As I sit beneath the unseasonably warm glow of the brilliant sun in Greater Dixie, an area also known as southern Indiana, I am filled with optimism knowing that we have genetics, history, culture and faith in forces greater than ourselves on our side during this turbulent and exhausting November. The year 2020 has subjected the wounded and harshly divided American political union, the only type of union that remains among the already severed bonds of culture, economics, race, and belief systems, to events and policies so distressing, demoralizing, and dystopian that it is amazing anyone has remained sane and
optimistic, but here I, or more reassuringly we, sit ready for what comes next.
Let us put aside the tiring examination of human frailty and ignorance known as American Democracy® and focus on preparations for a possible event so cataclysmic that it could very well reset civilization in ways that globalist frauds at the World Economic Forum cannot even imagine. It is a natural event completely out of human control. This is not a ridiculous hoax on the scale of climate change that plutocrats and bureaucrats will be able to utilize to further enslave our minds, bodies and material possessions. The Age of Enlightenment, where mankind put himself in the center of the universe, is quickly drawing to a conclusion. The false idols of egalitarianism and humanism may be totally melted into an oblivion by a natural event far greater and powerful than any force man could unleash on this world.
As so many of our stories go, this one begins in England. September 1, 1859 would find the curious Richard Carrington carefully studying solar spots on our sun when he detected a brilliant white flare emerge from the magnificent star. The largest solar weather event of recorded history was underway. In a little under 18 hours, the flare and accompanying Coronal Mass Ejection, a huge and swift release of particles from the sun, impacted Earth. The small but burgeoning telegraph network bore the brunt of the geomagnetic solar storm, and reports of telegraph operators being shocked at their desks soon emerged. Auroras could be seen as far south as Queensland, Australia. New England Yankees could read the sanctimonious sermonizing of
Henry Ward Beecher and accounts of madman John Brown in their newspapers at night with no need of artificial illumination. Miners in Colorado began dayshifts in the middle of the night due to auroras creating day-like light. It was an unprecedented event, but one our resilient and resourceful ancestors handled
with little drama or panic.
Can we say the same? Will this tenuous and technologically-dependent collection of widely diverging states be able to calmly and carefully handle the paralyzation of our medical, financial, transportation, retail, and government sectors? If the great COVID scam of 2020 is any guide, we all know the answer to the above question is a resounding no.
We have surrendered our existence to Silicon Valley sociopaths who construct dystopian digital gulags with line after line of subpar (at best) code constructed by third-world diversity hires. Mass media and technology have combined to give the average American the attention span of a gnat. De-platforming anger, censorship rage, election anxiety, and the drudgery of wage slavery can currently be soothed by fast-food and Netflix, but what happens when disaster strikes and the modern comforts vanish?
Nature does not schedule around our discomfort or lack of readiness. A day could fast be approaching when ATMs fail to dispense fiat currency, pharmacies are unable to fill vital prescriptions, power plants are laid waste by our sun, and modern American civilization simply transforms into territory completely
unknown to us.
What shall we do? What is the answer? The scenario I present above seems bleak, but not for those of us who have long noted the decay of American institutions and who realize that faith greater than humanity, preparation, calmness, patriarchal masculinity and common sense will assure us of future survival and victory. My optimism is forged in pessimistic contingency planning.
Everyone smart enough to read this website already knows that being surrounded by family, strong rural communities, ample food and land, and weapons to defend everything we hold dear are the foundations of survival. New spirits of family and community can arise in the midst of whatever challenges, whether or not they be solar, arise. The political unions of a bloated GloboHomo, Inc are quickly dissolving. It is up to us to prepare to bring about the strong, patriarchal nation of our ancestors so that we may pass it down to our
descendants with pride.
-By Hoosier Daddy

O I’m a good old rebel, now that’s just what I am. For this “fair land of freedom” I do not care at all. I’m glad I fit against it, I only wish we’d won, And I don’t want no pardon for anything I done.
I think the original “I’m A Good Old Rebel” went “… for this “fair land of freedom I don not give a damn..”. My favorite part: “I hate this Yankee nation and everything they do, I hate the Declaration of Independence too”.