Before you read any further, I want you to consider the following questions a test regarding your personal political proclivities:
- Are you against teaching children as young as five years old about pan-sexualism, homosexuality, and transgenderism?
- Are you for the enforcement of border laws and the expulsion of illegal aliens?
- Are you opposed to outsourcing manufacturing to other countries?
- Should the government encourage domestic economic self-sufficiency (i.e., the production of anything needed stays within the confines of the country)?
- Do you believe that the people should have a direct say on government spending priorities such as infrastructure projects (e.g., roads, hospitals, communications towers)?
- Should the government embrace a balanced budget, predicated on a strong currency?
- Do you believe AntiFa and BLM terrorists should be prosecuted?
- Should the income tax be capped at 14% – without any games regarding ridiculous deductions?
- Do you believe patriotism and civil manners should be taught in schools?
- Do you believe that social welfare benefits (e.g., food stamps, welfare, housing) should be tied to work and good moral behavior, to include when necessary, government provided jobs (e.g., cleaning the streets, washing ambulances, etc) and requiring drug and alcohol tests before receiving such benefits?
If you answered “Yes” to all or a majority of the questions I just posed, welcome to the National German Socialist Workers Party. You are a “NAZI” – or more accurately, a member of the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (NSDAP). Most Americans hear “Nazi” and immediately shudder. This article explores the possibility of a fascist United States and why they should not reject the ideology without exploring its potential.
Americans, as well as the rest of the West, have been conditioned to hate “Nazis” – a derogatory term applied toward Nationalist Germans by Communist Jewish activists. Grandpa or great-grandpa fought the Nazis. For the Baby Boomer Generation, their parents fought the Nazis. We have been taught to hate the NSDAP platform without ever really exploring the party’s platform itself. The ten questions I posed are the policies that so-called American patriots generally support, but when packaged as “Fascism,” they recoil. Yet, whether they know it or not, most on the Right are natural born Fascists – and should embrace the term.
Another common misunderstanding of the NSDAP is the term “Socialist” in the center of the name. American conservatives immediately reject the platform on the basis of its supposed socialist leanings. Correspondingly, they also try to tie Far Left activists, like AntiFa, to the Nazi party because of their support of “socialism.” But the fact is, the German understanding of socialism in 1935 was far different than the Marxist definition of socialism since Karl Marx. The economic policies of the National German “Socialist” Workers Party puts both American political parties to shame.
The highest tax rate in Germany under the National Socialists was 13.7%; in the 1950s, the United States had a 90% tax bracket (albeit, not an effective tax rate). Today, our highest tax bracket is 66% (a New York City resident). The National Socialists were not collectivists, contrary to what your Baby Boomer uncle may scream on Facebook at his BLM supporting niece. The National Socialists privatized several industries, almost immediately, to increase productivity. They maintained strict conditions on performance, but energy production, energy output, military equipment manufacturing, and road construction were all privatized. Generally, the way government contracts were issued for infrastructure projects in 1930s Germany was a tripartite commission of (1) government officials (who held the tax revenue), (2) private industry (that would manage the project and receive payment for a job well done), and (3) local unions or trade guilds that would participate in the project (i.e., the workers and beneficiaries of the projects). This is how the Autobahn was created so quickly and beautifully. This is also how Germany brought back much of its manufacturing under the National Socialists.
The term socialism to the NSDAP referred to social welfare benefits – such as the introduction of social security for retired persons (pensions), housing for the indigent with a priority on World War I veterans, and a mother’s benefit – encouraging women to spend time at home with their children in the form of a subsidy while her husband found gainful employment. The latter policy was designed to help indigenous population increases (vs imported immigrants) while helping unemployed men find gainful employment, reinvigorating their self-esteem and removing labor supply (i.e., women) from the workforce to increase German worker earnings. Those are the “socialist” policies to which the NSDAP subscribed. There was nothing collectivist about it. There was also no wealth redistribution. Only German tax paying homes received tax rebates in the form of subsidies when they were down on their luck.
All this stated, the German National Socialists did not rise due to their economic policies per se. There is a common misperception by Americans and many in the West that the Nazis rose due to the economic fallout of the post-WWI Treaty of Versailles. This misperception is largely driven by Yankee Anglo academics who are prone to view everything through an economic lens. It is false.
