Resurrecting The Fighting Parson

In a world fast becoming more lawless, violent, and unstable, it is high time that we retire the effeminate, weak church leader and resurrect the “fighting parson.” During the start of the 20th century, you could find this type of pastor throughout the South; loud and fearless, he called down fire and brimstone on the heads of sodomites, adulterers, and drunkards. He was guarded and escorted by patriarchs who were the leaders of the large, extended families that made up his flock. He was the reason that organized crime could never get a choke hold on Dixie.

Dixians are in for an oppression not seen since the first Reconstruction and we need to be ready for it. We know that the enemy, on the ground at least, is Communist and therefore we know their strategy in advance; ritual public humiliation of your wives and daughters in order to draw you into a street brawl, and anarcho-tyranny enforced by bought-off district attorneys in order to kill or arrest you. The temptation will be to fall right into the trap that they are setting. They want you, my brother, to use their communication devices in order to gather all of you boys into one spot. They have just seized power of the largest military machine that the world has ever seen and they want to use it on you. They have to use this power now because these people are historically horrible managers of power; eventually, Sgt. Chad will get tired of taking orders from Lt. Shaniqua, if he is not busy fighting you instead.

This is where the “fighting parson” prototype becomes the more effective strategy for us than the militia commander or the e-celeb. The militia commander is publicly blown into pieces day one and the e-celeb, in order to be more relevant second by second, has to be constantly increasing his public profile and rhetoric; which draws the attention of those in power. They then splice and edit his rantings to show the public why he represents hate and thus must be destroyed. The “fighting parson” draws no outside attention to himself, he realizes that he is fifty years behind in the culture war and strategically retreats to the last stronghold that will be overtaken by the new regime. Time is on his side and he uses it to build his network. While the usurpers desperately try to hold together an empire in disarray, he walks among the forgotten grey halls of small church buildings, lodges, and camps. He points out the complete moral depravity of the current regime to a prospective ear, now they are two or three acting in concert with real influence over the larger group and access to its facilities. They scout out younger men from within the family groups and begin to place them into positions of importance.

At this point, you have a mob; a God fearing, law abiding mob, but a mob just the same. Now, the “fighting parson” and his mob can use intimidation and bullying to keep subversive elements out of the larger group. Notice, this is not a call to violence but it is a call for intimidation and bullying. Both of these are extremely useful tools for because they are tools that women cannot employ to seize power like they can with voting. This has to be a patriarchal system, if it is going to survive, and intimidation assures that fact; catty behavior and backbiting are unbecoming of a Southern man. If the pastor and his deacons decide that a subversive element needs to be removed, they should be able to throw it out without ever asking what the women and children think about it.

When the ruling uni-party runs out of militia commanders and e-celebs to hunt down, they will be forced to search the hinterlands in order to find the next enemy. All the while, they do this while trying to hold disparate parts of the empire together. As seen in China, the uni-party has an extremely hard time eradicating the Christian cell network; this will work for the Dixian as well. Dixie has thousands of small empty church buildings that would make perfect sanctuaries to avoid the coming persecution and survive the systemic collapse which is ongoing at this very moment.

A strong pastor and his men providing protection for a small colony/community that is capable of providing for itself is what is necessary. These colonies can absolutely work with their counterparts across the South providing mutual assistance programs, but must never become so big as to not notice subversive elements within them. In some ways, this has the look of the mafia but without the vices and sin that accompany that world. In fact “that world” and its sin and vices are now represented in the ruling uni-party. We may be dealing with criminal cartel gangs and a lack of any governmental protection for years to come. There is no hero out there that is going to take back control of Washington D.C. and return the country to its former glory. That ship has sailed, we must carve our own path.

This is not fantasy, J. Frank Norris was a pastor during the 20’s who ran the mob out his town’s brothels and gambling halls and built a bible college on top of it and he was given the nickname The Fighting Parson.” Now is the time to be planting yourself in these churches and groups and the older their congregation, the better. Do the dirty work for the elders and they will literally hand you the keys. Be noble and courageous during these unsettling times, uphold eternal virtues, and constantly point out the empire’s moral shortcomings. Today’s political climate is calling for more men of God like this, as opposed to these emotive, smart-ass little sissies who make snarky comments on Twitter.

One comment

  1. I enjoyed the article. It seems that before we see the emergence of Warrior Pastors, we must go back to true Christian faith corporately. I think that means Covenant Theology, clear race realism (at the least), and pride in God’s ordained Ethnos of the global church.
    Shopping for such a community (not a denomination) suggests that all of the modern denominations are cucked to a degree. Some outright evil. And the men that may be preaching race Truth in these harrowing times don’t want to be found.

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