I’m sure by now most reading this are privy to the recent shooting in Minnesota. While one could analyze the entire situation ad nauseam, I think someone needs to ask what most people are thinking: “Is it best for society to allow women to be in a protector role?”
In the case mentioned above, we see a struggle of multiple males and one female. The female in the struggle allegedly pulls a Glock out thinking it was a taser. She then proceeds with the standard taser warnings of “taser, taser, taser,” then fires her weapon. As the perp’s car drives off, she essentially says what amounts to “oops.”
So, this situation leads one to ask, “Should women wear a badge and get in these physical altercations?” The answer should be clear to any rational member of society: a resounding “No.” Women should not put themselves in harm’s way to protect and police society. This role has been given to men, men are the ones who are called to be civilization’s protector, but modern man as abrogated this role. Men started to “outsource” there manhood many years ago by not policing their own communities, thus requiring a need for a larger and different police force. With the rise of modern feminism, we have lied women into believing they are just like men, and they have every right to compete in every field as a man.
Women and men have totally different callings in civilization and its dishonoring for either to conflate the two. Women have the high honor of birthing, nurturing and raising the future civilization. Men, on the other hand, have the honor to protect, provide and build the future civilization. A woman’s role is not lesser than a man’s, in some ways its greater. A woman gives her body for the future of civilization and a man lays his life down to protect her. This is the symbiotic relationship the Creator has ordained.
This is not to say women are inferior to men, not at all. Rather, we are, in fact, designed far differently. Women, like it or not, are not designed to be warriors in any capacity. They are physically weaker than their male counter parts. Women are, as a whole, better suited to raise children and be keepers of the home. They have the monumental tasks of civilizing their husbands. Men are, generally speaking, better suited to dealing with potentially life threatening situations. Even in the area of mental processing, men and women think far differently. The two handle conflict far different (example seen here).
Proceeding from here, the trajectory of today’s culture is set. We must focus on tomorrow’s culture. Train daughters to be nurturers and not warriors. Teach them the glory of motherhood and the empowerment of raising future generations. Show them the folly of feminist lies.
Let the proverb ring on, “The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.“
-By Confederate Kornbred

O I’m a good old rebel, now that’s just what I am. For this “fair land of freedom” I do not care at all. I’m glad I fit against it, I only wish we’d won, And I don’t want no pardon for anything I done.