The German people were hurting economically at the time of Hitler and the NSDAP’s rise, that is true. But it was not the brutal economic conditions that led the German people toward National Socialism. Rather, it was the complete collapse of societal norms in post-WWI Germany. Libertine values introduced by Weimar political actors were fully exploited by radical Marxists – mostly Jewish – who sought to destroy and dismantle Germany in a quest to transform her into a Marxist paradise. Thus, began the devastation of German identity at the hands of Judeo-Bolsheviks throughout 1920s Germany.
The Frankfurt School, a philosophical program that conceived of the term Cultural Marxism, introduced a platform upon which conservative German norms would be dismantled, preparing Germany for a Marxist conclusion. They trained numerous academics and media personalities, primarily Jewish, to undermine traditional German values. The immediate results were astounding. Seemingly overnight, a handful of academics, radio personalities, and newspapers, transformed patriotic Germany into a basket case of societal collapse. The largely church-going, German middle-class, suddenly awoke to a fundamentally changed Germany at the hands of a few dedicated Judeo-Bolsheviks.
Transgenderism and homosexuality consumed as many as 25% of German men prior to the rise of Hitler, many of whom were veterans emasculated by their defeat to forces they deemed inferior. Pan-sexualism (the idea that anything goes as long as it is pleasurable) was introduced into German classrooms – teaching young boys about homosexuality and gender fluidity. Disruption of “the patriarchy” became a priority of 1920s German feminists. Illegal immigration into Germany septupled between 1918 and 1925, primarily from Slavic states that did not achieve the economic success they assumed would result from Austrian independence; this devastated both earnings and order in Weimar Germany. Jewish academics and media personalities encouraged all of this broad chaos. Worse, anyone who attempted to push back against such lascivious insanity were viciously targeted by a new group of violent Communist radicals that would ultimately name themselves Antifaschistische Aktion… longhand for “AntiFa.”
The AntiFa began as ultra-violent, Communist activists who sought to destroy patriotic Germany and traditional society by fighting against the rise of the German National Socialist Workers Party. They are the same today as they were yesterday. The AntiFa have always been Bolsheviks, largely led by Jews, intent on destroying Western civilization.

Originally entitled the Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands (KPD), ultra-violent Bolsheviks would target anyone who rejected the teaching of young German boys to kiss each other on the penis (a suggestion by Sigmund Freud to introduce pansexual desires to children). These same Communist radicals would destroy small businesses, target police stations, and tear down historical monuments to “recreate a new national narrative.” For those who opposed illegal immigration, there homes and persons were physically assaulted. Meanwhile, the Weimar Republic did nothing to stop the Communist radicals. Rather, they seemed to support the violence, burning, and looting of German city centers by Marxists while targeting German patriots, like those engaged in the early Fascist movement. Adolf Hitler would become one of many who were arrested and imprisoned for crimes that were far less severe than that which the Communists engaged in the years prior to the nominal Beer Hall Putsch.
Any of this sound familiar yet?
In the book, The Nazi Seizure of Power, by William Sheridan Allen, the author describes how normal, primarily small business owners, looked around 1920s Germany and thought the madness had to stop. They began organizing small, patriotic cells of support for a new pro-German political party. Hitler did not create the National German Socialist Workers Party. Ordinary church-going, patriotic Germans with traditional values formed the nuclei of the NSDAP – and it succeeded by bringing order, economic freedom, economic recovery, traditional values, and a sense of normalcy to German society after years of insanity. Contrary to popular Jewish-inspired mythology, the NSDAP also encouraged gun ownership.
Now, if you have read this far, ask yourselves the following: are you sick and tired of the double standard shown toward violent Communist extremists while patriotic Americans are rounded up and targeted by the very government they once supported? Are you sick and tired of the encouragement of transgenderism and homosexuality upon your children? Are you sick and tired of outsourcing our economic future to Communist China? If so, you can now at least empathize with the desperate German voter who saw the NSDAP as the answer to their problems and, for its part, the NSDAP delivered incredible results for the German people.
