The Third Reconstruction

This Atlantic article written by Wilfred Codrington III, an aspiring black lawfare attorney committed to the great project of bringing White America to heel, is worth reading because it is an insightful look at what the ruling class has in store for rural America and the South. It will make your head hurt and your heart ache. 

Like any topic subjected to deconstruction analysis, his cherry-picked and dizzying re-spinning of history is disorienting, which is a deliberate part of deconstructionism. 

For those not familiar with deconstructionist analysis, it’s a Marxist inspired pseudo-intellectual approach applied primarily to the arts and humanities. It was created by the Sephardic Jewish/French philosopher Jacques Derrida who said his goal was to re-evaluate Western values and meaning through a re-interpreting of the West’s classics of philosophy, history, literature, and politics. It quickly metastasized and is now the processing chip that powers everything you hate and which makes your world ugly, vulgar, and shitty. In large part, you can thank Derrida for the intended demoralization of modern architecture, LGBT studies, and the all-female cast of Ghostbusters.

But I digress. This isn’t about deconstruction, but Reconstruction 

Here are the relevant highlights and timeline from the Atlantic piece:

The First Reconstruction (1865 to 1877)

“If another Union is formed, the slave States can have no part in it except on the principles of entire and perfect equality.” 

The Thirteenth Amendment abolished slavery, the Fourteenth Amendment bestowed citizenship on them, and the Fifteenth Amendment extended the franchise to men nationwide.

Alas, the first Reconstruction failed ultimately because there was not adequate money spent to help freed blacks prosper.

The Second Reconstruction: The Civil Rights Movement (1948 to 1965)

Truman’s 1948 Executive Order to desegregate the military, the Supreme Court’s 1954 decision in Brown v. Board of Education, Johnson’s Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the 1965 Voting Rights Act.

Alas again, Whites rallied to roll back Civil Rights progress with the War of Drugs, the Tough on Crime era in general, claims of reverse discrimination, cutting taxes, and apparently the command of weather by unleashing vengeance on blacks with hurricane Katrina.

The Third Reconstruction: Truth, Reconciliation, and Recompense (2009 to Right Now, Son)

“History has revealed a recursive white weariness from trying to solve “the Negro Question.” The work of reconstruction will be less exhausting—and the results far more stable—if everyone participates in crafting the solution. It’s not enough for elites to design a project and dictate its terms and conditions. Instead, achieving meaningful progress will require us to join together “in the work of remaking this nation … block by block, brick by brick, calloused hand by calloused hand.”

If Reconstructions 1 & 2 freed blacks, gave them the franchise, and enacted laws giving them generous access to institutions and resources, what might be the objectives of the Third Reconstruction? 

  • Sweeping criminal-justice and more voting reforms to “transform the United States from the world’s leading carceral state into a truly multiracial democracy.”
  • Direct investments in black communities to guarantee stable housing, universal health care, and high-quality education, “necessities for achieving a more inclusive economy.”
  • Truth commissions to investigate and assign guilt and any current ties to the mass historical American atrocities as has been done in dozens of other countries.

Well then. You will notice it has been the exploitation of “democracy” and the power of the vote that has been (and will continue to be) the tip of the spear for achieving their aim. There is ample precedence not only in how Communists undermined targeted nations to “one vote, one time” their way into power, but also the scores of U.S. border towns, cities, and counties, like Dearborn, MI, that simply Elect for Revolution. 

Instead of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity, the rallying call for the Third Reconstruction will be, Truth, Reconciliation, and Recompense, and with a very heavy emphasis on all the remedial aspects that Recompense suggests. Economic for sure, but also whatever humiliation or martial force that will be necessary to stamp out the “systems infected with virulent, mutating strains of white supremacy,” Wilfred Codrington III detects.

Third Time’s a Charm

The deconstructed view of history is one that sees the first settling of America until now as a devious initiative inspired almost entirely around schemes to subjugate and control blacks. 

Given the Amendments and policies cited and how they’ve been enforced, it would seem in fact that the intent has been to not just correct for past crimes but to will into reality a New Purpose for the Nation Formerly Known as America: Every action of consequence henceforth must be devoted to ensuring non-whites materially prosper and have positions of authority.

The Third Reconstruction will be the worst. The previous two used the blunt force of weaponized law against non-compliant White people. Supporting this final Reconstruction is the near omnipotent power of coordinated media, a dominant low culture controlled by a highly sophisticated and pervasive entertainment industry, the entirety of the institutions being captured, and a federal government now unified globally as never before with ideological allies. 

Add to this a disturbingly large percentage of people who are adherents and true believers to the New Purpose of the Third Reconstruction and who have permission and the zeal of religious conviction to pursue heretics using any level of violence and means. 

Again, it is rural America in general and the South in particular is where these forces and laws will be unleashed. 

What Can be Done? 

Yes, elections are rigged and if you’re a true dissident, you by definition have walked away from the system, elections, and disavow the government. 

