Joker: Culture of the Smile

The hype is over. The competition between the Left and the Right who condemns Joker louder has resolved in a tie. The politically minded people tired themselves and went back on their rails. May I be heard now?

Listen, you missed the entire point of Joker. All of it. Completely.

This hilarious spectacle of all political factions condemning Joker as a creation of their enemies – doesn’t it tell you something? All minds obsessed with politics failed to associate with the message of the movie – all of them. Joker expressed no recognizable political ideology. Joker is completely apolitical! So perfectly apolitical that it infuriated all factions, political minds raged at the piece that does not fit their holes.

Joker does not care about your political agenda, and does not criticize your views, nor does it criticize the views of your enemies.

This is a movie about the American culture of smile. Simple as that. And, horrible as it is. It showed you the devastation of the souls you Americans inflict upon yourselves with your mandatory sincere smile. Yes! Both mandatory and sincere.

Because, “My boy is simply a happy boy and likes to smile.” The mother is an allegory of the American culture. The Joker is the allegory of the American people. The chaos on the streets is not even a revolution, but pure chaos, is not a political message for you, it is an allegory of your state of mind.

In the scene with the little boy at the gates it became obvious that the Joker lives through the compulsion of happiness. He felt necessary to inflict upon the child one of the physical acts his mother inflicted upon himself. It was a mere shadow of the corpus of horrors he suffered behind the camera.

The scene of reading the mother’s medical history makes it completely clear beyond any doubt that she tortured him to smile. Her reply in the interview (re-watch it, seriously) tells you everything if you put it into the proper perspective: it is said by a sadistic, paranoid person – this phrase is textbook degree typical for mentally ill people trying to bend their victims to fit their delusions.

It does not matter whether he was adopted or native, a bastard, or legit, a son of a millionaire, or a nobody –
by making it unclear, the movie tells us that the culture of smile does not discriminate in its victims, everybody has to smile.

According to Joker, your America is not politically unwell, it is mentally ill. And, it is severely and dangerously ill, and it has been ill for a very, very, long time by now, far longer than you prefer to believe. And for the reasons you can’t even perceive, let alone analyze or condemn. Because you are a joker, a victim who successfully repressed your childhood memories. But, you are an unsuccessful joker, you failed to recover the medical records, you even failed to act your pain out.

This is why Joker angers you somewhere in your subconscious background.

-By Eugene Panferov


  1. It is a thoroughly depressing movie about a mentally ill man with low intelligence bordering on functional retardation. I don’t think there’s anything to read into.

    He’s desperately poor and has severe mental illness. This is the psychological composite of most homeless men. As a character, Joaquin Phoenix was just reprising his role from “The Master,” which was a spectacularly unnerving movie.

    Joker neither deserves the opprobrium or the praise heaped on it.

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