In human history, the only government system that has successfully defeated Communism, once it has taken root in a given country, is Fascism. This is true of Spain, Italy, Greece, Chile, the Ukraine, Finland, and of course, Germany. But is it the medicine we need in the United States to rid ourselves of the Communist menace that is now systematically destroying the United States? Depends on the states.
First, I am a Southern Nationalist. I see no reason that the South should remain in the United States. Southern states would be best served to break away from the detestable USA and form their own confederation of like-minded states. The South is culturally and economically distinct from the rest of the United States, as is evidenced by our traditions, history, culture, and devout Christianity. We are the most conservative bloc in the United States and remain so. The political parties have changed but the South has remained the same fiercely independent region.
Well before so-called “White Nationalism” was embraced by edgy Yankees or even German goose-steppers, Southerners defined the epitome of White superiority through class and legal distinctions that endured and maintained order for generations – before Yankee interlopers disrupted that order not once, but twice (1861 – 1865; 1948 – 1964). We cannot trust that the Yankee dominated North will not slide into an anti-White abyss again if it recovers from its self-inflicted embrace of Marxism. Consequently, I do not care to reform or save the Empire.
Second, the South may be a hodgepodge of various ethnic groups from Europe – whether they be French, Italian, German, etc – it is culturally defined by two dominant ethnicities: Anglo (English) and Celtic (Scotland, Ireland, and the Scots-Irish). These two societies share a common clan-centric societal model. It is natural for these British Isles peoples to empower a local lord (or lords) with family connections to that same lord who, in return, has a moral obligation to provide good governance and moral stability within the land to which he has been entrusted. This methodology of leadership can be summed up by a great Anglo legend, that of King Arthur, with the sage advice, “You will be the land, and the land will be you. If you fail, the land will perish; as you thrive, the land will blossom.”
The notion of a careless and exploitative aristocrat in the midst of a suffering people is a Marxist fantasy. While it is true some leaders are better than others, throughout British and Gaelic history, lords and family (clan) allegiances played an intricate role in societal management. In fact, the Antebellum South and its plantation class of Cavalier descendants are a good example of the balance between Southern aristocracy and the Southern working-class. To this day, economically less off Southerners – rednecks, as such – may tease the higher born elites within Southern society (good ole boys and country club gentry who wear boat shoes, smoke cigars, and drink bourbon), but there is a mutual respect for one another. They recognize the values that are brought to the table.
I have personally witnessed higher born Yankee elites in so-called egalitarian Massachusetts dismiss lower born Yankees out of hand, while ironically encouraging their daughters to marry ghetto blacks for the sake of social credit at the country club. No such obfuscation exists in Southern society. The Good Ole Boy (Lord) and the Redneck (People) have a symmetry. They can each appreciate fast cars, SEC football, and a shared cultural disdain for Yankee intruders. At the same time, the Good Ole Boy and the Redneck respect their relative positions in society. It is the higher born Southerner’s privilege to help his less privileged neighbor when possible; the less privileged neighbor would never “expect” or demand such willfully provided assistance.
Robert E. Lee was a high-born member of the Southern aristocracy. His men loved him. He also had some of the strictest anti-fraternization rules on either side of the War of Northern Aggression. Societal order is a powerful force in Southern society.
Cumulatively, this brings me back to my initial question: is Fascism the answer? For the North, I say it is. It would be more natural for a people divorced of local clan identity to seek a stronger central government to fix their societal ills. For the South, however, I say it is not. To be fair, Hitler did not believe German Fascism could be exported, either. Consequently, while I focused this piece on German Fascism, I did not focus on the broad range of Fascist national varieties, such as those enjoyed by Italy, Greece, Chile, or the model which I believe would be most closely aligned to Southern structural realities, Franco’s Spain. Regardless, the South has a traditional order to which it should return promptly.
Some aspects of Fascism I believe would be great for the South – especially, its neo-mercantilist policies. But ultimately, the South would be better off to embrace a variant of clan-centric, quasi-monarchism. She would thrive under a system of governance that is more natural to her DNA. The South would flourish under a system within which the people determined their own government based upon cultural norms and morality directed by themselves and enforced locally by powerful local leaders.
