During the debates on German unification in the 19th century, known as the German Question, two major plans would emerge. One was the Großdeutsche Lösung (Greater German Solution) which would unite all the German-speaking states into a single nation. The other plan was the Kleindeutsche Lösung (Little German Solution) which would unite all of the German states other than Austria, which was already an empire in its own right. The differences between the two plans were fundamental in determining what kind of nation Germany would become. If the Großdeutsche Lösung was implemented, the future Germany would be massive, stretching from the North Sea to the Adriatic but would also be significantly less German due to multi-ethnic Austria. It would also be more Catholic, and power would be split between Prussia and Austria. By contrast, if the Kleindeutsche Lösung was implemented, then the future Germany would be smaller but also more ethnically homogenous with a relatively small number of French, Danes, and Poles. It would also be far more Protestant and dominated by Prussia.
Using that as a jumping off point, I want to outline five major proposals in what I will term “The Dixian Question” – i.e. what a Free Dixie will look like in terms of its territory. I will outline what each proposal is and the strengths and weaknesses of both. I will not be arguing for any specific proposal. Keep in mind that these should be seen on a spectrum, as some proposals can and will fall between the proposals I have outlined here.
The Single State Solution
The Single State Solution focuses only on one Southern state becoming independent from the United States. The plan is to either have a grassroots Dixie Spring or, similar to the free state project, have enough Dixian nationalists move there, and through voting and political campaigning, take over the government. Though the plan can be found in one form or another in every state in Dixie, thanks to our localism, it is strongest in South Carolina, Texas, and perhaps Florida.
The advantage of this solution is its simplicity. Rather than trying to coordinate across multiple states, the goal is to focus on a single one like a laser. Far fewer races would have to be won and the borders would be much clearer. The close proximity of the participants would also reduce reliance on the internet.
The disadvantage, however, is that that single state will be much smaller, especially if the United States manages to stay solvent, which may make it difficult to maintain independence in the long run. Texas, thanks to its massive size and abundance of natural resources, would be in a better position to maintain independence, but even in that case maintaining independence would be difficult.
The Deep South Solution
The Deep South Solution focuses on multiple independent states, or sections of states, that form the “Deep South” – the states of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, and South Carolina are typically included in this region. In some definitions, northern Florida (especially, the Panhandle), east Texas, west Tennessee, far eastern Arkansas, and southeastern North Carolina are included. In addition, some definitions exclude the northern portions of Alabama, Georgia, and the extreme southeastern part of Mississippi.
The advantage of the Deep South Solution is that this is the area of Dixie where Southern identity is most strongly felt, and was the most pro-secession during the War. This means that a strong foundation has already been laid for a future Free Dixie.
The disadvantage of the Deep South solution is that Dixians (that means the white people native to Dixie) would be very close to a minority in this proposed country, due to the large black population. In some areas, they already are a minority. This would mean that native Dixians would be very close to being outvoted in their new nation.
The Confederate Solution
Likely the most popular solution, the Confederate Solution sees the borders of Dixie as the same as the Confederacy and seeks to restore those borders. In some cases, West Virginia is included due to it legally still being part of Virginia. Oklahoma is also sometimes claimed because it was Confederate territory.
The advantage to the Confederate Solution is that it is the map of Dixie etched most firmly into the minds of the majority of Southerners and therefore is likely the most natural. It will also include the majority of Dixians and under this solution they would form a much stronger majority, making it easier for the nation to function in the international system, rather than risking an international boycott.
The disadvantage of this solution is that it would link the cause of Dixian Nationalism even more strongly to that of the old Confederacy, which may not be the most effective strategy, and it would also link Dixie to the particular politics of the antebellum period, too. Dixian Nationalists tend to be overly focused on the War, rather than highlighting Southern history as a whole, which runs from the early 1600s to the present day.
The Antebellum Solution
The Antebellum Solution focuses on Dixie before the War- essentially the states of the Confederacy plus West Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, and Missouri, the border states.
The advantage of this solution is that it does include almost all Dixians. Kentucky, for example, though tangentially connected to the Confederacy, completely identifies with Dixie today. The Kentucky Derby is almost always thought of as being Southern, rather than being Midwestern. This would minimize the possibility of a Sudetenland situation from developing.
The disadvantage of this solution is that many areas of this proposed Dixie no longer identify as being part of the South. Maryland was once considered the most northern outpost of Dixie, and all the way into the mid-20th century. Today, the state is culturally much closer to being part of the Northeast, despite a Dixian presence still burning in the more rural areas of that state. Meanwhile, the situation in Delaware is even worse. Working this out would be difficult and unless some kind of population exchange could be worked out, we would have an area along the boarder that would rather not be part of Dixie, causing us the same problems that Alsace-Lorraine caused for Germany prior to and during the Great War.
