Ah, the smell of napalm in the morning. As our nation burns, as we witness horrifying scenes of carnage and rapine, we may finally understand that the United States of America are dead. Our country is gone, stolen and surrendered. Donald Trump isn’t going to bring it back, even if he wanted to — and he most assuredly doesn’t. This is one reason why we should not vote in November. For another, like the pitiful desperation of the Amerindian race in its death throes, voting and calmly debating policy issues, participating in the present political system at all, is just a version of the Ghost Dance. We lose either way. Why keep praying for rain?
Forget the polity formerly known as America. It’s dead. Move on. We do not have anything even approximating a “movement.” It’s too late for all of that. We must forget national politics. The future lies in our communities. Our dwindling lives and resources are far better spent where they may be of use, in local and State politics, in building continuous enclaves to keep stoking the Promethean fire of the West against the nightmare now beginning to fall in torrents.
We can only get to a better future by letting our irredeemably corrupt System burn. I’ve seen arguments that this “accelerationist” position justifies voting for “Joe Biden”, and I’ve seen equally valid arguments to justify voting for Donald Trump. In my view, the totalitarian Left is here, and they ain’t going away. If “Biden” wins, the country collapses. If Trump wins, which will be difficult given the massive voter fraud that is certainly being planned, along with whatever false flag “mass shooting” psy-op they cook up, they’ll come anyways. We get burned.
By participating in the System at all by casting a vote, we place the imprimatur of legality upon the results of the “election,” whatever they may be. By “voting”, we allow the System to say that “the people” made a “choice.” We have not had a choice for at least eighty years. George Wallace said it best. There ain’t a dime’s worth of difference between the two parties. They aren’t even two parties. By simply walking away, by refusing to participate in the fraud, we expose the System for the sham that it is. A “winner” would have no national mandate if half of the nation didn’t even vote. And, a black mark on the rapidity of the Great Replacement, we still make up half of the nation that we built.
I don’t feel any sympathy for the leftist cities collapsing before our eyes — yes, even those in the whilom Confederacy, for they ceased to be ours as soon as the New South reared its ugly head. Why mourn the failure of evil? The good, decent people would have left long ago and decamped for greener pastures. Those who remain aren’t too poor to leave, considering it is insanely expensive to live in these leftist hellholes. Those who remain, with, I’m sure, a statistical handful of exceptions, are by and large True Believers. They voted for this. They voted for the carnage . They voted to disarm themselves. They voted to choke their sidewalks with filth. Let them live with the consequences of their leftism. Let the Coalition of the Ascendant claim they built America prove it. Just as we should never intervene in foreign lands, we should not intervene in the hostile slums that swallowed our once-great cities.
Why should Arkansas taxpayers be forced to foot the bill to clean up a smoldering pile of rubble left by those bent on their annihilation? Why should we give our tax dollars to heathens who will just burn it all down again anyways? Why would they even want our “racist” blood money? After all, our very presence “keeps them down.” Maybe Walmart can throw another hundred million dollars to the barbarians. Chick-Fil-A’s Dan Cathey can supply them with chicken as he kisses their feet.
Let ’em burn.
Good riddance.
-By Neil Kumar
“I here repeat and would willingly proclaim my unmitigated hatred to Yankee rule — to all political, social and business connections with Yankees, and the perfidious, malignant and vile Yankee race.” – Edmund Ruffin 1865

O I’m a good old rebel, now that’s just what I am. For this “fair land of freedom” I do not care at all. I’m glad I fit against it, I only wish we’d won, And I don’t want no pardon for anything I done.
The Government has now taken total and unrelenting control of the people!
The smug ruling class lords over the people like gods, immune from prosecution from their colleagues in the judiciary and all levels of government!
The only way to reverse that is to regain control of the courts! We,The People need to amass as one coherent group to show the solidarity needed to wrest control of these courts back from the treasonous system the globalists have insinuated in it’s stead!
There is but one way to accomplish that! and that is the reemergence of Common Law.
That is the legal system that virtually every free nation is SUPPOSED TO BE OPERATING UNDER!!!! And were founded on! But the treason mongers have reverted the courts to British Maritime Law and Roman Civil Law. Neither of these two systems has any JURISDICTION over man and woman! Whenever anyone steps into a court in a free country like the US,or Canada or the UK, they are being illegally reverted to naval law(which is only for contract and maritime law).
This is how they have gotten away with all the treasonous acts that they are committing today.
People!! You need to stand up NOW!! Time is not our friend in this.
