One question I’ve been pondering over the past few years is why has every institution (i.e., the federal government, virtually all major corporations, sports leagues, and all but the most conservative of religious institutions) declared open war on Heritage America? Why do any of this? From what I’m seeing, all it is doing is radicalizing more and more normies. People I know who thought secession was nonsense just a few years ago are now openly discussing it. I know people who thought that it was a requirement for Christians to unconditionally support Israel and have now recanted and are openly asking why Jews hate Trump so badly. Are they to the point of reading St. John Chrysostom on the subject? No, but considering where they were just five years ago, it really has been a remarkable transformation.
The recent blowup over MLB cancelling the All-Star Game in Atlanta because Georgia asks that people have an ID to vote is another example of how they have radicalized normies. For decades, the GOP have been slavishly devoted to Big Business, often at the expense of their own voters. This is why RFRA bills never went anywhere, even in strongly conservative states. The answer is/was always simple: Big Business opposed it. Now, we have two sitting U.S. senators, Mike Lee and Ted Cruz, both threatening to revoke MLB’s exemption from anti-trust legislation. I doubt it will go anywhere, but the mere fact that this happened to the party that nominated someone like Mitt Romney just nine years ago is truly remarkable.
So, if they have radicalized normies so much, why did they do it? Remember, thanks to the dramatic shift in demographics since 1965, the Left has been all but guaranteed a victory. The significant cultural shift in the past 20 years, particularly how it relates to religion, sexual morality, and historical remembrance, is simply icing on the cake. They could have held off for just a little longer, kept the normies just complacent enough (at least, not thinking that every institution that rules them wants them dead) and enjoyed a peaceful victory. The way things have gone though, they are risking the chance of a far more serious backlash that could cost them the victory they were already assured.
This is why I thought up until recently (and they still may do this) that the “review” of rightwing elements in the U.S. military was going to target Atomwaffen-style, lunatic fedposters (so, normies will be terrified), while snatching and discharging few that weren’t that level of stupid, so as to let rightwingers know what can happen. What I didn’t think was going to happen is that they would embark on mass purging of anyone to the right of Susan Collins. Why would they take the risk of creating a literal army of angry men with nothing to lose and with military training?
Is part of it because they can use people who have finally had enough and snap to push gun control and, in some cases, the destruction of Dixie? Sure, but I think there is also a much more simpler answer. They have won, and they know it.
The liberal revolution has already taken place. But, that becomes a problem because the liberal revolution promised a better world and this ain’t it. There are enough Heritage Americans, especially Dixians, left that they can point to and blame. “See! Those counter-revolutionaries are the reason we have not been able to deliver the goods. Help us get rid of them and then we can give you what we promised!” This is particularly true of those Christians who have held fast to the past 2,000 years of Christian teaching on sexual morality. 20 years ago the U.S. was unique in that it was an advanced, industrialized nation that was still, more or less, religious. Long after Europe and Canada embarked on a “post-Christian” future, the U.S. was still an outlier.
Shortly after 9/11, a far more militant group of atheists came storming in and made a promise: “If you will just get rid of religion, you will have a rational society.” That happened. The U.S. has seen a steep religious decline in just a single generation and is now far closer to Canada and Western Europe than what it was just 30 years ago. But, that rational society has not come, and they need someone to blame. And, that someone is you, Mr. Churchgoer.
There is historical precedent for this. Currently, I am reading Anne Applebaum’s magnificent Red Famine, which argues persuasively that the famine in Ukraine in the early 1930s (referred to as the “Holodomor” by those that think it was an intentional genocide) was a deliberate act against the Ukrainian peasantry and rises to the level of genocide. What I found to be most disturbing was why the communists targeted Ukrainians the way they did. Ukraine was a heavily peasant nation, even compared to Russia. And, peasants (rural people) are a problem according to Marxist theory. They are not the class that will lead the revolution, that task falls on the industrial workers. Thus, the peasantry (again, rural people) can, at best, only be led by the industrial-class to socialism. However, Marxist theory holds (and this is certainly true) that the ruralite/peasantry are a counter-revolutionary class due to their attachment to the old ways of life, their families, and, most importantly, their religion. They become a roadblock to the revolution and must be removed in order to keep the revolution rolling. Sound familiar?
Certain conditions in Ukraine made them even more of a target. Ukraine has some of the most fertile soil on earth, leading to a disproportional number of well-off peasants, or to borrow the Soviet terminology – the kulaks. If the peasantry was a possible hotbed of counter-revolutionary activity, then the kulaks were the devil, much like modern leftism views Heritage America as evil, but see Dixians as a people truly beyond redemption. The Soviets then scapegoated the kulaks, pointing to them as the reason they had not been able to achieve the promised socialist paradise.
And, targeted they were. Soviet officials came into Ukrainian village after village and took the grain from the peasantry, leaving them with nothing. According to the testimony of Soviet officials, they were convinced that the kulaks were their enemies, responsible for them not being able to have the good life. Moscow knew what was going on and did nothing. They wanted to teach them a lesson. Soon, mass starvation followed and formally tight knit villages turned on each other in a desperate bid for food. At one point, cannibalism became widespread. Historians debate on the death toll, but estimates range from 3-12 million.
Much like the kulaks (and the Ukrainian peasantry in general), Heritage America (especially, Dixians) face a revolutionary government that has already won, but has not been able to deliver what was promised and now has to either admit they were wrong or find someone to blame. As in 1932, they’re going for that second option. We have a legion of people coming to crack down on those that they have been told are preventing them from getting what they see as their due. Driven by envy and hate, they will go after those people and go after them hard.
Like 1932, we have a media willing to cover up these attacks on “counter-revolutionaries” and much as the term “kulak” ever expanded to mean anyone who opposed Stalin, “fascist” is being ever expanded to include people who were considered leftwing even 10 years ago. The liberal revolution came and was won, but now they must have something to show for it, and that means they need to find someone to sacrifice. That sacrifice is what is left of Old America, and Dixie is the new Ukraine.
-By Harmonica

O I’m a good old rebel, now that’s just what I am. For this “fair land of freedom” I do not care at all. I’m glad I fit against it, I only wish we’d won, And I don’t want no pardon for anything I done.
It is just a numbers game. For every White normie they radicalize, they import 3-4 mestizos and/or radicalize some White girl in college to think she is a lesbian or a man. We can get caught up in the feedback loop where we think the tide is turning because we see so many people waking up but those people are just a drop in the bucket.
Yeah, we know that already. So what do we do about it?
Accept your fate
Is this your fist day or something?