The problem with this position is that instead of a great sudden collapse, it is more probable that we have decades of slow decline left and in that time the Third Reconstruction will do what it is intended to do: erase your red Southern state off the map with a flood of laws and relocated people to make your community unlivable. 

Fighting this with a national strategy is so unlikely to be effective that it should be ignored as an option. Likewise, an outside the system strategy is noble, but it’s a long term solution. 

What is needed is that we advance today with hyper-local tactics.

With little effort, you can run and win local offices that have real impact where you live. Yes, it means participating in the system. Yes, it will only be buying time. But it is time we need. Your county, township, and your school board levels have the power to do way more than you have been led to believe.   

Regardless what you think of the late Phyllis Schlafly and the Eagle Forum, Schlafly penned a pamphlet  that led an effort to encourage people to run for committeeman and why this “lowly” position was so important. I easily won a committeeman election with 52 total votes cast (I had roughly 30). There’s even a good chance you’ll run unchallenged. The same is true for township offices. School boards and county level is marginally more competitive, but a few hundred votes TOTAL are how these elections are won. 

Even in a minor elected position, you will have state-wide access to others and an opportunity to advocate and even monkey wrench if needed. You will find allies. 

Begin locally to pass policies like the following that will attract like-minded people and help them find their voice while discouraging hostiles from coming.

  1. Ban affordable multi-unit housing targeting suburbs and rural areas.
  2. Ban the resettlement of illegal immigrants including unaccompanied minors (many counties have a say in this)
  3. Ban critical race theory in government, schools and private businesses.
  4. Ban all future health related restrictions (mask mandates, lockdowns, vaccination passports in government, etc.) in schools and private businesses.
  5. Ban common core in your schools.
  6. Ban public signs not in English.
  7. Ban drag queen story hour in any public place.
  8. Make your county or town a 2A Sanctuary.  

The South is still recovering from the First Reconstruction. It will not survive the Third if we fail to act. 


  1. God bless Dixie.

    So we are buying time, to do what exactly? What is the long term plan? What are we running interference for? Its important because we always thought we were buying time. We were wasting it. It only gets worse and nothing changes. We don’t even educate our own children. We don’t do anything meaningful, its always just more of the same old nothing.

    What are we buying the time for? What is the plan? What is going to be happening while we are stalling that is going to lead to reclaiming our home?

    1. Michael…You are 100% correct in saying we’ve wasted time. Likely not most of the people reading ID Dixie, but our side generally has failed to build healthy networks and communities that help one another in personal matters or act as a bloc in local affairs. We believed others were doing the work for us. That is the first fail.

      The second is the Right in general and Southerners in particular have not articulated an ideological core we can agree on or easily share with others. There are fractured attempts but little unity. Related, our people are reluctant to support the efforts of those organizations who have made good effort to offer an ideological core for Southerners to embrace and work with. The League of the South is probably the best we have and any shortcomings they have is in large part because not enough people are supporting them or offering feedback.

      I believe there is still time. And I have to also believe that even the most checked-out person sees now that “time was lost” and this is the final shot. So buying time means only two things: 1) To literally stop the importation of the third world into our neighborhoods by being LOCALLY politically and civically active. 2) Take seriously to organize now those communities and networks of communities. We still outnumber our foes but have no means of coordinating a bake sale let alone anything that really matters in our own zip code.

      Failing this, you are right, we are in trouble.

      1. Thank you for the reply, I agree with all that you said, even the SCV is an embarrassment, only today I read an article on RT and it was like they put every Boomer talking point into one person and the SCV marched them out to make us look like fools. He literally went off on how we never had it as bad as the Jews, talked about racism for half the interview, how much he loves blacks, denounced the KKK and fell for every other trick in the book. It was an complete embarrassment.

        We must articulate our stances on everything, codify everything we have learned, exile the traitors from our discussions and circle the wagons.

        Most importantly we have to pay for everything, and I don’t mean by begging our people for hand outs either. Our enemies print money,, we must match that capability. Its time to loot the treasury and if we were at least somewhat organized we could, but we are not, its a joke.

  2. Jewish Bolsheviks and their attack dogs! We are in trouble, but there is also still time, IF — and only if — White Americans stop cringing and cucking and pulling punches, from this instant on.

    Come on! It’s not exactly nasty to inform people that so called systemic racism and White privilege are actually the results of our having an Anglo Saxon culture, into which others may not fit, AND if such others cannot accept that, they must establish their own culture, but not at our expense.

    Don’t back down from reminding your White family, friends, and neighbors of this and other facts, including FBI crime statistics, the Bell Curve, and the facts about the Jewish roots of the African Slave Trade™ — as well as the actual coinage of the word, “racism.”

    People who are too fearful and wishy-washy to promote the facts, don’t deserve to be preserved from the consequences of those facts, so don’t be that way and don’t accept that from anyone you know! Just be nice, but firm, and practice the virtue of Courage; it is the foundation of all other virtues. Without courage, all other virtues lead directly to your enslavement!

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