Corporate America Occupation

We’re living through quite an interesting time, to put it very lightly. Perhaps, an awful time might be a better description, especially for folks without hope. Things look bleak right now, with the China Virus, politically-driven lock-downs, the tearing down of monuments, and many of our legendary Southern musicians passing away, like Kenny Rogers and Charlie Daniels. To make it worse, we’re constantly bombarded with propoganda by Corporate America. It’s not just the news channels, but almost all advertisements, including social media and legacy media, are brimming with woke ideology. It’s inescapable.

I don’t know about you, but it just gets under my skin how these mega-corporations are so blatant with their forced propoganda. Corporate America, we don’t want to hear how much you support some woke cause, or you’re attempt to guilt us into buying your product. We don’t want to hear the tired “we’re all in this together” and how you’re going to “support us during this rough time.” We all know you really don’t care about anything or anyone, including the “oppressed” people you claim to advocate for. Most people actually don’t care about your disingenuous causes.

I hate advertisements and have a huge distaste for Corporate America, but why can’t advertisers just go back to marketing their product in a non-political way? Why can’t they just focus on the product and spare us the sob story? That’s how it used to be, and it seemed to work in Old America. Now, they can’t stop and won’t stop. Corporate America, once viewed as the embodiment of a “fascist” America, has fully embraced neoliberalism and woke ideology.

In addition to the propoganda, Corporate America also engages in the struggle sessions and thought-policing for the Left. If one of their employees is caught holding “unapproved” opinions, they’re shamed and fired, usually in conjunction with Big Media in order to magnify the action. How is this any different than an authoritarian government? How can we say we really live in a “free country” when we’re made unemployable for our beliefs? Did we liberate Europe in Europe and fight the Cold War so the citizenry could be publicly shamed for not embracing Black Lives Matter? This is madness.

This moral superiority complex needs to stop. When I hear one of these advertisements, I just want to take a long walk in the quiet woods. Hollywood is just as bad, if not worse, but that’s for another article all together. This fake moral outrage is a plague much worse than any virus could ever be, and should be avoided like the virus. All Hollywood should worry about is making quality movies, and all Corporate America should be concerned with is producing quality products in the U.S. At this point, I sincerely doubt either of these industries deviate from the programming.

Turn it all off, it’ll be better for your sanity. Pick up some old books and turn off the television. Ignore the propaganda by seceding in your mind; their efforts won’t work on you once you’ve disengaged from the zeitgeist.

-By Johnny Reb


  1. Corporations are tyrants – the tyranny having been farmed out to them by the United States’ Government, so that the governing political edifice is not seen as culpable.

    It’s why, as a Far-Right Conservative, I crossed over to vote for Bernie Sanders in The North Carolina Primary, this Spring – because, if he were president, he would strip the corporations of their power and their role, thus, reverting back to a system of governmental tyranny, which, in turn, White Southerners would recognize for what it is and react accordingly.

    1. Bernie would have flooded Dixie with empowered browns taking your jobs, and your guns as well, while giving UBI to fentanyl and crack fiends. So there goes your reaction. Bet there were lots of Hispanics in that line at the primary polling place.

      Then again, who knows, acceleration may work in crashing down the machine; unless you speed up so much, you crash alongside the machine and the airbags (supposed reaction) don’t work…

      1. @Diconez…

        Too late, Sir – our jobs were all shipped out 20 -35 years ago, and my little old Southern towns is filling up with Arabs, Chinamen, East Indians, Africans, and Latins of every stripe – not to mention the massive amount of drugs that have been eating up Dixie since the 1960s.

        Our small towns falling in, our children unable to stay near home, our churches getting too old to stand, homosexuality and racemixing rife, Jesus Chryst out of the classroom, while crowbars pull babies out of wombs, and Southerners still wave the Stars & Stripes & vote Republican!

        Yet, if we fly our flag, the Confederate flag, we are the hateful ones!

        Could not get worse.

