If you aren’t angry at what is happening right now, you should be. Voters in Arizona were tricked into invalidating their ballots by using an unauthorized marking device (a Sharpie, as opposed to a ballpoint pen). Tens of thousands of ballots getting “found” in contested areas that are overwhelmingly and, in several instances, 100% for Biden, not to mention voter turnout rates that are suspiciously high, to include explosions in turn out on Election Day with registration at the polls. In addition, we’ve seen suspicious behavior of vote counters barring observers from seeing or having access to ballots in multiple states and electioneering laws being broken by voting officials and counters being photographed in Biden/Harris masks while in the polling places.
These are just a few of the more widely known controversies. The slightest bit of research will find other accounts that are suspicious enough to warrant an investigation. In other cases, shockingly blatant accounts of voter fraud that belong in the Congo, not in civilized America. When you add to that the fact that the “victim” party in this election theft doesn’t seem to care very much, outside the President, should be greatly concerning and the focus of your anger.
The skullduggery of those who campaign on the destruction of Heritage America is well known and an established fact. They have been the party of “win at any cost” for decades. What many are just starting to realize is that they do so largely unopposed. The deafening silence from GOP politicians should be far more infuriating than the illegal, underhanded misdeeds of Democrats. Why don’t they fight to defend their titular party leader? Why do the overwhelming majority of them sit silently while the system is abused and their constituents are cheated out of an election?
These questions have as many answers as there are Republican politicians, but they all lead to the same thing – they do not care about the same things we care about. They do not care about the integrity of the system enough to publicly demand it be protected. They are not concerned with the people who built this country or their descendants who keep it running enough to fight for them or the system.
In short, dear reader, the Republican Party does not care enough about you to fight for you. They do not care enough about the system of government set forth in the Constitution to protect it against poisonous manipulations and abuse. Why they would sit quietly while your country is stolen from you is a topic for another time. The fact that they would for any reason is the problem and a large one.
You should be furious that the people you voted for this election cycle are sitting quietly, their hands folded in their laps awaiting instruction. Not from you, the person who put them in office and provides the taxes that pay their salaries and the Federal Budget they seem to never find money for you in. No, they’re waiting for the media and from the Democrats who hate them (in public anyway), hate you, and, for some reason, seem to win every argument. And, from the billionaire donor class that moves their businesses overseas and couldn’t care less if you starve to death. The same people who say “learn to code” are the ones who then hire coders from India who charge less and do worse work. But, this is also a topic for another time.
You should be furious at all these things, but what you should NOT do is break the law. Murder, mayhem and violence are not and must not be the answer. Recognizing the system is broken is a big step in the right direction. Badgering every politician you voted for at every level is the next step. If they receive enough pressure from their constituents, some of them will *sometimes* bend and do the right thing.
You should be livid at the fact that an election is being blatantly stolen, regardless of who is stealing it from whom. The most painful part of this evolution is to come to terms with the fact that the GOP as you know it is now, and has been for many years, is a complete fiction. They do not love you, Heritage American. They have never been for you, the American who was born here, pays taxes, serves in the military, builds communities and votes. Walk away from the GOP. Do not assume (R) after their name means they care for you or will protect you, as they clearly are not right now. Once a President is finally decided, it is time to abandon the GOP that abandoned you.
Do not take this to mean you should give up or give in, Foundation American. Quite the opposite. There is much to be done to save what we can from this broken, thoroughly corrupted system. We must start looking for something different, something just. We must begin building networks outside the system. We must build and support businesses that support us and toss aside those who do not at every opportunity.
Many will rightly say our votes no longer matter, so the correct move is to not vote at all. On the national level, they are correct. Your vote, Actual American, no longer counts for President. The issue is that there are often multiple elections on the same ballot. We must vote in local elections, and fill in a box on the national elections so as not to invalidate the local, county, and state elections where our votes still count (for now).
Do not despair. Do not give up. You are right to be furious, but wrong to become a criminal or worse, to quit. Work outside the system. Work with others to build a parallel system that does not need the one that has been twisted into an unrecognizable monstrosity. We can only be stopped if we play by their rules.