I implore each and every person reading this to go to the http://earthunited.global site and learn. Learn about Common Law. Learn about what we at earth united are doing about it. And, most importantly, by signing up with us, you will learn how you are contributing to the reclamation of Law. For the people! By the people!
more freemasonic babble that actually led to this point in the first place.
the globalists have already changed what is common. they used states’ rights to slowly pass gay marriage, and deem it law of the land now. they are doing the same for legal weed currently. meanwhile the sheriffs can try to turn their red counties into second amendment sanctuaries and disregarding fake wuflu restrictions and the like, but dems reapportioning districts will do away with that. in short, laws are only used however the enforcer wants, at least in the political/secular sense. it’s moot to debate on common vs roman vs maritime vs whatever, when law gets perverted anyway.
You can be too poor to GTFO of cities and blue areas. I should know, a friend and I are too poor to leave.
How’re ya holdin’ up mate?
People of loose, or otherwise malformed, principles are quick to lecture that [**]”if you don’t vote, you have no right to complain.” But of course the truth of the matter is that if your ‘right to complain’ (or not to complain, and such that it is in any case) hinges, on the one hand, on your decision of whether or not to participate in the national elections, your ‘right to complain’ of the doings of your government is of no real consequence or utility in any case. Which is why your vote is of no real consequence or utility in any case. On the other hand, if persons of loose or malformed principles understood anything at all, they would easily and readily understand that persons who refuse on principle to participate in an illicit system (the sham elections) are thereby more entitled to complain than their voting counterparts, not less; that principled non-participants have a greater and more licit claim to a ‘right to complain,’ than do persons of loose principles claiming to themselves the exclusive “rights” of complainants. But this is the bassackwards sort of “thinking” that is prevalent amongst the voting classes in the upside-down world we all live in, so good luck revolutionizing that mindset.
You further wrote:
I have taken to saying that “there isn’t a hair’s breadth of difference between the average Republican and the average Democrat.” That there are clear personality differences between D’s and R’s is no indication that there are meaningful philosophical differences between them. We may take, e.g., Mitt Romney as a type. It was he, I believe, who pronounced during the runup to his election as governor in Massachusetts some years back that (and I paraphrase) he agreed with his Democrat opponent (Senator Kennedy – Ted) in principle; that they only disagreed on how best to achieve their shared goals.
You wrote:
Well, I don’t know about all that. Persons wedded to the notion of the legitimacy of the “sacred franchise” tend not to be especially given over to clear thinking on such matters. The only “mandate” that would ever matter to such persons in any event is the mandate established by the other half of the nation through their votes, which of course gives them exclusive right to complain of the doings of their government. No one else need apply. Meanwhile, the system exposes itself as the sham that it is with or without our votes. Problem is, only those with eyes to see can see it.
I have argued your case many many times in the past with this difference: my position – one of a non-participant in the sham, or a “conscientious obector,” as it were – has always been based primarily on the would-be voter’s preserving his own honor and integrity by taking a firm and principled stand on the side of never doing evil (or participating in evil) that “good” may come of it. This is an untenable position to take, and eventually it will come full circle and bite one square in the ass.
Good post, though. I’m with you – save yourself the trouble, the heartache, and of course violation of your principles and,… don’t vote.
[**] This is one of those many instances in which, as William James is most famous for having said, “There is nothing so absurd than when you repeat something often enough, people begin to believe it.” And of course, once people begin to believe and internalize such nonsense, they then begin to spout it as though it were self-evident, unmitigated truth. Hence, the “If you don’t vote you have no right to complain” crowd.
The idea that if you dont vote you shouldnt complain rrsts on a vslid principle of our once great republic. Ie to be fully immersed and active in our self governance.
We see the results of NOT voting properly today as we saw it in 1860.
The reality that we facing is a possible civil war with marxists and other nonwhite savages against whites and Christians and the question is, “are our chances better w trump at the theoretical helm of the military in this situation or w biden and the swamp at the head ?” I think the answer to that question answers whether we should vote or not and the answer is blatantly obvious. Trump does stand up for whites and Christians although not as much as wed like, but the many of both in the military and even on the streets will respond to trumps leadership in a positive way if we were on a war footing. Also of course local elections for county presidents and sheriffs r terribly important as well. Vote this time. It matters.
Dear Ed,
The State and local elections are of course another matter entirely; they’re more important than the national elections, to begin, but there’s more to it than that, and I’m pretty sure the author of the post addressed that already, which is part of the reason I didn’t mention it in my comment above. In any case, just keep in mind that,
unless you’re a registered voter in a legitimate “swing state,” your vote *literally* counts for nothing of any consequence.
