Necessity requires me to do a significant amount of air travel, international flights included. That’s caused me to experience the pandemic of this year in a dramatic fashion, underscoring just how quickly tectonic shifts can happen. That doesn’t exactly warm the heart. By contrast, August in rural Virginia has made me feel calm despite the mask nonsense.
If somebody had told me that 2020 would’ve found myself perfectly healthy yet detained by a foreign government for a two-week quarantine over a virus with a lower kill rate than the average flu, I wouldn’t have believed it possible. That’s exactly what happened, so I’ve come to appreciate that unpredictability is the whole point of the future.
Only some events occur in an obvious linear fashion. For instance, the progression from BLM to the Trump inauguration riots, to the ambush at Charlottesville and on to the current chaos. It was easy to see coming. But shutting down the economy over a non-crisis in public health? None of us spotted that on the horizon.
One thing I’ve learned from espousing reasonable fact-based opinions that are politically and socially unacceptable is that if you do this with normal people, their reactions are often swift and emotional. It’s like tossing a tennis ball against a smooth concrete wall. It never sticks, just immediately bounces back in your direction.
All you’re going to accomplish is ending whatever positive relationship you had with an individual who might be valuable in your life despite a lack in critical thinking capability. That’s a mistake I’m glad to have avoided during this iteration of collective insanity.
A normal person might believe a benevolent Bill Gates prognosticating that things will get back to normal by the end of next year. However, I suspect that things are going to get much, much worse. Part of my suspicion stems from passing through international air hubs that are basically deserted. There were literally more duty-free shop staff than passengers. I’ve seen flight boards with 85%+ cancellations and flown on international flights operating at under 10% capacity. It’s a surreal experience.
We live in a globalized, debt-based economy that requires perpetual expansion to avoid some sort of implosion that’s probably inevitable anyways. It’s not presided over by a set of transparent actors and nobody can even account for all the variables in this incredibly complex system, let alone make accurate predictions for what happens a couple years down the road.
Still, my experiences with this critical component of the supply chain don’t seem to portend anything good. Prior to 2020, I’d never once been to a foreign country and felt like I could be literally stranded because all travel has been shut down. At this point, I doubt that concern will ever depart the back of my mind.
Ultimately, over a decade’s worth of regular international travel has impelled me to appreciate the importance of having your own local network of reliable, like-minded friends. They’ll help bolster your sanity in an era that seems designed to undermine whatever you’ve got left. If things really start hitting the fan, they’ll become invaluable because wherever you are, you’ll be staying put.

I’m proud to officially announce my candidacy for the office of Dogcatcher.
Yeah, several of us have been making this point of late. Zman talks about it now and again at his site. The cutting off of the supply chains is a huge deal that we’ve only begun to see the effects of, and really just in very minor ways to this point. I don’t have a “reputation” to protect, so I’ll just go ahead and predict that none of this madness is going away anytime soon, and that as a result the collapse forthcoming is going to be swift and sudden; in the ‘twinkling of an eye,’ to put it in Bible terms.
“Babylon the Great, Mother of Harlots?” We report, you decide.
Hi Mr. Morris,
Babylon it is, they dont even bother to hide that anymore. One of (((Them))) just released a Netflix show about 10 year old strippers, so I mean there is no doubt that we face Babylon.
That aside, I found an article that may be useful to you in your efforts. It was eye opening for me, I did not realize how much New England shaped American history, not just the history of their invasion.
I also hope you are reaching out to others and not shouldering the entire burden yourself. The series of articles on Reconstruction that I have read here are excellent and maybe he could shoulder that part for you, things of that nature. Use your people to help your people, no man can stand alone nor is it your burden alone. So I would pray that you are reaching out to others.
Knowing there are people like you out there doing things like that lets me sleep at night, thats not an exaggeration, so thanks for that.
Anyway here is the link, its pretty disheartening to learn just how much of my history has been stripped from me, but we can only work for the future.
Dear Michael, you wrote:
Lots of people seem to be blissfully ignorant of the fact that this very sort of thing, along with other forms of sexual degeneracy and deviant “lifestyle choices,” was going on post-WWI/pre-WWII in the old Weimar Republic. Hence the reason Conservatives/Traditionalists in the good ol’ U.S. of A. took to referring to us some years back as “Weimerica.” And as I’ve said many many times, here and elsewhere, the only reason I can see that we still exist as a “nation” is because “the iniquity of the Weimericans is not yet full” (Gn. 15:16); it isn’t because, as the “conservatives” of conservative Inc. would have it, that we’re an inherently “good” nation and good people who have done all these wonderful things correcting our past faults and shoring up our weaknesses, ending slavery and extending the “sacred franchise” to women, blacks and children. Anyone who believes any of that has “strengthened” us is a fool who shouldn’t be allowed within a country mile of a voting booth. But it’ll work itself out in the end, for the Lord shall laugh; he shall have us in derision (see Ps. 2). It’s just a matter of time.
