Dishonesty is an art that catches up with all of its practitioners eventually. Certain people indulge in it compulsively and free of shame. That tends to produce initial success since most would never consider conducting themselves in this manner. This sort of credulity doesn’t stem from stupidity, but from the fact that they’re not pathologically mendacious.
Therefore, the general public’s awareness of staggering falsehoods is the opposite of a woman’s ability to sense male desperation. A woman can smell it on a man right away, whereas the public has to be beaten over the head repeatedly to start noticing big lies with clarity.
All lies are exposed in time, but it’s still an art. The less skillful the liars, the sooner their deceits become apparent. A lack of finesse in this regard is one of the principal weaknesses of our oligarchic overlords. A wily deceiver exercises restraint. He gets away with one lie and moves on to something fresh. They don’t.
The 2016 vs. 2020 elections are a good example. I’ve got a couple of tweets from Bill Kristol, the leading neocon architect of the Iraq War. He personifies the “nonpartisan consensus” in more ways than just rhetoric.
After Trump won, he joined the board of the Alliance for Securing Democracy, a group set up to overturn the 2016 election with nothing more than a “trust us, we’re nonpartisan experts with an undisclosed, sophisticated formula” sales pitch. Kristol spent four (4) years adamant that 2016 was stolen without offering a shred of credible proof.
Fast forward to 2020, and he’s part of the chorus saying that U.S. elections can’t be stolen and it’s dangerous to democracy to make any attempt at verifying the integrity of an election. Once again, no credible evidence is presented.
Here, we see one reason why this flaw will ultimately bring them down: they tell an egregious new lie that completely contradicts the previous set of lies. In other words, if you can’t be credible, at least be consistent. People are more susceptible to that sort of sophistry.
Racial rhetoric has followed the same trajectory. Generations of Heritage Americans were taught to revere MLK and buy into the platitudes of his speech writer, Stanley Levinson, that a more equitable and harmonious America could emerge if we learned to judge people exclusively by the content of their character. That was an idea they found appealing for obvious reasons.
Decades later, white fragility/privilege/supremacy are the prevailing doctrines, and condemning their existence as inherently problematic in an equitable and just society is ruinous to your career. People get frustrated and begin wondering if the MLK stuff was meant to swindle them into something destructive later on. Then, they start inquiring about who’s doing the swindling. Hysteria ensues.
Some of the strengths we have as dissident content producers are the truth and the fact that the hacks doing the lying simply can’t help themselves. Because this is a compulsive behavior unconstrained by guilt, they blunder into exposing their old lies with new ones.

I’m proud to officially announce my candidacy for the office of Dogcatcher.
I like Tom’s stuff. Always well written and concise
So? Nothing will ever happen to him or anyone else, and they know it. Remember “lock her up”? Nothing, the Clinton’s alone have done more than the Mafia ever did, are still doing at this moment and… nothing. Janet Reno burning children alive on TV? Nothing. Blatant Communist indoctrination in schools? So? Nothing will happen to the “teachers ” and they know it. Lying on TV every night, working for and helping people hell bent on enslaving us? Why not, nothing will happen to you.
Don’t wear a seat belt in “your” car that you “own” and operate with their permission, with their insurance company made by their unions and well then its throw away the key peasant, should have obeyed the law, now get on the ground and put your hands behind your head like a slave or the gun pointed at your head will end you, comply with the officers orders, whatever they are. Maybe if you make bail you can bury your dog that they blew to pieces in front of your family on a whim while you stood there impotent, helpless like a child. Buckle up, your life depends on it, I don’t mean if you run off the road either. They will not go to jail, the people who wrote the sratbelt laws will not go to jail and the judge who signed the bench warrant will never go to jail, and they know it.
There are never any consequences for tyrants, propagandists like Kristol, the people who enforce the kings decrees, those who make a mockery of our faith, those who move to our homes to defile it and replace us….. Nothing, there are no consequences for tyranny, none at all and that is how we have arrived where we are. The first person that introduced the first gun law or instituted the first SWAT team, installed the first camera on the street to monitor us should have been hung the following day, by us, not a court who should live in constant fear of them hanging next to the others. Because they were not, here we are.
If we really do wish to be free and “reclaim everything” that means our manhood. That means fighting and killing tyrants, not on a foreign battlefield, it means those that have been allowed to come into such a prolific abundance in our everyday lives.
When the day after the seatbelt law was passed and I got a $20 ticket by someone in a ridiculous uniform, sitting in a ridiculous clown car paid for with money extorted from me, someone that should not even exist in a free society, much less be hiding in the dark corners of our homes spying on us waiting for me to have the nerve to not wear a seatbelt, as if I were cattle. I did not expect that to lead to me being woken up with in no knock raid and a gun pressed hard into the back of my skull behind my ear after I forgot to pay it, but it did.
No recourse for me, and frankly that we rely on courts and cops for that, the very people who commit the acts of violent tyranny, for recourse from them, the very ones that are guilty of it, illustrates how far from manhood we have fallen. You want to be free? Then that means consequences for tyrants, by your own hand and to routinely carry out your duty to your family and your people to keep them free. That does not usually involve the courts as they are who almost always will be the guilty party. It extends also to the Bill Kristols, the teachers unions, the lesbian preachers advocating for baby murder from the pulpits. Self governance means exactly that. If you are not man enough to do it and you abdicate your duty to the government, then the government will overnight become your master and that is the end of freedom and by extension the end of manhood.
If you want to be free then we truly must be prepared to return to tradition and that means becoming men once more which in turn involves a burden of duty which will often include violence against those who would be our masters, here at home, not on a battlefield. If you can’t envision that then you can’t envision fredom either and you can stop complaining about Kristol and anything else, there will always be more of him, because why not? Nothing will ever happen to him, and he knows it.
“Under the law of nature, all men are born free, every one comes into the world with a right to his own person, which includes the liberty of moving and using it at his own will. This is what is called personal liberty, and is given him by the author of nature, because necessary for his own sustenance.
Liberty . . . is unobstructed action according to our will: but rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will, within the limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add ‘within the limits of the law’; because law is often but the tyrant’s will, and always so when it violates the right of an individual.” – Thomas Jefferson
“Any man who fears arms in the hands of the people should also fear the rope” – Nathan Bedford Forrest
They don’t fear the rope. That’s why you are not free, that’s why we are all sitting around praying a Yankee from New York city in a little round hat will save us. He won’t.
One day if we are to be free once more, we must be prepared to be men again. Self governance means just that.
Well said and very powerful.
Unfortunately, I don’t think 95% of humans really like freedom, of any kind. At least history and our current situation reveal that to be true.
Jesus allegorically referred to people as sheep. I think he really was on to something. He said to follow him as he was going to be a good shepherd. Obviously, most don’t. We see the results.
Some of us are just naturally rebels. We don’t like people telling us what to do and we don’t accept the narratives and ask our own questions. Unfortunately, we’re far and few between. So we compromise. Some become shepherds themselves and sway sheep to a different way, and although it looks like the “people” are rising up, they’re not. They’re just following a different path.
I think it’s a fool’s errand to expect different. Manhood in theory is great, but having courage to die knowing it makes no difference is too hard a price so most rebels don’t even contemplate it. It hurts to realize we’re really cowards. Those that do are comforted to know they at least thought about it. But we’re pragmatic and will live to fight another day so to speak when really it’s just plain old cowardice and a longing to be a comfy sheep.
Then don’t allow sheep to be comfy.