The Pine Tree

The pine tree has been a recurring symbol in the Dissident Right. Mike Ma helped popularize it with his Pine Tree Party and the Appeal to Heaven flag in the background of all his Vines, it served as the symbol for the Rise Above Movement and is currently the symbol for Revolt Through Tradition. Pine trees are among the strongest trees, both in terms of wood quality and resistance to harsh weather, so it is natural that they capture the admiration of the Right.

What is not generally known about pines is that they always grow together and are dependent upon one another. The roots of a pine are not able to uphold the tree’s own height, let alone harsh weather. To remedy this weakness, pines will grow in groups with their roots interlocking and holding each other in place; it is as if the trees are holding each other’s hands or locking arms. Side by side, root in root, pines are able to withstand the fiercest of storms.

Like pines, our strength comes from those around us. Though we may be fit, skilled, intelligent, and all the rest, when a storm comes it will knock us down if we do not have other pines locking their roots with ours. All of you know that hard times are coming ahead and how we will be tested more than probably any time of our life. President Biden has declared a domestic war on terror, the military is being purged of the last conservative remnants, demographic replacement will soon make any federal election impossible to win, the right to carry arms will likely be taken away in the near future, plausible counter-infrastructure (such as Gab) is under attack, and our children’s schools will be pushing self-hatred even harder. If we are to make it through this upcoming period in American history, we need to surround ourselves with men and families that we can trust and count on.

Do you have a place to stay if you need to leave your house? Do you know men who could come over, and come over fast, if you feel threatened? Do you have families in your life you could talk about what it is like to be alienated in a society that hates white Christians? Will the friends you have encourage you in the Faith when you stumble? The answer to these questions, if not now, then within the next couple of years, needs to be yes.

I am sure that at this point a reader will be asking “well, that would be great but where would I even find these people?” Well, dear reader, it’s a lot easier than you might think. Your church is an excellent place to start. If you are book worm like I am, start a classics book club in your area and befriend those people, and I can guarantee you that anyone who reads Plato, Augustine, and Dante in his or her free time will, at the very least, lean to our side. If you are more of an outdoors kind of guy, find a hunting club near you and spend time with those folks. As a general rule, any place that draws our stock and is not expressly political is a good place to meet friends. Why not expressly political? Because you are looking for friends and families who will be with you for the rest of your life and who will stick by your side no matter what, you are not looking for someone to share memes with or lament the state of America. While it is possible to make good friends through politics (I have), it is a bit harder, and you have to be more cautious. Political groups, especially dissident circles, are under close watch right now and you want to move and speak cautiously in them.

There are many ways of saying the same thing, “ride the tiger”, “build an ark” or “be the pine tree,” but the message is the same: a storm is coming and we, as communities and families bonded together, need to brace ourselves and pass through it. Once the storm has passed, all those trees which did not link roots will have fallen and we will be the ones standing. With the storm having passed and the sun rising above the clearing, we will already have strong networks and infrastructure in place to make the most of it and start anew.

Be the pine tree my friends. We can get through this, as long as we stand together.

-By Withered Rose


  1. Excellent article, you’re a talented writer. I love the comparison with the intertwined roots of the pine forest. It helped to make a great topic quite enjoyable to read.

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