Fascism is the cure for those who do not have a deeply ingrained, genetic governing compass. It is the best of the other European systems – Democratic Libertine or Marxist. The South should re-embrace a true clan-centric, neo-feudal order while it walks away from the modern world.
Is Fascism the answer? For the United States – Yes. For the South – No. Secession is the answer for the South.
The son of a recent Irish immigrant and another with roots to Virginia since 1670. I love both my Irish and Southern Nations with a passion. Florida will always be my country. Dissident support here: Padraig Martin is Dixie on the Rocks (
Another great article sir. I will abstain from my usual nitpicking, especially about class and monarchy, as this article is so well done and timely, great job.
This in fact is something I have been explaining for years and years to people that are National Socialists or some approximation thereof. When asked my political disposition I reply, I’m Southern. That is my Party, my form of government and all of the rest. We are a people, not really a system. That usually leads me to try and explain that not everyone is capable of freedom, it entirely depends on who you are as a people, we are capable of it as a people and that’s why we don’t need a system to define us, who we are defines us, our Dixie Identity, its not a top to down model, quite the opposite.
So while I get along with most National Socialists, minus the ones that are millitant anti-christian (which I suspect is not a natural development for them, even they are not immune to the efforts of subversives) they struggle to understand our “system”, because we don’t really have one, we are just who we are and if what we are looking at in the courthouse does not match that, the its the courthouse that has to go. Without the spiritual understanding of who we are its impossible to see that though, so they struggle with the concept. They tend to project onto us in my experience, their lack of a cultural identity (being a parasite in the North East does not count as a culture, locusts don’t paint) is not something they really understand affects them as profoundly as it does.
Just as when Yankees invaded us and began calling themselves Americans and thought the Constitution was the thing that defined us, the new Yankees also don’t understand that we are not a piece of paper or a system, we are a people. They were doomed to fail from the start of their doppelganing, without the soul to write the thing in the first place they could never maintain it over time. No structure is static, everything must oscillate in order to maintain its form over time, without the spiritual understanding required to oscillate they became rigid and brittle then eventually they shattered.
Yes, you are correct National Socialism is probably what’s best for all of these nations that sacrificed their identity in order to steal from the South such as Yankees, Canada, England etc., bereft of their culture which they lost the moment they created the machine of lies, despotism and revisionism that consumed them, much the way Weimar Germany was without their identity after all of the subversion, then in my humble opinion, National Socialism is what best for those without an identity to guide them and thus require a system.
By the grace of God and the nobility of our ancestors in making the decision to fight them all of these long years instead of joining them in their depravity, our identity and thus our ability to be free remains intact. Now when I asked my political alignment and reply, I’m Southern, most people know exactly what that means, and I cannot express how good that feels.
Another great article, thank you for sharing it.
Also, Nazi Germany had the strictest laws in Europe for the protection of animal rights.
But there is where it ends to praise Nazi Germany as any real “Champion” of Nationalism. Hitler was no advocate of Nationalism. He was a harsh critic of the Protestant order in general, but he paid particular attention to the institution of the Nation-state, which he saw as an effete contrivance of the English and French, and vastly inferior to the German ‘historic imperial legacy’. Hitler was frank in disseminating the view that Germany ‘must some day become lord of the earth” Nazi Germany was an Imperial state in every way. Something like post WW2 t U.S. and today.
What you are proposing is a National State, clearly the best choice between Anarchy and Imperial State (U.S.). But first you must teach our politicians of the virtues of Nationalism. They are all still stuck in this Lockean construct.
Agree, now where is our modern day Andrew Jackson?
Americans will be / are already Communist.Iffy about the modern South.Integration appears to have done her in along with the Americans.
Great article. Thank you.
The only Fascist leader I respect is Franco. The problem is the South today is very much divided and politically we are the same as the rest of the country. A free South given a couple generations would not be fit to live in. The only answer is the establishment of an Orthodox Christian Empire with an absolute Monarch to rule similar to the Byzantine Empire.
“A free South given a couple generations would not be fit to live in.”
How so?