I’m angry and disappointed that we’ve wasted decades not building a Southern Nationalist Party and taking back control of our Southern state governments from Yankee pandering scalawags and Carpetbaggers.
I’m angry and disappointed that the Texas Nationalist Movement stops short of running candidates for office.
I’m not angry that they stole the election. This is how Yankees operate. We’ve known it for the last two hundred years.
I’m upset and disallusioned that Southern Nationalists haven’t taken advantage of the circumstances to jab and hurt the empire any way that they can.
I agree that we should avoid violence in every situation except self defence. Acting like Yankees and Antifa is not the honourable Southern way. I cringe every time some stupid White person commits some senseless act of violence. Senseless because it hurts our image and our cause. Before a person says or does anything, a good rule of thumb would be to ask themselves what would General Lee say/do in this situation.
No, not at all. For one you referring to their violence as senseless is wrong, it makes a lot of sense. These people want us dead and erased from the earth, they are in our home through violence and maintain their presence and authority through violence alone. I could go on, but men are always armed just as a basic principle of manhood and the 2nd amendment is just for the purpose of murdering people who are oppressing you, not that we need a piece of paper for permission. Sometimes men cannot tolerate it any longer and since every other avenue is closed to them they do exactly what they are supposed to do and kill their enemies. The only problem is their numbers are endless, they are a horde without identity, so any damage you do is easily remedied, they just yank some more replacements off a boat the next day like Lincoln did, so in that sense, yes its senseless as in it has no lasting effects. It only hurts our image and our cause because the people reporting it are our enemies, that’s the problem, not the resistance to them.
You should not denigrate our people who fight our enemies for any reason whatsoever, instead save your blame for those who caused them to resort to extreme measures in the first place. A world without violence has never existed and never will, having the capacity and capability for violence and the will to carry it out is a basic trait for survival. We did not invade anyone, we are not the aggressors. Sometimes the basic understanding of kill those who would destroy your people overrides better judgement. In addition to that our enemies employ a tactic of purposely pushing and taunting us to violence, they have been doing it for 200 years, I call it laying tiger traps. They know their numbers are endless and ours are finite, so they taunt us and push us, then that’s one less Southerner in the world. It works because fighting them is the right thing to do, in our culture we would have duals with each other over insults far less than what we are forced to endure on a daily basis from them and they know it.
One last thing about Lee, for one our people do not have demigods, hero worship is not very Southern and a lot of us don’t really care for a lot of the things he said and did. He was just a man, as any other. The hero worship is something relatively new that has creeped in, I suspect because he is one of the last things our people even remember about our past so they cling to him. But its not a healthy habit and not particularly Southern. Look at Yankees and the Shrine they built to Lincoln on his throne in Washington, that’s not something to be emulated and Lee himself would tell you not to do it. There were plenty of children who couldn’t even read who lived and died for us, they are just as good as Lee. We don’t have kings or look at men as our betters, even when they are on our side, we are all the same.
Instead look to the spirit of the South, that is what is to be admired. Look to the spiritual things that lead Lee to the understanding he had, the source, which was God, our culture and our people.
Please in the future don’t insult people who die for us, even if its misguided, there are plenty of insults from our enemies for them, no need to add our voices to them.
I actually disagree with that, but please hear me out before you go, “huh; how could you possibly disagree?”
You must at some point come to the realization that stupid (and violent) white people will always be with us. Always. Like the poor. This being the case, there will always be, lurking in the shadows and ready to “go postal” at any given moment, the Dylann Roofs and Patrick Crusius’s of the world. What these drug-addled fatherless idiots do is indeed cringe worthy, but what is more cringe worthy (much more cringe worthy, actually) is how the MSM reports on it, proverbially “making a mountain out of a mole hill,” as if to say the Roofs and Crusius’s are the rule, and not the exception to it. What they are in reality is the extreme exception that proves the rule; the rule being of course that the vast majority of white people (Southerners in particular) do not commit senseless acts of violence, and the idea to do so (to say nothing of going through with it) would never even occur to them. “Bad optics” and all that notwithstanding, it is the MSM who are most responsible for “hurting our image and our cause,” not the exceptions aforementioned who prove the rule.
