts on to slowly chip away at the bigger plan.

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