You wrote:
Yeah, thanks for that. Just to let you know for future reference, I’m on the Abbeville Institute mailing list. I read that article/essay shortly after it was published. It doesn’t contain much of anything I didn’t already know. You might be interested in a little book available on Kindle for a nominal fee called The Confederate Cause and Conduct in the War Between the States, which will give you a more original perspective on that situation and the work that was done to correct it prior to the turn of the twentieth century. See here:
I think you might like this book – “THE CONFEDERATE CAUSE AND CONDUCT IN THE WAR BETWEEN THE STATES, Annotated and Illustrated.” by Dr. Hunter McGuire, George L. Christian, Lucy Booker Roper, Rex Miller.
Start reading it for free:
Your further wrote:
Thanks. But I’m just a guy, man; I don’t wield a whole lot of influence outside, as I said, my little circles. I do try to plant seeds of knowledge here and there, and just trust that others will come along to water them, to tend the soil and to pull the weeds that threaten to choke them out; and that ultimately it is the Lord who gives the increase. But in that vein, I have a humorous anecdote to share that I think you and others might appreciate:
Some years back (I think around 2010 if memory serves) I had been attending some of the local “Tea Party” meetings put on by the local Republicans. My reasons for being in attendance at those meetings I kept within the confines of my own breast, but suffice to say they were much different than were the motives of the average attendee at those meetings. I would plant little seeds of knowledge at them, again, trusting that the Lord would give the increase in His own time.
One fine day the leader of this group called me on my cell phone wondering whether I would attend the upcoming “meet you at the pole” event at the local public school, where she requested one of my children lead the Pledge of Allegiance. I said that I would consider it, but would have to get back to her with my answer. A few days later I scheduled a meeting with her for the purpose of giving my answer along with an explanation for it. At which meeting I thanked her for the consideration, but nevertheless declined the offer. I then said that I would like to explain why I was declining. She said she would hear me out.
Essentially what I told her was that if she would take time to consider the words and phrases of the pledge, that she would soon find upon reflection that it is all a big lie. I mean, “to the Republic for which it stands”; “one nation”; “under God”; “with liberty and justice for all”? I said that none of this is true, and, moreover, it has never been true; that my children do not pledge allegiance to that flag; that if one day when they are adults they decide to give their formal allegiance to the Union flag and all it really represents, then, well, I would be very disappointed in them, but would consider it their business; that in the meantime and in any case, they won’t be doing it under my watch. She was surprisingly very receptive to this counsel and began to ask questions about what I thought we could do to change things for the better. My answer was this – and this is the funny part:
I told her that I knew that she was kind of “in” with more than a few of our Republican state representatives and Senators. I said that “if you will use your influence to get me behind the speaker’s podium in a joint session of the Oklahoma Congress, I promise you I’ll give those historically illiterate nincompoops a speech the likes of which they have never heard in their lives.” Ha, ha. She said that she would run it by a few of them, but of course nothing ever came of it whether she did or whether she didn’t. So there ya go.
I’d still love to have to opportunity to give that speech, if you know what I mean. 🙂
Ha! I bet the Party of Lincoln would burst into flames if they ever did hear that speech.
I know you have small circles, I have heard that so many times, including this article. But that is our fatal flaw. We have to be far, far more orginzied than that. Everyone has little pieces of the puzzle, this circle over here has one, and this cirlce over there has some, the SCV has some and the Southern Legal Resource center has some more etc.
We have to start bringing those isolated pieces together and that takes organized effort. We have to do that. Its a must if we are to make it.
I mean every marxist is also a community organizer, even Obama. Its that important. It has to happen. Community organizers are the keystone of our enemies power. We have to at least match their efforts.
I need to be around some entrepreneur type Southerners, maybe start some side bussiness for Southerners. Not only free up my time, but I could then use some of the profits to fund some things for us, like Monuments Across Dixie does with some of its proceeds. I need to be around Southern non-RINO bussiness savy people that I can trust with things for Southerners, people who know Southern accounts, Southern lawyers. Networking for Southerners, us. I have an idea for a LinkedIn type site, but only for us, but I would need to be around some like minded people and resources to get it up and running, just some advice from people we can trust. We need that and so much more, we have to come together, those small circles can then become bigger circles and intersect. Maybe then you would not have to say “I’m just one guy” anymore.We all need to start coming together.