I’ll use myself as an example. I’m a citizen and resident of Oklahoma. Oklahoma isn’t anywhere close to a “swing state”; the electorate here has consistently voted Republican in the Presidential races for a long time. The margin of victory for the Republican candidate – regardless of who his is – in Oklahoma is roughly 2:1, or 65% Republican, 35% for the Democrat (regardless of who (s)he is), give or take a percentage point or two. Now, the same 35% (give or take) of Oklahoma voters who voted Democrat in the past several elections will vote Democrat in November as well, irrespective of Antifa’s antics or anything else. Same for Oklahoma residents who vote Republican in the presidential races, every single time. Hence, Oklahoma is solidly Republican in the Presidential race. Hence, my vote (or non-vote) counts for nothing. This, btw, is true for lots of other folks who reside and vote in other states, who somehow think that “a non-vote is necessarily a vote for the Communist.”
With all due respect to you, sir, I must say that your understanding of the history surrounding the Presidential election of 1860 appears to be a bit muddled as well. Our “mode” of electing President wasn’t based on the popular vote then, anymore than it is now. That said, not a single Southern State voted for Mr. Lincoln in that election, and in fact, had the popular vote counted for anything in that memorable election, Lincoln would have lost by almost a million of the votes cast (Do you know how many votes were cast in that election? Suffice it to say that a million votes in that election was a huge percentage of the total votes cast.). And yet he still won. This is because the Yankees and radicals in the northern states combined forces to secure Mr. Lincoln’s election, and there was nothing the Southern states, even in combination with the “conservatives” and “moderates” in the northern states, could do about it. I’d recommend “The Lost Cause,” by Pollard, and “Origins of the Late War,” by George Lunt for a fuller treatment of the subject, and by historians who actually lived during the period t’boot. Also, read Dabney; his logic on the subject is simply unassailable.
But never fear; Trump will be re-elected. As I’ve said many times before in comments stretching back several months and even years, here and elsewhere, were I a betting man I’d lay down good money on it. I realize the author of the post disagrees with that perspective based on the widespread voter fraud that he says is planned, but I said nothing of it in the above comment because I tire of saying the same thing over and over and over again, if you know what I mean. My reasoning on the matter is more or less in line with Dabney’s reasoning – Wall Street and Washington (the powers that be) do not want Biden, therefore we will not have Biden. If the powers that be really wanted to de-throne Trump, don’t you think they’d have run a serious candidate in Biden’s place? Think about it.
Dear Mr. Morris,
Until the riots, I do not think that President Trump had a snowball’s chance in hell to win this election, so I am fascinated about your strong intuition that he will win.
At this point, I can’t make either hide nor hair out of what will happen, other than the results will be delayed, some of which will be challenged in court, AND, if President Trump wins, the spoiled brats, that are most of The Far Left ,will throw another temper tantrum – this one the biggest wing-dingy of all!
One area I do disagree with you is the notion that Biden is not a serious candidate.
No matter what you and I think of him, I do not think The Democrat Establishment thinks this way about him, because they went ton incredible lengths, late in the primary game, to make it so.
I think The Democrats are deadly serious about winning this election, if for no other reason than the judiciary, though, it is very clear that they felt there was no other candidate in their primary who had a sufficient brand to win.
So, they are using a bifurcated strategy – fielding someone who, for The Democrat party at this time, is ‘Far Right’, will have solid appeal to non-aligned and independent centrist voters, while all the while attempting to dress him up to the large ‘Progressive-Far Left’ wing of their party as one of them.
Watching the commentary all around the net, I think that the Biden Campaign Strategy, including keeping him in the basement, is succeeding.
In any case, be well, Sir!
Dear Ivan,
Thank you, Sir, for taking time to respond to my comment, and especially for challenging my assertions, which could be (*could be*) way wrong. I of course do not think they are wrong, but how could I (or anyone else for that matter) assert anything if I didn’t believe my assertions were true, or at least mostly true.
Well, anyway, you must understand that I see current year American Politics, such that it is, as consisting of a bunch of clowns and circus side-show acts acting out their various parts in the sh*tshow we are constantly berated with. In which the various participants perform their various parts, but that in the end are all geared towards presenting the ‘grand finale’ at center ring as really and truly involving elements of danger that actually (in reality) only barely exist. Could something go wrong in the grand scheme (in my scenario) resulting in Biden’s election? Well, sure, this is always the risk taken in such conspiracies. Is such a scenario likely? Well, no, not in my view; which is why I keep saying Trump will win re-election. Not by a ‘landslide,’ but in a very close race. To paraphrase Tammany, ‘the appearance of legitimacy of the elections must be upheld, especially when they’re being violated.’
