You Can’t Season Away Your Sins

My philosophy on America is that only the Lord knows what’ll happen when the night comes. So, I don’t fault anybody for their superstitions. The return of irrational beliefs is merely a symptom of our devolution as a society. Still, when an 80 billon dollar corporation engages in such practices, it catches my attention.

In centuries past, people believed that garlic could ward off vampires. In 2020, Target believes that the right combination of spices will be able to ward off black looters. I find this bizarre and, quite frankly, racist.

Straight out of the Middle Ages……

Target’s chief diversity and inclusion officer laments that it “has a reputation of catering to white shoppers.” As a white ally, it’s not my place to speculate about what goes on in the minds of black people. However, I suspect that probably played a role in their well-reasoned decision to destroy the retailer’s Minneapolis location during this summer’s peaceful protests over the murder of George Floyd.

They’d initially sought milk “to relive pain” after being tear gassed. Just like how to bathe, there’s plenty that we need to learn from black people. I wish Uncle Sam knew that milk was a cure after putting me in a tent filled with tear gas. It was a rather unpleasant experience.

We’ve got a lot to learn.

Anyways, they were so enraged by the systemic racism and lack of flavor they’d stumbled upon that the whole place had to go. This time around, Target is betting that spices will absolve it of its sins rather than doing the right thing and making the place easier to loot by putting the electronics in the front.

This isn’t going to work because 1) It’s simply not rational and 2) white people don’t know how to season their food. Today, I ate a breakfast of plain oatmeal and a cheese sandwich for lunch. Supper was boiled chicken and potatoes. How can these Target execs hope to get it right?


  1. They’re going to introduce spices and foods that Southern cooks, Black and White, take for granted and use every day. But which are unheard of in Yankeedom.

    Which begs the question; Why do we think of those people as being a part of the same country as us? Their climate and geography aren’t even the same as ours.

  2. Ethnic people have to spice their food to cartoonish levels because their ingredients suck and they aren’t that great at cooking.

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