The Greater Dixie Solution
As the name implies, the Greater Dixie Solution seeks to expand a Free Dixie to its farthest possible extent. This would include not only all of the Confederacy and the border states (including Oklahoma), but also the Southern portion of Indiana, Ohio, and Illinois, considered part of Dixie by Joel Garreau in The Nine Nations of North America and Greater Appalachia (part of the Dixie bloc) by Colin Woodward in American Nations. Woodward also considers southwestern Pennsylvania part of Greater Appalachia. It would also extend into New Mexico, Arizona, and southern California due to the original Anglo settlers there being Southerners. Kansas is also sometimes included due to the desire to take Kansas for Dixie in the 1850s. Sometimes this is expanded into the entire Caribbean, forming the fabled Golden Circle.
The advantage of the Greater Dixie Solution is that with that vast amount of territory, population, and natural resources, Dixie would become the superpower of the Americas and one of the most powerful nations on earth.
However, the disadvantage would be that much of the land would only be marginally Dixian, creating the same problems that any multi-ethnic country has. Granted, without multiculturalism, we would not have the same problems the U.S. currently has, Dixian culture would be favored, but we would have many of the same problems that the German Austrians had. The logistics of pulling this off would be incredibly difficult as well.
Formed during a wave of nationalistic feelings in the 19th century, the outcome of the German Question determined what kind of nation the future Germany would be? An unmatched superpower in central Europe, but one far less German ethnically and culturally, or a still powerful, but smaller nation, largely ethnically homogeneous and culturally unified?
Similarly, the Dixian Question will determine what kind of nation a Free Dixie will be. There are many plans, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. How this problem is answered will determine our future.

Got a few things to say:
1) I believe the best solution is town building. We’re too dedicated to the empire to ever secede. We need to form our own town(s).
2) Of the above mentioned solutions, the Deep South Solution is the most plausible.
3) In regards to the single state solution, I was speaking to a self-declared “unreconstructed Southerner” the other day, and he said he’d be happy to support secession for my state so long as other states are willing to do so. Bad idea for us to go it alone.
I’ve heard the support for secession increase among normies since Biden’s ascendancy. We need to tap into that.
Excellent article. I’d just add a couple of points, and not limited to Southern Nationalists, but your brothers in sisters through the country: Globalists and Davos elites are doubling down on forcing the destructive agendas of race, gender and immigration upon the Western societies. It looks like Nationalism despite recent setbacks will not go away. In fact as much as globalists are fighting for Macron, La Pen has serious chances of winning and will shake up the EU (however we would see them doing everything in their power to undermine here just like they did Trump)
At home we need to give up on California and other toxic States, and concentrate on hardening Red states, and mark lines in the sand between people of two ideological opposites.
The blue cities inside the Red states need to be isolated, and as they use their volition to sideline Federal laws regarding Immigration, we could use the same discretions to make Feds persona none grata on our territory. With that we need full cooperation from the local law enforcement. Also, it would be wise to form local militias, or TD territorial defense units. Monthly meetings and training in first aid, disaster preparedness, land navigation, etc… All organized by local law enforcement. We need to start with electing town, and county officials first, and then moving on to choosing the State representatives. (Any of them who are given the sign of approval by the Chamber of Commerce shall be “discarded.”)
We have a lot of work ahead!
I interpret the Dixian Question as a spectrum of strategy with two poles being:
Pole 1: maximum land grab and maximum population grab at expense of ethnic homogeneity
Pole 2: maximum homogeneity at expense of population and territory
I tend toward Pole 2. Land and numbers can be regained in time, just ask the Jews. Now let me propose yet another solution to those you describe.
The Mason-Dixon solution:
Assume our rightful northern border to be the Mason-Dixon, extended all the way across to the Pacific. This gives us all MD, most of WV, Southern OH, IN, IL, most of MO, etc. It is an iconic, historically generally agreed upon border between yankeedom and Dixie, possibly even being the origin of the name Dixie. Let this line serve as the anchor point for all future negotiations. We are certainly not bound by the old MO Compromise Line, I can tell you that!
Now, from that anchor point we can negotiate with PA about the possibility of their purchasing all or part of the Germanified portion of MD (for the right price) or, if they choose not to purchase, to do a peaceful people swap so that that portion of MD is reclaimed for Dixie.
The same could be done with southern Utah and southern Nevada. We could negotiate with the Mormons who would probably be very interested in having their state of Deseret. Again, either they pay a handsome price for all or part of the land and Dixians relocate, or they do not pay and Mormons relocate.
If everyone would be realistic then we would all agree that a racial and cultural homogeneous independent Dixie will simply not happen in the future. The sooner you realize that it’s too far gone now to save the South the better. Simply put other than some small enclaves the South simply is not the “South” of the 1960’s or the 1860’s, and it isn’t coming back it is lost to history. So what kind of South do you want to be independent? The kind of South that y’all talk about is in the past long gone now. Whites are a minority in the majority of the South also so that is out. I think it’s best to focus on spirituality and look for the 2nd coming.
One will die either a pacifist martyr or one can die a martyr who fights back.