Such is my (learned) cynicism when it comes to current year American/national politics; I don’t believe half of what I see or read, and the remaining half I relegate to the realms of the absurd and stupid, or the diabolical, if you know what I mean.
@Mr. Morris…
You’ve welcome, Sir. Yes, it is only reasonable to doubt much of what you read, which is why I try to get close to the truth by reading sources all around The West, and then by coalescing a medium that all those views produce.
Yes, Trump’s position has improved radically, thanks to two months of continued riots and shakedowns by the U.S. Government’s irregular domestic armies – Antifa and BLM.
Sometimes only your most fierce enemy can do something for you, and The Far Progressive Left is absolutely President Trump’s best political friend.
For whatever it is worth, I have read a lot of your comments, and I am saddened to say that the overwhelming majority of Southerners are not 1/4 so well informed, thoughtful, and circumspect as you.
Many folks on The Far Right emphasize physical condition, as a condition to be ready, but, I would suggest that the kind of mental and philosophical condition you evince is a thousand times more important then physical conditioning – if only because the war that has been waged upon The South, our whole lifetime, has practically been entirely without bayonet, gun or mortar.
It’s a psychic war, fought across the media, finance political, cultural, and economick spectrums and the results of our Dixie having lost this psychic war since the 1950s is just as devastating as any war fought by bomb.
We need better psychic conditioning, if we are to survive, and you, Sir, represent one kind of paradigm for that!
All my best to you and yourz1
Ed Jones is entirely correct when he says “Vote this time. It matters.” We are all members of one of two armies; one is for communism and the other is fighting for “other than communism”. The army for communism isn’t going to tell a large number of it’s soldiers to stand by and see how the war goes. Why would you advise our army to only field some of it’s soldiers? Do you only want to fight after events go kinetic? When you’ve already effectively lost? Get real. Give the one guy, who’s done more to retrieve more of our freedoms than any other president in living memory, your support. He needs it and will thank you. Your fellow soldiers and countrymen will thank you.
Voting is a simply matter of postponing the inevitable- something for which I will certainly do for personal reasons. In perhaps four or eight more years at the most it will be demographically impossible for a Republican to win the White House again. Once this occurs there will be no limit to the radical-leftist wing of the modern Democrat Party. Trump isn’t ideal but the left hates him- let’s give ourselves and our brethren a few more years to prepare for what is certainly coming.
Thanks mel and i agree obviously. 1 army is jewish marxists and their minions out to literally destroy all of western(white) Christian civilization. The other is as you say against that. People need to read the history of the russian, french revolutions, and spanish civil war and learn about marxist jews…
When you invite someone into your house, or lands, you expose yourself to all that they are – their talents, their particular genius, their successes, and, as well, their trials, their frustrations, their failures, and their sicknesses and evils.
In having given so much latitude to Jews in The United States, White Gentiles have not only helped themselves to the genius that is Jewry; God-given talents which have led Jews to bless this nation with great achievements in science, the arts, academia, logisticks, finance, and entertainment, White Gentiles have now also exposed themselves fully to Jewish failures and evils.
Apropos of this, we turn to the ‘napalm’ that is now burning this nation, though, this incendiary substance is not new, but, rather, is very the same one that has been midwifed by Jews into this sphere, a long time ago and throughout the millenia, though, like a virus, this napalm has not limited itself to infecting just it’s original host.
In the 20th century, this nation-burning napalm was rightly called,’ Judeo-Bolshevism’, until the Jewish distaste for having their name attached to such an obvious horror, led them to press White Gentiles hard to adopt and use the laundered term, ‘Marxism’, and, now, just, ‘Democrat Socialism’.
Call it what you will – what this incendiary napalm really is, is a dæmonick spirit that, though it presents itself as a solution (medicare for all, equality, education for all, permanent housing for all, etc ,etc) it’s driving ethos is abomination.
And abomination’ is what it is, for, in Judeo-Bolshevism’s trek across the globe, it has left whole nations plundered, and hundreds and hundreds of millions of it’s citizens unjustly terrified, imprisoned, and prematurely dead.
The only way out of this is to fight on several fronts – political, cultural, and, most importantly of all – to turn back to Chryst, for he is the only way to build a wall against the evil that is now roaming this land.
At this point only silver stakes, prayers, crosses, time, and much suffering can drive the evil that has successfully stalked this nation, and which to prey upon her, in her agony, just a little bit more, and then a little bit more, until their is nothing left but a burned carcass…
it can happen, but more often than not it’s the reverse trend of moving into a city that’s harder. even if you go to a slum, unless you go to a terrible one, it’s not necessarily cheap if you desire to live well.
it depends also how the red areas near you look, how pricey or rundown you look for, how rustic or suburban, etc.