You wrote:
I don’t disagree with the sentiment, but that would require possessing a tolerable understanding of who General Lee was and the outstanding Christian character he possessed that guided him in all his actions. Which of course stupid drug addled white people – who will always be with us, as I said above – will never possess. They don’t know what you and I know about General Lee, et al. Speaking of which,…
In our little homeschool, we do what we call “Character Studies” of outstanding men like General Lee, General Washington, Matthew Fontaine Maury, et al. Which is a very effective way of developing that “tolerable understanding” of who these men were and of their outstanding Christian virtues mentioned before. Once that “tolerable understanding” is reached by way of such studies and other means, they don’t even have to think about “what would General Lee do?”; they possess a deep familiarity with the man and his character and therefore know exactly what he would do, almost by intuition.
But it is also extremely important (more important, I would say, than understanding who General Lee et al was) that these young men have a good father to influence and guide them. By example first, and/or otherwise if needs be. Once again, if one of his biggest and most dreaded fears is that his actions will disappoint and let down his father, a young man is very unlikely to commit a senseless act of violence. Not s’much otherwise. I’ve written many times before of how the fear and dread of disappointing my father kept me very close to walking the straight and narrow at virtually all times as a young man when nothing else would have; that whenever I would begin to stray a bit, that fear and dread would “hit me like a ton of bricks.”
P.S. I plan to write an article explaining how we conduct these “character studies” I mentioned above in the near future. For the edification of young parents and would-be homeschoolers.
I agree with the author of this piece and the comments. The whole system is rigged, and I think that the White useful idiots cheering on their own demise will wake up too late. However, focusing on local is one of the ways to go. The enemy knows this, which is why they have been focusing their efforts on local races, like the county Prosecutor’s office(we have Kim Fox in Cook County, Illinois. The same one who refused to prosecute Jussie Smolett’s hate crime hoax). We need to build organizations that will represent us and our interests, not necessarily political parties, just yet.
We need to adopt the mindset that we are a nation under occupation, which Southerners know all too well. Let us humble ourselves before God, who will lead us to victory.
You cannot do anything until you are organized enough to act and you cannot do that until you define exactly who you are as a people, down to a man, or you will be diversified to death. Cappetbaggers call themselves Southerners as long as they are squatting in our home. As long as you cannot define exactly who we are as a race, a people and a nation then you will lose.
Look at your masters, Jews, they have a list and require DNA evidence to call yourself one. If we cannot do the same then through our open borders will march the New Southerners into the New South, which means the end of the true South and the people of Dixie. Genocide by way of diversity. Its already well underway.
Then comes the Reconstructed and the outright traitors such as James Carville and Bill Clinton, they are Southerners too, but what about them? The way we deal with traitors in our culture is barred from us, our chains keep them out of reach of a noose, so in our current occupied state how do we deal with traitors, exile from our people? We need a list and list keepers for that. Then comes subversion, the principal method of our enemies, to destroy us from within. Are we well versed enough in their methods to stop it and better yet, use the subverts to further our cause? How do we train our people to be savvy enough to overcome it? Do we have workbooks and training programs?
Can we fund anything we do? A huge mistake we have made was spending all of our time and energy trying to balance the national budget, a huge mistake. Our enemies used the national debt to fund everything they could ever want, while we stood aside and tried to make it work, to save a system that was designed and implemented to rob us blind and we tried to save it! A colossal blunder on our part. It was never going to work and we should have done what every smart business does, use other peoples money to fund our efforts, if that money belongs to our enemies, even better, I hear Bezos and Zuccerberg have a lot, we should go after it and the Yankee debt farm in New York and Washington as well, while there is still time. Our people have been cast into poverty and at this point in time to have a sussesful anything in your community is a death sentence, you will be flooded and replaced overnight as in the Texas oilfields. A nice culture in New Orleans? Its now is a Yankee cesspool, that’s how it works. So we cannot expect our oppressed and impoverished people to pay for anything, especially not against those who print money. We have to get our hand in the pot too, if that causes it to collapse before they want to, then even better. Of course we must maintain our seceded understanding, we are not involved in usery or theft, but to pretend that we don’t live in a system that we are forced to live in at gunpoint is folly, delusion of the highest order. My ancestors were freebooters and pirates, Louisiana would not exist without them. There is no dishonor in stealing from the Crown in order to be free of the Crown. Its time to return to tradition.
