Happy Lee-Jackson Day

Dear Southern Patriots,

I humbly welcome you to the first event of 2021, the Florida Lee-Jackson Day Party.  This event has greater meaning than ever before.  It is abundantly clear that there is no one coming to save us.  There is no political solution for the preservation of the Southern people, culture, heritage, or future.  We must begin retaking our future as a unified bloc of proud people.

I would say that the South is currently enduring an unprecedented attack on her very being, but that would not be true.  The South is enduring a cultural genocide that began in the early 19th Century and has periodically taken more violent and aggressive forms.  The invasion of 1861 was far worse than that which we experience today.  The attacks on Southern identity in the 1950s and 60s were overwhelming, as well.  However, these latest attacks are different.  Yankee Marxists seek to eradicate the South forever.  I have thought long and hard as to why, and I believe the answer is simple: the South is comprised of a Godly people and Satan hates Godly people. 

But fear not – God always wins in the end.

You are comprised of the DNA of beautiful peoples whom others have attempted to eradicate before and failed.  Many of you have Gaelic blood coursing through your veins.  The Gaelic peoples endured and survived hundreds of years of occupation and culture suppression through living memories passed from father-to-son around fires in the Scottish Highlands and Irish cliffs.  They prevailed despite every attempt to deny them their very right to exist. 

The Anglo-Saxon has endured multiple attempts to invade and destroy them… the Germans became stronger after a myriad of Asiatic and Slavic invasions… Norse… French… the stories of conquest, repression, and reclamation are numerous throughout history.  The very genetic code of the Southerner is one that is built to survive and eventually conquer.  Today, as you see monuments to your forefathers ripped from their foundation, do not get angry or sad – get even!  Prepare your future generations to stand strong, girded in the armor of God Himself, and with the knowledge that your people will persevere.  Your people are too beautiful to be wiped from the memory of this Earth. 

You are Southerners.

Today, this symbolic gesture – a Lee Jackson Day Party – is a simple step in the direction of retaking everything.  It was once a holiday for many Southern states. It celebrated two of the greatest generals and Southern Patriots in history – Robert E. Lee (born January 19, 1807) and Thomas Stonewall Jackson (January 21, 1824).  It was replaced with a celebration of a black Marxist and notorious rapist by a federal government that hates the South.  In fact, while the statues and imagery of those great men are ripped from society, the United States government has erected a statue to that communist rapist and now millions worship him and his birthday every year.  Today, we take back a Southern holiday in memory of Southern Patriots.

As the year progresses, I ask you to begin doing the same in your daily lives.  Begin celebrating Southern achievements, Southern icons, Southern peoples… Commit yourselves fully to the preservation of the South in every way that she is manifestly beautiful.  Teach your sons who they are.  Teach your daughters who they will bear.  Teach your fellow Southerners that they deserve a future defined by them and God.

For now, enjoy the libations, food, and fellowship.  Tomorrow, begin the reclamation. Tomorrow, retake everything – one spiritual and cultural opportunity at a time.

Deo Vindice!


  1. When I was a kid in the 80s, I went to a small private day school in a small town in central virginia. Our headmaster, also our history teacher, took time out of our lesson to tell us how horrible MLK day was. I don’t remember much about the content of the speech, but it stuck with me that someone would oppose it.

    30 years later, I see his wisdom. The same forces that laud, mlk, someone who hated american, and didnt do anything to build it, and who just complained, are taking it to the logical next step.

  2. Hell yeah brother!

    I was recently speaking to a fellow Southerner whose wife wanted more of a social life than they currently had, as they both are hard working Southerners and don’t have much time for it. The problem is he, like me as well, has no interest in spending his free time with drunken clowns talking about Yankee sportsball, its as extremely boring to him as it is to me.

    My answer to him was the one I came up with for myself, do Southern cultural things that have an element of socializing for him and his wife. The problem is, there aren’t any organised events, just for us, like that, at least I could not think of any.

    I see paintings of our ancestors at grand Balls and in Louisiana we long ago had Madi Gras and many other things which are now dead, ran by carpetbaggers, reconstructed morons and culturally appropriated clowns that I would not recommend attending. Then I think of the recently disbanded Azalea Belles who no longer exist after a worthless hag got a hold of it and began “diversity and inclusion” initiatives which were a death sentence to it being Southern.

    So this article is a good place to start. We need organization, compromised of us and not a single reconstructed hag in sight in charge of so much as a pushing a broom.

    We need these cultural activities to, for one not go insane, as everything we create is diversified to death leaving holes in our social lives, such as the SEC or NASCAR. We need Balls for our Belles so our ladies can get their socializing fix. We need our culture to exist in more than a history book, it has to be a LIVING culture.

    So yes, we need to celebrate our holidays, but just as importantly, it must be among us alone, OUR culture, for OUR people. To make that a reality we need organization. We need organization for everything, we currently have exactly zero, don’t bring up the SCV please.

    So maybe we can have organized celebrations, for us, by us and that can lead into other organizations and we can finally begin to get ourselves together. Its fun and games, but we can use this to build upon for more serious matters.

    One last word though, it must be comprised strictly of the most based and unreconstructed among us, or it will be culturally appropriated, diversified and inclusioned to death. Those celebrations being based on our war for independence will go a long way towards that.

    Happy Lee-Jackson day brother! May there be many more.

    1. Don’t rule out the possibility of debutante balls. Also there are various heritage events in existence such as bluegrass and clogging events but they are vulnerable to being diversified to death if we cannot manage them from the top. I would add that trad food, music and dance is more significant than most ppl think. Ppl are not purely logical beings and heritage festivals like that can do a lot of good without even being explicitly thoughtcriminal. The most important thing for us to take control of is fertile young wombs and that should be the focus, even if it is not clearly stated, but I would make it as holistic as possible with food, music, dance, debuts, adult social mixer, etc. There is no reason that trad food, music and dance and some good adult socialization/networking could not be rolled into one with a debutante ball. But it may be good to put the debut to 18 instead of 16 yrs so that nobody can accuse us of young girl trafficking. OTOH there are debutant societies still going that I do believe stick with the traditional 16yrs with no trouble.

      One of the best ways to keep it from subversion is to keep it quiet. Make it an invitation only event on private property. The best defense is not a good offense. The best defense is for the enemy to not have a clue who you are, where you are or what you are up to. This seems to be hard for our ppl to do as we are more given to transparency and open defiance. Other ethnic groups have no problem with being sneaky.

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