Realistically Re-Imagining America

I’m not a paranoid man and I’ve never written anything for this publication to suggest that anybody else should harbor such sentiments either. Still, we find ourselves at a critical juncture. 2020’s George Floyd Memorial Campaign of Carnage may be repeated, or maybe not.

It doesn’t seem like the top politicians want that to happen, but then again, they don’t know how to dial back the rhetoric. They have good security and elections are stage managed now, so it probably doesn’t matter much to them. However, for everybody else the necessity of re-calibrating their response to black misbehavior has come into shocking focus.

Law enforcement has it simple. They can just stop doing their jobs if black people are part of the situation. The cop who shot the Ohio teen right before she was about to stab up her colleague should’ve just driven away once he pulled up and saw who was involved. You can be a hero in prison, or a hero at the grill in your back yard. The choice is easy, guys.

Cops usually know who’ll be at the scene based on the location of the scene, so they can just stay put most of the time. If they get in trouble, their unions should jam up the gears on all disciplinary procedures. There’s very little in the way of punitive measures they ought to fear. My advice is not to quit their jobs, and here’s another reason why:

Departments across the country are desperate for manpower. They won’t be able to fire anyone. Otherwise, it’ll just be Sheriff Shaniqua giving orders to a force comparable in size to the one Andy Griffith used to oppress Mayberry. Somebody is still going to have to go out there and fine white people for picayune infractions. Otherwise, the municipalities will go bankrupt.

For private citizens, life will be trickier because it’s not a question of slacking off at work, but staying safe at home. You can’t get physical or exchange cross words with black people anymore, no matter what threat their transgression poses to your life or property. Moreover, a gated community won’t last 5 minutes, as the “get off my lawn” Boomers learned when their mansion came under siege last year.

What we’ll need to do is dig moats around our neighborhoods under the guise of wetlands habitat restoration. Black troublemakers can get over walls, but they can’t make it through water. One of them drowned in a shallow storm water retention pond near mine, and a neighbor remarked that there were probably more of them in there that we don’t know about. Don’t underestimate the level of deterrence water poses to black criminality, which is naturally opportunistic.

Some pretentious know-it-all is probably asking himself: alright genius, what about the entrances? Well, those will be dry. But, K-9s with electronic collars will be housed at these strategic chokepoints. These don’t need to be dogs that pose a threat to the neighborhood children (or anyone, really). While blacks have a penchant for owning dangerous breeds that sometimes maul their kids, they’re still pretty scared of your dog. In my experience, an agitated Golden Retriever is enough to intimidate a black man from exiting his work van.

That brings us to our black fellow citizens. How will they be managed? We’re not up to the task. We can’t even convince them that we’re not conducting a genocide. They want our blood, not our administration or alien social norms. Here’s a rather alarming clip that’s been making the rounds on Twitter:

They want us dead. Rational dialogue is impossible.

The solution is to cede them the sovereign space they’ve been demanding. It’s what they deserve just like any other people. The catch is that they’ll eventually find out that sovereignty and sustenance aren’t the same thing. Mr. Ngo has a great clip of a woman bemoaning the desecration of Popeye’s. If only she knew how much worse it’s going to get:

The question isn’t how she’ll get chicken from Popeye’s, but how the chicken will get to Popeye’s.

Check out what’s happened to South Africa’s railways. They strip every last piece of metal, from the tracks to the roofs, and then start on the bricks at the stations. Finally, shacks are erected where the trains used to roll because that’s flat turf which doesn’t need to be cleared.

They don’t appreciate the complex infrastructure that provides them with subsidized food. We’re not going to be able to maintain this after the police are gone, and they won’t have anyone to lash out at but each other after we’ve retreated and embarked on filling the country up with water. That’ll get old quick. This is when the realistic “re-imagining” will start. Here’s how that’s going to go:

Black areas will be auctioned off by municipalities as concessions to Chinese firms to manage in exchange for a percentage of annual revenues. Awarding management contracts to foreign firms is already a common practice for facilities such as ports. This approach will simply be extended to the new African American Autonomous Opportunity Zones (has a nice ring to it, too).

I’m not sure where the profits will be found, but if anybody is going to generate a dime with them, it’ll be the Chinese. They’ve pioneered economic development projects all over Africa and accumulated a great deal of experience with humanely supervising domestic autonomous zones for Uighurs and Tibetans.

Objections will be raised, but it’ll merely be a matter of bigoted hubris. Blacks demand independence. Just like the colonial empires that once dominated their former continent, we’ll just have to swallow our pride and grant it. Then, the Chinese will swoop in once they get hungry and realize they’re in over their heads.

When black people talk about re-imagining things, they’re not morally wrong. They have a right to imagine whatever they want. The problem is that their imagination leads them to wildly implausible conclusions, like believing they’re the real Jews, built the pyramids, are destined to rule the Earth, and will enslave white people once again.

What they’ll have to accept is that if they want to enjoy some basic benefits of civilization, somebody else’s rules will have to be followed. The question is purely practical. I look forward to the day when that’s no longer our problem because I need to learn how to operate earth moving equipment.


  1. Yes, we agree on some things, one of which we do not is that being holed up in some medieval village will save you, it will not. Blacks may be dumb but their masters are not. You will be genocided right next to your grill.

    What we do agree on is their home, that place is the North. They have already given us the blueprint on how to do it, now is the time for us to mobilize the blacks to the North, free land and money and whatever else they want in form of reparations for Yankees using them as fodder and tools, after they had enslaved them. We need a narrative and people who can begin spreading and implementation of mass migration for blacks and carpetbaggers to the North. As far as hiding out on your farm, moat or otherwise, just look to South Africa to see your fate.

    As lo g as the South is allowed to be the battlefield we lose even if we did manage to win. One of our main areas of focus should be moving the war North, all the way to the heart of the Yankee cesspool making sure the carpetbagging swine go with them and we have the history and narrative of Yankee oppression of blacks well fleshed out as we go.

    Hiding while they steal our home from underneath us won’t save you and your family. You will not be forgotten.

    First we must organize.

  2. Great article and I imagine you’re right. The Chinese will be the ones to swoop in. What that’ll look like is a terrifying idea, though.

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