There are a lot of things that must be in place before we can act as a united people, prerequisites for unity. A lot of our people are disillusioned of banding together, every time its been tried it was most often a wishy washy attempt by RINO boomers who would spend the majority of the time talking about racism and planning for a life in a world we knew would not exist when the future came. They all inevitably failed, as they should when your own people abandon you out of disgust, our people are tired of losing, they will not show up to something they know will fail anymore. So our people will be wary of it and tired of trying.
Did we write down these previous lessons from those efforts and have a list of lessons learned? Of course not, nobody does things like that for us, so we repeat the same mistakes endlessly, generation after generation. Our spiritual bond is all that has held us together, our shared spiritual understanding, without that we would have been erased from the earth long ago. But those spiritual works need material support to be effective in the earthly realm and we are sorely lacking in that area. We need education, workbooks and training, our enemies have it in spades, we must learn to match and exceed them. There are many things that must be taken care of before we can even begin to do anything without them rolling out the same tactics and terminology to destroy or subvert us. Because we did not write and down and do not have a running list of lessons learned, they will win yet again. We need that list first. We need counter measures and not only parry their attacks, but riposte them, make them bleed a little every time they come at us. Remember the Gadsden flag is a Southern flag, bite them when they tread to near, be more trouble than your worth.
I could continue, but I just wanted to illustrate the importance of the prerequsites of what you are saying to do. There must be in place a destination, a path, logistics, supply lines and a map before the first step of the journey. Its what I call the backlog, the things that were not being documented and codifed as they were happening, the lessons learned along the way, nobody wrote them down. We all have pieces of this enormous jigsaw puzzle, we must come together and codify our collective understanding before we can proceed.
Finally, the most important thing. Subversion,subversion, subversion, subversion, subversion.
Anything you create they will take and use it against you. They will sit back and laugh as you then destroy the very thing you created, such as NASCAR and a million other instances I have witnessed first hand. It will happen to whatever Party or whatever else you create unless you are steeped in the understanding required to stop it. Need I remind you that we used to be Democrats? That will happen to you as well if you don’t not only prevent it, but have the capacity to destroy those who try to subvert you, on a personal basis as well as.their collective. Nobody has ever won a purely defensive anything, you must have effective counter attacks and a end game solution as well as a stout defense.
You must have a deep understanding to prevent that. Terminology, framing, methodology etc. We can actually mirror our enemies in this, appropriately I use the term “draft the Jews” from the tactic of drafting your competition in NASCAR. They already have the structure in place that allows them to operate as a people within a people, we can use the same things for our people and in doing so make a situation wherein if they attack our ability to do it, they are also attacking their ability to do it. Let them cut the wind for us, channel your best impression of Junior Johnston and draft those suckers. Again you have to know how they do it before you can copy it and you have to write it down and make it teachable, teachable for us anyway not yankees, just for us alone.
You have to define us to a man before you can do that. Prerequisites and a backlog as tall as a mountain, but through faith and a little elbow grease we can move mountains. Lets get started, now is the time, join or die, as Benjamin Franklin once said and then roll up our sleeves and work on the backlog, codify that knowledge and make it teachable to our people. Then we can begin to fight.
Great article, thanks for taking the time to write it.
This is how the election fraud was done. Here’s an interview with a cyber source revealing hard evidence of electronic vote changing. It’s a long video and well worth watching for the technical details, but this starts at the 30-minute mark for the real juice, first showing how the 2019 Kentucky Governor’s race was stolen from Republican incumbent Matt Bevin, and then showing how the same thing was done for the states stolen from Trump and handed to Beijing Biden:
Yes, voter fraud is the bread and butter of Communists, they talk about it non-stop, just like Stalin did when he said that “The people who vote is not important, the people who count the votes are”.
