Since 2016, rightwing dissidents have had to learn painful lessons about the dystopian realities of the current age. Principally, the fact that we live under the grip of a transnational oligarchy. None of us harp about living in a free country in which a constitution endows us with rights. Everything is determined politically, so we act accordingly.
It’s insane at this point to assume that one could get a permit and hold a peaceful protest or even express reasonable political opinions under his real name and expect to remain employable. Once you understand the risks, staying out of the line of fire becomes a priority.
I’m not going to get my home burned down because I put a Trump sign on it, or post MAGA stuff on Facebook so that Antifa can show up on my lawn to harass me and then have me arrested. The difference between myself and the unfortunate people who’ve had this stuff happen to them is that they assumed they had rights.
When the crazy stuff started happening after the 2016 election, it was easy for conservatives to dismiss it as attacks against “neo-Nazi white supremacists.” What they don’t understand is that the attackers also consider conservatives to be white supremacists. Now that those other “white supremacists” have retreated to the shadows, they’re on the hit list.
It’s very easy to find out who they are, where they are, and how they feed their families. That liability doesn’t just come from using their real names on social media. Here’s where the danger really lies for a conservative who participates in the political process: anybody who gave more than $200 to a candidate at the federal level or to a political party has their name, address and employer recorded in a database. It’s online and anybody can search it. States mandate varying forms of public disclosure as well.
Trump hasn’t done much to protect his supporters. However, the wholesale targeting of his donors could be a red line for him. That’s why the harassment thus far has been sporadic. Another important constraint on reprisals is that doing something too provocative could get him a second term. None of this is going to apply once he’s gone.
If he doesn’t die in office during a second term, he’ll be prosecuted. If he (hopefully) wins a second term, demographic changes will probably make 2020 the last Republican presidential victory. Revenge is coming sooner or later. Will they get fired or also get their houses set on fire? That remains to be seen.
We’re in a fundamentally new situation. In America, one can now be sanctioned as a target for extrajudicial violence based on his political opinions. Mobs can storm into neighborhoods and block roads with impunity. Weaponized lunatics know they can attack with the implicit cooperation of law enforcement and public officials. This paragraph would’ve been bonkers in 2010.
It’s perilous to maintain an old frame of reference. From my observations, that’s exactly what most conservatives are doing. These people simply cannot understand why, as productive and law-abiding citizens, they would be hated by the people with power. Moreover, it’s simply not rational for those at the top to seek the destruction of the population on which their foundation rests. Perhaps it’s too unsettling for them to conceptualize any of this stuff.
At any rate, they need to get past their comfort zone and start considering what somebody deranged enough to mutilate his genitals wouldn’t do to a white supremacist if presented with the opportunity. They should also try to get into the headspace of someone willing and able to launch campaigns under false pretenses that kill millions of people in order to facilitate the expansion of an ethnostate.
These are the unhealthy mentalities that will drive the revenge against Trump supporters under the banner of “freedom” and “justice.” I suggest reading up on the communist takeover of Russia if you want some details on what happens once the mask comes off and they’re free to inflict whatever they want. It’s ghoulish.

I’m proud to officially announce my candidacy for the office of Dogcatcher.
Antifa and BLM have thus far avoided rural Mississippi. If they value their lives any whatsoever, they will continue to do so. This stands, regardless of whether Willie Brown’s whore becomes president, and whether she sends U. N. troops to do her bidding. We’ll be ready.
As Zippy used to say, “and that’s when the mass murder starts.”:
But, yeah, “understand the world you live in and conduct yourself accordingly” is always good advice.
Trump signs and MAGA hats have no power over the Devil, only the cross and the blood of Our God Christ spilt at Cavalry.
Still in delusion … ya got a serious “nazareth” problem …
And what should we do about it? Please save your hiding in the woods with your daddy’s .45 answers to yourself. You will die and even if you do skim by some savage existence, that’s not victory and its certainly not bravery. So what do we do? Stand here and wait to die seems like the overwhelming view. You know what they have planned, you know who they are, you know how they plan to go about doing it. Now what?
Nobody (that I know of anyways) has the answer to your question. It is a good question, but without a clear answer. We are in what appears to be uncharted territory.
To the author I can only chime in and say that a Trump victory won’t make a difference compared to a Biden win. Those who truly rule are not (nor ever) up for election. If elections changed anything, they’d be outlawed.
Trump oversaw James Fields being sent to prison for 400+ years for trying to get away from an armed insane violent homosexual Antifa pointing a “military style assault rifle” (what they would describe it as if the situation was reversed, unending federal gay ops against White men and many Trump supporters, BLM & Antifa rioting and murdering run wild, mass freeing of violent black drug dealin criminals, various federal departments declaring Whites who simply want a very mild and watered down version of what Jews have with Israel (i.e. just to be left alone, and not taking other people’s territory, starting wars all over the world, fleecing untold trillions of dollars and millions of lives from the goyim they control), an embassy move to Jerusalem, annexation of the Golan Heights, etc, etc.
Kosher Paradise and Hell For Whitey no matter which of these 2 faggots win.
Exactly! I’ve said this every way I can think of to say it for years. I would also point out that Amy Coney Barrett’s Senate confirmation is meaningless; that if there were any danger detected by the powers that be of her affecting any kind of positive change on the Court, she would have been roundly rejected in the Senate despite all the fluff that made it look like it was a close vote. Ironically Schumer is probably right in saying that generations yet unborn will be negatively impacted by her nomination. Or however exactly he put it.