You are mostly correct, Ethno-State is a pipe dream. You can focus on spirituality, and many already are, but the “progressive establishment” will never leave you alone, in the name of equity and mainly in the name of historic revenge.
Best wishes
My position is I’m a localist and will remain one until the US collapses. When that happens the split won’t be “Southern” but rather brand new localities and cultures will give rise to new nations/ethnos. This is my theory. So it is simply not logical nor practical to be a Southern Nationalist because the “South” won’t exist anymore in the future as it has been known as, and especially when the collapse happens it’ll be like starting over again like when America was first founded. SN is living too much in the past and is a non existent position to hold for futurist revolution.
You sound like a Yankee, you comment is completely lacking a Southerners…. well everything. Maybe you would be more happy up North with the other people who think like you.
Thats going to be hard to do because we don’t have any organized anything. We don’t educate our own children or even know who they are anymore. We don’t have rral activist groups, we don’t have anything at all. I literally was just insulted by a Yankee who moved here, laughed about how there was nothing I could do about it and then proceeded to laugh about each State and which race was going own them, black, Cuban, Mexican etc. He ain’t wrong, whats worse he is probably surrounded by Southerners unknowingly helping him rape us.
We HAVE to unite, as a people and a race, and I don’t mean “white” either, this Yankee dirt bag is white, as is every other Yankee. We are Dixieians, our own race. We must untie, define exactly who we are down to a man and shut the door. We are going to die otherwise. We must come together and act as one, a people. That takes organizing, that takes money and that money has to come from the printer in Washington, not our own impoverished peoples meger savings.
I can think of a million things we could be doing today that would make any of the above solutions viable, but it takes a tribe, our tribe, and it takes money, and when your enemies just print it as needed, then so must we. We will also need help from the international community, our enemies have that, so must we. Never forget that our true enemies, the people responsible for all of our suffering are white, even the “tribe” that everyone obsesses on is only a problem because of Yankees, who are “white”. Without them then nothing happens, they are who truly hate us and pass that hate down generation to generation.
Nothing happens until we untie and organize as a people, nothing. Everything we talk about is never going to happen until that does and all of our dreams will remain dreams until we can pay for them. We have to organize, as one and we are going to need help from the outside to counter our enemies outside help, and everyone is going to have to be paid. These are the fundamental facts that are prerequisites for everything else.
Except your enemies are coming to you: Leftists Are Colonizing Red Towns Like Mine, And Local Republicans Are Clueless. This is how they are killing the way of life that has been the norm since the founding of this country.
If mass politics don’t work against the Republicans and the Establishment – and I’m not saying this shouldn’t be tried when victory is possible, it’s just secondary – the priority is strengthening roots now, going off the grid financially as much as possible, and giving support to one’s tribe. If one accepts that we are in imperial collapse, an opportunity may open up in the future – we can only gather our strength until then.
@DixieSerb that’s why I say there is nothing we can really do now. As an Orthodox Christian I take a “Death to the World” mentality put not your trust in princes or sons of man rather put your trust in the Triune God alone. This world is close to the 2nd coming now and no amount of secular success is going to matter. Focus on the Kingdom of God now and not on Kingdoms of this world. If you take this mentality then you can never lose or go wrong. The West collectively is “gone” it’s over God has removed his hand from the Western nations. Western Christendom is dead the West is secularized and Post-Christian. The future is in the East now. Problem is most in the West are too stubborn to accept this fact.
You have a defeatist mindset. God put us here for the here and now. Pack up your shit and move to Bulgaria, coward.
I have a realist mindset. You like many others have a utopian pipe dream mindset.
Well, I sympathize with your experience. Every time I go out in public I see Dixian Genocide right before my eyes, and It’s not funny to me either. Fortunately, while I see a bleak future with one eye, I still see a world of hope with the other. This war is still winnable. But I don’t think we need to wait for magic money to roll in before we can do anything. That ship may never come in and even if it did we would be dependent on a supply that could suddenly be cut off. Just having a presence on the Internet like we have here is a start, but I think we need a soft core gateway to help get more people to the point that they can appreciate this site, or just help them to discover ID at all.
I further agree that we must unite in racial consciousness, and I mean Dixian racial identity, not just White or (heritage) American. Any ideology that tries to skip that part is not worth my time or a dime of my money. I think most of our ppl have a vague sense of our ethnicity, but it is not clear enough for them and there is no real social proof to embolden them. Yet.
A more rational strategy would be to enshrine the GOP as the party of white voters and maximize their turnout through appeals to racial solidarity. These appeals should be explicit, they are already marked as fascists, racists, and Nazis, so no need to exercise any tact. The goal should be to trigger in whites a sense of shared identity and threatened social standing. Why they don’t see immigration (or rather admit it) as the key issue, and not realize that it would define American politics in the decades to come?
The GOP has no interest in being the party for whites, even if the Democrats is increasingly the party for non-whites. The GOP serves the oligarchy, and the oligarchy is fine with demographic replacement so long as they continue to rule.