They make no secret of it and never have. The problem with your evidence is that nobody cares if its real or not. The communists that voted for Biden know the results are fake and the people that voted for Trump are powerless cucks.
You do not live in a Republic, you live in a dying Democracy, soon to be a Communist State, the only opinions that matter are of those who control the Federal Army and Deep State, neither of which were ever supposed to exist and neither of which care about you and your evidence. Violence is the only language they speak and it is the ultimate authority from which all other forms of authority draw their power.
That is the language of the Staist and Statists are who have ruled this ” Democracy” for 200 years. The Republic was murdered 200 years ago, it no longer exists, to pretend otherwise is simply delusional thinking.
When I was younger I also thought if I just woke enough people up, “red pilling” we called it, then everyone would come together and make it right. It was childish I now know, the majority of people do not care at all and half of the ones that do care are the ones that are perpetrating the enslavement of us, they are fully aware of the truth. Think of it like this, since the invasion of the South people have only gotten more ignorant of the truth of it, despite us non-stop talking about it for generations. That’s how it works, evidence and truth do not matter, perception does and our enemies control our entire culture from the media, movies, TV, music, books, social media, education.. everything. They use it to create the perceptions they want, they understand that the truth is unimportant, perception is all that matters in a “Democracy”, which is precisely why we were not one and why only certain people could vote and only on very limited things.
Save your time collecting evidence until you have the power to kill those who would rule you, not their cannon fodder who they don’t care about, them personally the head of the snake and have the power to change perception. Until you have that evidence is a waste of time. For instance you can know every detail of the invasion of the South and everything from then until now and someone that knows nothing can just say you are a racist. You lose that argument. every time and always will because of perception.
Its a whole area that I have watched my whole life, you can go read Sal Alensky to understand what you are up against, ridicule is their greatest weapon along with holding you to your own standards and making you a hypocrite,.telling a big lie and repeating it non-stop etc. Its why the entire earth uses words like hillbilly, inbred, hick, etc. Because they use their control of the mechanisms that shape your identity and perception to ingrain their ridicule of us into people.
I have identified “The Laugh Factory” in Chicago, which is a city that (((Communists))) have used as a power base their entire existence in America, it is the land of Lincoln after all and where the Marxist schools are located as well, as a training ground for their agents of ridicule, go look at the alumni of The Laugh Factory in Chicago to see a whos who of marxist hate mongers, you might be suprised. They then move them from their training there to Saturday Night Live in New York City, their other stronghold to, prefect their technique and if they preform well enough there then its on to TV and Movies at which point they are experts at shaping perception through ridicule.
Sorry but perception trumps evidence every time, go read your enemies, start with Alsnky he wrote in plain English so the useful idiots could comprehend it and its a good place to start. You time is better spent understanding and then learning yourself how to win in this God forsaken Democracy, then if we win, perhaps we can once again be free and then truth and evidence will matter again. I will warn you once more, truth no longer matters, spend your time elsewhere if you would win in the game they have forced us into. Honor and truth only matters to Southerners and that is precisely why they hate us so. When amongst ourselves its fine, but in “America” do not pretend otherwise that you are in enemy lands and their rules apply, not ours. Learn their rules, and then beat them.
In my previous reply my phone changed the Author’s name. Its not Sal Alsnsky whoever that is as my my phone seems to think, but Saul Alinsky and the book is called “Rules for Radicals”. He was a prominent Marxist teacher, Hillary Clinton wrote her thesis on him and considered him her mentor and Obama was a disciple of his as well, just to name a few. Sorry for the phone autocorrect, now only if I can get it to stop fat fingering periods and commas as well. Know your enemies my friend, read his book.
“We must begin building networks outside the system. We must build and support businesses that support us and toss aside those who do not at every opportunity.”
On line, we need to reject Google/gmail, Amazon, Twitter, Facebook. I have replaced gmail with encrypted protonmail (Swiss-based), FB with Gab, I don’t do twitter, and I won’t shop on amazon ever again. Buy local, at small businesses when you can.