Because the South of today is not the same South of the 60’s or the 1800’s. We are wedded to “Americanism” and the majority of Southerners are “good Americans”, and politically the South represents the same failed ideology of Americanism today. Keep in mind I used to be all gung ho for Southern independence. I’m still not opposed to it I just ain’t a fireeater anymore once I realized that the entire American experience was a failed experiment. We need a Christian state with a Monarch not Locken Libertarianism. I recommend these videos to enlighten.
Well done sir. I find that you and I are very much in agreement. Thank you for this article. Of course, secession by itself is no panacea for our beloved Dixie. A newly independent Dixie run by swamp rats like Greg Abbott, Lindsay Graham, and Brian Kemp on a “democratic” basis would be little better than our present predicament and would be unlikely to survive for long. Markets must be regulated to ensure access for all. There must be agricultural and industrial policies in place to ensure our prosperity. Law and the social order must be maintained. A citizen of Dixie should feel safe and secure in his person and property, in worship of the Almighty, in his family and a valued member of society.
Zero per cent income tax, eliminate income redistribution (aka, the welfare state), abolish the IRS, fire 95 % of federal employees, abolish federal pensions, cut congressional pay to 40k per year…man, I’m on a roll…
Probably your best brother, thank you.
1) Income tax should be pegged at exactly zero. This would probably cut the money spent on the irs by maybe 90%. No more tax audits (aka a search without a warrant) for individuals.
2) Corporate taxes should be low, but should probably remain in place to encourage family business model over corporate (more Chick-fil-A, less McDonalds)
3) Replace 1 and 2 with aggressive sin taxes, including hfcs, table sugar, marijuana, porn, prostitution (Or possibly let churches censor porn on their own dime as a ministry) and with a modest tariff. In theory it would make more sense to tariff some goods but not others but then you end up with a bloated bureaucracy (replacing the 90% of the irs that got cut in #1) so it is probably better to kiss with just a low flat rate, maybe higher for just a few things deemed super-critical. Do not tax “junk food” because then you end up with another beaurocracy that spends millions deliberating on what counts as junk food. No. Just tax sugar by the pound and be done with it.
All that said, why become too steeped in some economic theory? Why not be steeped in ethnic solidarity instead? That way we are free to adapt economically to whatever the needs are for that generation. Except perhapsfor the zero income tax policy (because I’m not a fan of being subjected to unwarranted searches rebranded as “audits”) I don’t think I’d want any of the things above going in a rigid constitution. The only thing that needs to be sacred is our solidarity in terms of race and religion, ie our ethnicity. Stick with principles that the gates of hell will never prevail against and let the rest be adaptable as needed.
Also I don’t believe in paying a “mothers’ benefit.” If you have to pay women to have babies, you have much more than economic problems.
Considering our birthrates are abysmal, what would you suggest to encourage a sustainable birthrate for your people?
Just stop doing the things that are killing our birthrate. Did our ancestors need to be paid to breed? Has any race ever needed to be paid to breed? Has any plant or animal species ever needed to be paid to breed? We are already wallowing in more material wealth than most of our ancestors could have dreamed of. A good cultural slap back to common sense and natural habitat should do the trick.
1) Good education beginning in formative years in place of the poison they are getting now. More 19 and Counting, less Sex and City.
2) Ban miscegenation.
3) Separate church and state by not usurping Church’s role, ie end welfare.
4) Legally recognize husbands as head of home
5) Don’t allow women to pursue anything beyond a BS/BA degree, at least not while they are young. Just ban women from certain college majors as well.
6) Permit sex discrimination in the workplace.
Not one of these changes would cost a cent and some would save money or boost gdp. Number 6 would be good enough to make my #2 above about corporate taxes unnecessary. Companies would be willing to pay the tax if it freed them to discriminate against women in boardroom and a fortune in defending against sexual harassment accusations.
Well, the miscegenation ban might cost a buck or two depending on how it is enforced but it could be done quite cheap, maybe for a profit, if we step out of clownworld first. There are more things that could easily be done without spending a dime but they are likely to be met with resistance and I have to pick my battles.
8. Should the income tax be capped at 14% – without any games?
10%. No loopholes or filing of income tax for employees. It just comes strait out of your paycheck. Companies pay the same rate. No property tax on homesteads or private residences.
None of this will happen under Yankee rule. However.