Woke capital is constantly engaged in persecuting the unfortunate normie, who in their ignorance of the latest protected class, has the temerity to make such observations as “All Lives Matter.” In that particular case, the new protected class is the BLM organization itself, which frequently falls in and out of favor with their woke elite masters.
This week, however, woke capital had to turn on one of their favorite foot-soldiers for flying too close to the sun. The victim of woke capital’s wrath, Nick Cannon, has been affiliated with ViacomCBS since the 1990s when he was on Nickelodeon. He has since rose to prominence, appearing in some big time productions like America’s Got Talent. His stature in the media complex did not impede his destruction when he made unfavorable references to one of the most protected classes of all. That is when ViacomCBS decided to cut the strings on their puppet.
Cannon transgressed on progressive doctrine when he hosted rapper Professor Griff on his podcast Cannon’s Class. During the interview with Griff, the conversation turned invariably to some cringeworthy black empowerment posting. Cannon and Griff were claiming the bible is actually the story of Africans, which was stolen from them. The story of Noah is actually that of Gilgamesh, even though that originated from Mesopotamia and the Sumerians. Africans were the first Free Masons and people to form secret societies, but again Europeans stole that from them. The list goes on and on. Most of the content of the interview was your typical oppression gibberish that extended past slavery and into antiquity.
None of this would have been remotely threatening to Cannon’s superiors at ViacomCBS. It is when the conversation veered into anti-Semitic territory that the trouble began. Cannon’s assertion that Africans were the real Hebrews and that Jewish people stole the religion from them probably wasn’t the nail in the coffin. That nail was when Cannon referenced the people that control everything inside and outside of America. He listed the Rothschild family and obliquely referenced the Jewish people. In any case, he engaged in one too many anti-Semitic canards.
This demonstrates that there is indeed a hierarchy within the progressive stack of identities that are protected from criticism. What Cannon and Griff were saying was largely incorrect from a historical perspective. However, their assertions about the deleterious effect on the black community from the influence of Jewish people in the entertainment industry is not that far off the mark. Cannon will have certainly learned from this experience that there is a group that he is not allowed to criticize, even with his protected status. It is too much to hope that these divisions within the progressive consensus will allow for some fracturing of the power structure. However, this incident and ones like it should be instructive as to how cynical the whole project of Cultural Marxism is. The elites are the ones in this ideology that are supposed to sacrifice for the betterment of the proletariat, but instead they lash out at any criticism directed their way.
-By Dixie Anon

O I’m a good old rebel, now that’s just what I am. For this “fair land of freedom” I do not care at all. I’m glad I fit against it, I only wish we’d won, And I don’t want no pardon for anything I done.
“Woke capital is constantly engaged in persecuting the unfortunate Normie…”
Yes, and that is not surprising, but, what is is the seemingly endless capacity of The Normie to keep trying to resituate himself, without ever taking into account that he has been doing the same thing since the 1950s, and the adjustment never once worked.
>He has since rose