  2. This fake moral outrage is a plague much worse than any virus could ever be, and should be avoided like the virus.

    Very few of us, as a percentage of the total population, should be ‘avoiding the virus’ as though it were the plague. The only way to develop “herd immunity” is for the vast majority of us to come into contact with the virus, which is going to happen – in spite of masks, in spite of obsessive hand washing, in spite of so called “social distancing,” and in spite of mass hysteria and mass germophobia – in any case, so all of these measures taken to avoid the unavoidable are just nonsensical in the first place, and have been from the gitgo. But beyond being nonsensical they’re very dangerous to the long term mental health of the nation to boot. All this talk of opening the schools (in certain sections of the country) where the highly impressionable children who attend these mass indoctrination centers will be forced to wear masks and social distancing between them strictly enforced is nothing short of lunacy on the one hand, and malevolence on the other; if you want to train an entire generation to be … whatever you want it to be – in this case a generation of germophobes and “sheeple” who live in perpetual and constant fear of the unknown and distrust of their fellow citizens (which is no way to live, btw) – then this is precisely the way to do it, and the powers that be know that this is precisely the way to do it. As the “Great Emancipator” once opined, ‘the philosophy in the classroom today will be the philosophy of the government tomorrow.’ Quite. And that ain’t all it will be tomorrow, Mr. President.

    But anyway, your advice to disconnect from the mainstream media and the false benevolence of corporate America, and to, instead, better invest one’s leisure time in the acquisition and reading of old books is pretty good advice that I encourage you to continue to give those that ‘have ears to hear.’ But I would also forewarn or caution you away from expecting too much from people. Most people are, in fact, intellectually lazy. I would even go so far as to say that *all* people (including yours truly) are intellectually lazy, just some more than others. That being the case, most people glue themselves to their t.v.’s in large part because this is an easy way – the lazy way – of getting information. This propensity to intellectual laziness, btw, is one of many reasons that the so called “universal franchise” is one of the dumbest ideas man has ever invented. But that’s another subject for another time.

    In any case, rarely is it that I read, at this site or any other, an article such as yours in which some statement or other, some line or other, doesn’t put me in mind of some relevant statement or other I have read in old history books, old memoirs and so on. In this particular case several passages from several different books by several different authors came to mind. Below I post a couple, with proper attribution of course:

    It is sad to think how things are changing. In another generation or two, this beautiful country of ours will have lost its distinctive civilization and become no better than a nation of Yankee shopkeepers.


    All these changes are very sad to me, in spite of their comic side. There will soon be no more old mammies and daddies, no more old uncles and aunties. Instead of “maum Judy” and “uncle Jacob,” we shall have our “Mrs. Ampey Tatoms,” and our “Mr. Lewis Williamses.” The sweet ties that bound our old family servants to us will be broken and replaced with envy and ill-will. I am determined it shall not be so with ours, unless they do something to forfeit my respect.

    – Eliza Francis Andrews, The Wartime Journal of a Georgia Girl

    And of course Dr. Dabney is always relevant in these matters. To wit:

    Your emissaries, armed and clerical, diligently taught them that all the labor rendered by them in servitude was incompensated; and that every dollar of the proceeds of that labor taken by the landholder, was a robbery from them. (A good and certain home and livelihood at all times, sustenance for their families, provision for their decrepitude, and maintenance for those they left behind them are, in the eyes of these philosophers, no compensation at all, even for that labor which is least skilled; because, I presume, they were so secure and regular. And it is the established doctrine of the Abolition school, that, while labor is entitled to wages, capital is not; in accordance with which truth, those good people, as is well known, always lend out their money for nothing, and pay away the whole profits of their costly factories in wages to operatives.) The consequence of this doctrine among the freedmen is this: They argue that all the property in the country being the fruit of their unrequited labor, they may now help themselves to a fair return, whenever and however they can. Hence a habit of what we old fashioned Southerners used to call “theft,” which renders them of rather doubtful utility as hired laborers. You will have a great deal of trouble, sir, in correcting this mistake; and again, I urge that you are bound to do this, without permitting or causing the freedmen to taste any of its bitter consequences. For, I reason of this as of all other misconceptions which they learned of you, that yon are solemnly bound not to let them suffer for what was your error. What, will you punish them for believing you? It would be a monstrous iniquity. You have this task then, gently to educate them out of this innocent mistake of stealing everything which comes to their hand, by “moral suasion,” without stocks, whipping posts, jails, or any such harsh measures; and meantime, to generously repair all the evil consequences of those thefts, to themselves or others, out of your own inexhaustible pockets. Do you not think, sir, that to effect this the “schoolmaster” will have to go “abroad” pretty considerably?

    R.L. Dabney, Letter to Major General Howard of the Freedman’s Bureau

    Believe me when I say that, should time and space permit, I could literally go on and on; that these are just tiny snippits extracted from only two of many volumes of material that should serve to inform us, perhaps above all, that the Bible does not overstate its case when it instructs us that “there is nothing new under the sun”; that this has all happened before.

    Pretty good article overall. I encourage you to keep developing and honing your thinking and writing skills. You’re way ahead of where I was at your age.

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