I was thinking, have you reached out to anyone over at Shotwell Publishing? Maybe they could help, maybe they would like to help you and your friends put together a curriculum that they could then market and sell? Maybe worth a shot, they are publishers after all. I mean, they could at least offer some assistance prehaps?
Honestly some people did predict it, quite a few actually.
Instead of hunkering down and not doing anything with your like minded friends, I would instead encourage expanding those cricles to other circles to form networks of Southerners and prepare not just to survive, but to excell and then try to piviot that into our independence and eventually reclaiming our homeland, which is something I dont hear ya’ll talk about much anymore.
The famous Game of Thrones quote “Chaos is a ladder” rings true to me everyday and it disheartens me to no end that we are so disorganized that we cannot even think to use that to our advantage. We just need organization, we need to unite as a people and start to behave as one. I wont go into all of that as ya’ll used to talk about it often, but as I see our enemies use this opportunity to destroy our monuments we could likewise be taking steps toward our future. We have a moment now, why not use it to begin to actually orginze as a people?
Everyday I see opportunities that we could use to our advantage, but I have no idea who to go to with them. I study the terminology our enemies use and then develop some to counter it and then refeame it to our advantage, but who can I go to that is part of a network to make use of it to more than just me? We could become a nation within a nation. We are knowledgeable enough about history as to predict the future, but it seems that black pills us instead of understanding that we are looking at the ladder that our people have been praying for, an end to the oppression, the crumbling of their empire. Its a ladder.
If only we were orginzied enough to act on it. If only we had a version of a Jewish temple were there were people who did nothing but think about us and how to reclaim our home all day every day. Keeping our history and our faith, watching our enemies, making sure we educated our children, that our race and culture were preserved, that we stayed employed and what to do if you were not, feeding our needy, raising up our people and keeping us together. That is what we are missing. True Southerners, keeping the faith and staying together. We need organization and places to do that at, where we were all on the same page with the same goal, reclaim everything.
When I was a kid I realized that our only chance at freedom and victory would be them collapsing in on themselves. I was right, and now here we are and completely unprepared to sieze upon it. Why? What happened? I know we are ignorant of our own past, but we can fix that. I know that we have a ton of problems, but they can be overcome if we start acting as one and helping each other. We can do it, we must begin to organize and while I am not fit for such a task, I certainly can help others who are and I am not the only one either.
You have already taken the first steps by defining who we are. We know about subversion and how to guard against it. We have a collective knowledge of real history that almost gives us the power of revelation, we have the most hard working, good natured people to ever walk the earth at our disposal, and we have each other.
All of these long years of darkness, of being spit upon for warning people of what they were bringing down upon themselves, now we are vindicated and we are just going to wait to die alone in small groups? Why? This what we have been waiting for!
Dont be black pilled, rejoice! God has sent us a ladder, and in the coming days he will send many more, we must be ready to climb. We have to orginze! Now.
I need someplace where I can offload the terminology I have hammered out, that then is codified with others, which is then dispersed to our people, which is then utilized in the most effective manner through channels we control. Funding streams for us, which companies to support which to shun, how to keep our money in our circle instead of funding our enemies, a website for our people that lists all of the ways they are attacked and what to do and say in the face of them (I could help with that) which would do wonders for a gaslighted people, things like that. That takes organized effort and that is what we are lacking.
Please do not content yourself to sit on your land and wait to die with your handful of friends, and die you will, they have not forgotten about you and you will certainly not be allowed private land, you cannot stand alone. Instead take this down time with your friends to start to draft the metaphorical blueprints for our temples. Then, if we deem it worthy, we will build them. If its the real thing, we will build them. We can teach our own children and come together as a people. We can plan and swap notes. We can outcast the reconstructed and raise up the based, the true Southerner, instead of the reverse which is the clownworld of “new South”.
Sir, I beg you, do not take the black pill and wait. Smile! Be productive with this time and this ladder God has provided us while the eyes of the enemy are not soley on us anymore. This is the very thing we have been praying for! Lets orginzie, unite and prosper. Its up to us, I may not be good at the orginzing part, but surely there are ways we can all help, to flesh out networks that are tangible and we can all start to contribute to.
Wake up sir! Dont lay down on us now. Dont just stand there in pretended saftey with your friends, reach out to others that are doing the same and make use of them. You already know what to do, for God’s sake man, this is the site that I read about it on! You know what to do.
I have faith in my people, in you and your friends. Smile for God’s sake, find your feet again. These are the intresting times that we have heard so much about, isnt that at least a little bit exciting to you? Lets grab the first rung of that ladder!